May 29, 2020

It can be hard to resist the urge to hit “snooze” again, grab that second donut or order another round of beer but you can arm yourself with tools to strengthen self-control. Think about "if-then" scenarios for these situations and use the "out of sight, out of mind" approach to avoid physical temptation. And regularly exercise your self-control to improve it. Source Link 

Here’s a tip on gift-giving that may keep you from becoming a victim of fraud. Never use gift cards to pay for anything other than a product or service from the gift card seller. Authorities say scammers often want payment for bogus offers with store gift cards because they’re untraceable and can be sold for cash before you realize that you’ve been cheated. Source Link 

TV binge-watching may seem fun but your body and brain might beg to differ. Sitting for long periods and eating junk food isn’t good for your body and watching show after show can have the same effect on your brain as compulsive gambling. Make sure a TV binge doesn’t interrupt your sleep, try standing up for five minutes during each episode and pick healthy snacks. Source Link

May 28, 2020

What are some of the most common mistakes when wearing a face mask? Start by washing your hands so you don’t contaminate your mask and face and only handle the mask by the ear loops or ties when putting it on or taking it off. And here’s a tip -- washing your glasses in soapy water may help prevent them from fogging up when wearing a mask. Source Link 

Try this three-step plan to boost your happiness. Increase social connections with old friends or even strangers, but Facebook friends don’t count. Perform acts of kindness by volunteering, buying coffee for the person behind you in line or letting someone merge in front of you on the highway. And try exercising for a natural boost in feel-good hormones. Source Link 

The easiest way to get control of managing your finances may be doing less. Automate bill payments and deposits to savings and investments and pay for everything with a credit card that you pay off each month. And consolidate all your account information like the type of account and password in one notebook or file folder. Source Link 

May 27, 2020

There are some special ways you can make working from home more enjoyable. Use the time that you would have been commuting for something intentional that’s not work-related or as unstructured free time. And add some variety to where you work by sitting in a chair, standing at your kitchen counter or sitting on the floor using your coffee table as a desk. Source Link 

Running doesn’t have to fall victim to social distancing rules. Pick times and routes that are less likely to be busy. Try running earlier in the morning or during your lunch break to avoid crowds and give yourself 10 to 12 feet of separation during a run because you’re breathing heavily and that could spread germs more easily. Source Link 

If you’re among the many people who are nervous about public speaking maybe Alexa could help. Researchers have developed a program that turns Amazon’s virtual assistant into a public speaking coach. Testing was successful and developers say it may someday help people overcome speech anxiety without fear of being judged by another person. Source Link 

May 26, 2020

If you want to get more life from an N95 mask try heading to the kitchen. A study found that heating an N95 mask after each use can disinfect it to wear up to 50 times. Heating the mask for 20 minutes in an oven at 185 degrees Fahrenheit was effective for personal protective use but not medical use. Source Link 

A yoga mat might be just what the doctor ordered for migraines. Researchers found that people who added gentle yoga practice to their usual migraine medication suffered about half as many attacks as they normally did. migraine patients first had classes with a yoga teacher three times a week for one month and then practiced at home. Source Link 

Knowing how to reduce your risk of skin cancer doesn’t mean people will do it. A survey showed that 76% of Americans know the importance of sun protection, but only 41% regularly protect themselves outdoors. Seeking shade between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., wearing sun-protective clothing and using SPF 30 water-resistant sunscreen are the best ways to prevent skin cancer. Source Link 

May 22, 2020

If you’re often nervous behind the wheel then cranking up the right tunes could help your heart. Researchers found that people who listened to instrumental music while driving showed less cardiac stress. The test subjects were younger drivers who were less experienced with longer commutes. Source Link 

You should “Take 10” before heading to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription for that cough or sinus infection. Up to 50-percent of antibiotics may be unnecessary, so you should wait 10 days for symptoms to resolve unless you're running a high fever, have severe pain or if symptoms appear rapidly. Source Link 

