June 29, 2018

New moms can help dads bond with their baby by backing off a bit. A study found that fathers who felt judged by their partners for their parenting skills could become less involved with their kids down the line. A mother might take over an activity with the child if she thought the father was doing it wrong or would over-criticize the dad. Source Link 
Could your kitchen towel make you sick? If you multi-task with it, the answer is “yes.” Researchers found that half of towels they tested had more bacteria that might cause food poisoning. The risk comes from using a kitchen towel for multiple tasks, like wiping up spills, cleaning utensils and drying dishes. Source Link 
A new coat of this paint color on your front door might increase the value of your home by thousands of dollars. A study of photos from home listings on Zillow.com found that houses with black or charcoal gray front doors sold for about $6,000 more than expected. When it comes to adding a pop of color, experts say darker hues of blue and gray and even black are increasingly popular. Source Link 

June 28, 2018

We’re doing a better job of eating right. A new report says over a 13-year period there have been fewer heart disease cases, less cancer and fewer cases of type-2 diabetes, largely because trans fats have been banned and people are drinking fewer sugar-sweetened beverages. But Americans are still only about halfway to a perfect score for healthy eating. Source Link 
It’s an old debate in the world of recycling - do you really need to rinse out items? Experts say a quick water rinse or just a shake and a wipe with a paper towel works fine. If you recycle paper, cans and jars together make sure any leftover food isn’t dripping on the paper. Source Link 
Heat stroke can hit cell phones too, so don’t leave your phone in the car in hot weather or charge it in direct sunlight. If your phone needs to cool down take it out of your pocket, put it in Airplane mode or turn it off. But never put your phone somewhere like a freezer to cool off because rapid temperature change can create damaging condensation inside the phone. Source Link 

June 27, 2018

There’s a right way to make your morning routine work for mind and body. Instead of jumping out of bed, first bring your knees to your chest to warm up muscles and then drink a glass of water to rehydrate your body. And don’t check your cell phone immediately because that list of notifications can mean a stressful start to the day. Source Link 
Your dog needs special help to stay safe in summer. Dogs will push themselves to please you no matter the temperature, so avoid strenuous play during the hottest times of the day. Not all dogs can swim, so use a doggy life vest of you’re in deep water and make sure your dog has protection from ticks that are abundant in summer. Source Link 
You can turn that old cell phone into a security device at home or on the road. Use a free app with your phone’s camera to make it a home monitor or to keep an eye on your baby at night. Or put the old phone on a cheap or free plan and keep it on in your car as a backup if you lose your phone or as a tracking device if your car is stolen. Source Link

June 26, 2018

How can you “clearly” improve the look of your refrigerator and maybe your waistline too? Put small items like yogurt cups in clear plastic bins so they don’t get lost in the back of a shelf. And keep fresh fruit and raw vegetables up front in a clear container so you can see your way to healthy snacking. Source Link 
You may need to pack more than passports when your family takes an international vacation. Some countries require additional documents to help prevent child abductions. Check the U.S. State Department website for travel alerts and make copies of your travel documents to leave with a friend or family member back home. Source Link 
Mom might have said, “Don’t go swimming until 30 minutes after a meal” but that’s one of the myths of summer. Experts say there’s not much risk of dangerous cramps when swimming after eating. It’s also not true that salt water is good for cuts, and yes, you do need to use sunscreen even if it’s a cloudy day. Source Link

June 25, 2018

It could it be a sweet solution to a deadly problem. Experts recommend that children who accidentally swallow button batteries should immediately be given honey to form a protective barrier between the battery and tissues in the throat. Each year, thousands of children swallow small batteries than can cause severe internal injuries. Source Link 
Six out of ten Americans suffer digital eye strain from too much screen time, but there are some simple remedies. Position a computer monitor so your eye level is 15 inches above the center of the screen and remember the 20-20-20 rule -- every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You should also make a conscious effort to blink more. Source Link 
When football returns this fall you might want your favorite NFL team to play more Monday, Thursday and Sunday night games. A study found that winning teams had fewer turnovers during night games compared to Sunday afternoon contests. Researchers think the body’s circadian rhythms make players more alert later in the day. Source Link

