March 31, 2016

Imagine if you had more than a month’s notice before a summer heat wave strikes. That could happen this year as forecasters will use a formula based on water temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean. Predictions for the eastern United States could be 50-percent accurate up to 40 days before a warm-up begins. Source Link
Your caffeine intake may affect the odds of becoming a new father or mother. Researchers found that men and women who drank more than two caffeinated beverages a day in the weeks before conception had a higher risk of miscarriage. But women who took a multivitamin at the same time reduced their risk of losing a baby. Source Link
The arrival of Spring offers a perfect opportunity to help your kids build healthy habits. Experts say the entire family can get more active with cycling or regular visits to the playground or park. You can also have children wear a pedometer and encourage them to walk 10,000 steps a day. Source Link

March 30, 2016

Science may be telling fans of the stand-up desk to take a seat. A review of studies found little evidence of health benefits from using a combination sit-stand desk. Researchers standing won’t help with weight loss but it does reduce time spent sitting, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Source Link
Women aren't the only ones with issues about body image. A study found that up to 40-percent of men were unhappy with some aspect of their looks. But men didn’t obsess over every single pound. A majority of overweight men were fine with their weight, but being obese was a negative. Source Link
Managing diabetes could someday be as easy as slapping on a patch. Testing is underway on a skin patch that would monitor blood sugar levels via sweat and deliver a diabetes drug through microneedles. The patch won’t work with insulin but could be used by people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Source Link

March 29, 2016

You might get the most from that morning cup of coffee if it isn't the first thing you grab after waking up. Experts suggest waiting an hour so you get the full benefit of the caffeine boost at mid-morning. A wake-me-up cup isn’t necessary for most people because your natural hormones do that job just fine. Source Link
Is there really a plain vanilla solution to a case of the blues? Researchers have discovered that eating vanilla yogurt could help make people happy and improve mood. The results back up earlier studies showing that using a subtle vanilla scent in places like hospital waiting areas helped ease aggression among patients and staff. Source Link
Do guys show-off on a date by pigging-out at dinner? A new study suggests that men consume much more food when they dine with women, likely because they're "eating to impress.” It doesn’t work because women tended to think they were rushed and ate too much whenever they dined with men. Source Link

March 28, 2016

Something that you might find in any pocket or purse could be deadly to your dog. Veterinarians are warning that the artificial sweetener xylitol used in sugar-free gum can poison a dog. Xylitol can also be found in gummy vitamins, toothpaste, mints, melatonin sleep aids and specialty peanut butter. Source Link
If you really want to remember something, it’s best to share the experience. Testing showed that people developed more vivid memories if they described the event to someone or wrote about it afterwards. The process of rehearsing the event in your mind in order to share it builds a stronger memory. Source Link
Man’s best friend may also be a healthy helper for kids. A long-term study found that children who grew up with dogs in the home were less likely to develop asthma. Scientists think early exposure to microbes from domesticated animals may support the development of a healthy immune system in children. Source Link

March 25, 2016

Changing eating habits when you become pregnant in order to have a healthy baby may be too late. A study found that overweight or obese women who became pregnant had up to twice the risk of infant death in the first year of life. Figures show that half of all American women of reproductive age are overweight or obese. Source Link
A decade from now, the rear-end collision could be a thing of the past. Automakers have agreed to make automatic braking a standard feature on most cars beginning in 2022.  Automatic braking uses cameras, radar and other sensors to see objects that are in the way and slow or stop a vehicle if the driver doesn't react. Source Link 
How can you lose weight without dieting or exercise? Pour yourself a glass of water. New research shows that drinking three glasses of water daily can cut up to 200 calories a day because it often replaces drinks that have calories and reduces your appetite.  Cutting 200 calories a day can add up to 25 pounds of weight loss per year. Source Link

March 24, 2016

Trying to stay heart healthy with prescription drugs and supplements could be a deadly combination for many older Americans. A study found that one-in-six senior citizens use combinations of drugs and supplements that could cause dangerous interactions. One of the most common was the use of heart medications along with supplements such as omega-3 fish oil. Source Link
Congress may be considering a measure to give employers a tax incentive to help workers pay off student debt. The measure would make employer contributions toward student debt tax-free. The concept is similar to how company 401-k plans help workers save for retirement. Source Link
The iPhone now comes in sizes small, medium and large with price tags to match. You can place an order for the new iPhone SE that packs the latest features into the smaller 4-inch size of the iPhone 5 series. The SE will retail for $399 and Apple hopes that will give customers a more-affordable way to join the ranks of iPhone users. Source Link

