August 30, 2024

 Among the many ways you can avoid becoming a victim of fraud, two are simple and effective. Consider placing a freeze on your credit report with all three national agencies to prevent anyone else from using your name to borrow money. And don’t answer phone calls from numbers you don’t recognize to stop scammers from getting a virtual foot in the door. Source Link 

When a phone upgrade is in your future, be ready to wipe away the past on your old device. First do a backup through iCloud or Google and then factory reset your device. If you paired your phone with a smart watch, remember to disconnect it and then unlink and sign out of services like iCloud or Google Drive on your old phone. Source Link 

More screen time for kids at age 2 can mean more problems with communication and daily living skills by age 4. That’s from researchers who say the wild card is more outdoor play time. Youngsters who spent more time playing outdoors improved their daily living skills but it didn’t alter the negative effects of screen time on communication skills. Source Link

August 29, 2024

 Pop quiz - what’s the germiest place in most bathrooms? Here’s a hint -- you don’t sit on it. That shower curtain stays moist and is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, yeast and mold. Wipe down a plastic shower curtain with an antibacterial cleaner or wash a cloth one in hot water once a week and crack a window or open the door during a shower to help the bathroom dry out better. Source Link 

More social connections in real life can help you live a happier life. Joining a club can foster a sense of belonging and protect against loneliness and isolation. And socializing with colleagues outside of work can build friendships and make work time more productive with people whose company you enjoy in and out of the office. Source Link 

There are some ways to be frugal that can end up backfiring on you. Avoiding the cost of preventative care like dental checkups or oil changes can cause more-expensive problems later. Signing up for a store credit card for a one-time deal could leave you on the hook for high interest charges later and don’t lose track of free trials that become regular monthly bills. Source Link

August 28, 2024

 Buying a car or purchasing a home aren’t the only times you can negotiate a price. Call to see if you can get a lower bill for cable or satellite TV service, and do the same with your cell phone plan. Ask about annual payment discounts for insurance or streaming services. And when you open a chat with online customer service about a purchase you may get a discount coupon. Source Link 

You can decorate a home to make it user-friendly for those with memory issues. Label a dresser drawer with pictures of what’s in it, or use calming tones of blue paint in bedrooms or anywhere a person relaxes. Choose dinner plates in a color that contrasts with the tablecloth to make it easier to see the food, and have family photos and vintage magazines on display to help with mood and memory recall. Source Link 

Here’s a three-word mantra that can help when decluttering a house – best, favorite or necessary. When you have too many things you use, pick out the best ones and clear out the rest. You can also hang on to favorites and what’s necessary, as long as you don't save too many things. Source Link

August 27, 2024

 Keeping air travel safe for your pet begins long before the plane leaves the ground. If your dog or cat is traveling in cargo, get them acclimated to the kennel they’ll be staying in to avoid injuries from biting or scratching at the cage. Stop solid food at least six hours before the flight and consult with your vet before giving pets any sedatives. Source Link 

We all know there are fake online product reviews, but how can you spot them? Beware of reviews with generic phrases that could be used for almost any product and look for ones that describe specific features or how the item is used. And look out for reviews that are overly glowing or very negative but without any details to back them up. Source Link_

Buying school supplies is an expensive annual rite for parents but there are ways to save. Check your kid’s closet or backpack first to see if there are unused pencils, markers or scissors, and never buy everything from a single store. Instead, shop for sale prices at several retailers. And don’t bring your child along because studies show that most parents spend more on school supplies when kids are with them. Source Link_

August 26, 2024

Not everything in a thrift store is a smart buy. Do pick up cheap sweaters because you’ll save big on retail prices for something you might wear a few months of the year. Don’t buy shoes that may have stretched out to the former owner’s foot shape and could be uncomfortable. Bargain hunt for baby clothes but avoid used toys that may not conform to safety standards. Source Link 

To start a good conversation with someone new, avoid questions like, “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Instead, get them talking with an opener like, “What’s your story?” or “What makes you smile when you get up in the morning?” or “What’s the most important thing I should know about you?” The goal is to make the conversation about the other person. Source Link 

For better self-esteem, look for ways to build on your strengths instead of just fixing the weaknesses. Discover what skills make you feel best about yourself and find activities to stimulate that. If it’s critical thinking, go to lectures or take a class. Creatives can start a new project and or you can strengthen perseverance by taking on a new responsibility on a short timetable. Source Link


August 23, 2024

 Follow these steps to check your internet speed and see if you’re getting what you’re paying for. Close down Zoom or any streaming audio or video websites or apps and stop any downloading. Run tests at different times of the day for an average and remember that home internet speeds are only guaranteed at the router because WiFi quality can vary widely. Source Link 

