May 31, 2022

 You can reduce the risk of an electrical fire in your home with a safety check every six months. Make sure all bulbs in lamps are the proper wattage and that all electrical outlets and switches feel cool to the touch. Flip circuit breakers to see if any are stuck, check for damaged power cords and start unplugging all bathroom and kitchen small appliances when they’re not being used. Source Link 

If you avoid candy because it’s not good for your teeth you’ll want to skip these foods that are bad for your smile. Dried fruit has the one-two punch of sugar and stickiness and flavoring on potato chips might be like sandpaper to your teeth. And bottled water that isn’t distilled can be higher in acids that are tough on tooth enamel. Source Link 

A common frustration in the kitchen has a quick DIY fix using a power drill. A trash bag that fits tightly around the rim of the trash can forms a seal that leaves a new bag bubbled up and hard to fill, and makes a full bag hard to remove. But a few quarter-inch holes drilled into the sides of a plastic trash can solves both problems by eliminating the vacuum seal from the bag. Source Link 

May 27, 2022

 Good posture can help reduce neck and back pain and you don’t need to balance a book on your head to improve. A few times a day, sit with your feet flat on the floor or stand up tall. Look straight ahead, bring your shoulders back and down, and slightly tuck in your chin. Now hold this position for a count of five. Source Link 

Sooner or later many of us will interview for a job through a screen rather than face-to-face and here’s how to shine in that remote setting. Before the meeting, double-check your internet for adequate speed, close anything other than the meeting app and have a backup plan if the connection is lost, And don’t assume it’s audio-only – always dress as if you were in the office. Source Link 

There are some simple steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of online scammers. Beware of opening document files attached to emails that might include hidden hacker code and keep your router’s firmware updated for the latest protections. And consider using a virtual credit card that generates a one-time-use number for every online purchase. Source Link 

May 26, 2022

 This coming holiday weekend is when most of us shop for summer, but it’s also the best time to “Think Spring” at the store. Now is when you’ll find the best sale prices on closeout spring apparel. Memorial Day is also a great time to snag a bargain on major appliances, home goods, kitchenware, and mattresses. Source Link 

Unclogging a toilet is a tough job that’s even harder without a plunger but there are other ways to get your flush back. Pour in a half-cup of liquid dish soap or chop up a bar of hand soap to lubricate the clogged pipe. You can follow that with a bucket of hot bath water. Pour it in holding the bucket at waist level to let the force of gravity do the work. Source Link_

Snagging a better seat on your next airline flight at a lower price might take some patience. Experienced flyers suggest that you buy an economy ticket. Resist the airline’s follow-up offers and ask for an upgrade when you’re at the airport. If the plane has empty seats or you’re a loyalty program member you might get that upgrade to business class at no charge. Source Link_

May 25, 2022

 Be sure to include the proper kid’s car seat when packing for your family’s summer vacation. Studies show that three out of four car seats are used improperly, and seat belts alone are not designed for anyone shorter than 5 feet. And don’t let younger ones call “shotgun” because kids under 13 should not be a front-seat passenger. Source Link 

Smudges and dirt make it hard to see a phone or tablet screen but don’t make it worse by cleaning the wrong way. Power down and use a microfiber cloth that you can dampen with distilled water. Never use a tissue, paper towel or all-purpose or glass cleaner. Wipe lightly in a “Z” pattern and then use a fresh microfiber cloth to dry the screen. Source Link_

You can support a long-distance loved one or friend who needs help with activities of daily living. Sign them up for a food delivery service, lawn care or house cleaning. Consider hiring a part-time caregiver or ask for help from nearby family members or friends. And stay in touch with video calling tools or digital photo frame to share your life with them. Source Link_

May 24, 2022

You might be surprised at all the things that can dull that bright smile. Staining can be caused by red wine, coffee, tea and tobacco. But using an antihistamine, high blood pressure medication, some chemotherapy drugs and anti-psychotic medications can also cause stained teeth. Source Link 

When your wallet is bulging with too much stuff be sure to remove these items first. A Social Security card or anything with that number should never be in a wallet. Same with spare keys, a birth certificate or a blank check. And old receipts with a partial credit card number can be a gold mine for identity thieves. Source Link 

Getting rid of car clutter is easy with these simple tips. Keep an envelope in the glove box to quickly stash receipts and check it once a week to see what you need to keep. A silicone muffin tin liner can protect a cup holder from dirt and spills. And use an empty tissue box as a trash container by attaching Velcro strips to stick it to the carpeting near the passenger seat. Source Link 