You can do a lot with your old smartphone after you buy that new one. Besides being a hand-me-down, your old phone could be a hands-free screen for use with Siri or Google Assistant or you can put it to work as a dedicated remote for your TV or smart home system. And that old phone can be a new handheld gaming device for young children who won’t need to play with your new phone. Source Link 

May 21, 2020

That sleek cellphone you carry makes it more likely to be a germ magnet. The virus responsible for COVID-19 can live on glass, plastic and stainless steel for days and your phone should be cleaned regularly using a disinfectant wipe or a microfiber cloth with 70 percent alcohol. Make it a habit to wash your phone before you wash your hands. Source Link 

Need another reason to swap out that old carpeting for hardwood? It could be a major source of kids' exposure to harmful chemicals that were once used to make carpets stain- and soil-resistant. Experts say families, schools and daycares can eliminate that risk by replacing older carpets. Source Link 

Here’s why that piece of cake may taste even sweeter when paired with a cup of coffee. Researchers found that drinking coffee made people more sensitive to sweetness. But while taste was enhanced by a cup of coffee the familiar fragrance didn’t improve the sense of smell. Source Link 

May 20, 2020

Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t see some of the favorite parts of Memorial Day. The four major broadcast networks are airing a pre-recorded National Memorial Day Parade and you can honor the memory of the fallen by taking a virtual tour of America’s most popular veteran and war memorials online through Google Arts and Culture. Source Link 

Working from home can be habit-forming -- and that’s a good thing. Develop some consistency to your work routine at home and create a schedule for all your family to help everyone predict how the day is going to go. And keeping to your routine for personal care will make you feel more like you’re being professional. Source Link 

Taking time to eat your veggies can make them easier to swallow. Every forkful of food must first be dissolved by saliva before the taste buds have a turn. If you include these foods more often in your diet the taste for them will eventually change. Source Link 

May 19, 2020

When school’s out for summer you can use the time to teach your kids about money. Pre-schoolers can learn the basics of currency and elementary students can pick up on healthy spending habits. Teens can start earning money and making their own spending and saving decisions. Source Link 

Need another reason to say “no” to getting opioids at the dentist? A study found they are no better than other medications at treating the pain of a pulled tooth. About half all opioids prescribed for dental pain went unused and that increases the risk for later abuse. Source Link

No one wants to miss an important online meeting because your laptop battery runs low and here are some tips to stay powered-up. Adust settings to dim the screen brightness and shut down WiFi and Bluetooth when you aren’t using them. And don’t leave your laptop plugged in all the time because that can wear out your battery faster. Source Link 

May 18, 2020

Mom has that special touch when it comes to her baby -- and dad does too. In a study, infants less than a year old had slower heart rates after a hug from mom or dad. The effect was seen with others but a hug from a parent was the most calming. Source Link

For many people home WiFi might double as a work connection and you want the best performance. Pick a location for your router that’s high and unobstructed and find the spot in your home with the best connection speed. And look at backup options for connecting through your phone with a mobile data hot spot. Source Link 

Having trouble managing money may be more than a financial difficulty for seniors. Researchers found that math problems like struggling to calculate an account balance could be associated with early-stage dementia. It’s important to have a baseline of abilities to measure against any changes that happen. Source Link 

May 15, 2020

It takes just a second to make the call but remember this before you dial 9-1-1. Call for true emergencies -- if you are unsure if it's an emergency, still call. Know the location of the emergency and do your best to stay calm and answer all questions. And don’t just hang up if you call 9-1-1 by mistake because that might seem like an emergency to a 9-1-1 operator. Source Link 

Building a better breakfast sandwich starts with what it’s made of. Skip the croissants or biscuits and try a whole-wheat English muffin, tortilla or pita wrap. Include four ounces of protein from eggs, turkey sausage or lean meat leftovers like chicken along with plenty of veggies and add some kick with salsa or hot sauce. Source Link 

Getting a good night’s sleep starts long before your head hits the pillow. Have dinner before 7 p.m. to give your body time to digest your meal before bedtime. Use a nightly wind-down routine like brushing your teeth, taking a warm shower, listening to relaxing music and reading a book. And keep electronics out of the bedroom, especially for kids. Source Link 

