October 31, 2019

You can build a home gym around the kinds of activities that you enjoy. If that’s walking or running, try a treadmill or an elliptical trainer or rowing machine if you like cross-country skiing. A thick, washable mat is a must for floor exercises and strength training can use a simple set of resistance bands, dumbbells and free weights or a multi-station home weight machine. Source Link 

Imagine if your smartphone could detect when you’re in a car crash and automatically call for help. That’s the idea behind the new Personal Safety app for Android that uses the motion-sensing tools built into a smartphone. But for now, the Personal Safety app is only available for the new Google Pixel 4 phone. Source Link 

How can you make clothes smell fresh without doing a load of laundry? Balled-up newspaper stuffed in sleeves, underarms or legs of pants can remove smells or you can put dryer sheets between items as you fold them. And leaving a piece of clothing on top of kitty litter or unused coffee grounds can also remove offending odors. Source Link 

October 30, 2019

The Land Down Under may be sending us a message -- get your flu shot now. Health officials say the strain of flu that circulated in Australia earlier this year was more severe and could be a sign of what’s to come here. Everyone over the age of 6 months should have a flu shot and the earlier you get it the better the protection. Source Link 

When should you lock up your credit report in the deep freeze? If your Social Security number has been compromised or you’ve experienced fraudulent activity, you’re part of a data breach or you see inquiries on your credit report that you didn’t authorize. It’s also a good idea to freeze a credit report to protect an elderly or incapacitated person for whom you hold power of attorney. Source Link 

If you’re ready to add more fiber to your diet be sure to pace yourself. Natural fiber in fresh fruits, leafy raw greens, nuts, beans and whole-grain breads, oatmeal, brown rice and even popcorn can help you feel full without adding all those calories. But adding fiber too fast can be tough on your digestive system, so do it gradually. Source Link 

October 29, 2019

Here are some ways to safeguard your personal information in case of a major website hack. Use a master email address that’s only for recovering account information. Make sure you're not searchable by phone number on Linkedin or Facebook, and to avoid sharing too much information don’t use social media accounts to log in to other websites or apps. Source Link 

Eating with family and friends may encourage you to overindulge more than eating alone or with strangers. Researchers say that’s because dining with people you know is a shared experience and you often don’t think about how much you eat. When dining with strangers people often take smaller portions to avoid being embarrassed for eating too much. Source Link 

You know when you want to stay at a hotel but what’s the best day to book it? A study found that Friday night might be the sweet spot for savings. Why? Because it’s often the busiest time of the week for bookings by business travelers and that drives competition and demand for lower prices. Source Link 

October 28, 2019

The average American throws away plenty of food and money but you can stop wasting and lower your grocery bill. Create a weekly menu to help you match activity plans with food shopping. Leftover fresh produce can be frozen to add to smoothies, sauces or casseroles. And remember that “sell by” dates are about quality and not safety. Source Link 

When it comes to picking the best toothbrush, should it be an electric model or the traditional hand-operated type? It depends more on technique than technology because both can do a good job if you brush properly and long enough. An electric toothbrush might be a better choice for someone with arthritis or another condition that makes brushing difficult. Source Link 

Old-fashioned advice may be the best way to avoid problems when cleaning your house. Researchers found that when bleach mixed with household cleaners it created airborne compounds that can linger and cause breathing problems. The answer is to always open a window to ventilate the room after you clean. Source Link 

October 25, 2019

The family that plays games together may have closer ties no matter where they are. Testing found that playing video games can unite generations of the same family. Word games or action games helped and you don’t have to be in the same room to benefit because online gaming improved family ties with faraway relatives. Source Link 

Looking for an alternative to help you kick the soda habit? If you like the fizz, try sparkling water with a lemon twist, lime twist, crushed raspberries or a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Cola fans can switch to iced redbush tea to get the same taste and if you like a ginger ale you can make your own with seltzer water, freshly grated ginger and a half-teaspoon of the natural sweetener stevia. Source Link 

Finding ways to fit more exercise into your day may not be as hard as you think. Do some toe raises when waiting in line to work your foot and calf muscles or squeeze in a few squats while brushing your teeth. When watching TV you can swap the couch for a stability ball and keep some hand weights nearby for sets of upper body exercises during commercials. Source Link 

October 24, 2019

If you like to catch some sleep on an airline flight, don’t close your eyes until you’re up in the air. Experts warn that sleeping through takeoff or landing doesn’t allow you to adjust to rapid air pressure changes. That could leave your ears blocked up and cause dizziness, ear infections, eardrum damage, or even nosebleeds. Source Link 

Making a will isn’t enough because you also need to get your digital life in order to help your family after you’re gone. Share your account logins and other secure information with relatives by using a password manager and note any bills that are automatically paid. And pick a person to manage your social media accounts who can have them closed or maintained in memory of you. Source Link 