You probably know the average body temperature as 98.6 degrees, but science says it’s changing. That standard dates back over 150 years and improved lifestyles since then have led to an average that’s now about 97.9 degrees. Average body temperature readings can vary depending on the time of day, and your age, medications and health conditions. Source Link 

Keeping your family connected in a weather emergency or natural disaster takes some planning and a few simple tips. Enter key contacts into the phones of all your household members and have a point of contact outside of your family that everyone can reach. And in a public emergency, send a text rather than calling to have a better chance at connecting. Source Link

August 22, 2024

 Where there’s a will, there’s a better way to protect your family and make sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to guardianship for children or how to give away your possessions. Review your will annually and after big life events like a divorce or when children become adults. And consider a living will that lists the care you do or don’t want if you become seriously ill. Source Link 

Try this "handy" way to measure your fitness. Grip strength is important, so time yourself to see how long you can hang by your hands from a pull-up bar. Less than 30 seconds is beginner level but you can improve that by walking while carrying kettlebells or dumbbells. A good score is carrying 70 percent of your body weight for 90 seconds. Source Link_

You can use stronger passwords by remembering these rules. Choose one with at least 12 characters in a mix of upper and lowercase letters and symbols. Never reuse a password and don’t change a password unless you have to, because frequent changes lead to simpler, easy-to-guess passwords. And use a password manager that can create and save passwords for you. Source Link_

August 21, 2024

 What’s in your ears can help you get better sleep. Meditation using a mobile app can help ease you into slumber and get you back to sleep if you wake up overnight. And research has shown that listening to sounds of nature can trigger a relaxation response in the brain to help you get to sleep. Source Link 

You can save time on laundry by knowing how often to wash parts of your wardrobe. Items that touch your skin like underwear, t-shirts and socks should go into the wash after every use. Sleepwear can go three to four nights between washings, and pants can be worn two or three times as long as there’s no dirt or stains. But wash those jeans as few times as possible because every washing damages the fabric. Source Link_

Many people hold their phones the wrong way and that can put more strain on the hand. Keep the wrist straight or slightly bent and don’t use a tight grip that adds more stress. If you have a phone that’s big for your hand try using voice dictation instead of typing, or don’t hold the phone at all. Instead, prop it on a stand and place it near eye level. Source Link_

August 20, 2024

Sometimes it’s what you don’t do that can make your workday more productive. For example, don’t load up that daily must-do list -- keep it to five items. Don’t skip breaks that can help you stay on track mentally. And don’t be afraid to schedule downtime every day when you can think big without a deadline. Source Link 

Your car budget can benefit from buying small and renting big. If you only need to haul items a few times a year, purchase a smaller car and rent a truck or minivan for those times when you need the extra cargo space. You’ll spend less on gas, insurance and car costs by driving a smaller vehicle day in and day out versus a big truck. Source Link_

Here’s a time-saving tip that might just save a life. Have your basic personal health information available to paramedics as quickly as possible, including your name, blood type, allergies and any medications you take. This information can be on a piece of paper in your wallet and posted on the fridge in your home. Some smartphones also allow you to store health information for quick access by emergency crews. Source Link_

August 19, 2024

 Decluttering your home is as much about attitude as it is action. Do you keep something for fear of needing it later? You’ll have to find storage space, organize it and then remember where you put it, and organize that space again when it gets messy, and so on. Giving yourself permission to buy something again will help you get many unneeded things out of your home. Source Link 

The cold hard fact is that hardly any of your laundry needs a warm or hot water wash. Use cold water because every cycle wears out clothing a little bit and warm temperatures accelerate the damage. And you can avoid a big load of laundry by using your eyes and nose. If there aren’t visible stains or a noticeable odor, most clothing can be worn again. Source Link 

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer's website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link

August 16, 2024

 With the cost of airfare these days, who wouldn’t want a free ticket? Scammers are using email to entice you to give up personal information. The bogus offers include a so-called “refund” on a previous ticket or free round-trip tickets. They claim to be from an airline, but don’t click on any links. Instead, check your account from the airline’s website or app. Source Link 

How you set up an air purifier in your home can determine how well it works. Get the right size for the area of the room and pick a firm, level and flat spot with 18 to 24 inches of space around it. Close doors and windows in the room for the best results and follow manufacturers recommendations for regular maintenance and cleaning. Source Link 

Making a car last 200,000 miles or more isn’t hard if you stick to these care tips. Heed the owner’s manual and perform routine maintenance, including recommended oil changes. Keep the gas tank fuller to avoid sediment build-up and avoid jackrabbit starts and stops that are hard on the drive train. And find a good mechanic and stick with them to get the best service for the long haul. Source Link

