June 20, 2024

 Some simple things when done in bed can make it harder for you to sleep. Reading, writing or doing puzzles teaches your mind to associate the bed with activity and lying in bed trying to force yourself to sleep makes your brain think that’s normal. And plan afternoon activities to avoid taking a nap that could leave you awake at night. Source Link

In summer it’s vital to know the warning signs of heat exhaustion, when skin may feel cool, moist and clammy, you may stop sweating and experience weakness and muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. Get to a cool place and drink cold water. In heat stroke, skin can be hot, dry and red, with rapid pulse and difficulty breathing. That’s the time to call 9-1-1. Source Link_

You don’t have to give up travel just because someone suffers from Alzheimer's. Check with their doctor first and then plan an itinerary around the person’s abilities and routines to reduce anxiety. If you’re flying, the TSA offers special assistance for airport security and also let the airline know when you’re traveling with someone with memory impairment. Source Link_