May 8, 2024

 Self-esteem is considered a must for emotional wellbeing but it's also important to know how to give yourself a break. With self-compassion, you can show yourself the same empathy that you extend to others. Being understanding and not judgmental with yourself offers a kind of immunity against negative influences like fear. Source Link 

Teaching kids the value of saving now to enjoy a purchase later might start with one simple word on an everyday shopping trip. When you go into a store, remind them that you aren’t there to buy anything “fun.” If that’s what they want, they’ll need to save money for it. Do this along with creating a savings goal chart for that purchase. Source Link_

A clogged showerhead can ruin your daily routine but there’s an easy way to fix it. Fill a plastic sandwich bag with a 50-50 mix of white vinegar and water and attach this around the showerhead with a rubber band. Let it soak for 60 minutes to clean out the mineral buildup and get that shower going full blast again. Source Link_