A gap in your smile may predict the health of your heart. A study found that the risk of heart disease rises with the number of missing teeth. Gum disease that’s often to blame for losing teeth can also release bacteria into the bloodstream that makes it to the heart and can cause damage. Source Link 

October 23, 2019

What’s the difference between collision and comprehensive coverage in an auto insurance policy? With collision insurance, your car will be repaired if it’s involved in an accident. Comprehensive insurance covers everything that collision does but goes further and protects against theft, vandalism and other types of damage. Source Link 

A little bit of shuteye might be just what the doctor ordered for heart health. Adults who took one or two daytime naps per week had a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Researchers think that naps could be a way to relieve stress and compensate for inadequate sleep at night. Source Link 

Whether it’s flooding, tornadoes, wildfires or hurricanes almost everyone could face a natural disaster and a family safety plan is a must. Pack a box with three days worth of non-perishable food and water and remember pet food. Scan valuable papers like birth certificates and store the images on a DVD or in the cloud and keep valuables like jewelry where you can grab them easily. Source Link 

October 22, 2019

Planning ahead can help kids enjoy an allergy-safe Halloween. Don't let children consume any candy that isn't clearly labeled for indications of potential allergens and bring safe treats for your child at school. And if your child has asthma bring an inhaler for trick-or-treating in case of exposure to a fog machine while going door-to-door. Source Link 

You may not need to hit the gym to lose weight and improve your fitness. A study of rural Americans found that setting a goal of 30 minutes of exercise a day like walking 7,500 steps and help with adjusting their food choices led to more weight loss than those who lived in cities with gyms and other fitness resources. Source Link 

Many people share a login for streaming video sites but what if it’s a stranger who’s piggybacking on your account? Settings for Netflix, Hulu and Amazon allow you to see a list of devices that have connected and you can delete any that you don’t recognize. You can also log out of all devices and change your password to keep those deadbeats off your account. Source Link 

October 21, 2019

Make sure homework help you’re offering your child is really helpful. Start with a set schedule that gives kids time to relax or play right after school and then hit the books early in the evening. Allow for a break between subjects and set limits so that homework doesn’t cut into sleep time. Source Link 

There’s strength in numbers and variety when picking a good password. Use longer passwords like a full phrase with upper and lower case letters and throw in some symbols and numbers. A password manager can do this for you with every app or website login and all you need to do is remember the master password. Source Link 

Moms-to-be and dads-to-be may need to quit drinking to improve their odds of having a healthy baby. A study found that prospective parents who drank in the three months before pregnancy ran a higher risk of having a baby with congenital heart disease. A father’s binge drinking raised the risk by more than 50 percent. Source Link 

October 18, 2019

It takes a good eye to pick the freshest seafood. Look for a whole fish with eyes that are bright and clear and not dull gray. For a fillet, the skin should be shiny, metallic and clean. Fresh fish should smell like clean water or slightly briny but never “fishy” because cooking can’t improve a fish past its prime. Source Link 

You clean out the trunk of your car when selling it but have you swept up your personal data too? Before you go to the dealer for that trade-in be sure to disconnect your phone from the car’s Bluetooth syncing and delete your contacts, maps and address data. And remember to delete any garage door opener codes that were stored by the vehicle. Source Link 

The average American could be losing up to $1,000 a year by sticking with an old habit. The typical bank savings account pays almost no interest but new online banks are battling for business by offering high-interest savings accounts that pay over 2 percent. The accounts are guaranteed by the same federal agency that protects deposits for all banks. Source Link 

October 17, 2019

When a smoke alarm goes off in a house fire you may have no more than two minutes to escape, so be sure you know two ways out. Fire safety experts recommend a two-step training. First, make sure you and your family know two ways to escape from any room and then rehearse a safe escape from your home. Source Link 

Could the answer to beating dementia be all in your MIND? The MIND diet is an offshoot of the Mediterranean-based DASH diet and focuses on more vegetables, beans, berries, fish, poultry and olive oil while limiting red meat, butter and margarine and fast food. In a study, people who stuck to the MIND diet cut their risk of Alzheimer’s disease in half. Source Link 

These simple steps can safeguard your money while on vacation. Use two wallets for cash with one in a bag or purse and the other in your pocket and keep credit cards separate from the cash Stick with small bills in the local currency to avoid conversion fees or mistakes when paying and don’t use public WiFi for any banking or other financial business. Source Link 

October 16, 2019

What does it take to join the millionaires club? An author who interviewed hundreds of wealthy Americans found that most are early to bed and early to rise, read lots of nonfiction, make time for meditation and exercise, and work on improving their communication skills. Many also talk to themselves to create an inner dialogue for motivation. Source Link 