May 14, 2020

Some people say they can’t think right on an empty stomach, but is there a good food to eat before you make a big decision? Choose food high in tryptophan like chicken soup or chocolate. Tryptophan helps to make the brain chemical serotonin that plays a major role in the decision-making process. Source Link 

Looking for a natural energy boost that’s not caffeinated? Hazelnuts, cashews or almonds are rich in magnesium, and whole eggs are packed with protein and B vitamins, which help convert food into energy. Fresh fruit can also provide natural sugar along with beneficial fiber and vitamin C from oranges, kiwi, mangoes, pineapple or strawberries. Source Link 

Watch for these red flags to avoid being scammed when renting a vacation home or apartment online. Beware of owners who want you to communicate or send money outside of the rental platform. And do some homework online by checking to see if the address exists or using a Google image search to find out if the pictures in the listing are from elsewhere. Source Link 

May 13, 2020

It would be great if these popular internet hacks really worked but they don’t. Leaving an avocado pit in guacamole won’t keep it from turning brown and lemon juice doesn’t make marble countertops shiny. Ice cubes don’t sharpen garbage disposal blades and brushing your teeth with charcoal can remove not just stains but the enamel too. Source Link 

A simple household appliance may help kids with asthma breathe easier. In a study, using a high-quality air purifier in the bedroom helped children avoid asthma attacks. Having the air filtered all night long removed two-thirds of the tiny particles that can cause asthma flare-ups. Source Link 

If you want to avoid germs in the kitchen that can make you sick, ditch those cloth towels. Testing showed that hand towels are the top contamination hazard because people use them to wipe off kitchen surfaces that carry bacteria. And don’t handle your cellphone when preparing food because it can also harbor those bad bugs. Source Link 

May 12, 2020

If you’re in the market for a used car this might be a good time to buy. A record drop in wholesale prices in April has meant savings for car dealers but they might not be passing that on buyers so you’ll want to shop around to find the best price. Source Link 

It may not pay to be that person who grabs the restaurant check with hopes of scoring rewards points on your credit card. In a survey, 70 percent of people say they’ve been stiffed at least once by fellow diners and it happens frequently to one in four people who pick up the check. Source Link 

We can all help the environment in simple ways in everyday life. Using LED bulbs, a low-flow showerhead or a smart thermostat is a good start but also think about reducing your carbon footprint. You can eat more locally-sourced foods to cut down on fossil fuel use in transportation. Source Link 

May 11, 2020

What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link

Staying sharper as we age could mean more shuffling cards and breaking out the board games. Researchers found that people in their 70s who regularly played board games scored higher on tests of memory and thinking skills. And those who played games were more likely to maintain thinking skills as they age. Source Link 

Houseplants are more than just pretty to look at -- they could also improve your health. The scent of rosemary may help with memory by boosting a brain neurotransmitter. Peace Lillies can purify the air by removing toxins from paint and varnish and a spider plant can clean dangerous formaldehyde from indoor air. Source Link 

May 8, 2020

Looking for a good exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve the fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. The slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link 

How can you avoid being shocked by what you see when you step on the bathroom scale? You can stop sneaky weight gain by evaluating your activity level and checking to see if some bad food habits have crept into your diet. Swap those low-nutrition items with more fruits and vegetables and commit to 30 minutes of exercise each day. Source Link 

If you load that toothbrush with a long stripe of toothpaste, you’re using too much. A pea-sized dollop is all you need to get the job done. Using lots of toothpaste can give you too much fluoride and that’s especially bad for youngsters whose developing teeth can become streaked or spotted. Source Link 

May 7, 2020

Cyberbullying of kids can be hard to spot for parents but there are ways to protect your child. Regularly check their social network pages and teach kids not to share anything that could hurt or embarrass them or others. Tell them to talk to you if an online message or image makes them feel threatened or hurt. And encourage your kids to speak up if they see cyberbullying happening to someone else. Source Link 

