March 31, 2020

Your child doesn’t have to be in school to begin to learn the value of money. Little ones can use a piggy bank to show how to build up and divide their money into spending, long-term savings and giving. And older kids can help create a grocery list using real prices with a fixed dollar amount to spend. Source Link 

If your dog doesn’t seem to listen to you it might not be stubbornness at work. Hearing loss in dogs can be common and warning signs include sleeping through loud noises and different barking habits as well as not responding to verbal cues. The good news is that dogs often adapt to the change and you can help by using more visual cues. Source Link 

What are the signs to look for in a good car salesman and how do you spot a bad one? A bad salesman tries to size you up with questions about what kind of vehicle or payment you had in mind, ignores your concerns about price and may not even offer a test drive. A good salesman listens to you, knows their product inside and out and never lies. Source Link 

March 30, 2020

The purse, backpack or diaper bag you carry could be a danger zone for little hands so think about how you fill it. Always use child-safe medicine bottles and keep those away from spots where youngsters might look for treats. And stash any cosmetics, skincare products and small loose items like coins, breath mints or cough drops that could be a choking hazard. Source Link 

That first cup of coffee in the morning might help you focus on success in the day ahead but don’t expect it to jump-start your creativity. Researchers found that caffeine could boost so-called convergent thinking such as problem-solving but divergent thinking that’s linked to creativity wasn’t improved for coffee drinkers. Source Link 

We’re all thinking more about how to keep surfaces clean but how do you do that with the number-one touchpoint for most people? You can clean your phone screen with a dry microfiber cloth or one that’s with some water on it but never spray anything on the screen. You can also disinfect with a mixture of half distilled water and half white vinegar. Source Link 

March 27, 2020

What are some red flags in a vehicle history report for that car you want to buy? Too many owners could mean the car has had ongoing problems and a salvage title shows that the vehicle was once totaled. And your mechanic should check to see if repairs were done properly if there’s an accident history with major structural damage or airbag deployment. Source Link 

When and what you eat can be an important combination for weight loss and better health. A high-protein breakfast might keep your appetite in check for the whole day, and a small meal with carbs and protein before exercise followed by a similar snack afterward can help you get the most from a workout. Source Link 

You like those discounts when you sign up for a store credit card but think twice about using that kind of plastic. Getting an upfront discount and zero-percent financing for six months is fine as long as you mind the calendar. Leaving any balance due after the term is up will mean a high-interest charge on the entire cost of the purchase. Source Link 

March 26, 2020

Most of us know you don't give chocolate to a dog, but what other common foods are a no-no for Fido? Grapes and raisins can damage their kidneys and garlic and onions are also poisonous. The same is true for macadamia nuts and avocados and alcoholic drinks are also dangerous for dogs. Source Link 

We all know it’s an unhealthy habit, but how do you keep from touching your face? When you feel the urge to scratch an itch, rub your nose or adjust your glasses, grab a tissue and use that instead of your fingers. And break those compulsive unconscious habits like using your hand as a chin rest or to adjust your hair. Source Link 

Take some steps before you dive into that new phone or tablet to avoid becoming the victim of a hacker. Backup and transfer old data and consider using a cloud service to safeguard it from loss or theft. Create strong, secure logins and use new passwords for those vital services. And register your device with the manufacturer to help with recovery if you are hacked. Source Link 

March 25, 2020

If your email inbox reminds you of an episode of “Hoarders” there are ways to clean out the digital clutter. Treat your email inbox like your real mailbox -- empty it every day and immediately throw away what you don’t need. And just as you can get off junk mail lists, unsubscribe from email lists and alerts that you don’t use. Source Link 

Giving your partner little bits of attention each day can make for a happy marriage but you need to respond correctly. It could be when you ask him to a chore or wanting to share something with her about a book you’re reading. An active positive response is best but even rejection isn’t as bad as missing the signs altogether. Source Link 

The food that you stock up on shouldn’t just be a stash for future use. Follow the practice of “use and replenish” and once a week create a meal from your stockpile. Start with the food that’s closest to expiration and replace what you’ve used and you’ll rotate that two-week meal supply in just under a year. Source Link 

March 24, 2020

Some of the most lovely plants for your home could be deadly for your dog. Azaleas, tulips, alocasia, oleander, morning glory and the leaves and peels from fruit plants are poisonous if eaten by a dog. In the kitchen, eating raw onions and garlic bulbs can also be life-threatening for your canine. Source Link 