July 22, 2018

You love to barbeque but how do you avoid the cancer-causing compounds that can come with char-broiling? Experts say think beyond red meat and grill more vegetables, poultry, fish or scallops that don’t raise the health risk. And when you grill red meat, choose less-processed cuts like steak rather than burgers, brats or hot dogs. Source Link 
If you need another reason to encourage your teen to get enough z’s, here’s one - teenagers who sleep less than 7 hours a night could be on a path to future heart trouble. Researchers found more body fat, elevated blood pressure and less-healthy cholesterol levels in sleep-deprived teens and all of that is bad for your heart. Source Link 
The next iPhone software update will make it easier for emergency crews to locate you during a 9-1-1 call. The new feature will send precise location data to dispatchers and first responders. This puts Apple in compliance with rules that will require all cell phones to provide precise locations during emergency calls by the year 2021. Source Link 

June 21, 2018

Helicopter parenting could cause a child’s coping mechanism to crash and burn. A study found that children with an over-controlling parent at age 2 had worse emotional and behavioral skills at age 5. Researchers say directing every move a toddler makes may undermine a child's ability to manage their emotions and behavior on their own. Source Link 
The nation’s highest court has opened the door to a challenge of Apple’s monopoly on providing apps for your iPhone and iPad. The U.S. Supreme Court will allow a lawsuit by iPhone owners who claim that Apple’s exclusive App Store forces a 30 percent markup on the price of every app that’s sold. Source Link 
Seasonal depression that we usually see with winter can happen in summer too. Experts say a small portion of people with Seasonal Affective Disorder may experience it during the summer months because of more exposure to sunlight. The summer type has opposite side effects and can lead to insomnia and reduce your appetite. Source Link 

June 20, 2018

It’s mind over matter that you can measure on a scale. Studies show that mindfulness focused on eating can change how you approach food when your first reaction to stress is to reach for something to eat. You can improve mindfulness with meditation, by keeping a food journal or using an app that tracks eating, or by joining a weight-loss program with weekly group meetings. Source Link 
Just like a car, your vehicle for the information superhighway needs an occasional checkup. Use the owner’s manual or contact your cable modem provider to download an update for your router’s firmware to improve performance and reduce the risk of being hacked. If there isn’t a recent update available you probably need a new router. Source Link 
You have auto insurance, but what about Uber insurance? RideSafe is an insurance policy for passengers who use services like Uber or Lyft. You pay $2.40 a day for coverage that fills any gaps in your health insurance or provides a $100,000 death benefit for accidents that occur in a ridesharing vehicle. Source Link

June 19, 2018

Could you “swipe right” to find the perfect budget? The “Joy” app for iOS uses psychological tools like those found in dating apps to avoid overspending by asking you to rate if a purchase makes you happy or sad. The virtual money coach also makes it easy to build savings with deposits into an FDIC-insured account. Source Link 
Getting crystal clear water in your pool has its limits. Experts say too much chlorine can cause skin rashes, coughing, nose or throat pain, eye irritation and even asthma attacks. Always follow label directions for pool chemicals and have swimmers shower off after taking a dip to prevent skin reactions from chlorine. Source Link 
If walking is part of your exercise regimen you might want to pick up the pace. A study found that faster walkers had a longer lifespan than those who took a leisurely stroll. But doesn’t have to be a race because even average-speed walkers saw benefits over those who walked slowly. Source Link 

June 18, 2018

If the thermostat in your office is set on “Arctic” there are ways to stay warm without packing the parka. Take a cue from your winter wardrobe and wear shirts with thumb holes or slide into some fingerless gloves. Eating spicy foods can warm you up from the inside and a heating pad can turn your chair into a warm oasis amid that frigid AC air. Source Link 
Can you talk your child out of feeling the pain of a shot by not using the “H” word? A study found that kids felt less pain when they were told beforehand that it wouldn’t hurt much. For example, you could say, “this is going to feel like a branch scraping against your skin” instead of “this is going to hurt.” Source Link 
Apple is making it harder for hackers to get inside your iPhone if it’s lost or stolen. A new feature will prohibit someone from accessing the phone through the USB port if the phone has been locked for more than one hour. Security experts say the new feature could stop nine out of ten attempts to open a locked iPhone. Source Link 

