August 1, 2024

 Beyond style, finding the right shoes for you comes down to the fit and the build. Different brands use different molds when making their shoes, so try on a few to find the one that’s best for you. A specialty shoe store can do measurements, and most people have one foot slightly bigger than the other, so start by trying on that shoe. Source Link 

Smartphones are blamed for causing driver distraction, but you can use some phone features to increase safety behind the wheel. Both iPhones and Android phones allow you to block calls and notifications while driving, and in-car systems that work with a phone can also help limit distractions. And some apps can use the phone’s forward-facing camera to alert a driver to a possible collision. Source Link 

Those blue-light-filtering glasses sound like a great way to reduce eye strain when working with screens, but the science doesn’t match the hype. Researchers found that blue-light glasses probably don’t prevent or relieve eye strain. What can help is using eye drops and following the 20-20-20 Rule – every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Source Link