May 23, 2022

 You should be putting more than just bank statements and old bills through that shredder. Airline boarding passes, prescription paperwork, free return labels and even extra birth announcements have information that could be used by identity thieves. And a vet bill may include a pet’s name which many people use in an online security question. Source Link 

What goes into picking a safe PIN? Avoid your birth date, a year in the 1900s, or an obvious numerical sequence. You can go with the birthday of a close friend, the date of your favorite holiday, or the current time and change your PIN periodically, especially when you hear about a data breach. Source Link 

Taking some simple precautions can help you avoid home accidents. Use a can opener instead of a knife to cut through clamshell plastic packaging and keep kitchen knives sharp because a dull knife is more likely to slip. Dial down your water heater to 120 degrees to avoid scalding accidents and wear long pants and close-toed shoes when mowing the lawn. Source Link 

May 20, 2022

 If you’re minding that credit score there are some things that won’t ding your rating. Paying off a credit card won’t hurt but canceling one will because it reduces your total available credit. Checking your credit report or a credit check by an employer has no impact and you can’t have too many credit cards unless you carry balances that you can’t pay off each month. Source Link 

If eating out is taking a toll on your diet plan you can try these tips. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine or Greek or Spanish that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at menus online and know what you’ll have before you arrive. And instead of an entrĂ©e try sharing several appetizers and have one dessert for all. Source Link 

Charging your phone while in the car isn’t a good idea. USB ports in cars typically don’t provide enough power and if your car has an older battery it could be drained by charging your phone. It’s better to top-up at home and have a portable power pack to charge the phone when you’re on the road. Source Link 

May 19, 2022

 A written thank-you note with the right tone is a great way to show appreciation to someone who’s helped you. For parents, relatives or partners, share a favorite warm memory that reminds you of their thoughtfulness. For friends, you can keep it lighthearted yet meaningful and thank caregivers for their involvement in your life and encourage them to stay in touch. Source Link 

Creating a retirement budget can be like buying a car -- before you settle on one it’s a good idea to take a test drive. Estimate retirement income, list expenses, factor in big lifestyle changes like downsizing your home and set up a spending plan. Then, try living on your budget for a few months before retirement to see if it works for you. Source Link 

Many of today’s cars use synthetic oil, but does that mean you can drop the “once every 3,000 miles” oil change schedule? Probably, but manufacturer recommendations can range from 6,000 to 16,000 miles and vehicles driven in extreme hot or cold weather or on dusty roads need an oil change more often. For most vehicles 7,500 to 10,000 miles is a good range between synthetic oil changes. Source Link 

May 18, 2022

 Gift cards are for giving and never for paying someone because that’s always a scam. In a survey, nearly 1 in 3 adults said they or someone they know had been asked to purchase a gift card to pay a bill, fee or some other debt or obligation or to claim a prize. And don’t give gift card serial numbers to anyone because that could use that to steal the card’s value. Source Link 

It’s a common reaction for vanity’s sake but sucking in your stomach can actually hurt you. That clinch can interfere with pelvic floor muscles involved in posture and bodily functions and could alter the mechanics of your abdomen. It may also be harder to take deeper breaths, or you could develop soreness and stiffness in your lower back and hips. Source Link 

How do you build a better conversation? Start by asking more questions rather than just sharing your thoughts and beware of empathy that might sound like you’re not validating the other person’s experience. Don’t be afraid to go deep on a topic but make it something you’re both familiar with to get the most out of your talk. Source Link 

May 17, 2022

 Some costly plumbing repairs can be avoided with simple steps at the sink. Try a plunger first to unclog a drain because chemical cleaners can weaken pipes. Using a drain hair catcher can prevent clogs, and keep large leftovers, rice, hot grease, oil, fibrous foods and coffee grounds out of the garbage disposal so it can run smoothly without any clogs. Source Link

Can an apple on grocery day keep the junk food away? A study found that eating an apple just before grocery shopping encouraged people to buy healthier foods. Researchers say eating something healthy can put you in a better frame of mind to select healthier foods while grocery shopping. Source Link 

A house’s trash could be a treasure if you take a closer look at some items destined for the curb. There’s a resale market for jewelry, handbags, vintage clothing, vinyl records, old cameras, rare coins and signed books. Old toys can also be valuable, but they’ll need to be unopened or in excellent condition. Source Link

May 16, 2022

 If you use baking powder or baking soda be sure that it's at full strength. The shelf life for an open container is about six months and you can test it. Put one teaspoon of baking powder in ⅓ cup of warm tap water or mix baking soda with two teaspoons of vinegar and both should bubble. Source Link 

