June 13, 2024

 Serving your dog raw food can be risky for them and for you. High levels of harmful bacteria in raw food can be a health risk for dogs and people, especially the elderly, the young and those with weakened immune systems. Unlike commercial dog foods, raw meat products are not heat-treated or freeze-dried to kill bacteria like e Coli or salmonella. Source Link

Before you keep something “just in case” you might need it someday, this decluttering trick might save you some space. If the item can be replaced for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes you can probably get rid of it, freeing up more space for storing the things you really need to keep. Source Link

You can probably save money on multivitamins and other supplements by doing one thing. Eating a balanced daily diet including fruits and vegetables can provide all the nutrients a person typically needs. Among the exceptions are pregnant women who need folic acid, seniors with osteoporosis who need more calcium or vegans who need a multivitamin to supplement nutrients they aren’t absorbing in their diet. Source Link