August 15, 2024

Drinking too many calories is a problem for some people who try to watch their weight. Start by making water, black coffee or tea your default drink. Beware of any beverage that gets most of its calories from sweeteners, whether real or artificial and keep smoothies to the smallest size with only non-fat yogurt or milk and real fruit but no added sugar. Source Link 

You can spend less on your cell phone with a few simple steps. Skip the top names and choose a lower-priced flagship phone from brands like Motorola, Google or OnePlus and consider a refurbished or pre-owned phone model from a few years ago. You can also save by keeping your phone in a sturdy case to prevent damage that might force you to buy a new one. Source Link_

That next family vacation can go smoother if you do one thing prior to heading out. Hold a family meeting before you go to discuss the vacation plan and set clear expectations. When kids feel included in decision-making and their needs are considered, they’re more likely to behave and that will help you relax. Source Link_

August 14, 2024

 If you load that toothbrush with a long stripe of toothpaste, you’re using too much. A pea-sized dollop is all you need to get the job done. Using lots of toothpaste can give you too much fluoride and that’s especially bad for youngsters whose developing teeth can become streaked or spotted. Source Link 

Timing can be the key to getting the best ticket price for a sporting event, concert or movie. The best price for a concert ticket comes when sales start but you can save by waiting closer to game time to purchase tickets to sporting events. And mid-week showings of movies often come with a discounted price. Source Link_

Where should fresh food be stored for best quality? Most fruits and vegetables should go in the refrigerator, except for bananas that can stay on the counter and potatoes and onions that are best stored in a cool, dark place. Bring refrigerated items back to room temperature before cooking or eating for the best flavor. Source Link_

August 13, 2024

When you calculate its price per gallon, printer ink is like liquid gold, so here’s how to get the most from it. Try switching font type and size. Times New Roman is better and Arial is worse. Use Print Preview to avoid wasting ink and paper when printing a web page. And forget the warnings and replace that cartridge only when it’s completely empty and can no longer print. Source Link 

There’s pet health insurance and travel insurance and a combination of the two. Your fur baby can get coverage for medical expenses incurred while away from home. Some plans will pay for additional expenses, like if you’re delayed returning home and have additional pet boarding fees. And travel insurance can include trip interruption coverage if your pet gets ill or dies before you leave home. Source Link 

Eating more and feeling full but with fewer calories? It’s called “volume eating” when you choose foods that are high in water and fiber, like leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, broccoli and peppers, or whole fruits such as berries, tomatoes and pears. You can do this by making vegetables the focus of a meal, eating raw produce and avoiding caloric beverages like fruit juice. Source Link

August 12, 2024

 You can make your Amazon shopping easier with some simple tips. Save search time by creating wish lists for yourself for items you want but won’t buy right away. Use the Amazon Assistant web browser extension to find deals. If all else fails, search with the words, “Gifts for…” and include the recipient, like “mother, wife, husband” or anyone else. Source Link 

When you’re trying to save something to memory, count to eight. Studies have shown that concentrating on something for eight seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Taking time to concentrate can help you remember what’s important. Source Link 

Can a downward dog help you get that high blood pressure down? Researchers found that people who added a 15-minute yoga session to aerobic exercise five days a week could drop their upper blood pressure number by as much as 10 points. Yoga was more effective than stretching exercises in reducing blood pressure. Source Link

August 9, 2024

 How do you prioritize cleaning if you have just a few minutes to do it before guests arrive? Cut the visible clutter by putting things into a laundry basket that you can stash, fluff up couch pillows and quickly wipe down visible surfaces like a kitchen countertop, a bathroom vanity or mirrors. And give your place the scent of clean by lighting a lemon or orange-infused candle. Source Link

Asking Siri, Alexa or another voice assistant for quick directions on how to do CPR could have a deadly outcome. Testing found that nearly half of responses were unrelated to performing CPR, only one-third provided CPR instructions and only one in ten gave verbal directions. The best option is to call 9-1-1 and ask the emergency dispatcher for directions on how to do CPR. Source Link 

Trying to earn rewards points or cash back by paying your rent using a credit card could be more expensive than you think. Putting your rent payment on plastic increases the risk of ballooning debt if you don’t pay the entire card balance each month and landlords can charge a service fee for using a card. And that rent payment may be late unless you allow time for the credit charge to clear before the due date. Source Link

August 8, 2024

 Instead of dinner and a movie, that art class or game night may bring the two of you even closer. Couples activities like painting or playing a board game can spark the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with romantic bonding. Researchers say any activity with physical touch, social interaction, novelty and partner encouragement could also work. Source Link 

