October 30, 2020

The easiest way to get control of managing your finances may be doing less. Automate bill payments and deposits to savings and investments and pay for everything with a credit card that you pay off each month. And consolidate all your account information like the type of account and password in one notebook or file folder. Source Link 

The terms may be used interchangeably but there’s a difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning helps to remove dirt while disinfecting helps kill bacteria and viruses. Cleaning comes first by using a towel or soap and water, followed by a disinfectant product or a solution made from four teaspoons of bleach for each quart of water. Source Link 

Improving your memory may as simple as counting to one. Focusing on doing one thing at a time can improve your ability to store and process information. Researchers found that heavy multitaskers significantly underperformed at doing things that required working memory and sustained attention. Source Link 

October 29, 2020

 You can make this a better day on a count of three. Start by taking three deep breaths every time you sit down at your desk or step to your work spot. Deep breathing calms the nervous system and is the first step to learning meditation that can help you reduce stress. Source Link 

If you use baking powder or baking soda be sure that it's at full strength. The shelf life for an open container is about six months and you can test it. Put one teaspoon of baking powder in ⅓ cup of warm tap water or mix baking soda with two teaspoons of vinegar and both should bubble. Source Link 

Depending on age, vivid dreams are the builders or the maintenance staff for your brain. During REM sleep the brain of an infant is building synapses that will allow neurons to connect and communicate with one another. The primary structure is finished after age two and from then on your sleep becomes more about brain maintenance and repair. Source Link 

October 28, 2020

 When it comes to your teeth, the most effective brushing is not so fast, not so hard and not just on top. Plaque builds up at the gum line so focus your brushing there with smaller, gentle strokes. Don’t hold the toothbrush tightly in your fist; fingertip grip will help you brush correctly and be sure to brush for at least two minutes twice a day. Source Link

Wearing a face mask doesn't lead to carbon dioxide poisoning, even in people with lung disease. That’s according to a new study that looked at oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for healthy people and those with lung disease while using surgical masks. The effects on breathing were minimal even for those with severe lung impairment. Source Link 

Keeping your streaming history away from advertisers takes a few steps for devices and services. Smart TVs and streaming players like Roku and Fire TV have settings to limit such sharing. Services with commercials offer settings to reduce or remove your viewing history that can be used for targeted advertising. Source Link 

October 27, 2020

 Using your health insurance isn’t something to do only when you’re sick. Many policies include wellness programs to improve your health and help you manage chronic conditions. Nutrition, smoking cessation, fitness, combating substance abuse and stress management are among the common wellness offerings that are often free or discounted. Source Link 

Can the same thing that makes your dishes sparkly clean defeat that grimy oven? A dishwasher tablet dipped in warm water can be used to scrub away tough stains on oven walls. It also works well on the glass and is effective on the surrounding metal part of the oven door. Wet it long enough to soak up a bit of water, but not too long that it starts to crumble. Source Link 

This could be the upside of suffering with a common cold -- it might protect you against COVID-19. When you get a cold your body’s memory B cells detect pathogens and produce antibodies to destroy them and remember them for the future. Researchers found that B cells that attacked previous common cold viruses also appeared to recognize the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Source Link 

October 26, 2020

 You can get a handle on home clutter by answering two questions. First, categorize items as useful or decorative. For useful items, ask yourself if you’ve used it in the past year. For decorative pieces, ask yourself if you “love” it. If the answer to the question is “no” it’s time to sell, recycle, give away or donate the item. Source Link 

Who knew we were using these things the wrong way? A round food container heats leftovers more evenly than a rectangular one and load that blender starting with the liquid and layer from smallest to largest items so the blades run smoothly. And the middle of the dishwasher is best for plates with potatoes or tomatoes but the bottom rack gives more soaking time to remove a protein-based mess like eggs. Source Link 

A half-hour escape outdoors could be a breath of fresh air for your workday. Researchers who surveyed employees found just 29 minutes spent outdoors resulted in a 45% increase in productivity. And 63% of surveyed employees said they feel much better “in themselves” after getting some fresh air. Source Link

October 23, 2020

 No one wants to miss an important online meeting because your laptop battery runs low and here are some tips to stay powered-up. Adjust settings to dim the screen brightness and shut down WiFi and Bluetooth when you aren’t using them. And don’t leave your laptop plugged in all the time because that can wear out your battery faster. Source Link 

Here’s why that piece of cake may taste even sweeter when paired with a cup of coffee. Researchers found that drinking coffee made people more sensitive to sweetness. But while taste was enhanced by a cup of coffee the familiar fragrance didn’t improve the sense of smell. Source Link 