Could that stretch in the sauna offer a heart workout similar to spending time on an exercise bike? Testing found that a sauna bath raised heart rate and blood pressure the same as brief high-intensity exercise. But a sauna bath didn’t help people lose pounds because they were sweating away water weight that quickly returned. Source Link 

The tech that powers our everyday lives needs to take an occasional break, but how often should you reboot? Restarting your phone or tablet at least once a week can free up memory for smoother operation and your smartwatch can benefit from a restart every few weeks. Your smart TV or home router should be powered down about once a month. Source Link 

March 23, 2020

There’s an important health screening that every adult should have. It’s now recommended that everyone between the ages of 18 and 79 is tested for Hepatitis C. The focus was on Baby Boomers but there’s been a surge in Hepatitis C cases in younger adults. The infection causes chronic liver disease but can be cured in nine out of ten people with no side-effects. Source Link 

If you want to break a cycle of spending on items you don’t really need, try waiting to buy it. That could mean running out of something to see if you really need it before you re-stock or leaving that online purchase in the virtual shopping cart to see if you still want it a few days or a few weeks later. Source Link 

Think about all the things in your wallet that you’d have to replace should you lose it and pare down what you carry with you. Never carry a Social Security card, keep store membership cards in the glove box of your car and only carry one credit card. And throw away any old receipts because those could have useful information for an identity thief. Source Link 

March 20, 2020

You can’t have a dog or cat but want a family pet? Gerbils and guinea pigs can be fun for kids but might nip while they’re being held. Goldfish are easy to care for and birds like the budgie are affectionate and can often be taught to speak. A ferret is also a popular pet but isn’t legal in some areas, so check first. Source Link 

If eating out is taking a toll on your diet plan you can try these tips. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine or Greek or Spanish that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at menus online and know what you’ll have before you arrive. And instead of an entree try sharing several appetizers and have one dessert for all. Source Link 

Charging your phone while in the car isn’t a good idea. USB ports in cars typically don’t provide enough power and if your car has an older battery it could be drained by charging your phone. It’s better to top-up at home and have a portable power pack to charge the phone when you’re on the road. Source Link 

March 19, 2020

Can that old toothbrush re-infect you after a cold has cleared up? Experts say you can’t get the same cold virus again, but it’s still a good idea to change your toothbrush every three months. Things like towels, bar soap, bedding, lip balm and even makeup applicators can spread germs to others who share them. Source Link 

Staying up late to watch the NCAA basketball tournament games might be the real March Madness. A lack of sleep can impair your decision-making, problem-solving, and control of emotions. The only consolation is you’re not alone because about half of Americans including three out of four men say they stay up late to watch sports. Source Link 

When the workday is dragging, try this five-minute pick-me-up. Stand up and stretch or take a walk for 60 seconds. Spend two minutes completing a short online errand and then take a minute to write down your weekend plans. Finally, send a text or use a messaging app to check-in with someone you care about. Source Link 

March 18, 2020

If you’re minding that credit score there are some things that won’t ding your rating. Paying off a credit card won’t hurt but canceling one will because it reduces your total available credit. Checking your credit report or a credit check by an employer has no impact and you can’t have too many credit cards unless you carry balances that you can’t pay off each month. Source Link

Your cat or dog can’t spread the coronavirus to you but you might give it to them. There’s no evidence that pet animals can be a source of a Covid-19 infection for people but there have been cases of pets showing signs of a mild form of the coronavirus. The same hygiene rules that apply to interactions with people can also help prevent spreading the virus to your pets. Source Link 

If late-night snacking is a problem for you, the solution might begin in the early morning. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat later and getting more protein and fiber during the day can limit those refrigerator raids. And turn off the TV, tablet and cell phone earlier because more screen time can lead to mindless eating. Source Link 

March 17, 2020

What you do when you’re not exercising can be as important as those workouts. On your resting days be sure to keep moving for good blood circulation, get quality sleep and find fun activities for mental recovery. Typically you should give your body 48 to 72 hours to recover from a strength training session. Source Link

Spring cleaning can work for your tech too. Start by canceling digital subscriptions for services you no longer use and then clean up the camera roll on your phone by using Apple Photos or Google Photos to make automatic back-ups. And go through that desk drawer and clear out any old phones or other gadgets that can be sold or donated. Source Link 

When you have a financial goal in mind, think about it more often and you may be closer to reaching it. A survey found that people were able to increase their savings by up to 73 percent when they envisioned themselves succeeding. Using something like a vision board could help you get closer to that dream vacation or retirement savings goal. Source Link 