March 23, 2016

Don’t count on your smartphone personal assistant to talk you through a real crisis. A study found that services like Siri and Google Now didn’t offer much when someone who was a victim of abuse asked for help. Apple and Google say they can do a better job of offering useful suggestions to get help for abuse victims. Source Link 

Cold turkey should be on the menu for people who want to quit smoking. Researchers say those who quit all at once were less likely to be smoking four weeks later compared to those who gradually cut back. Those who quit abruptly also used nicotine patches while the gradual group used patches, nicotine gum and lozenges. Source Link 

How do you get a deal at a store that rarely has a sale? The answer is in the cards. Experts say you can find savings when you buy discounted store gift cards online. Web sites that sell gift cards at a discount are a safe and easy way to save up to 30 percent on purchases at some stores. Source Link

March 22, 2016

When spring cleaning is on the to-do list, your smartphone can help with apps to organize those efforts. Cleaning Checklist for iOS can create target lists for each room and help you tackle the tasks with reminders. And BrightNest for iOS and Android offers videos with cleaning tips and organization tools for your springtime chores. Source Link 
Experts are predicting an awful sneezin’ season this year as spring allergies start to kick in. The see-saw temperatures in some places will make the pollen problem worse for allergy sufferers. Allergies left untreated can lead to plenty of misery, from chronic sinus swelling to acid reflux. Source Link
If it sounds like the tone of this year’s presidential race is more suited to the schoolyard, you’re right. An analysis of Republican and Democratic candidates showed that most are speaking at a 6th to 8th grade level. Donald Trump scored lowest in both grammar and word use among contenders on both sides of the party aisle. Source Link

March 21, 2016

If your email in-box reminds you of an episode of “Hoarders” there are ways to help clean out the digital clutter. Experts say you should treat your email in-box like your real mailbox -- empty it every day and immediately throw away what you don’t need. And just as you can get off junk mail lists, unsubscribe from email lists and alerts that you don’t use. Source Link
The best defense against dementia may be to get moving. A study of older adults found that those who kept physically active were 50 percent less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Everything from jogging to gardening and walking to dancing is associated with more gray matter in the brain and that can keep dementia at-bay. Source Link 

If you use your smartphone as a security blanket to shield you from the hard reality of life, you may be more likely to be depressed. A study found that those who constantly reach for their phone to avoid dealing with issues were more likely to be anxious or depressed. People who used their phone to fill time or beat boredom were not at higher risk. Source Link

March 18, 2016

Can a toothbrush be a weapon in the fight against Alzheimer's? Researchers found that gum disease speeds up cognitive decline in people with early-stage Alzheimer's. Bad bacteria in the gums can increase inflammation in the body and that can cause faster mental decline in Alzheimer's patients. Source Link
The FDA has a warning for people who use contact lens solution with hydrogen peroxide -- don’t take shortcuts during cleaning. Hydrogen peroxide cleaners don’t have preservatives but do require a neutralizer. Skipping that step can cause stinging, burning and damage to your cornea from the hydrogen peroxide. Source Link
The folks at Apple are offering suggestions for longer battery life with your iPhone. Heat can reduce battery capacity, so keep your phone cool by removing the case when charging. And don’t fully charge your iPhone before storing it -- a 50 percent charge is best for the battery when the phone won’t be in use. Source Link

March 17, 2016

Experts have some advice for parents battling to deal with children’s homework -- just say no. Numerous studies show little or no value in assigning homework for students younger than high school age. Parents should speak with teachers of elementary students and ask that homework not be assigned. Source Link
If you think getting a some sleep is better than getting none at all, you might be wrong. Researchers found that after 10 days, people who slept just six hours a night had the same fatigue as someone who hadn’t slept for two days. You might be sleep deprived if you tend to doze off during a boring situation in the middle of the day. Source Link
There’s a new way to get your favorite cable TV channels without the cable. Sony’s Vue service has gone nationwide and offers 50 channels of programming delivered via your Internet connection for $30 a month. You’ll need a Sony Playstation or an Amazon Fire TV device to use the Vue service.  Source Link

