May 3, 2024

 You can deal with stress on the job by changing your approach to work. Find things you can control and focus your energy there, like using a lunch break to re-energize. Be intentional with your time and try to plan more of what energizes you, make a manageable to-do list by breaking big tasks into several smaller ones and practice saying “no” to projects that don’t fit for you. Source Link 

Remember these numbers to build a better to-do list – one, three, five. Pick the biggest job of the day and put that number-one on the list. Then choose three smaller, but still important tasks, and complete the list with five small items that you can finish easily. This technique lets you avoid the need to sort your to-do list by time or urgency. Source Link 

When you’re wondering if your child has an unhealthy relationship with social media, ask these questions. Do they do anything significant each day besides going to school or spending time on screens, and how many hours a day do they use social media? Also ask yourself, does your child have a very hard time stopping, and does social media interfere with their sleep, homework or general daily functions. Source Link