January 29, 2021

 What’s the best day to apply for a job to increase your chances of getting hired? It’s the day when the job is posted and research showed that more jobs are posted on Tuesdays than any other day of the week. Those who applied on the first day that a job was posted were 30% more likely to get an interview. Source Link 

There’s a kitchen gadget that’s a time and money saver and is good for your health. A vacuum sealer inhibits bacteria growth and can keep foods fresh for longer. You can also use a vacuum sealer to prepare your own meal kits by combining seasonings with individual portions of an entree that can go from the freezer to the oven or grill. Source Link 

Skin cancer is the most common type and you can stay on-guard by remembering your A-B-Cs and D-E-Fs. Look for a mole that’s asymmetrical, has a border with ragged edges, a color that's uneven, a diameter larger than a pencil eraser or is elevated or raised. If you see any of these in a monthly self-check then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. Source Link 

January 28, 2021

 Building a better breakfast sandwich starts with what it’s made of. Skip the croissants or biscuits and try a whole-wheat English muffin, tortilla or pita wrap. Include four ounces of protein from eggs, turkey sausage or lean meat leftovers like chicken along with plenty of veggies and add some kick with salsa or hot sauce. Source Link 

You might lower blood pressure, ease depression, improve digestion and sleep better without medicines or treatments by practicing meditation. Start by sitting or laying down for about 5 minutes and let your mind wander without trying to control it. Another technique is to focus on your breathing or stare at an object. Source Link 

TV binge-watching may seem fun but your body and brain might beg to differ. Sitting for long periods and eating junk food isn’t good for your body and watching show after show can have the same effect on your brain as compulsive gambling. Make sure a TV binge doesn’t interrupt your sleep, try standing up for five minutes during each episode and pick healthy snacks. Source Link 

January 27, 2021

 Here's a three-step plan to avoid being a victim of online hacking. Start by using a password manager for automatic strong protection that you won’t have to remember. Log onto financial sites using only one device like an old phone, tablet or laptop. And set up alerts so your bank will email or text you about any large transactions. Source Link 

If you have a traditional IRA now might be a great time to switch and save on taxes. Converting to a Roth IRA and paying taxes now could cost you less than doing it later. That's because experts say it’s unlikely individual tax rates will drop any lower in the years to come when Congress will have to deal with a growing budget deficit. Source Link 

While you’re waiting for a COVID vaccination be sure you’re ready should the virus strike you first. Ask yourself where you'll quarantine and, if you're a caregiver, who will care for your children or elderly relatives. And prepare a COVID-19 kit with copies of your insurance card, driver's license and prescriptions and maybe some comfortable clothing and a phone charger. Source Link

January 26, 2021

 It’s what you eat and when you eat it that can make it easier or harder to watch your weight. Front-loading your calories to eat more earlier in the day has been shown to help with weight loss. You can also try a four-meal-a-day plan with a second lunch that you eat at mid-afternoon instead of snacking after dinner. Source Link 

Zombie eating isn’t just having a taste for humans. It’s also being glued to a phone or TV screen during a meal and not paying attention to what you’re eating. Nine out of ten people admit to it and a survey found that the average eater will stare at their phone twice during a meal and only have five screen-free meals per week. Source Link 

It can seem like there’s no longer wait than the one when you’re charging a phone but you can speed up the process. The fastest charge comes with your phone off or in Airplane Mode and using a wall outlet instead of plugging into a computer will make it faster. Remember that heat slows down charging so remove the case and keep the phone out of the sun. Source Link 

January 25, 2021

 Be sure your next load of laundry doesn’t include these items. Washing a rubber-backed mat may damage the pump from pieces of rubber that can break off. And if you put running shoes in the washing machine remove the insoles and place each shoe in a separate pillowcase. Then, wash the shoes with bath towels to act as cushions. Source Link

It’s flu season but the annual outbreaks aren’t close to being as deadly as COVID. A study of patients who were hospitalized last year found that those with COVID were nearly five times more likely to die than flu patients. COVID patients were also more likely to need a ventilator and had a higher risk of kidney damage and developing diabetes. Source Link

Adult coloring books are more than a pleasant pastime. Coloring can give your brain a break from the everyday stress of so many decisions and help you maintain dexterity as you age. And picking up a coloring book instead of your phone or tablet before bed can help your wind down more easily and may even improve your sleep. Source Link 