There are some smart ways to get rid of items you don’t want or need. Keeping the tags on not-so-great clothes you got as a gift makes resale more profitable and go beyond eBay to specialty sites that can pay more. And if you keep things for fear of needing them later, use the “20-20” rule – don’t save it if you can buy it again in 20 minutes for less than $20. Source Link 

You can help your child improve their reading skills with encouragement and the right approach. Make reading fun and engaging by choosing books that align with your child’s interests, including comics, graphic novels or magazines. Read aloud together and stick to a consistent routine with reading every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Source Link

August 7, 2024

 Looking for a good exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve the fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. The slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link 

Dentists have some simple do’s and dont's for better oral hygiene. Don’t use charcoal as a whitener because it damages tooth enamel, but do brush gently by holding the toothbrush with your fingertips. Don’t drink soda, flavored coffee or sports drinks that are high in sugar and acids, but if you do, rinse your mouth with water afterwards to neutralize acids and remove sugar. Source Link_

You can prevent delays during the security check on that next family flight by packing a “flagged” bag for carry-on. Put everything that might require a closer look into one bag to speed the process and avoid having anything left behind after multiple bag searches. This includes all electronics, snacks, medications, tools like nail clippers and all liquids in 3.4 ounce containers. Source Link

August 6, 2024

 Arranging a funeral can be a time when costs take a back seat to emotions, but you have rights regarding what you’re charged. Federal law requires every funeral home to give you a General Price List with every item and service they offer and charges must be itemized. And don’t be rushed into arranging a funeral because there’s no set time for how long you can wait after someone dies. Source Link

Getting 10,000 steps a day is considered the gold standard for fitness but you can log a lot fewer and still lengthen your life. A study found that heart health starts to improve with as few as 2,300 steps a day and your risk of dying from any disease starts to decrease with only about 4,000 daily steps. But the more steps you take, the bigger the benefit. Source Link

The carpet in that new home probably needs to go if the former owner was a smoker. Researchers found that tobacco smoke clings to carpet fibers long after smoking has stopped, and ozone generators that purify air and surfaces can't remove it completely. This so-called “third-hand smoke” can linger for years and sometimes transform into a new type of dangerous contaminant. Source Link

August 5, 2024

You might save yourself a call to the tech help desk with these easy fixes. Powering down a wireless mouse or keyboard that’s not working could solve a broken connection to your computer. You might speed up a slow computer by removing applications from Startup or getting rid of unnecessary browser extensions. And check to see if Caps Lock is on when that password you’re typing doesn’t match. Source Link 

Get ready to be creeped out by what you’re carrying around on that smartphone. A study found that phones often have allergens, bacteria and fungi on the screens that we touch all day long. An alcohol wipe worked well to get rid of those bugs but cleaning your phone screen with a dry cloth didn’t make a dent in the dirt. Source Link 

You may not need a special brain training program to improve your memory because a century-old game might work just as well. In a study, people who completed crossword puzzles scored better in memory testing than those who used special apps or programs. The process of completing a crossword puzzle exercises the part of the brain connected with memory. Source Link

August 2, 2024

 Decluttering leaves you with stuff you need to get rid of, but should you sell or donate? Sites like eBay and many other online sales platforms could net you some cold cash, but consider how much work it will take and whether a small profit is worth it. And remember that selling sites will report total annual sales of more than $600 a year to the IRS as income. Source Link 

When it’s time to roll up a sleeve to get your vaccination shots, which arm you choose might make a difference in effectiveness. Researchers found that people who got their flu shot and Covid vaccination in the same arm were more likely to develop powerful immune cells that fight viruses. Source Link 

Does eating no food for a time beat counting calories as a way to lose weight? Researchers found that intermittent fasting yielded a similar weight loss as seen in those who used calorie counting and portion control. The advantage for intermittent fasting may be its simplicity, because all you need to do is watch the clock and avoid eating. Source Link

August 1, 2024

 Beyond style, finding the right shoes for you comes down to the fit and the build. Different brands use different molds when making their shoes, so try on a few to find the one that’s best for you. A specialty shoe store can do measurements, and most people have one foot slightly bigger than the other, so start by trying on that shoe. Source Link 

Smartphones are blamed for causing driver distraction, but you can use some phone features to increase safety behind the wheel. Both iPhones and Android phones allow you to block calls and notifications while driving, and in-car systems that work with a phone can also help limit distractions. And some apps can use the phone’s forward-facing camera to alert a driver to a possible collision. Source Link 

Those blue-light-filtering glasses sound like a great way to reduce eye strain when working with screens, but the science doesn’t match the hype. Researchers found that blue-light glasses probably don’t prevent or relieve eye strain. What can help is using eye drops and following the 20-20-20 Rule – every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Source Link