March 16, 2016

How can you tell when a habit of collecting turns to hoarding? Experts say it’s a red flag when you can't use your bed, the kitchen, or have lost sight of the dining room table. It’s also a warning sign if the thought of throwing something away triggers severe anxiety or if the person is overwhelmed by the thought of others seeing their possessions. Source Link
Taking steps to keep your brain younger might mean taking the steps. A study found that people who have younger brains are those who climbed more flights of stairs. Researchers say taking the stairs is something most older adults can do at least once a day to help with brain aging. Source Link
Imagine if you could pop a pill that prevents cavities. That’s the goal of scientists who have identified a good bacteria that can control the cavity-causing kind. The researchers say it might be possible to use this beneficial bacteria to develop a supplement taken by mouth that prevents cavities. Source Link

March 15, 2016

If you’re a person who talks to themselves when looking for something, you may be more likely to find it. Studies show that saying what you're looking for out loud helps you keep a picture of the object in mind. And when you have an important encounter coming up, self-talk helps you run through different scenarios and prepare for reactions. Source Link
What’s one thing you can do every day to boost your odds of being successful at dieting? A study suggests consistent self-weighing might improve your determination to shed pounds. Experts say a daily weigh-in can help you adjust your eating right away to catch small gains before they become big ones. Source Link
College basketball tournament fans who are torn between two games playing at the same time can see double. The Apple TV version of the NCAA March Madness Live app will let you watch two games in split screen and with the audio muted. The app offers single game coverage for cable or satellite TV subscribers on phones, tablets, desktop computers and streaming devices. Source Link

March 14, 2016

Size matters when it comes to what you’re worth on the job. A long-term study found that men who were a few inches shorter than the average height made less money per year. For women, height didn’t matter but weight did and heavier women made less money than those who were slimmer. Source Link
Fiber may be the food champion to fill you up, but there’s another way to feel more satisfied with your meal. Researchers found that eating food with a higher protein count really does make people feel fuller. Still to be answered is whether vegetable and animal protein have the same effect, or if liquid protein in a shake can make you feel fuller. Source Link
Apple computer users now share something with their PC counterparts. Officials say they’ve identified the first ransomware program that targets the Mac operating system. Ransomware infects a computer to encrypt all your files and then demands a payment in order to unlock them. Source Link

March 11, 2016

Besides losing an hour of sleep, how does the jump to Daylight Saving Time affect people? Studies have shown that the time shift may be responsible for more heart attacks, more workplace injuries and even more headaches. But there’s little evidence to prove the claim that “springing forward” leads to more traffic accidents. Source Link
If your plans for the weekend have you planted on the couch, here’s some food for thought. A study found that lazy weekends are worse for your weight than sitting on the job all week. You don’t have to give up all your couch potato time -- an extra 20 minutes of activity helped people lose two pounds a year. Source Link
Google is opening its cell phone service for anyone to use. Project Fi piggybacks on the Sprint and T-Mobile networks for $20 a month with unlimited talk and text and only pay for the data you use. If you want to try Project Fi, you’ll need a Google Nexus phone that’s on sale for $199. Source Link 

March 10, 2016

Aspirin’s reputation as a “wonder drug” now includes protection against another form of cancer.  A long-term study found fewer cases of colon cancer among people who were on a daily low-dose aspirin regimen. It was most effective for those who took aspirin for at least six years  and started before age 50. Source Link
Could a yogurt a day keep hypertension away? Women who ate yogurt five times a week had a lower risk of being diagnosed with high blood pressure. Researchers say yogurt has natural compounds that can lower blood pressure, along with calcium and potassium that are also associated with low blood pressure. Source Link
Guys need to mind their spelling and syntax when texting for a date. Nearly half of people surveyed consider bad grammar to be a deal breaker in online dating. Most men didn’t care about sloppy texting, but 65-percent of women said bad spelling would be a deal-breaker for a potential date. Source Link

March 9, 2016

The solution to prevent kid’s food allergies might be found at the end of a baby spoon. There’s new evidence that feeding babies peanuts or other allergy-inducing foods is more likely to protect them. Researchers say the early prevention strategy leads to long-lasting results in children at risk for food allergies. Source Link
No one wants their smartphone to go dead before the day is through, and there are some simple steps to extend battery life. Experts say set your screen to auto-brightness to save power and tweak app settings to shut off any notifications you don’t need. And when you’re away from WiFi or out of cell range, switch your phone to Airplane Mode. Source Link
What do you see in our next president? For many, it’s a mirror image. A study found that older voters prefer a seasoned look in their candidate. Younger voters didn’t care about young or old faces, but were focused on the competence of the person running for the White House. Source Link

March 8, 2016

Don’t depend on a smartphone app to keep track of your blood pressure. That’s the advice from researchers who found that four out of five patients using their smartphone had inaccurate readings. The apps claimed to measure blood pressure by placing a finger over the camera and holding the phone to the left side of your chest. Source Link 