January 22, 2021

 A special kind of short break can help you clear your head and work better. People who used a 10-minute meditation recording were able to complete mental tasks faster than others who had the same break without meditation. Everyone who used the recording benefitted, including those who had no prior training in meditation. Source Link 

Being a long-distance caregiver for a loved one takes planning and teamwork. Set up access to their financial accounts, get a durable power of attorney, make an extra set of house and car keys and know any home alarm codes. And build a network of local neighbors or other family members who can help with specific chores or serve as an emergency backup. Source Link 

Don’t let travel restrictions prevent you from seeing faraway places that are on your bucket list. You can find online virtual tours for everything from Grand Central Terminal in New York to the Great Wall of China and Elvis Presley’s Graceland mansion in Memphis. Tours of Buckingham Palace, the Great Barrier Reef and the Pyramids of Giza are also a mouse click away. Source Link 

January 21, 2021

 If you use an app to remotely deposit checks into your bank account, don’t be quick to toss out that paper. Hang on to the check for two weeks in case the deposit doesn’t clear and you need to provide it to your bank. And when it’s safe to dispose of the check be sure to shred it so it can’t fall into the wrong hands. Source Link 

Sharing your sleep time with the dog is quite common these days. A study found that 49 percent of people let a dog sleep in their bed and another 20 percent said their dog sleeps somewhere in the bedroom. Few people said that the dog disturbs their sleep and researchers think the feeling of security from having them nearby outweighs the occasional interruptions. Source Link

Are there “superfoods” that can boost your brain health? Health experts say there’s no one food that can be the answer but an eating plan like the Mediterranean Diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts can lead to better cognitive abilities in old age. On the other hand, the sluggishness you feel after a heavy meal is your brain reacting to all that fat and sugar. Source Link

January 20, 2021

 Thinking outside that box of Mac and Cheese can really help when you’re donating to a local food bank. Some simple things like spices, salt and pepper, tea bags, sugar, flour and coffee are always welcome. Better yet, donating money to a food bank lets them purchase items at prices far lower than what you’d pay at the grocery store. Source Link 

If you believe COVID quarantining has made you gain weight, researchers say that’s probably not the case. A study found that one out of ten people believed they had gained weight but it was just one out of 50 who tipped the scales higher. Some people lost weight, a very few gained, but the vast majority stayed the same. Source Link

One simple move may help your child have a better credit rating when they’re older. Adding a child as an authorized user to a credit card helps them benefit from your good habits. Having a healthy credit score can be important for young adults who want to rent an apartment, sign up for utilities or get their own cell-phone plan. Source Link

January 19, 2021

 Here’s a heart health test that you can do yourself just by taking the stairs. A study found that people who could climb four flights of stairs in less than a minute had a heart that was in good shape. If it takes you more than a minute-and-a-half to climb four floors it’s probably a good idea to consult a doctor. Source Link

Want to put your smartphone photo skills to work making money? Many websites buy photos from amateurs for sale in a stock library. For subject matter, think about timeliness to match current search trends. Create images that can portray a concept instead of an object or a place and shoot photos with people to illustrate this. Source Link

Bikers who don’t wear helmets are improving health care in a grim way. Researchers found that organ donations among unhelmeted riders rose three-fold after a state repealed its mandatory helmet law. Some hospital trauma staffers have a nickname for bikes of those who don’t wear a helmet. They call them “donorcycles.” Source Link 

January 18, 2021

 Follow these tips for safer house cleaning. When working with liquid cleaners, wear gloves to protect your skin and consider using a diluted vinegar solution or baking soda instead of stronger chemicals like bleach or ammonia. And remember to open a window and get fresh air in while you’re scrubbing with a strong cleaner. Source Link 

You can do a lot with your old smartphone after you buy that new one. Besides being a hand-me-down, your old phone could be a hands-free screen for use with Siri or Google Assistant or you can put it to work as a dedicated remote for your TV or smart home system. And that old phone can be a new handheld gaming device for young children who won’t need to play with your new phone. Source Link 

Should brushing your teeth be part of the morning ritual right after breakfast? You want to brush every morning but doing it immediately after breakfast or any meal can be hard on tooth enamel that’s been softened by acids in the food we eat. Waiting for 30 minutes to brush can protect your teeth from damage. Source Link 

