June 3, 2024

 Here’s a good reason to eat a good breakfast and not skimp on lunch. People who front-loaded their daily calorie intake were able to lose weight compared to those who ate more later in the day. Earlier eating could change your body’s systems to promote weight loss while eating later might adversely affect the hormones that regulate your hunger. Source Link 

There are ways to boost the curb appeal of your home other than giving the front door a pop of color. A storm door is far less inviting, so consider removing it, and trim overgrown bushes or fill up those empty planters. And if you rarely enter through the front door, check to see that there’s a clear walkable path for visitors. Source Link 

Easing off on the gas pedal could ease some of the sting of high gasoline prices. Gas mileage often declines dramatically at speeds of more than 50 miles per hour. Studies have shown that every 5 miles per hour beyond 50 is equivalent to paying 30 to 40 cents more per gallon of gas and that can really add up with every fill-up. Source Link