April 29, 2022

 You’ve probably had some scratches on your eyeglass lenses and there’s a DIY way to fix that. Rinse the glasses in warm water and dry with a clean microfiber cloth and then mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water to make a paste that you gently rub onto the lenses with another clean cloth. Then use a third clean microfiber cloth to wipe down the lenses. Source Link 

We know there are many health benefits for a baby that’s breastfed but the mother might also get a brain boost from it. A study revealed that breastfeeding may reduce the risk of cognitive decline for women in later life. Women who’d breastfed a child scored higher on cognitive tests at age 50 and might be better protected against mental decline and dementia later in life. Source Link 

Lining a hat with tin foil may not be the best look but doing the same thing with a car key might thwart a thief. A keyless fob wrapped in foil can’t be used by a nearby hacker to unlock a car when the vehicle is parked outside. Alternatives include storing key fobs in a special pouch or box that blocks radio signals or keeping your key in a microwave oven that’s not running. Source Link 

April 28, 2022

 You can make it easier for your child to be ready for the arrival of a new brother or sister. With toddlers, you can read picture books about new babies but pre-schoolers need more involvement. Encourage them to help plan for the new baby, let them play with their old baby toys before they’re handed down and assure them they won’t be loved any less because of the new sibling. Source Link 

If those vente vanilla lattes are starting to show up on the bathroom scale there’s a simple first step to kicking the flavored coffee habit. Try ordering your coffee drink unsweetened and add your own sugar to see just how much you’re using. Lots of sugar in morning drinks can increase food cravings and lead to poor eating all day long. Source Link 

You may be able to slim down your wallet with digital versions of ID cards on your smartphone. Apple Wallet can store digital driver's licenses for about a dozen states with more coming and other states have their own apps. Some student ID’s and library cards can also go digital along with building ID cards. Carry at least one credit card and some cash in case your phone goes missing or a payment app doesn’t work. Source Link

April 27, 2022

 Eggs are an affordable source of protein and can even be stored in the freezer. Use a non-stick spray on an ice cube tray, then crack eggs into it and freeze them. Remove the frozen eggs and store these in a freezer bag to be used as needed. And if you’re wondering to tell if a raw egg is fresh, place it in a glass of water. Good eggs sink and bad eggs float. Source Link

A vacation from work is something your body needs. The physical response to workday pressures is to create hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that help you meet deadlines and other challenges but without breaks this process goes into overdrive, causing anxiety and burnout. A vacation is a hard reset that interrupts this cycle. Source Link

Don’t waste your grocery budget by storing fresh produce improperly. Broccoli goes in the fridge in a closed produce bag, as do carrots, eggplant and zucchini, and store spinach in a closed produce bag lined with a paper towel. Tomatoes are best kept on a counter and not in the fridge and onions should go in a cool, dark spot. Source Link 

April 26, 2022

 It’s great for clothes but there are many more things you can clean in your washing machine. You may know about stuffed animals and ball caps but shower curtains, yoga mats, pillows and even backpacks can go in the washer. And you can wash things like Legos, bath scrubbers and even your pet’s toys in a mesh garment bag in the washer. Source Link 

All the talk about health benefits of an occasional drink could have you ready to up your alcohol intake, but you might want to stay on the wagon. New research has found that any amount of drinking is associated with a greater risk of heart disease. It’s believed that the benefits of light drinking may be attributed to other healthy habits of those who occasionally imbibe. Source Link_

Malware-infected apps and clicking on bogus links in text messages or emails can let a hacker inside your phone and there are warning signs to watch for. Your phone may be hot to the touch from malware that’s running at top speed or your battery is draining faster or data use is spiking. Also watch for emails or text messages sent from your phone but weren’t written by you. Source Link_

April 25, 2022

 Shopping online is easy - and maybe too easy to avoid overspending - so here are some simple savings tips. Follow your favorite retailers on social media for discount offers and take advantage of deals through your credit card provider. You can also limit spending by purchasing a gift card for the amount you can afford and use only that for shopping. Source Link 

What’s the best way to wash fruits and vegetables? Smooth-skinned fruits like apples or pears can be rinsed with water and dried with a clean towel when you bring them home but other items should be washed just before eating to prevent bacteria growth. And submerging leafy vegetables in water might increase the risk of contamination. Source Link 

A morning routine can help you have a better day. Doing something routinely after you wake up calms the decision-making part of your brain that also controls anxiety. Your routine could be eating the same thing for breakfast or waking up, exercising or walking the dog at the same time every day. Source Link 

