It's age before employment in the U.S. workforce these days. A new study by the Economic Policy Institute says baby boomers are delaying retirement to rebuild nest eggs, and that's cutting job prospects for young adults. Unemployment rose at twice the national rate for 16-to-24 year olds, many of whom have little job experience, no savings and big debt from college loans. Source Link
Scientists say they've found a genetic roadmap that could predict a smoker's risk of developing lung cancer long before symptoms appear. The gene can be identified in a throat tissue sample. The same researchers are testing a new natural supplement that appears to shrink precancerous lesions in the lungs. Lung cancer kills over a million people world-wide each year. Source Link
No more strictly one at-a-time for apps on the iPhone. A key feature for the new iPhone operating system will allow users to have more than one application open at the same time. The lack of multitasking has been a sore point for iPhone users. The software upgrade will be standard on the next edition of the iPhone coming later this year. Source Link