Try this three-step plan to boost your happiness. Increase social connections with old friends or even strangers, but Facebook friends don’t count. Perform acts of kindness by volunteering, buying coffee for the person behind you in line or letting someone merge in front of you on the highway. And try exercising for a natural boost in feel-good hormones. Source Link 

October 22, 2020

 If your mind starts racing after you wake up in the middle of the night you can try these tips to get back to sleep. Get out of bed and read a book - but nothing too exciting - or listen to an audiobook or a podcast that’s not a shoutfest. You can also head to the kitchen for a light snack like whole-grain crackers or popcorn that has carbs to help switch-on the body’s sleep hormones. Source Link 

When you're serious about buying that next home don’t forget to check these simple things before you make an offer. See if you can get a good cell phone signal inside the home and test your commute to find out what rush hour is like in the morning and in the evening. And ask about the neighbors and try to meet them, if possible. Source Link

Being prepared for an emergency room visit could help speed treatment and reduce anxiety when you need help fast. A convenient location is important, but so are the capabilities of the ER. Go to a hospital's website and see if they have physicians with special training such as pediatric emergency medicine and find out if the hospital is a trauma center equipped to stabilize and treat critical injuries Source Link

October 21, 2020

 Are you falling for some of these myths about motoring? You don’t get better fuel mileage with a truck tailgate down and you won’t get more gas if you fill up in the cool of the morning. Your coolant and air filter don’t need to be changed every time with the oil and you can replace just one tire if it’s the same brand, model and size. Source Link 

Just talking indoors may spread the coronavirus over a significant part of a room. A new study found that a normal, indoor conversation creates a “jet-like” flow of air that quickly sprays tiny droplets across a room for a number of feet. Researchers say face masks do a very good job of stopping the air flow produced while speaking. Source Link

Like the one you use for unexpected injuries, a financial first aid kit can put important information close at hand in case of emergency. Include financial statements for investment and banking accounts and a record of your last credit score, a copy of your mortgage and the title for your car. These can be paper copies or a document that’s saved to a thumb drive. Source Link 

October 20, 2020

 It’s easy to eat healthy anytime right from your freezer. Frozen shrimp or fish fillets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie; whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months and satisfy that sweet tooth with 100-percent fruit frozen treats. Source Link 

There’s evidence that adding gluten to your infant’s diet early on may help prevent celiac disease. Babies who were given wheat protein along with breast milk at four months old were less likely to develop gluten intolerance. People with celiac disease usually must cut out all gluten from their diets. Source Link 

If you’d rather not let the whole world see the outside of your home through Google Street View there’s an easy way to drop out of focus. Type your address into Google Maps and activate Street View to see your house. Click “report a problem” in the black bar at the bottom right of the screen and ask for your house to be blurred for safety reasons. Source Link 

October 19, 2020

 Think of it as spring cleaning, except it happens in fall and the chores are outdoors. Store your lawn mower safely by draining the gasoline and replacing it with a special fuel mix that has no ethanol. And speaking of draining, don’t forget to winterize that sprinkler system by blowing out water from the lines and from any sprinkler heads. Source Link 

The answer to preventing falls in older age could be as simple as hitting the dance floor. Researchers found a one-third reduction in falls for seniors who took part in dance-based mind-motor activities with upright movements that emphasize balance and use music or an inner rhythm. This can include dance lessons, ballroom or folk dancing or even Tai Chi. Source Link 

It shouldn’t be surprising that authorities have identified more than 200 pandemic-related scams. That’s everything from phony vaccines and fake cures to scams promising to double your retirement savings. In romance scams, widows and widowers who can’t go out are befriended online by con artists who persuade them to give up their money. Source Link 

October 16, 2020

 It would be great if these popular internet hacks really worked but they don’t. Leaving an avocado pit in guacamole won’t keep it from turning brown and lemon juice doesn’t make marble countertops shiny. Ice cubes don’t sharpen garbage disposal blades and brushing your teeth with charcoal can remove not just stains but the enamel too. Source Link 

Taking time to eat your veggies can make them easier to swallow. Every forkful of food must first be dissolved by saliva before the taste buds have a turn. If you include these foods more often in your diet the taste for them will eventually change. Source Link 

Need another reason to swap out that old carpeting for hardwood? It could be a major source of kids' exposure to harmful chemicals that were once used to make carpets stain- and soil-resistant. Experts say families, schools and day cares can eliminate that risk by replacing older carpets. Source Link 