April 22, 2022

 You can learn a lot about kitchen organizing by watching old episodes of Julia Child’s cooking show. Hang a magnetic knife strip vertically so it’s safer and easier to grab a knife and sort utensils into multiple storage crocks. A burner cover can turn seldom-used cooktop space into room for extra storage and keep dried goods in pull-out bins for easier access. Source Link 

“What’s coming in the mail today?” is a question you can answer by using a free program from the Postal Service. “Informed Delivery” sends residential and post office box customers an email with digital images of the front of the envelope for items arriving that day. You can also keep track of mail when you’re away and need to know if something’s been delivered. Source Link 

Body slings and other baby-wearing products may put infants at higher risk for injury because parents don’t use the fabric carriers correctly. You should first practice wrapping the sling around your body using a doll or stuffed animal and then make adjustments. And having your baby in an upright position in a sling rather than cradled allows them to breathe easier. Source Link 

April 21, 2022

 A vacuum sealed freezer bag can keep food longer but you don’t need a sealing machine to do it. Place the food in any freezer bag, squeeze out the air and zip it closed. Put a piece of aluminum foil over both sides of the end of the bag and then run a hot iron over the end to seal the bag for storage in the freezer. Source Link

Your heart is in the right place when you donate that old computer, phone or tablet but make sure your personal data doesn’t go with it. There’s a factory reset feature on your phone or tablet that will wipe away anything you’ve loaded. With a PC or laptop, you can run special software to erase data but a safer step may be to remove the hard drive before you donate. Source Link 

A sign of stress for dogs is repetitive behaviors like chasing their tail or chewing or licking a paw. You can help them relax with consistent training from a professional help and regular exercise also works to ease anxiety. Another option is to get a second dog because homes with two dogs report fewer behavior problems. Source Link

April 20, 2022

 If you worry about your kids getting too much screen time there are ways to make it more productive. Encourage them to create by composing a song, making an ebook or producing a podcast. Let kids plan and prepare a family meal using recipes they find on the web or have them do online research to set the itinerary for a family vacation. Source Link 

Eating well doesn’t have to be expensive with foods that are good for you and easy on your wallet. Eggs are a great source of protein and a real value at less than 10 cents apiece and plain oatmeal is a fiber-rich food for pennies a serving. Lean chicken is a better buy than beef and bananas and fresh in-season produce are always a better buy. Source Link 

Prices at the dollar store aren’t what they used to be but you can still find bargains by shopping smart. Disposable items like gift wrap, paper plates, napkins and cups are a better buy but avoid breakables that aren’t as sturdy and shy away from electronics that may not last. And come with a shopping list because a cart full of impulse buys even at the dollar store will add up fast. Source Link_

April 19, 2022

 When you store food in freezer bags, try this tip to make it an easier fit. Slip a zipped bag of food into an empty cereal box and put that in the freezer. Once frozen, take it out of the box and stack your frozen food like bricks. This will also help the freezer operate more efficiently with less air space between items. Source Link

If your phone’s photo gallery is overflowing there’s a technique popular with home cleanup experts that also works with a cramped camera roll. Look at each photo and ask yourself if seeing this makes you happy or if you’d want to see it again. If you answer “no” to either question, the photo can probably go in the trash bin. Source Link 

Does letting your car idle really waste gas? Yes. About 10 seconds after you stop, your engine is burning that expensive fuel for no benefit. That’s why newer cars have a feature to shut off the engine during stops. If your habit is to leave the car idling while you run back into the house or stop for an errand, you’re wasting gas and risking a carjacking. Source Link _

April 18, 2022

 It’s using the carrot instead of the stick to help you lose weight -- try bribing yourself to shed those pounds. You could put a dollar in a jar that's the money you saved by eating less and then buy yourself a non-food item at the end of every month. Testing showed that adults were willing to eat less for the chance to win a prize like a gift card. Source Link 

You can stock your kitchen with helpful gadgets from the office supply store. Those classic orange-handled scissors are great for opening food packages and binder clips can seal up freezer bags. A black sharpie marker can label those bags using masking tape for plastic containers and a dry erase board is great for keeping a shopping list. Source Link 

Making fitness a habit takes some lifestyle changes. Decide what you’ll cut back on, like TV watching or web surfing, to make the time to exercise. If you go to a gym or workout at home look at what time of day fits best for you. And find ways to add exercise to everyday life such as walking with the whole family. Source Link 

April 15, 2022

 Here’s an open and shut case for the right way to cook with some kitchen appliances. Always keep an oven door open when broiling because venting the steam lets food develop that crustiness you want. And always keep the lid closed on your slow cooker because opening it will let heat out and change the cooking time. Source Link 