Depending on age, vivid dreams are the builders or the maintenance staff for your brain. During REM sleep the brain of an infant is building synapses that will allow neurons to connect and communicate with one another. The primary structure is finished after age two and from then on your sleep becomes more about brain maintenance and repair. Source Link 

Tough choices about major decisions might be easier to live with if you simply flip a coin. A study found that people who go through with their coin flip choices were living happier lives six months later. If you don’t want to flip a coin try choosing the action that represents a change rather than continuing the status quo. Source Link 

May 13, 2022

 Who knew we were using antiperspirant and deodorant the wrong way? The ingredient in antiperspirant that keeps you dry by blocking sweat glands takes time to work so apply it in the evening before bed for maximum effectiveness the next day. And deodorant works best when applied to dry skin, so towel off from the shower before you use it. Source Link 

If you need another reason to sit less, a study found that it could dampen your mood and mental health. The good news is that it’s easy to find ways to get up and get moving. Walking around your office for five minutes or getting off the couch to move during commercial breaks while watching TV are two simple ways to be less sedentary. Source Link 

Protecting against online credit card fraud means taking a hard look at those bargain offers for name-brand goods. Shopping on less familiar, less secure websites may be an invitation to cyber-thieves. Using a virtual card option or an online wallet like Apple Pay or Google Pay adds another layer of protection for your credit card number. Source Link 

May 12, 2022

 Remember these rules of the road to be safe when your car breaks down. Stay in your car so your airbags and seat belt can protect you if you’re struck by another vehicle. If you must exit the car, do it on the passenger side and stand at least 40 feet beyond the guard railto protect you from flying debris if your car is struck. Source Link 

The college grad in your life might like one of these gifts to help them in the work world. Try a book on time management or an organization tool like a personalized portfolio to keep paperwork in one place. And graduates who land a job in an open office might appreciate having noise canceling headphones to use at work. Source Link 

Exercise can be good for your mental health as well as physical, and it doesn’t take much to see the benefits. Researchers found that people who walked briskly for two and a half hours a week had a lower risk of depression. Experts say even if you can’t do that much, every step counts toward improving mental wellbeing. Source Link

May 11, 2022

 It’s great on squeaks and bolts that won’t give, but this handyman’s staple also doubles as a painter’s pal. Use WD-40 to wipe away drips and spray some on a brush you ‘ve just cleaned to keep the bristles soft. And here’s a bonus tip – WD-40 is great at removing bugs from a car’s grille, and spraying some on that grille can keep bugs from sticking in the first place. Source Link_

Instead of dinner and a movie, an art class or game night may bring the two of you even closer. Couples activities like painting or playing a board game can spark the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with romantic bonding. Any activity with physical touch, social interaction, novelty and partner encouragement could work. Source Link 

Making a home move can be easier with these tips. Save money and look for gently used free boxes from friends and family or on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Snap a photo of the back of electronics to reference which cords go where and pack a first-night box with clothes, toiletries, plates and silverware, or anything you’ll need before you dig in to start unpacking. Source Link_

May 10, 2022

 Beware of thieves that may want to steal parts of your car. Use a locking gas cap to safeguard that expensive fuel and add anti-theft security lug nuts to prevent tires and wheels from being stolen. And park in a well-lit area and avoid leaving your vehicle in the same spot for days or weeks because that can tell a thief that no one is watching. Source Link_

You could be a month away from a decluttered home. In the 30-Day Minimalism Game the day of the month equals the number of items to remove, so one on the 1st, 10 on the tenth, and so on. Lower numbered days can be big items while the last days of the month is time to clean out a large closet or a garage. Source Link

To quickly unclog a toilet you need the right tool and a better technique. A flange plunger has a smaller opening that bells out to seal around the toilet drain. And instead of rapidly pumping gently push the flange plunger down to make a seal around the opening and then pull up on it. The backward pressure can loosen a clog faster. Source Link_ 

May 9, 2022

 A great start to your day can begin with a purposeful plan. Immediately picking up your phone to check the news, email and social media has you reacting to others and sets the tone for the day. Commit to a few value activities that you want to do each day because studies have shown that most people are productive in the first two hours of the morning. Source Link 

Are you making these privacy mistakes with social media? Maybe you have the same password for multiple sites or aren't using two-factor authentication for sign-ins. You could forget to set viewing for your posts so they aren’t open to everyone or ignore tagged photos that can link back to you forever. Or you use a Facebook login to connect to other websites. Source Link 

