August 31, 2015

If you want all the health benefits of fish oil, you’ll need to get it from the source and not a pill. A long-term study found that omega-3 supplements did not slow cognitive decline among older adults. A better choice is to eat more foods that are naturally high in omega-3, such as salmon, flaxseed and walnuts. Source Link
Summer isn’t over yet, but it’s not too soon to think about getting that flu shot. A review of studies found that a flu vaccine can be effective for up to six months. The findings suggest that giving flu shots early in the fall, before the flu season begins, may prevent the greatest number of flu cases. Source Link
Don’t ditch those old video game cartridges, because you could be throwing away good money. Experts say video games are gaining value for Gen X collectors just like baseball cards did for their parents. Prices have skyrocketed for items that stoke nostalgia for those who grew up in the 80s and 90s. Source Link

August 28, 2015

Over 40 million Americans wear contact lenses and almost none of them are following all the directions to prevent eye infections. A survey by the Centers for Disease Control found that most contact lens wearers don’t replace their lens case every three months and don’t replace all the lens solution each day, and many sleep with their contact lenses in. Source Link
Before you guys skip the fancy dinner date, remember that the way to a woman’s heart may also be through the stomach. Researchers found that women’s brains respond more to romantic cues on a full stomach than an empty one. The study participants were young college-age women of normal weight. Source Link
Odds are you know that it’s Friday, but do you lose track of the middle of the week? A study found that most people have strong mental associations with Fridays and Mondays, but not the mid-week days. For many people, Fridays mean freedom and partying, and Mondays are hectic and boring. Source Link

August 27, 2015

Those 12-hour days at work could do more than kill your free time. A study found a link between long hours on the job and increased risk for a stroke. Researchers say people who worked 55 or more hours a week had a 33-percent higher risk of stroke. The risk of heart attack also climbed with the number of overtime hours worked. Source Link 
You may not be changing banks, but it's likely you'll get a new credit card before the end of the year.  It’s part of a plan to replace traditional magnetic stripe cards with “smart chip” technology that reduces the risk of counterfeit cards. Not all retailers are ready for the new cards, so you may still be swiping your card as the transition continues. Source Link
A fat-burning pill sounds like of stuff of late-night infomercials, but it could be a reality some day. Scientists have found a genetic "switch" inside fat cells that can speed up metabolism to burn off excess fat without exercising. The next step would be to create a drug that can target that genetic switch. Source Link

August 26, 2015

Women who want the option to have a child in their 40s through in-vitro fertilization can improve the odds by harvesting eggs sooner. A study found that eggs harvested before age 40 had a one-in-four chance of success versus a one-in-100 chance for those after age 43. Researchers say that's because the function of cells that support the development of eggs in the ovaries declines sharply. Source Link
Drinking can increase the risk of some cancers, and it may not take that much. A new long-term study found that for women, up to one drink a day contributed to a 13-percent higher risk of developing alcohol-related cancers, primarily breast cancer. The drinking connection to more cancer was only seen in men who were also current or former smokers. Source Link
If you’re in the market for a new iPhone, you’ll want to wait just a bit. Reports say Apple is expected to schedule an announcement for September 9th to unveil the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. Pre-orders would begin on September 11th and the new phones would go on sale on September 18th. Source Link

August 25, 2015

That favorite music might soothe you through surgery. A review of studies found that listening to music before, during or after surgery lowered anxiety and pain, and decreased the need for pain medicines. Just be sure the tunes you choose don’t interfere with communications in the operating room during surgery. Source Link

Toddler talk could predict a child’s performance when they start school a few years later. Researchers found that children with a larger speaking vocabulary at age 2 are better prepared for kindergarten. That’s important because kids who do better in kindergarten have greater social and educational opportunities as they grow up. Source Link
Your options for snagging the latest smartphone for $199 are down to one. Sprint says it will eliminate two-year contracts and subsidies for phones by the end of the year, meaning you’ll pay full-price upfront or make monthly payments to buy or lease a phone. Among the top four carriers, only AT&T is still planning to offer two-year contracts. Source Link