Vaccination to protect yourself against the flu could be a life-or-death decision. Over 60,000 Americans die each year from complications of the flu. Even if you’re not that sick you can spread the flu to more-vulnerable people such as the elderly and children with compromised immune systems. If you can stand a shot the flu spray is available for ages 2 to 49. Source Link 

There’s a handy reason why bedtime stories for kids work better with a real book instead of a tablet reader. A study found that children and parents often battled to hold the tablet and that took away from the experience. Other research has shown that toddlers can become focused on tapping or swiping an e-reader screen and didn’t pay as much attention to the story. Source Link 

October 15, 2019

The contents of your carry-on bag for that next long flight should include a piece of sports gear. You can pack a tennis ball and use it to roll on your shoulders, lower back, legs, and the bottoms of your feet to help get your blood flowing again. Dangerous circulation problems can occur when sitting through a long flight. Source Link 

Some of the favorite foods of Fall are also superfoods for your body. Roasted butternut squash is loaded with fiber and vitamin A and roasted Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamins C and K. Don’t forget dessert because baked apples made in the oven or a slow cooker are a great source of fiber that makes you feel full longer. Source Link 

Serving raw food to your pet probably doesn’t pose a health risk for you. In an international study, less than one percent of pet owners reported illnesses that might be caused by bacteria commonly found in raw foods. The safest raw foods served to pets were raw salmon and raw turkey. Source Link 

October 14, 2019

It’s a morbid-sounding way to declutter your home but some say it works. Death Cleaning has you downsize your possessions as if you were clearing things after you die. That means keeping what you absolutely love or definitely want to pass on to your family. You can even create a box with keepsakes that you want but will be thrown out after you’re gone. Source Link 

They say variety is the spice of life and may also be the answer for that young picky eater who won’t touch vegetables. Pre-schoolers who were given three kinds of vegetables ate twice as much of them as those who were offered just one vegetable. Offering a variety of colors and textures of vegetables can improve the odds of success. Source Link 

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you listen to because any of it may hurt creativity. Testing found that instrumental music, songs that had lyrics and even familiar songs all negatively affected creativity. But you don’t need total silence because the typical noises heard in a library had no effect on creativity. Source Link 

October 11, 2019

Dealing with a child’s tantrum involves reaction and prevention. Move to a quiet place because the situation can escalate in public view. Comfort them and find out if they’re hungry or tired. You can also teach your child the kind of mindful breathing that adults use to refocus and try to avoid situations that cause stress and can lead to a tantrum. Source Link 

The physical strain that comes from too much screen time might be cured in the blink of an eye. Typically, a person blinks about 30 times per minute but that can drop to just a few times per minute when focusing on a screen. One solution might be the “20-20-20” rule -- every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something that’s 20 feet away. Source Link 

Taking some simple precautions can help you avoid home accidents. Use a can opener instead of a knife to cut through clamshell plastic packaging and keep kitchen knives sharp because a dull knife is more likely to slip. Dial down your water heater to 120 degrees to avoid scalding accidents and wear long pants and close-toed shoes when mowing the lawn. Source Link 

October 10, 2019

There’s a downside to those reusable shopping bags. Testing showed that almost all used bags contained bacteria that can contaminate food and make you sick. The solution is to wash a cloth bag in hot water every two weeks and wipe down plastic bags with a disinfectant. It’s also a good idea to pack meats and raw foods in separate bags. Source Link 

When it comes to the effects of screen time on kids, it may not be how long but what’s on. New research found that overall time wasn’t an issue but lots of TV watching and video games were linked to poorer grades in children. Parents need to be aware of what’s on and provide strong guidelines about when, where and how kids use their screen time. Source Link 

A quick shot of hand sanitizer may not protect you from the flu virus. In a test, it took four minutes of exposure to hand sanitizer to kill one of the most common influenza viruses in a wet sneeze. It’s better to simply step to the sink because washing hands with anti-bacterial soap killed the virus in just 30 seconds. Source Link 

October 9, 2019

Do you know when to rush your toddler to the emergency room? Some parents say they’d go to the ER if their child was choking, had swallowed pills or got a burn from a hot pan. Experts say choking requires an immediate call to 9-1-1 and contacting Poison Control is a first step when pills are swallowed. A minor burn is usually something you can treat at home. Source Link 

Safe driving for teens isn’t just an issue for the one who’s behind the wheel. Teens who are passengers can make riding safer by offering to hold the driver's phone, lowering the radio's volume or asking the driver to slow down. One in three teens says they’re a passenger with a teen driver several times a week. Source Link 

Never mind all those grumpy memes because your cat really does like you. Testing showed that cats can bond with their owners in the same way that babies bond with their parents. Your cat is often depending on you to feel secure and being aloof or too clingy is a sign of stress. Source Link 

October 8, 2019

Don’t let your kids play with any stuffed animals in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. Plush toys can harbor germs and are difficult to clean, so bring toys from home for your child to play with while waiting. Experts say infection control in the doctor’s office should be as strict as it is in a hospital. Source Link 

