March 7, 2024

 There’s hope if you have a “black thumb” and are always killing houseplants. Start simple and avoid those that flower and know what’s too much or too little water for your plant. Check instructions to see if it needs direct or indirect sun and don’t be quick to toss that sick plant if all it needs is some extra care. Source Link

Before you exercise, just say “no” to some common fitness myths. Instead of stretching, do warm-ups first to get the blood flowing. More reps with a lighter weight can be just as effective as a heavier lift to build muscle, and skip that ice bath after every workout because it could counteract the body’s natural process of repairing muscle. Source Link_

Is it smart to turn clothes inside-out before washing? Some say it protects the fabric outside to make it last longer and gets to body odors on the inside. The downside is that it’s less effective on external dirt and grime and may damage delicates. You can save a step using this method by turning your clothes inside-out as you take them off. Source Link_