August 24, 2015

The answer to better heart health could be found in the smartphone you’re carrying. Some studies show that apps associated with exercise, counting steps or tracking your heart rate could make it easier to lose weight, stop smoking, and control high blood pressure. About one-in-five users has a health tracking app on their smartphone. Source Link
What’s the course that nearly every parent says should be offered at their child’s school, but isn’t? A survey found that nine out of ten parents think computer science and coding should be taught in school. But the same survey showed only one-in-four schools offer such classes and less than 10% of school administrators think parent demand is high. Source Link
This year’s incoming college freshmen have their own unique view of the world as they’ve known it. The annual Mindset List from Beloit College notes that for the Class of 2019, Google has always been a mouse click away and TV has always been in high definition. And this year’s 18-year old’s have never had to lick a postage stamp. Source Link

August 21, 2015

A broken heart may feel worse at first when it happens to a woman, but it could take longer to mend for a man. A study involving nearly 6,000 people in 96 countries found that women often return to the dating scene having learned from their mistakes. But men who were dumped can carry the anger and disappointment for the rest of their lives. Source Link
Back-to-school can be tough on those young backs, especially when they’re carrying too big of a load. Thousands of kids suffer injuries from improper backpack use each year. Experts say a loaded backpack should weigh no more than 10-percent of a child’s body weight, never be wider or longer than the child’s torso, and not hang more than 4 inches below than the waist. Source Link
Your name doesn’t have to be a tongue-twister for people on your social network. Facebook offers a feature to add an audible name pronunciation guide. To set yours, go to the "about" section of your profile and click on "details about you" or “more about you” on a mobile device, and then "name pronunciation.” Source Link

August 20, 2015

Teenagers should be first in line for new vaccines that expand protections from deadly cancers and other diseases. A new version of the HPV vaccine now protects again nine kinds of viruses that can cause cervical cancer. And a new meningitis vaccine adds protection for a different strain that caused some outbreaks on college campuses recently. Source Link
Kids are often the focus of criticism, but parents may also need to step away from screens to improve family life. A study found that over half of children think their parents check their devices too often. Experts say parents should think twice before using a mobile device while you're with the children and should schedule specific tech-free family time. Source Link
Exercise alone won’t do much to help you lose weight, but it also doesn’t take much exercise to really improve your health. A half-hour of brisk walking five times a week is the kind of exercise that can improve arthritis, heart health, cholesterol levels, depression, chronic fatigue, or even the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Source Link

August 19, 2015

Millions of Americans could face a higher risk of cancer because of service to their country. Surveys show that many veterans did not use sunscreen under the scorching desert sun of Iraq and Afghanistan. Experts say that sun exposure could raise the risk of skin cancer for many of the men and women who served. Source Link
Good dental health for kids can start with what you pack for them in their school lunch. Fruits can satisfy a sweet tooth naturally and dairy products like milk and cheese can strengthen those teeth too. Avoid packing sticky and sugary foods that can be top culprits in tooth decay. Source Link
If you were hoping that Apple would help you cut the cord to your cable service, you’ll need to wait another year. An expected rollout of the Apple Live TV streaming service has been delayed. The tech giant is having trouble negotiating with a number of networks and also doesn’t have a system ready to deliver reliable service for millions of users. Source Link

August 18, 2015

It sounds like a high school problem, but your six-year-old could also be facing too much homework. A study found that kindergarten, first and second grade students averaged three times more homework that was recommended. The “10-minute rule” suggests 10 minutes of homework per day for each grade year. Source Link
Cutting fat from your diet may lead to more weight loss than trimming those carbs, but it’s still all about the calories. A study of obese adults found bigger weight loss in fat-restricted diets while the positive effects of lower carbs dropped off over time. But researchers say total calories are still what drives weight loss. Source Link
The cell phone is the scourge of women who want to carry one in their skinny jeans, but the two are working together in a new product that lets you keep a full charge along with your fashion statement. The Hello jeans feature a hidden pocket for a slim battery and power cord to connect to an iPhone. The powerful look won’t be cheap -- Hello jeans are priced at $189. Source Link