January 15, 2021

 Forgetfulness is common as we get older, but how can you tell if it’s just aging or the onset of Alzheimer’s? If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks or you’re really struggling to do things like follow directions in a familiar recipe or keep track of bills the way you used to do, those could be warning signs of memory problems. Source Link 

If push comes to shove, what’s your financial survival number? Find it by totaling the cost of rent or mortgage and utilities, groceries, dining out, transportation, household costs, clothing, health care and entertainment. Then take everything that isn’t a fixed cost and cut it down to the bare minimum. Source Link 

Here’s a simple one-minute exercise to help you fall asleep faster. Lie on your back and put one hand under your head along the ridge at the base of your skull. Place your other hand flat across your forehead, close your eyes and relax until you feel your pulse sync up between both hands. This sends a signal to your nervous system to bring more blood to the brain and helps you doze off. Source Link 

January 14, 2021

 Who says the tools to improve your health have to carry a price tag? Meditating to reduce stress and improve sleep is free, and you’ll find plenty of free workout videos on YouTube. You can improve your mental health with a pen and paper by journaling and swapping water for soda is more healthy and will save you money. Source Link 

Loss of smell is a symptom of Covid-19, but there are a number of other possible causes. A nasal or sinus inflammation, allergies or another viral infection could be to blame. If it is Covid it might be one of the milder symptoms seen in people who don’t need to be hospitalized, but your sense of smell could take weeks or even months to return. Source Link

Will the new year bring an end to some old favorites in home decorating? Real estate experts think the Modern Farmhouse look is on its way out along with white-on-white kitchens. Classic tile patterns are also getting the thumbs-down and gray tones for paint are too bland for buyers looking for something to catch their eye in an online home search. Source Link

January 13, 2021

 Just like in humans, there are warning signs you can spot when your dog is sick. Unexpected accidents indoors could be a sign of kidney failure or diabetes, and too much tail-chasing might be caused by an ear infection. And labored breathing can be a symptom of heartworm disease. Source Link 

Want to add more fruit to your diet conveniently without stocking-up in the Produce section? Dried fruit can help because it’s portable, shelf-stable, and may even be cheaper than fresh. Just be sure to watch your portions and choose unsweetened dried fruit without added sugar. Source Link

Outdoor meet-ups with social distancing in winter require the right gear to keep the visit warm and cozy. Bring along a blanket, cushion or pad to sit on, stay hydrated but not with alcohol and bring snacks that are high in fat, calories and protein to generate more internal body heat. And dress like an onion with layers of clothing that can wick away moisture and insulate, plus a warm coat with a hood. Source Link 

January 12, 2021

 Breakfast gets all the glory but lunch sets the stage for dinner and there are ways to do the mid-day meal right. You can graze with handfuls of raw vegetables, a few hard boiled eggs and popcorn, or go for takeout with lean chicken, fish, and black beans but no buns or shells. Or you can make an extra portion of dinner the night before and pack that for today’s lunch. Source Link 

You can make some key kitchen tools last longer with a little extra care. Don’t use chemical cleaners on a stove top -- baking soda and a damp cloth is safer. Running your microwave oven when it’s empty creates an energy overload inside that could kill it in just 10 seconds. And cooking spray can ruin non-stick pans. Instead, use whole fats like butter or oil. Source Link 

If Amazon is your go-to place for online shopping there are some easy ways to save more. Amazon’s own credit cards offer up to 5 percent cash back on Amazon purchases and browser extensions like Honey, Capital One Shopping and CamelCamelCamel can track prices for comparison shopping. And subscribing to purchase some items from Amazon might save you up to 15 percent. Source Link 

January 11, 2021

 Household dangers for pets go beyond that leftover chocolate bar and certain flowers. Experts say a tiny Lego piece can also look like a treat to your dog but will be big trouble if he eats it. And be sure you don’t have any twist ties, rubber bands, cotton swabs or dental floss laying on the floor. Source Link 

During a hectic workday, it’s easy to choose not-so-healthy snacks but there are some superfoods that are perfect for the office. Green tea is a healthier choice than coffee for that caffeine boost and snacking on seasonal fruits can keep your energy levels up. Yogurt is great to combat that mid-afternoon slump and stay hydrated all day with plenty of water. Source Link 