Make sure you’ve tidied-up your tech before you check out of that Airbnb rental. Sign out from any online accounts or streaming services that you used during the visit to prevent the next tenant from borrowing your account. And consider using a VPN or virtual private network with your phone, tablet or laptop because you never know about security on someone else’s WiFi. Source Link 

Frequent hot flashes may be more than uncomfortable and annoying -- they could be a warning sign for heart trouble. A study found that women who experienced more hot flashes had an 80 percent higher risk for heart attack or stroke over 20 years. Researchers don’t know the exact connection or if treatments for hot flashes may play a role in the increased risk. Source Link 

October 7, 2019

Yoga, Tai Chi and meditation may improve your health because you can feel it in your genes. Research has shown that these activities can reverse molecular reactions in DNA. This can help the brain steer our DNA processes to defend against poor health and depression. Source Link 

There are some simple ways to avoid wasting money. Don’t transfer a balance to a “zero interest” credit card unless you really plan to pay it off before that rate climbs high and check your phone bill for extra charges that might sneak in without you knowing it. Make a list before every shopping trip to avoid overspending and don’t forget to return unwanted items for a refund. Source Link 

You need to do more than a factory reset when you’re selling or giving away that old smartphone. Be sure to remove the SIM card that links the phone to your carrier and an SD card you may use for extra memory. And sign out and unlink the phone from all online accounts so no one can use the device in your name. Source Link 

October 4, 2019

If you think that watching TV will help your young child wind down before bedtime, think again. Researchers found that pre-schoolers who watched more TV got less sleep, especially if that TV was in a bedroom and leaving a TV on at bedtime did not help children fall asleep faster. One in three families said their young child had a TV in the bedroom. Source Link

You want unique and strong passwords for online accounts, but how can you remember all of them? Your web browser will help by storing those passwords and inserting them automatically when you visit a site. Browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome let you access those passwords on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Source Link 

What’s an eating plan that’s good for your heart? Spread out your meals and get more of your calories earlier in the day. There isn’t proof that eating breakfast is an absolute must but you should always hydrate yourself first thing in the morning. Coffee counts but the better choice is a glass of water. Source Link 

October 3, 2019

We’re always hearing that it’s important to get enough sleep, and here’s an easy way to see if your slumber is sufficient. On the weekend, don’t set an alarm and sleep until you wake up on your own. If that’s longer than your typical shuteye, adjust your weekday routine to get that much sleep every night. Source Link 

Using autopay is an easy way to handle your bills but some of them should be paid manually. Infrequent bills like a subscription, membership or semi-annual auto insurance premium might slide by without you knowing it. And bills that can fluctuate monthly like an electric bill could leave you overdrawn if you don’t know it’s higher. Source Link 

Think of it as a smoothie that’s warm and soothing and also makes a healthy meal. A thick, rich soup made from pureed fresh vegetables like squash, carrots, peas or sweet potatoes is full of nutrients and can help you feel full longer. Frozen veggies also work for homemade soup and adding onions or garlic can help to kick up the flavor. Source Link 

October 2, 2019

Could a weight-loss technique improve your budget’s bottom line? In a financial fast, you spend three weeks making no unnecessary purchases and make no purchases at all one day a week. Experts say it can help reset your spending priorities and uncover how much you could be saving. Source Link

How might good dental hygiene be bad for heart health? A study found that mouthwash kills some good bacteria in your mouth that can get into your bloodstream and help to lower blood pressure. You may want to skip mouthwash on the days you exercise to help your heart get the most from that workout. Source Link 

What are the do’s and dont’s of using public WiFi? Don’t work with personal financial information because anyone on that public network might be able to see it. Do protect all your data by using a VPN or virtual private network and don’t skip app updates because those might patch any gaps that make it easier for hackers to target you online. Source Link 

October 1, 2019

Think of it as spring cleaning, except it happens in fall and the chores are outdoors. Remember to winterize your lawnmower by draining the gasoline and replacing it with a special fuel mix that has no ethanol. And speaking of draining, don’t forget to winterize that sprinkler system by draining all water from the lines and from any sprinkler heads. Source Link 

Neck pain is common if you spend lots of time hunched over a desk, stuck in traffic or browsing your phone, but you can get relief with some simple stretching exercises. Lower your chin to your chest as far as it can go without pain and hold for 20 seconds. Turn your head right without moving your shoulders and hold and then to the left. And try rolling your head in a semi-circle. Source Link 

If you have high blood pressure you’ll want to be the first in line for a flu shot. The flu puts stress on the body that can trigger a heart attack or stroke and people with high blood pressure are at greater risk. A study found that those with hypertension who had a flu shot were 18 percent less likely to die during flu season. Source Link