Six out of ten Americans suffer eye strain from too much computer screen time, but there are some simple remedies. Position a computer monitor so your eye level is 15 inches above the center of the screen and remember the 20-20-20 rule -- every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Source Link 

If virtual work meetings leave you worn out, it might be best to take yourself out of the picture. Research has shown that having your webcam on for a long time is mentally draining because of the pressure to look good, have a professional background and limit visual distractions. The solution is to let participants turn off the webcam without assuming that it affects productivity. Source Link 

April 14, 2022

 When you’ve got a gripe with a utility, a retailer or a brand, social media could be the fast lane to better customer service. Many companies monitor Twitter and Facebook, so hashtag their name and state your complaint in detail but without personal information and include photos if possible. After regular business hours might be the best time to get some attention online. Source Link 

Behold the lowly bar of soap – it’s a great tool for those home repair projects. Rubbing soap into a nail hole can fill it until you paint and when you’re painting trim next to a window you can rub soap along the glass to keep splatters from sticking. And rubbing a bar of soap on door hinges and even floorboards can silence those squeaks. Source Link

Earth Day is just around the corner and there are some easy ways to do your part to protect the environment. Use a refillable water bottle instead of a throwaway plastic one. Switch from charcoal to cleaner-burning propane for your barbeque and recycle your household batteries with free drop-offs at retailers like Best Buy, The Home Depot, Lowe’s or Staples. Source Link 

April 13, 2022

 Buying hamburger in bulk can save money and there’s an easy way to store it in the freezer. Separate the meat into one-pound portions and seal each in a medium-sized freezer bag. Now use a rolling pin to flatten it and you’ll have an easy-to-stack package that also defrosts faster because it’s flat. Source Link _

It might seem like a contradiction but drinking coffee can help you take a better nap. Pinpoint the afternoon time when you start to lag, find a quiet spot behind a closed door or on the couch, drink a cup of coffee and set a timer for 25 minutes before you start to nap. The caffeine will begin to wake you up in about 20 minutes and you won’t feel groggy after your mid-day shuteye. Source Link 

They’re fun to use but those emojis you put in a work email may have a hidden cost. Researchers found that people who used emojis in emails were seen by recipients as less powerful than those who stick to words. The same was true for people who used pictures in their email. Source Link _

April 12, 2022

 Looking for an alternative to help you kick the soda habit? If you like the fizz, try sparkling water with a lemon twist, lime twist, crushed raspberries or a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Cola fans can switch to iced redbush tea to get the same taste and if you like ginger ale you can make your own with seltzer water, freshly grated ginger and a half-teaspoon of the natural sweetener stevia. Source Link 

You probably have one of the main ingredients for several DIY cleaning products right in your home. Rubbing alcohol combined with dishwashing liquid and ammonia can make an all-purpose liquid cleaner or change up the mix to create a heavy-duty window cleaner. Or combine rubbing alcohol with dish soap and water for a cleaner that tackles the dirt on your granite, quartz or marble countertops. Source Link_

If you’re going to post a screenshot with sensitive information showing, don't just blur it out. Often the pixilation that creates a blurry look can be reversed with commonly available software. Instead, open your photo app’s editing tools and add a solid black rectangle that covers the spot and can’t be undone. Source Link_

April 11, 2022

 Don’t get fooled by these car care tips that could hit you hard in the pocketbook. Overfilling your tires won’t improve mileage but will give you a rougher ride and wear out the tires sooner. And don’t drive with less than a quarter tank of gas because it makes your fuel pump work harder and wear out faster and replacing it could cost up to $700. Source Link 

Grocery shopping by color can be your first step toward a healthier heart. Choose foods with lots of color by starting in the produce section to stock up on a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables. And avoid white in bread, potatoes and rice and check labels for added salt and sugar that can be found in many processed foods. Source Link 

Email is a prime target for hackers who want to get to sensitive information and you can protect yourself by using different email accounts. Use one for banking and credit cards, another for shopping and another for social media. This way, a breach involving one account doesn’t endanger all of your digital life. Source Link 

April 8, 2022

 When you eat may make a difference for your risk of chronic disease. Researchers found that having all your meals within a window of 8 to 10 hours each day could help prevent and manage conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. And when eating was restricted to fewer than 12 hours a day, sleep and quality of life improved. Source Link 

Most people know that scratching an itch only makes it worse, but why is that? Scientists say the act of scratching creates pain that cancels out the itching sensation, but the brain overrides that pain and the itching returns. Experts say the best way to deal with an itch is to give the spot a slap or a rub. Source Link 

