July 3, 2024

 If your phone’s photo gallery is overflowing there’s a technique popular with home cleanup experts that also works on a cramped camera roll. Look at each photo and ask yourself if seeing this makes you happy or if you’d want to see it again. If you answer “no” to either question, the photo can probably go in the trash bin. Source Link 

Using a fan along with air conditioning can help you feel cool without burning up your utility bill. A ceiling fan is best because it distributes air throughout a room but a pedestal, tower or table fan can also help you feel cooler when using air conditioning. Studies have shown that a room with fans and the thermostat set at 80 degrees can feel as cool as only using AC that’s set at 72 degrees. Source Link_

There’s a reason why taking notes with pen and paper helps you learn better than when typing on a keyboard. Handwriting involves fine-tuned coordination between the motor and visual systems in the brain to deeply engage in ways that support learning. Testing showed that typing doesn’t offer the same benefits. Source Link_

July 2, 2024

 The long weekend is a favorite getaway and these tips can help you save on your mini-vacation. Book your rental car as far ahead as possible to get the best rates but consider waiting to find last-minute deals on unsold hotel rooms. The same strategy might also work with an Airbnb that still has an opening a few days before you plan to leave. Source Link 

The typical kitchen or pantry will have more room for storage when you ditch these space wasters. Throw out mismatched plastic storage containers or damaged utensils you no longer use and save the kitchen cupboard space for only the number of place settings you typically use. The rest can be stored elsewhere and you can also throw away any expired pantry staples, spices or condiments. Source Link_

Creating a successful fitness plan takes some work before you start that first workout. Determine what you want out of exercise, whether that’s more energy, stronger muscles or to lose weight and find exercise you enjoy so you’re more likely to stick to it. Set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound goals and create healthy rewards for when you reach those goals. Source Link_

July 1, 2024

A summer heat wave can be hard on your heart, especially if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or are obese. Triple-digit high temperatures may double the number of deaths from heart disease and strokes can be more severe. Staying hydrated is important and don’t wait until you feel thirsty. Drink water regularly throughout a hot day. Source Link 

Getting rid of apps you don’t use can pay big dividends. It saves space on your phone or tablet, keeps you from scrolling through endless screens and reduces the risk of security breaches. Make a list of apps you use every day and work back from that to find what can go. And remember to close out accounts online as well as deleting the app. Source Link 

Try the “90-90” rule to decide what stays and what goes when you want to thin out your wardrobe. For each item, ask yourself if you used it in the past 90 days, or if you’re likely to use it in the next 90 days. If the answers to both questions are “no,” then it can go. And make the next step easier by keeping a box in your closet where you can toss items that are going away. Source Link