August 17, 2015

So what’s the age when you’ll have the best chance of successfully starting a family? Researchers say the woman’s age is most important and they found that 32 is prime time for those who want one child without relying on in-vitro fertilization. If you’re planning on two children, that age drops to 27. Source Link
If you’re making plans to lose some weight, it’s important to set a target date for your new goal. Experts say setting a date to complete your weight loss will help to keep you on-track. To lose one pound a week, eliminate about 500 calories a day and remember to exercise for about two and a half hours per week. Source Link
That smartphone may be bringing the stress of the office home to you. A study found that people who were expected to be available anytime for work calls or emails had higher levels of stress even when they weren’t dealing with business after-hours. Americans lead the world in the average number of hours worked per year. Source Link

August 14, 2015

Some of the biggest health concerns of American parents aren’t things you can deal with in a doctor visit. A new survey found that Internet safety and worries about sexting rank higher than smoking as major childhood health issues. Obesity, bullying and drug abuse were the top three health concerns. Source Link
Dudes who’d like to become dads might want to ease-up on the bacon and brats. A study found that men who ate more processed meats scored lower in fertility testing. But guys can still fire-up the grill, because chicken and poultry eaters had better outcomes in babymaking. Source Link
Microsoft is ready to become an online cop looking for counterfeit programs on your computer or Xbox. The new Windows 10 can automatically check your software and prevent you from using pirated games or unauthorized hardware. Users can decline the automatic checks but would lose access to Microsoft online programs and services. Source Link

August 13, 2015

Does the sound of a candidate's voice help determine who you’ll vote for? A study using similar voice recordings found that voters seem to prefer political candidates with deep voices because they convey strength and competence. Researchers say it could be a primal instinct and it isn’t limited to men, because people also preferred women with deeper voices. Source Link
Too many refined carbs might do more than expand your waistline. A study found that older women who consumed more white bread, white rice and sodas had a higher risk of depression. It’s believed that higher blood sugar levels from eating refined carbs might trigger a hormonal response that leads to anxiety and irritability. Source Link
You know how your iPhone will lock into WiFi even if it’s a weak signal that slows your web surfing to a crawl? Well the new iOS 9 has a fix for that. Apple says a new feature will switch you to cellular data automatically if a WiFi signal is too weak. The new iPhone operating system will debut in September. Source Link

August 12, 2015

The nation’s biggest cell phone carrier is hanging-up on long-term contracts and discounted phones. Verizon says new customers will have 30-day contracts and pay the full cost of a new phone. Existing customers can keep their current plans, but new pricing will offer some savings for those who use more data and have several phones. Source Link
Your teenager is probably getting up too early to go to school. The CDC says early school start times are preventing many adolescents from getting the sleep they need. Health experts say high school classes should not begin before 8:30 a.m., but 80-percent of schools schedule earlier start times. Source Link
Are you ready for fast food with table service? McDonald’s is testing a new system in which you place your order at a kiosk and have the food delivered to you at a table instead of the counter. The fast food king is looking for ways to reverse declining sales as diners visit more “fast casual” restaurants to get their meals. Source Link

August 11, 2015

Turning up the heat on your meal plan could add more years to your life. People whose diets featured more spicy foods showed a lower risk of death from cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems. Fresh chilis contain capsaicin, which is known to reduce inflammation, combat high blood pressure and protect against cancer. Source Link
Could fatherhood be the death of you? Maybe, if you become a daddy early. Researchers found that fatherhood before age 22 was a marker for men who died in mid-life. The added stresses of being a father and breadwinner might affect health for a young man who’s not ready for those new roles. Source Link
Parents might disagree, but teens say spending more time in the virtual world is helping them build more human connections. Just over half of teens surveyed say they met a new friend online through social media or online gameplay. And teens say text messaging is a key component of day-to-day interactions with friends. Source Link

August 10, 2015

If you want your new college student to be successful financially, give them a checking account instead of a credit card. A survey of college freshmen found that the earlier teenagers had access to credit cards, the less prepared they were to manage  their own money in college. Those with checking accounts felt they had a better handle on finances. Source Link
That daily cup of joe could make for better memories in your golden years. A study found that coffee drinkers were less likely to suffer the mild impairment that’s the first step toward dementia. But there’s a limit to the good news because only those who drank one or two cups of coffee a day got the benefit. Source Link
Free WiFi service in the coffee shop or the mall may not be where you want to do your business online. A survey found that one out of four people use free WiFi to do their banking online or make purchases using a credit card. That’s dangerous because hackers can set up fake WiFi hotspots that mimic the real thing and scoop up your personal information. Source Link

