June 7, 2024

 Here’s why a dishwasher can give everything a better cleaning than doing dishes by hand. Most dishwashers can boost the temperature of tap water up to 145 degrees to kill bacteria and germs. If you do dishes by hand and want to sanitize them after washing, soak for 10 minutes in one gallon of hot water with one tablespoon of chlorine bleach. Source Link 

You can find your best camera angle for a selfie with some test snaps. Look into your phone and take a picture with the camera directly in front of your face, then above it and below it. Now turn your face to the right and use the same head-on, upper and lower angles, and then do the same facing left. Review these nine pictures to find your best angle. Source Link 

Some staples found in many medicine chests or kitchen pantries can help you clean your carpet. Spray a spot with shaving cream and let it sit for 30 minutes to remove many common stains. Sprinkling a box of baking soda before vacuuming can freshen a carpet, and a spray mix of warm water and peppermint essential oil or extract can tackle stubborn pet odors. Source Link