It’s easy to eat healthy anytime right from your freezer. Frozen shrimp or fish filets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie; whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months and satisfy that sweet tooth with 100-percent fruit frozen treats. Source Link

May 6, 2022

 Why is the snooze button on an alarm clock set for nine minutes? When the feature was introduced in the 1950s the mechanics of alarm clocks made it hard to set a snooze time with two digits, so nine minutes was the next best thing. It’s been the standard ever since but you can choose a different snooze time in the settings of the clock app on your smartphone. Source Link 

Want to win an argument without offending the other person? Try “reframing” the debate and show how your approach can support their beliefs. Find out what’s important to them and then explain how your reasoning lines up with their goals. Seeking common ground to win them to your side is more effective than a hard face-off. Source Link 

Keeping personal online messages private to the world might take a few extra steps. Turn off cloud backups of messages and delete any past backups. Avoid using Twitter direct messages that can be seen easily if someone hacks you and keep all accounts and devices secure with two-factor authentication and face or fingerprint detection to unlock a phone. Source Link 

May 5, 2022

 There’s a good reason to resist that urge to get just a little more gas in your car’s tank after the pump clicks off during a fill-up. An internal overflow of gas can saturate and damage filters in the car’s vapor recovery system. This can reduce engine performance and fuel efficiency and may lead to a costly repair. Source Link

Is a vegan diet good for a dog? There’s little scientific evidence of this but dogs can get the nutrition they need while eating vegan. They need a lot of protein and a vegan diet should be more carefully crafted to meet that goal. Talk with your veterinarian about your dog's nutritional needs and which products will meet them. Source Link_

A dishwasher tablet can be a miracle cleaner all across your home. Dissolve one in a toilet and clean it or dip a tablet in warm water and use it to scrub a dirty oven door. A wet dishwasher tablet can also clean plastic patio furniture, dried refrigerator spills, and oil stains on a driveway. And toss a few tablets into the washing machine on a hot water cycle to get it clean. Source Link_

May 4, 2022

 Dealer financing for your next car seems convenient but it can come at a cost. An auto dealer is just the middleman in the loan process and they mark up their services and pass the cost along to you. Take the time to fully explore bank, credit union or other financing options and shop for the best deal on an auto loan. Source Link

You use it to wipe down many things in your kitchen but what’s the right way to clean a sponge? Put a damp sponge in the microwave for one minute or soak it for 60 seconds in a quart of water with a half-teaspoon of bleach. You can keep a sponge cleaner if you wring it out completely after every use and let it dry in a spot with plenty of air circulation. Source Link_

Songs from Alicia Keys, Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, Ricky Martin and Ella Fitzgerald are among this year’s additions to the Library of Congress National Recording Registry. The list includes a number of non-musical entries like a 2010 podcast interview with comedian Robin Williams and a day’s worth of newscasts from New York public radio on September 11, 2001. Source Link

May 3, 2022

 Vinegar can be a powerful cleaner for your garbage disposal. Freeze some vinegar in an ice cube tray and then grind several of these frozen cubes in the garbage disposal with a cold water rinse. Do this a few times a month and it will sharpen the blades, remove grease build-up and kill odor-causing bacteria. Source Link

Are you guilty of these bad driving habits that annoy others who share the road with you? Top complaints are about people who ride in the left lane instead of using it only for passing, not using headlights in rain or snow or sitting at a green light. And if you’re behind that driver who doesn’t go on green, be kind and give them to the count of three before using your horn. Source Link 

It’s a fact -- plain water is better than sports drinks for your young athlete. Most children don't exercise hard enough to need a sports drink with the extra salt and sugar that can put them at risk for weight gain and tooth decay. Some drinks also contain caffeine and other stimulants that aren’t good for kids. Source Link 

May 2, 2022

 How can a soda can help you double your closet space? Remove an empty can’s pull tab and using two hangers, slide the hook of one hanger through the hole on the top of the pull tab. Then slide the hook of the other hanger through the hole in the bottom of the pull tab to hang two items in the space of one. Source Link 

Being anxious about a visit to the dentist isn’t unusual but there are some things that can help. Tell the dentist or hygienist about your anxiety so they can help ease your fears and offer the best options to reduce pain. And keep a regular schedule of check-ups so problems can be caught before they require major work. Source Link 

Remember the numbers 4, 7 and 8 when you want to fall asleep faster. A breathing technique that can have a calming effect has you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. You get the full benefits by lying down on your back while doing this exercise, even if you usually sleep on your side. Source Link