Is fasting a healthy way to trim those extra pounds? Experts say it can be, whether you restrict the amount of time each day when you eat or use alternate-day fasting. In time-restricted eating, the body’s circadian rhythms that control hormones can help boost metabolism and reduce weight even if someone eats the same number of calories. Source Link 

You don’t need an evening class or an online course to become a more valuable employee. Focus on improving communications with the careful crafting of emails and overall attention to detail. Get more organized by using to-do apps or keeping your work area cleaner. And be a team player by reaching out to co-workers to help them when you can. Source Link 

May 6, 2020

It might seem to be at odds but drinking coffee can help you take a better nap. Pinpoint the afternoon time when you start to drag, find a quiet spot behind a closed door or on the couch, drink a cup of coffee and set a timer for 25 minutes before you start to nap. The caffeine will begin to wake you up in about 20 minutes and you won’t feel groggy after your mid-day shuteye. Source Link 

Your heart is in the right place when you donate that old computer, phone or tablet but make sure your personal data doesn’t go with it. There’s a factory reset feature on your phone or tablet that will wipe away anything you’ve loaded. With a PC or laptop, you can run special software to erase data but the safest step is to remove the hard drive before you donate. Source Link 

It’s great for cleaning clothes but there are many more things you can put in your washing machine. You may know about stuffed animals and ballcaps but shower curtains, yoga mats, pillows and even backpacks can go in the washer. And you can wash things like Legos, bath scrubbers and even your pet’s toys in a mesh garment bag in the washer. Source Link 

May 5, 2020

The family that plays games together may have closer ties no matter where they are. Testing found that playing video games can unite generations of the same family. Word games or action games helped and you don’t have to be in the same room to benefit because online gaming improved family ties with faraway relatives. Source Link

Looking for an alternative to help you kick the soda habit? If you like the fizz, try sparkling water with a lemon twist, lime twist, crushed raspberries or a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Cola fans can switch to iced redbush tea to get the same taste and if you like ginger ale you can make your own with seltzer water, freshly grated ginger and a half-teaspoon of the natural sweetener stevia. Source Link 

More people are swapping the shot for a pill in their battle against allergies. Under-the-tongue allergy pills have caught on as a way to treat hay fever and dust mite allergies and three out of four doctors have patients who use them. Convenience is the key because pills can be taken at home but shots must be administered at the doctor's office. Source Link 

May 4, 2020

Budgeting your personal finances can be easier if you stick to the 50/20/30 rule. Half of your income goes to essentials like food, housing, utilities and transportation and 20 percent is for savings. The other 30 percent covers expenses that are personal choices like your cell phone plan, gym membership, or dining out with friends. Source Link 

What food is high in protein and fiber and loaded with good fats? Nuts are a natural hunger-buster as a handy snack. Just watch the portion and limit yourself to about 10 or 12 peanuts, walnuts or pistachios and you’ll stay around 100 calories. Source Link 

When you need a vaccination but don’t have time for an office visit your local pharmacy may be able to help. Common adult vaccinations for the flu, pneumonia and shingles are often available from a pharmacist and no appointment is needed. Just be sure that the pharmacy reports the vaccination to your doctor and the state health department. Source Link 

May 1, 2020

With a few simple hacks, you can use the camera on your phone to get results that might rival a DSLR camera. Add-on lenses offer more wide-angle, telephoto and macro range and using a tripod will allow for steady shots in low light. You can also try other camera apps that give you more manual settings to fine-tune your pictures. Source Link 

Should you pay off student loans sooner or budget that extra money for investing? Experts say it’s okay to invest if the loan interest rate is lower than what your investment might earn and if you have a retirement plan like a 401-k where your employer will match some of your contributions. But first, build a rainy-day savings fund and pay off any high-interest debt. Source Link

You might open the door to better sleep by opening a door or a window. A bedroom with an open door or window has better ventilation that can reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the air from human breath. And those lower carbon dioxide levels may help you sleep better. Source Link