March 16, 2020

An old-school financial con is getting a second life as fake check scams have cheated Americans out of $29 million a year. It happens when you receive a check in the mail from someone who asks you to deposit it in your account and send the money to them but keep some for yourself. Later the check bounces and you’re on the hook for all of the money. Source Link 

Talk of a coronavirus vaccine brings to mind an important question for every adult -- are you up-to-date on your vaccines? Even if you had them in childhood, vaccine effectiveness can weaken over time and you may no longer be protected. Whooping cough and tetanus vaccines are among several that require booster shots throughout your life. Source Link 

A big breakfast might pave the way to weight loss if you ease off on eating for the rest of the day, according to a new study. More calories are burned in the morning, so you should eat more when calorie-burning is at its peak. Front-loading your food intake may also keep your blood sugar levels from going too high and protect against diseases like diabetes. Source Link 

March 13, 2020

When it comes to picking the best toothbrush, should it be an electric model or the traditional hand-operated type? It depends more on technique than technology because both can do a good job if you brush properly and long enough. An electric toothbrush might be a better choice for someone with arthritis or another condition that makes brushing difficult. Source Link 

You’ve heard of refinancing your mortgage, but how about the loan for that set of wheels? Auto loan refinancing may be an easy way to save money because many people don’t shop around for the best rates when buying a car. Refinancing an auto loan is much simpler than a mortgage and may take just one day to complete. Source Link 

When should you lock up your credit report in the deep freeze? If your Social Security number has been compromised or you’ve experienced fraudulent activity, you’re part of a data breach or you see inquiries on your credit report that you didn’t authorize. It’s also a good idea to freeze a credit report to protect an elderly or incapacitated person for whom you hold power of attorney. Source Link 

March 12, 2020

When shopping for a new car you can figure out what you can afford by using the 20-4-10 rule. Start with a 20 percent down payment and make sure the loan is for no more than four years. And don’t spend more than 10 percent of your gross monthly income on car expenses including the loan payment plus insurance, gas, license fees and parking. Source Link 

How can you tell when a collecting habit turns into hoarding? It’s a red flag when it covers your bed or all kitchen counters or you’ve lost sight of the dining room table. It’s also a warning sign if the thought of throwing something away triggers severe anxiety or if you’re overwhelmed by the thought of others seeing the way you keep things. Source Link 

If you can’t find the time or place to wash with soap and water then using hand sanitizer is a must and you can make your own. Combine two-thirds of a cup of 66 percent or higher isopropyl rubbing alcohol with one-third cup of aloe vera gel in a dispenser. Cover your hands with the homemade sanitizer and rub for 20 seconds and then let them air dry. Source Link 

March 11, 2020

Your best defense against heart attack and stroke is to keep this number low. Reducing high blood pressure along with healthy lifestyle choices can significantly cut your risk. Millions of Americans are living with high blood pressure and many don’t even know that they have it. Source Link 

One habit can lead to another when you stack them up and look for how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones. For example, drinking that first cup of coffee in the morning could be followed by one minute of meditation or you can stand on one foot to improve your balance while brushing your teeth. Source Link 

Saving money doesn’t always mean spending less. A high-quality mattress might cost more but could last twice as long as that bargain model. And you should consider the net value when buying a car. A new car that’s three years old may fetch a higher resale price and be a better overall value than selling a used car you’ve been driving for three years. Source Link 

March 10, 2020

Can you take advantage of tax savings with an IRA if you have a 401-k at work? There are annual contribution limits but you can have an IRA even if you don’t contribute the maximum to your 401-k. A Roth IRA is tax-free when you withdraw the money. A traditional IRA gives you tax savings upfront for deposits but counts future withdrawals as taxable income. Source Link 

Being squeezed by high prices shouldn’t send you to Craigslist for affordable insulin. There are many listings in the online marketplace with low prices but insulin must be refrigerated and has a shelf life. You may not know if it’s been stored correctly or whether or not the insulin you’re buying is sterile. Source Link 

Many of us lose track so make it a seasonal habit to check what you’re spending on monthly digital subscriptions. Every three months look at your bank or credit card statements to see what charges are there and if you’re still using that service. It’s easier to do this checkup if to have all your streaming service charges on one account. Source Link 

March 9, 2020

No one wants their smartphone to go dead before the day is through, and there are some simple steps to extend battery life. Set your screen to auto-brightness to save power and tweak app settings to shut off any notifications you don’t need. And when you’re away from WiFi or out of cell range, switch your phone to Airplane Mode. Source Link 

