June 14, 2024

 When kids are swimming in the backyard pool, these two things are the ultimate safety devices. You need a pair of adult eyes watching young swimmers at all times because drowning can happen in an instant. And that adult supervisor must not be distracted with their cellphone, or a phone call inside the house, or a conversation with another adult. Source Link 

Creating a professional social media profile is different from your personal pages. Use the right blend of entertaining, educational and promotional content and remember that humor isn’t universal. Play nice with competitors and never get into an argument; be responsive, but not reactive. Give credit to sources and use just a few relevant hashtags in each post. Source Link 

Those photos of homes that we love to browse on Zillow, Redfin and Realtor.com are also popular with burglars who can use them to spot vulnerabilities and scope out security systems, so it’s best to get your home offline unless you’re selling. Real estate websites let you claim ownership and request that any home photos be taken down. Source Link