Cleaning by the numbers is one way to tackle the clutter in your home. Pick a number of things you’ll put away in one session and focus on one thing at a time, like stray shoes or getting rid of unneeded extras of some item. And always keep one box or bag ready to hold items that can be donated. Source Link 

April 7, 2022

The tools of the trade for car detailers will also work when the job gets done in your driveway. Ditch the old t-shirts and cotton towels and use a microfiber cloth to dry your car and avoid scratches. Use a car wash cleaner and not dish soap and have two buckets -- one for soapy water and one with plain water to rinse dirt out of your sponge. Source Link 

When you’re having trouble finding the time for exercise, grab your gardening gloves, step into the kitchen to cook a meal or fill the sink with dirty dishes to wash. Older women who logged four hours of these kinds of household activities each day had a significantly lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Just spending more time standing or moving also helps. Source Link

We’ve all heard the rules about saving money on groceries like making a list, paying with cash and shopping the sales, but cut yourself some slack to make it all easier to stomach. Work a little money into your food budget to allow one affordable impulse buy each week to keep you from feeling deprived by all that smart spending.. Source Link_

April 6, 2022

 You can tackle spring cleaning the smart way with a plan. Work from upstairs to down or one side of the house to the other and clean room by room. Environmentally-friendly cleaners may not work on tough grime and cotton or microfiber cloths can clean without scratching surfaces. And open windows to let fresh air in after using cleaning products. Source Link 

Stronger muscles in a count of three might be possible with an intense and super-short workout. Study participants who contracted their arm muscles as tight as possible for three seconds every day for a month increased their bicep strength by up to 12 percent. Like other high-intensity short exercise, tightening muscles might trigger a biological response that leads to better fitness. Source Link_

Your body might take it to heart if you don’t sleep in the dark. Researchers found that exposure to moderate ambient light during sleep may raise your heart rate and prevent the body from resting properly and that could lead to heart disease or diabetes. The solution is simple – close the blinds, draw the curtains and turn off all the lights before bed. Source Link _

April 5, 2022

 Cyberbullying of kids can be hard to spot for parents but there are ways to protect your child. Regularly check their social media and teach kids not to share anything that could hurt or embarrass them or others. Tell them to talk to you if an online message or image makes them feel threatened or hurt. And encourage your kids to speak up if they see cyberbullying happening to someone else. Source Link 

Having a dog may keep you healthy and able for longer in life. Researchers found that older adults who were dog owners were only half as likely to have a disability as were non-dog owners. Exercise with dog walks and companionship were among the contributing factors. Cat ownership was not connected to any difference in disability risk. Source Link

You can take a stand against the effects of binge watching without giving up that streaming marathon. Stand up and take a few minutes between episodes to move or walk a bit. This will improve blood flow to your legs to reduce the risk of blood clots and make it easier for your heart to do it’s work. Source Link

April 4, 2022

 Should financial planning be a family affair? Conversations with kids about financial goals and values often go unspoken but it’s better for it to be a continuous discussion. Using your family’s values and long-term financial goals as a guide, you’ll be better equipped to sometimes say no or settle for less than the best. Source Link 

We know what most buyers love about a home, but what do they hate? Having converted spaces like a man cave in a garage or a home office in a dining room are turn-offs. And too many personal items visible like photos on walls can make it hard for potential buyers to visualize the home as their own. Source Link 

Most people don’t think about foot care until they’re in pain but some common problems can be prevented with a few simple steps. Always wear water shoes around public swimming pools and in showers at the gym to avoid viruses that can cause nail fungus or athlete’s foot. Wear socks and tights made from breathable fabrics and if shoes hurt the first time you try them on, don’t buy them. Source Link 

April 1, 2022

 Using letter grades in your to-do list might help you complete more assignments. An “A” item is significantly important with serious consequences if it’s not done. “B” is something you should do but has a minor downside. A “C” would be nice to accomplish but not vital. A “D” is something to delegate to others and an “E” task is one you can eliminate. Source Link 

Do you really need to pre-rinse before loading the dishwasher? Many models sold in the past 10 years can measure the amount of food that comes off in a first wash cycle and may cut back if plates and bowls already seem clean. To get the best results, scrape off the big chunks but leave something for the dishwasher to handle. Source Link 

Is the best way to deliver a “Thank You” by text, video call or face-to-face? A study showed that most people thought sending a thank-you by text was almost as good as delivering the message in person. And texting may be the best choice when you feel awkward or embarrassed about expressing appreciation. Source Link