July 23, 2024

Are you guilty of these bad driving habits that annoy others who share the road with you? Top complaints are about people who ride in the left lane instead of using it only for passing, not using headlights in rain or snow or sitting at a green light. And if you’re behind that driver who doesn’t go on green, be kind and give them to the count of three before using your horn. Source Link 

How can a healthy colon prevent those calories on the lips from making it to your hips? Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains gives your gut microbiome more fiber to absorb and eliminate hundreds of calories per day. Processed foods are stripped of fiber and are digested and absorbed by the stomach where every calorie counts. Source Link_

Beware of fake delivery-service text messages that can direct you to hacker websites. Ask yourself if you’ve ordered something to be delivered by the service that’s listed in the text. Look for misspellings and awkward grammar and a lack of a tracking number. If there is one, copy that number and paste it into a Google search box to see if it’s real or fake. Source Link_