June 19, 2024

 How can you speed up your metabolism to burn more calories? Evenly-spaced meals let your body avoid the starvation mode that stockpiles calories and staying hydrated helps you burn more calories. Watch alcohol intake because it diverts the liver from burning fat and get enough sleep to regulate the hormones that affect hunger. Source Link

You can feel better about yourself and enjoy life more by investing in experiences instead of buying stuff. Materialism can be key to feelings of loneliness because it prompts envy, but people who spend money on experiences say they feel more connected to others. Shared events increase connections between friends and people in general. Source Link_

Walking is great exercise and starting a new walking routine takes just two things that go together. Get a pair of good supportive shoes and step out, but start small. Aim to add more steps with each walking workout and look for ways to incorporate this into your daily life. That might mean taking the steps wherever you can or parking further out in a lot at the store. Source Link_