June 15, 2018

Keeping kids safe in the summer sun starts early. Teach children to apply an SPF 15 sunscreen before they begin their day outdoors and reapply every two hours and after swimming, even if the sunscreen says its water-resistant. Babies under six months old can’t be exposed to the chemicals in sunscreen and must stay covered up when in the sun. Source Link 
To graduate to better fitness, pick classes at the gym that cover all the subjects. For strength training that’s Pilates or classes using resistance bands or kettlebells. You can cover cardio with spinning, stepping or dance classes and flexibility with yoga or tai chi that have the added benefit of easing stress. Source Link 
You know about creating a will to settle an estate after you’re gone, but what about your virtual life? You can set up a Facebook legacy contact person who will update your profile and cover photo and create a pinned post as a farewell message. And a Google trusted contact can have access to your Google Drive, Photos and Gmail after you die. Source Link 

June 14, 2018

Cleaning by number is one way to tackle the clutter in your home. Pick a number of things you’ll put away in one session and focus on one thing at a time, like stray shoes or getting rid of unneeded extras of some item. And always keep one box or bag ready to hold items that can be donated. Source Link 
Cold cuts are great for a sandwich but can harbor a nasty germ. Listeria can cause a foodborne infection that’s most dangerous for pregnant women and newborns, adults 65 or older, and people with weakened immune systems. You can protect yourself by keeping unopened deli meat no more than two weeks and eating open packages within 3 to 5 days. Source Link 
Most of us aren’t very good at picking strong passwords. Some of the biggest no-no’s are using names of sports teams, brands or pop culture references, or reusing passwords with slight variations. Experts suggest using a free password manager program that creates strong unique passwords and remembers them for you. Source Link 

June 13, 2018

Apple wants to make it easier to avoid smartphone addiction. New features in the next iOS update will include an option to group notifications to reduce home screen clutter and a “Do Not Disturb” mode to shut down notifications at night. And a new iPhone dashboard will show how long you’re using each app and let you set your own time limits. Source Link 
Visiting an urgent care center instead of the emergency room can save you time and money. Experts say you should go to the ER only if you have any sign of a stroke; persistent chest pain, trouble breathing or loss of consciousness; a high fever with a rash; a serious fall or injury involving the head or eyes; bleeding that won’t stop; a serious burn or a sudden, severe headache or loss of vision. Source Link 
When you’re tired of celery sticks and carrots as healthy snacks you can try some 50-calorie substitutes like a cup of raspberries or blueberries that are high in fiber or two cups of cherry tomatoes in any variety. Half a medium bell pepper and a tablespoon of dip keeps you under 50 calories or try a cup and a half of air-popped popcorn. Source Link 

June 12, 2018

If the morning routine starts with checking your phone, making the bed and pouring that first cup of coffee, you may want to rethink your habits. Experts say diving right into social media can leave you stressed and the caffeine in coffee is more effective a few hours after you wake up. And letting your bedding air out for a while reduces the moisture that can feed dust mites. Source Link 
So, you have a bucket list for your life. You may want to share it with your doctor. Whether it’s travel, a personal goal such as running a marathon or achieving a milestone like 50 years of marriage, sharing your bucket list helps your doctor provide personalized care and suggest lifestyle changes that may help you achieve more. Source Link 
When all the bad news of the world today has you stressed there’s a good news solution -- help others. Experts say making a donation or volunteering your time can ease feelings of helplessness from the weight of the world’s problems. You can also seek social support by joining a club or group to do something you enjoy. Source Link 

June 11, 2018

Are you hearing a song you can’t get out of your head? You’re not alone. Nine out of 10 people say they often have “earworm” songs playing on endless repeat. Researchers think they’re triggered by experiences that connect you to the song. The remedy may be finding a mentally demanding task that keeps your brain busy. Source Link 
Here’s a safety tip you can count on every time you fly. Experts say count the number of rows between you and the nearest exit. That way you can reach out and count the seats by touch as you pass them to make it to the exit in the dark, in smoke or even if the plane is under water. Source Link 
When it comes to creepy crawlers, you could grab for a dinner plate instead of the bug spray. Insects are digestible and tasty when cooked and are a staple in diets around the world. Researchers say about 1,900 insect species are edible and can provide healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and essential minerals. Source Link 

June 8, 2018

So, you want to do your part for the environment but you can’t swap your car for a bike, switch to all-solar energy or recycle everything? Spending one minute less in the shower each day would save thousands of gallons of water a year. You could also stop using disposable products and keep a few plastic bags in your car so you don’t use more of them on every grocery trip. Source Link 
You can see if your pet is overweight without needing a scale. Look at your dog from above and if you can see a waist they’re probably not overweight. Run your fingers across their sides and with a healthy weight you should feel ribs easily without pressing. And you don’t want to be able to grab a handful of fat on the stomach. Source Link 
Wondering why your phone battery can never make it through the day? You can save power by reviewing Location Services to limit apps that can use GPS and turn off background refresh for apps that don’t need it. You can also save power by turning off push notifications for email, Facebook and Twitter. Source Link 