October 15, 2020

 You can turn that old cell phone into a security device for home or away. Use a free app with your phone’s camera to make it a home monitor or to keep an eye on your baby at night. Or put the old phone on a cheap or free plan and keep it on in your car as a backup if you lose your phone or as a tracking device if your car is stolen. Source Link 

Are you making these privacy mistakes with social media? Maybe you have the same password for multiple sites or aren't using two-factor authentication for sign-ins. You could forget to set viewing for your posts so they aren’t open to everyone or ignore tagged photos that can link back to you forever. Or you use a Facebook login to connect to other websites. Source Link 

Being a special kind of heavy sleeper could reduce insomnia. Researchers found that using a weighted blanket can be an effective way to improve sleep. It’s believed that the weight stimulates the sensation of touch similar to a massage and triggers the part of the nervous system that gives you a feeling of calm. Source Link 

October 14, 2020

 Sharing time with your long-distance grandchildren doesn’t have to be just a Zoom call or a FaceTime conversation. You can work on projects together, whether that’s drawing in a shared sketchbook or building the same hobby items. You can also read the same books and then discuss them with your grandchildren. Source Link 

A great start to your day can begin with a purposeful plan. Immediately picking up your phone to check the news, email and social media has you reacting to others and sets the tone for the day. Commit to a few value activities that you want to do each day because studies have shown that most people are productive in the first two hours of the morning. Source Link 

Think twice about taking a supplement that promises a brain boost. A review of so-called "smart drug" supplements found some with foreign pharmaceuticals not approved in the United States, often in potentially dangerous combinations and dosages. Some makers of brain boost supplements may be trying to cash in on the worries of people who are getting older. Source Link 

October 13, 2020

 Remember the numbers 4, 7 and 8 when you want to fall asleep faster. A breathing technique that can have a calming effect has you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. You get the full benefits by lying down on your back while doing this exercise, even if you usually sleep on your side. Source Link 

Everyone wants smart shortcuts to make cleaning faster and easier, like using a laundry basket to quickly collect all the clutter in your home. You can stash the basket out of sight immediately if company is coming soon or walk around with the laundry basket and put all the things back where they belong. Source Link 

Simply sending a file to your laptop’s Recycle Bin and then emptying it doesn’t mean your sensitive data is gone for good. It remains on your hard drive until it’s overwritten by something else and that could take some time with a large drive. You can use free software like CCleaner for PC and Mac to overwrite those files instantly. Source Link 

October 12, 2020

 If that itch is rubbing you the wrong way don’t try to scratch out some relief. Scientists say rubbing an itchy spot on your skin activates an “anti-itch pathway” within the spinal cord for faster relief. Scratching can be quite harmful to the skin and isn’t the most effective way to ease that itch. Source Link 

Cleaning out your dryer’s lint trap can prevent a fire but don’t just toss it into the trash. Lint from cotton or wool can be used as a mulch around potted plants or spread as a thick layer to prevent weeds. And you can keep a jar of dryer lint in the garage to use when you need to soak up oil spills. Source Link 

Just because you rent instead of owning a home doesn’t mean you should skip the insurance. A renters policy can cover your liability, personal possessions and living expenses after a fire, burglary or storm damage. It’s affordable too because insurance industry figures show that the average premium for renters coverage is about $17 a month. Source Link 

October 9, 2020

 What kinds of used products are a better buy? Exercise equipment, hand tools, sports gear, bikes and furniture may have plenty of life in them for a second owner. Used clothing can be a big saver even when compared to prices at a discount store and buying a used car helps you avoid the fast depreciation that happens with a new one. Source Link 

It may not pay to be that person who grabs the restaurant check with hopes of scoring rewards points on your credit card. In a survey, 70 percent of people say they’ve been stiffed at least once by fellow diners and it happens frequently to one in four people who pick up the check. Source Link 

We can all help the environment in simple ways in everyday life. Using LED bulbs, a low-flow shower head or a smart thermostat is a good start but also think about reducing your carbon footprint. You can eat more locally-sourced foods to cut down on fossil fuel use in transportation. Source Link 

October 8, 2020

 We know to keep tabs on our credit report, but other records could affect your chances of getting a new job. Doing a background check on yourself may uncover mistaken arrest warrants or ID theft that led to a suspended license. Experts say you need a professional background check and not the kind offered to consumers online. Source Link  

