August 20, 2024

Sometimes it’s what you don’t do that can make your workday more productive. For example, don’t load up that daily must-do list -- keep it to five items. Don’t skip breaks that can help you stay on track mentally. And don’t be afraid to schedule downtime every day when you can think big without a deadline. Source Link 

Your car budget can benefit from buying small and renting big. If you only need to haul items a few times a year, purchase a smaller car and rent a truck or minivan for those times when you need the extra cargo space. You’ll spend less on gas, insurance and car costs by driving a smaller vehicle day in and day out versus a big truck. Source Link_

Here’s a time-saving tip that might just save a life. Have your basic personal health information available to paramedics as quickly as possible, including your name, blood type, allergies and any medications you take. This information can be on a piece of paper in your wallet and posted on the fridge in your home. Some smartphones also allow you to store health information for quick access by emergency crews. Source Link_