June 7, 2018

Don’t let an imposter take over your phone. Experts warn that fake apps made to look like the real thing can allow hackers to get your personal information. Bogus apps often have typos in their description, ask for too many permissions or are offered in email links. To be safe, only download apps from iTunes or Google Play. Source Link 
Just like in humans, there are warning signs you can spot when your dog is sick. Unexpected accidents indoors could be a sign of a kidney failure or diabetes, and too much tail-chasing might be caused by an ear infection. And labored breathing can be a symptom of heartworm disease. Source Link 
Swatting at a pesky mosquito may be the best way to keep it from biting you. Researchers discovered that mosquitoes could associate a human odor with a mechanical shock similar to swatting and would avoid biting. The scientists say a swat could be as effective as wearing bug repellent. Source Link 

June 6, 2018

Summer camp is no place for a smartphone. A study found that kids who brought their phones with them didn’t fully engage in activities, were disruptive and talked to their parents too often. Experts say a smartphone interferes with the summer camp opportunity to step away from your usual life, enjoy the outdoors and learn new social skills. Source Link 
Using an online review site to find your next doctor may not be an accurate way to pick the best one. Researchers found that independent online ratings tended to be higher when actual scores were medium or low. Some large hospital groups are posting results of their own patient satisfaction surveys that offer a wider sample of doctor ratings. Source Link 
Keeping up with the Joneses can kill your budget when the neighbor hits the lottery. People who lived near someone who won a lottery prize were more likely to spend heavily on cars, make risky investments and eventually declare bankruptcy. Powerball envy wasn’t to blame because the effect was seen when neighbors won lottery prizes under $120,000. Source Link 

June 5, 2018

Worried about whether Alexa is recording your every conversation at home? You can delete all of them by going to the “Manage Your Content and Devices” page on your Amazon account. You can also use the Alexa smartphone app to review and delete individual recordings. Go to the Settings menu and under Options select History. Source Link 
You can keep ticks off by wearing clothing with built-in insect repellant. Testing showed that insecticide-treated clothing stopped ticks from biting or caused them to fall off. You can treat your own clothes with permethrin spray but clothing made with the insect repellant can work for up to 70 washes. Source Link 
If you want to help people quit smoking, you might as well skip the e-cigarettes and nicotine patches and go straight to the cash. A study found that incentives of $600 to $800 tripled the success rate for smokers who wanted to quit. Researchers say the immediate reward of cash was more effective than promising long-term health benefits. Source Link

June 4, 2018

If you spent the weekend catching up on sleep your body may be ready for the new week. A long-term study found that people who slept-in on weekends canceled out some of the adverse effects from getting too little sleep during the week. But experts warn that are still many risks to mental and physical health with a short weekday sleep schedule. Source Link 
You found a tube of sunscreen from last summer, but should you worry about it being expired? Probably not. Sunscreen can start to lose its potency after two or three years but the bigger problem is that people don’t use enough. You should apply the equivalent of a shot glass full of sunscreen and re-apply every few hours. Source Link 
As we see more self-driving cars on the road it looks like fewer people want to be in one. A survey by AAA found that 73 percent of people say they’d be afraid to ride in a full self-driving vehicle. That’s up from a poll taken last year and there’s a generation gap you might not expect because the youngest drivers were the fastest to lose faith in the safety of self-driving cars. Source Link 

June 1, 2018

People who often try after they buy and then return items to Amazon may be doing less shopping with the online retailer as it’s banning some customers who return too many products. This is becoming more common with brick-and-mortar stores but critics say Amazon shoppers may need to return more items that don’t fit or don’t match the online description. Source Link 
Can a downward dog help you control your bladder? New research suggests that yoga can help older women who fight frequent bouts of urinary incontinence. Women learned standard yoga poses and specialized techniques that emphasized posture and breath control to develop an increased awareness of their pelvic floor structure. Source Link 
Summer driving means more kids in the car and experts have some advice to keep them safe. Make sure your young children are in the right size of car seat or booster seat and that teens are using seat belts. And remember that children inside a parked car can be at risk for heat stroke whenever outside temperatures are above 80 degrees. Source Link