Whether it’s baking bread, learning to play guitar or doing more DIY projects around the house, most of us are finding new ways to escape the harsh realities of the pandemic. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed say shutdowns are giving them more time to escape into hobbies or tackle odd jobs. And three-quarters say that’s one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dreary year. Source Link 

January 8, 2021

 Forgetfulness is common as we get older, but how can you tell if it’s just aging or the onset of Alzheimer’s? If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks or you’re really struggling to do things like follow directions in a familiar recipe or keep track of bills the way you used to do, those could be warning signs of memory problems. Source Link 

If push comes to shove, what’s your financial survival number? Find it by totaling the cost of rent or mortgage and utilities, groceries, dining out, transportation, household costs, clothing, health care and entertainment. Then take everything that isn’t a fixed cost and cut it down to the bare minimum. Source Link

Here’s a simple one-minute exercise to help you fall asleep faster. Lie on your back and put one hand under your head along the ridge at the base of your skull. Place your other hand flat across your forehead, close your eyes and relax until you feel your pulse sync up between both hands. This sends a signal to your nervous system to bring more blood to the brain and helps you doze off. Source Link 

January 7, 2021

 You want a snack but want to stay under 100 calories? Try a salty treat like 2 tablespoons of guacamole and 5 tortilla chips, or get some crunch with 3 cups of air-popped popcorn. Satisfy a sweet tooth with 2 tablespoons of frozen yogurt sandwiched between 2 graham crackers or get tart with 6 ounces of no-fat lemon yogurt. Source Link 

Call it a COVID makeover -- most women are changing up their hairstyles. A survey found that one-quarter are growing their hair longer than ever before while 26 percent are cutting hair significantly shorter. And one-in-three women say they changed their hair color last year. Source Link 

Controlling clutter in your home means avoiding some common bad habits when you step in the door. Hang a basket to hold car keys and sunglasses and place peel-and-stick wall hooks nearby for coats and bags instead of dumping this on a chair or sofa. And deal with mail as soon as you can by handling it once and sorting while standing over your trash can. Source Link 

January 6, 2021

 Here are some ways to safeguard your personal information in case of a major website hack. Consider using a master email address that’s only for recovering account information. Make sure you're not searchable by phone number on Linkedin or Facebook, and avoid sharing too much information by not using social media accounts to log in to other websites or apps. Source Link 

You need to lower your blood pressure and you can do it faster with these foods. Dark chocolate, chamomile tea, berries and olive oil for cooking are great for the heart. You can also lower your blood pressure by keeping sodium intake under 1,500 mg per day. Source Link

Not all debt is created equal. A mortgage lets you build wealth through rising home values and a student loan for an education to get a good job will pay off with much more in lifetime earnings. But debt from credit card balances you can’t pay off every month or an auto loan or lease every few years will have you spending more instead of living within your means. Source Link

January 5, 2021

 Your kitchen and bathroom may be safe from tiny hands, but is your technology toddler-proofed? You can disable power buttons on laptop or desktop computers and use power strip covers to prevent accidental switch-offs. And be sure your smartphone has a good screen lock to keep a curious child from opening apps or dialing a call. Source Link 

Surveys show that holiday overeating can extend well into January but you can get back on track with these tips. Identify your food triggers and get rid of any holiday leftovers that might be tempting you. Commit to eating less and exercising more for one week and begin healthy eating not tomorrow or next week but with your next meal. Source Link 

Could a dietary supplement used to relieve joint pain also protect your heart? Researchers say glucosamine supplements may actually reduce the risk of cardiovascular-related death. People who took glucosamine daily for one year had a 65 percent lower risk of heart-related death. Source Link

January 4, 2021

 Lose all that weight. Pay off those debts. Maybe get married. These are New Year’s resolutions that experts say you should never make because they’re often impossible to achieve. Instead, you could resolve to stop drinking sugary beverages, eat out less and put that money toward credit card debt, pledge to meet new people every month or get help to overcome social anxiety. Source Link 

Facing down a vaccine shot may be easier if you crack a smile. A study found that a smile that brings up the corners of the mouth and creates crow's feet around the eyes reduced the pain of a needle injection by up to 40%.The same effect was also seen when people grimaced. Source Link

Have you tried these old school cleaning tricks? Coffee beans neutralize unpleasant odors and plain white toothpaste will polish silverware. Leaving salt to dry on a stain can remove much of it and a paste of baking soda and water can conquer burnt-on food in pots and pans. Source Link