August 7, 2015

When it comes to setting the thermostat in the office, it’s a man’s world. Experts say the standards used for calibrating building temperatures date back to the 1960s and are designed for man who weighs about 150 pounds. That leaves some women shivering in air conditioning and others feeling the heat during winter months. Source Link
There’s some good news for parents who worry about kids who won’t eat their broccoli. A study found that picky eating isn’t a serious issue for most kids, but for a small percentage it can be a sign of other problems. Children who are severe picky eaters may also struggle with emotional problems like anxiety and depression. Source Link
That helpful voice in your iPhone may soon become a virtual secretary of sorts. Reports say Apple plans an upgrade to Siri to include an answering system that intercepts calls in voicemail, listens to, and converts spoken words into text. A similar feature has been part of Google Voice for years, but accuracy has always been an issue. Source Link

August 6, 2015

Saving the Earth can start in the shower and the car. Water conservation is as easy as taking shorter showers and turning off the water while you brush your teeth. Transportation accounts for one-third of our contribution to climate change, so try to consolidate trips and drive less. Source Link
Here’s another reason for men to schedule a visit to the dentist. A study found that treating gum disease helped with prostate problems. Researchers say the inflammation associated with gum disease can have an adverse effect on the prostate, but conditions improved after dental treatment. Source Link
So how do you find something tasty and healthy in the vending machine? Get a little nutty for starts. Bags of peanuts or almonds will provide some healthy fats and protein, and look for trail mix with nuts and dried fruit. Granola bars are a good choice and plain popcorn is a whole grain snack that’s packed with fiber and antioxidants. Source Link

August 5, 2015

Beware of emails that offer a free upgrade to Windows 10 because it could be a scam. A new wave of spam promises to deliver the operating system upgrade but actually installs ransomware that locks up your computer. Officials say you should carefully read any email offers to look for words with random out-of-place letters and punctuation. Source Link
The over-50 crowd may be in the driver’s seat for a new employment option. AARP is working with the ridesharing company Uber to recruit older Americans as drivers. Officials at Uber say they hope to capitalize on older drivers who might provide a more cautious, reliable ride. Source Link
If “thinking outside the box” has you planning to “hit the ground running” to avoid being “thrown under the bus,” you need to stop now. Those are among a list of 25 overused phrases that should be banished from the workplace. Other office cliches include “low hanging fruit,” “it’s on my radar” and “let’s touch base.” Source Link

August 4, 2015

Simple steps could be the best way for people to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s. Experts say everything from better sleep to handling stress and doing more brain work might be more promising than the odds of finding a wonder drug anytime soon. And exercise that’s good for the heart is also good for the brain. Source Link
Call it them “the unwired” or “the final 15” but a set percentage of Americans still do not go online. Surveys show that 15-percent of American adults don’t use the Internet, and that number is holding steady. Many are older Americans who can’t master the tools, but one-in-five say they can’t afford Internet service in their homes. Source Link 
Science is proving what most of us already know -- texting and walking don’t mix. A study found that people who were texting while walking moved slower, had trouble staying on-course and took shorter steps. Walkers who text may not kick the habit, but experts say you should at least step to the side or stop. Source Link

August 3, 2015

Summertime can show up on the scale for many school-aged kids. A study found that children spend more time on the couch watching TV and drink more sugary beverages during summer vacation, and that can lead to weight gain. Getting back to school may be the remedy because it provides more daily structure for healthy habits. Source Link
The FDA has approved a new non-surgical procedure to treat obesity. The ReShape system uses a balloon that takes up space in the stomach to create a sense of fullness. The device is inserted down the throat so it doesn’t require surgery and is removed after six months. Source Link
Would texting be a better experience if you could see the other person while your thumbs are flying? Yahoo thinks so and it’s new Livetext app includes a video link during texting. Designers say audio was not included to make the experience just as private as regular texting would be when you’re in public. Source Link