Most of us know you don't give chocolate to a dog, but what other common foods are a no-no for Fido? Grapes and raisins can damage their kidneys and garlic and onions are also poisonous. The same is true for macadamia nuts and avocados and alcoholic drinks are also dangerous for dogs. Source Link
If you live in a house divided between iPhones and Androids, there’s now one power cable to rule them all. The LM Cable has a built-in Lightning plug and a micro USB connector. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the $21 combo cable is now available for pre-order. Source Link

March 7, 2016

Need a reason to exercise and eat better? What if it could make life easier on the job? Researchers found that poor eating habits and not exercising were linked to decreased productivity at work. People between ages 30 and 39 were the most likely to experience a loss in productivity. Source Link
If your food budget is feeling a pinch these days, you can blame it on the flu. The fallout from avian flu last year doubled the price of eggs that are used in many food products. A similar flu outbreak that struck pig farms led to a 34 percent increase in the price of bacon and sausage and a 43-percent increase in the price of hot dogs. Source Link 

Is the iPad a high-tech pacifier for parents of troubled kids? A study found that parents of children with social or emotional difficulties were more likely to hand over mobile devices to calm them. Researchers say the habit isn’t good for children who should learn to handle distress and not just be distracted by a tablet or smartphone. Source Link 

March 4, 2016

How you react to stressful situations may be more important than how often they occur. People in a study who were more upset when dealing with stress had higher heart rates than those who were less excited. It’s known that stress and negative emotions can increase the risk of heart disease. Source Link
What does it cost when you file an accident claim with your auto insurer? A national study found that premiums went up by an average of 44 percent after a single claim of over $2,000. And if you’re unlucky enough to have another accident within 12 months, your rates could rise by up to 98 percent. Source Link
People are losing sleep over those bright lights in the big city. A study found that city dwellers got less sleep on average and were more fatigued than their country counterparts. The main culprit is bright street lighting and researchers say the only solution may be to invest in blackout curtains for your bedroom. Source Link

March 3, 2016

Can your brain be scared into making you quit smoking? A study found that disturbing images on cigarette pack warning labels activate parts of the brain involved in emotion and decision-making. Researchers say the results should energize policy-makers to add graphic warnings to cigarette packs. Source Link
It’s something that one out of three people do every day that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. The CDC says one-third of Americans drink a sugary soda or juice daily. Sugary drinks are a major source of added sugars that can promote type-2 diabetes and obesity. Most sugar-sweetened beverages have no nutritional value. Source Link
Soon your smartphone may double as a cash card. Major banks are ready to roll-out ATMs that will let you use your phone to connect with the money machine instead of using a plastic card. You start the transaction on your phone and use a one-time code sent by text to access the ATM. Source Link

March 2, 2016

How can you tell if you’re addicted to your phone? Experts say if you can’t help being on it even when you know you shouldn’t be, like while driving or at a work meeting, that’s a sign you may be addicted. If you feel anxious, irritable, or uncomfortable when your phone isn’t within reach, that’s also a red flag. Source Link
They call it “the happiest place in the world” but it’ll cost you more to visit when everyone else wants to go. Disneyland and Disney World are raising the admission price up to 20 percent for holiday periods and some weekends. The price hike only affects single-day admission tickets and is designed to thin-out the crowds on those busy days. Source Link
Imagine if you could recharge your smartphone in the time it takes to cook an egg. A  company has unveiled a new battery that can be fully recharged in 5 minutes. The battery requires a special 150-watt charger and the smartphone would need a separate larger port to plug in and power up quickly. Source Link

March 1, 2016

It’s 11 p.m. -- is your teenager asleep yet? You might be able to tell by looking at their grade card. A study found that high school students who went to sleep by 11 p.m. Monday through Friday got better grades. But even those who slept well during the week but stayed up late on the weekends saw their school work suffer. Source Link
What happens when you add a second camera to an iPhone? You might get a new model with picture quality to rival pro-style DSLR cameras. Reports say the iPhone 7 line will include a special version with dual rear cameras and optical zoom. The iPhone 7 DC could be one of three new models to debut later this year. Source Link
Can your old toothbrush re-infect you after a cold has cleared up? Experts say you can’t get the same cold virus again, but it’s still a good idea to change your toothbrush every three months. Things like towels, bar soap, bedding, lip balm and even makeup applicators can spread germs to others who share them. Source Link