Surveys show that about half of us have an old gift card with unused value still on it but don’t toss it out yet. Under federal law, gift cards are good for at least five years unless a company goes under and you can sell unused cards through online exchanges. You can also donate an unused gift card for resale to benefit a charity. Source Link 

Could you lift less and get better results in strength training? A study found that people who varied the amount of weight they lifted from day-to-day saw better results while lifting less weight. The traditional method calls for always lifting the maximum amount of weight that you can manage. Source Link 

March 6, 2020

Whether it’s flooding, tornadoes, wildfires or hurricanes almost everyone could face a natural disaster and a family safety plan is a must. Pack a box with three days worth of non-perishable food and water and remember pet food. Scan valuable papers like birth certificates and store the images on a DVD or in the cloud and keep valuables like jewelry where you can grab them easily. Source Link

Making a will isn’t enough because you also need to get your digital life in order to help your family after you’re gone. Share your account logins and other secure information with relatives by using a password manager and note any bills that are automatically paid. And pick a person to manage your social media accounts who can have them closed or maintained in memory of you. Source Link 

Old-fashioned advice may be the best way to avoid problems when cleaning your house. Researchers found that when bleach mixed with household cleaners it created airborne compounds that can linger and cause breathing problems. The answer is to always open a window to ventilate the room after you clean. Source Link 

March 5, 2020

Besides losing an hour of sleep, how does the jump to Daylight Saving Time affect people? Studies have shown that the time shift may be responsible for more heart attacks, more workplace injuries and even more headaches. But there’s not much evidence to prove the claim that “springing forward” leads to more traffic accidents. Source Link 

Some say it’s the new secondhand smoking. Secondhand screen time is when kids are indirectly exposed to screens being used by someone near them. Watching parents use devices constantly from a very young age can make kids more prone to addictive behavior with screen devices when they’re older. Source Link 

What goes into a calculation of how much house you can afford? Look for a monthly payment with principal, interest, taxes and insurance that’s no more than 30 percent of your take-home pay after deducting retirement or other savings. And remember extras like upkeep, repairs and decorating that averaged $9,000 a year for homeowners in a recent survey. Source Link 

March 4, 2020

If you talk to yourself when looking for something, you may be more likely to find it. Saying what you're looking for out loud helps you keep a picture of the object in mind. And when you have an important encounter coming up, self-talk helps you run through different scenarios and prepare for reactions. Source Link 

Giving your child a unique name is nothing new but the reason why parents are doing it now is very 21st Century. Three out of four parents surveyed said a made-up name could help a child stand out and boost their social media profile. Two out of three parents were willing to consider giving a child a one-of-a-kind name. Source Link 

You’re finishing off this year’s tax return but how long do you need to keep a copy of it and all your tax records? If you’re getting a refund then keep all of that for at least three years or four years in you’re making a payment. If you didn’t report part of your income or are claiming a loss you should hang on to those tax records for at least seven years. Source Link 

March 3, 2020

If you really want to remember something, it’s best to share the experience. Testing showed that people developed more vivid memories if they described the event to someone or wrote about it afterward. The process of rehearsing the event in your mind in order to share it can build a stronger memory. Source Link 

The first instinct when your child gets a burn is to get them to the sink for some water but don’t skimp on that wet relief. Cool running water for burns should be used for 20 minutes and can be effective up to three hours later. Cool water worked better than aloe or ointments that are made for treating minor burns. Source Link 

Gravity seems to play a big role in the most common nightmare. In a survey, two out of three people said that falling was their worst nightmare, followed by being chased, dying and feeling lost. Finding yourself naked in public finished way down the list of common nightmares and was the top scare for only one in five people. Source Link 

March 2, 2020

You might get the most from that morning cup of coffee if it isn't the first thing you grab after waking up. Try waiting an hour to get the full benefit of the caffeine boost at mid-morning. A wake-me-up cup isn’t necessary for most people because your natural hormones do a good job for that. Source Link 

Some parents aren’t getting the message that their bed is no place for a baby to sleep. In a survey, nearly one in five infants were sleeping in their parent’s bed. A baby can silently suffocate on a pillow-top mattress or regular bed coverings and should be in a bassinet or crib in the parent’s bedroom. Source Link 

A simple approach may be the best way to battle germs that can spread infections while you’re traveling. Washing your hands more often when you’re in an airport was found to be the most effective defense. Proper handwashing is 15 to 20 seconds of scrubbing using soap and water. Source Link