Being anxious about a visit to the dentist isn’t unusual but there are some things that can help. Tell the dentist or hygienist about your anxiety so they can help ease your fears and offer the best options to reduce pain. And keep a regular schedule of check ups so problems can be caught before they require major work. Source Link 

When a smoke alarm goes off in a house fire you might have just two minutes to escape, so be sure you know two ways out. Fire safety experts recommend finding two escape routes from every room and then rehearsing with your family so everyone can safely escape your home within two minutes. Source Link 

October 7, 2020

 If you’re among the millions voting by mail this year you may be able to track the ballot’s delivery to your elections office. A number of states are using services that give each ballot a unique code number that you can track online. You can also sign up for the Postal Service’s free Informed Delivery service to find out when your mail ballot will be delivered to you. Source Link

Many of us will soon be doing an annual review of health insurance coverage and other workplace benefits and you should look at all your options. You might increase group life insurance coverage or add a spouse. Consider supplemental health insurance that can cover out-of-pocket hospital expenses. And accident insurance pays you cash when you’re laid up. Source Link

Part-time smokers may still have a full risk for lung cancer. A study found that social smokers who have less than 10 cigarettes per day are more than eight times as likely to die from lung cancer. Researchers say cutting back on cigarettes or switching to e-cigarettes some of the time isn’t an effective way to avoid the health risks associated with smoking. Source Link

October 6, 2020

 Social media has been full of fake health products and financial scams during the coronavirus pandemic. Researchers found thousands of Twitter and Instagram posts that pushed illegal or unapproved testing kits, untested treatments and counterfeit cures. And they say it may get worse when officials announce an effective vaccine or treatments. Source Link

How can a soda can help you double your closet space? Remove an empty can’s pull tab and using two hangers, slide the hook of one hanger through the hole on the top of the pull tab. Then slide the hook of the other hanger through the hole in the bottom of the pull tab to hang two items in the space of one. Source Link

Do you really know who’s seeing your personal health data going to that smartphone app? It’s not protected by existing laws that require privacy and consent to share your medical information. Check the ability to limit sharing in setup and if you see ads in a health app your data is probably being shared with an advertiser. Source Link 

October 5, 2020

 The effects of the pandemic have put the old-fashioned phone call back atop the ways that people like to communicate. Those in a study said that phone calls were the best way to connect with friends and family during lockdown. A voice conversation ranked higher than any type of text-based communication. Source Link 

The world is waiting for a safe, effective coronavirus vaccine but according to new research you may already be wearing one. Non-medical face masks can’t stop all coronavirus from reaching you but that low-dose exposure is the same idea behind vaccines. You get a small dose of the virus to help your body build up immunity without suffering serious side effects. Source Link 

If you’re getting package deliveries with online shopping watch out for a text message scam. The Better Business Bureau says the messages look like a request to claim your package but clicking a link in the text will send you to a bogus website to try to steal credit card information or download malware to your computer. Source Link

October 2, 2020

 Most homes have two built-in bacteria busters. The sanitize cycle on a dishwasher can disinfect pet bowls, scrub pads and some plastic kid’s toys. And using your dryer on a high heat setting for 30 minutes can wipe out microorganisms on clothing as well as germs on stuffed animals and throw blankets. Source Link 

What foods can have a long and healthy life on your shelf? Vinegars, honey, vanilla or other extracts, sugar, salt, corn syrup and molasses will last virtually forever as will white flour and white rice. Unrefined grain products like whole-wheat bread can be frozen to greatly extend their useful life. Source Link 

Staying sharper as we age could mean more shuffling cards and breaking out the board games. Researchers found that people in their 70s who regularly played board games scored higher on tests of memory and thinking skills. And those who played games were more likely to maintain thinking skills as they age. Source Link 

October 1, 2020

 You can make space in your fridge by removing any of these foods. Tomatoes are best kept on the kitchen counter and coffee needs a cool and dry place for storage. Bread can be kept in the freezer but not the refrigerator and onions and potatoes don’t need to take up space in your crisper because any cool, dry storage place will do. Source Link 

Can cutting carbs save your eyesight as we age? New research suggests a low-carbohydrate diet might protect you against glaucoma. It’s the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. and patients typically have few or no symptoms until the disease progresses and they lose their peripheral vision. Source Link 

They might make for a relaxing bath or clean teeth but there are some things that shouldn't go down the shower drain. Common additives in a bath bomb like cornstarch and even glitter don’t dissolve well and the residue can stick to pipes and create a clog. And toothpaste can also harden in the shower drain and cause a similar problem. Source Link