January 31, 2018

Swatting at a pesky mosquito may be the best way to keep it from biting you. Researchers discovered that mosquitoes could associate a human odor with a mechanical shock similar to swatting and would avoid biting. The scientists say a swat could be as effective as wearing bug repellent. Source Link 
Want to get paid to work out? There’s an app for that. The free Sweatcoin app for the iPhone rewards you with one of its namesake digital currency for every 1,000 steps you take. The Sweatcoins can be redeemed to buy workout gear and pay for fitness classes, or you can donate them to partner charities around the world. Source Link 
It may not be the best choice for business communications, but there’s one word that gets the most responses when used to start an email. A study found that “hey” topped the list of opening words in emails that get replies. “Hello” was second and “greetings” came in third, but there was only a 50-50 chance you’d hear back when starting with the word “dear.” Source Link 

January 30, 2018

Don’t let an imposter take over your phone. Experts warn that fake apps made to look like the real thing can allow hackers to get your personal information. Bogus apps often have typos in their description, ask for too many permissions or are offered in email links. To be safe, only download apps from iTunes or Google Play. Source Link 
Can a good night’s sleep curb your sweet tooth? Testing found that people who got the recommended amount of sleep ate less sugary foods. Researchers say simple strategies like reducing screen time before bed and avoiding coffee late in the day helped the test subjects get more sleep. Source Link 
Just like in humans, there are warning signs you can spot when your dog is sick. Unexpected accidents indoors could be a sign of a kidney failure or diabetes, and too much tail-chasing might be caused by an ear infection. And labored breathing can be a symptom of heartworm disease. Source Link 

January 29, 2018

Covering a cough or a sneeze may not be enough to keep a sick person from spreading the flu. Testing showed that fine particles of the influenza virus can be released into the air just by breathing. Experts say it’s more reason to stay home from work or school if you’re sick with the flu. Source Link
Here’s how to be a power shopper at the thrift store. Check both the men’s and women’s sections because items can be mislabeled and pay attention to tags, dates and colors to find special sale prices. And give everything a second look in your cart on the way to checkout to be sure you didn’t miss any damage. Source Link 
The cool side isn’t the best part of a new hi-tech pillow. The $200 Zeeq smart pillow has eight speakers to play music that won’t be heard by a sleeping partner and has a vibrate option to encourage you to roll over if it hears snoring. There’s also an alarm function to wake you after that great Bluetooth-connected sleep. Source Link 

January 26, 2018

Just over one in ten Americans is on speaking terms with Alexa. A new survey found that 11 percent of U.S. households now have an Amazon Echo smart speaker and Google Home is chatting with about four percent of us. Users say their smart speaker most often takes the place of a radio but is also a substitute for TVs, tablets and the printed word. Source Link 
The potential harm or benefit from using e-cigarettes may depend on your age. A congressional report says e-cigarettes can lead young people to smoke conventional tobacco, but they also appear to help adults quit smoking. They’re not completely safe, but researchers say e-cigarettes are likely to be far less harmful than a conventional cigarette. Source Link 
Who says the tools to improve your health have to carry a price tag? Meditating to reduce stress and improve sleep is free, and you’ll find plenty of free workout videos on YouTube. You can improve your mental health with a pen and paper by journaling and swapping water for soda is more healthy and will save you money. Source Link 

January 25, 2018

Here’s a way to get to sleep faster -- make tomorrow’s to-do list tonight before you head off to bed. Testing showed that people who wrote a to-do list for the next day before bedtime were able to fall asleep more quickly. But researchers say the findings may not apply to those who suffer from true insomnia. Source Link 
Want to lower your risk of colon cancer? Avoid the red, white and sweet. A review of previous studies found that red meat, white bread and sugar-laden drinks can increase inflammation in your body that’s associated with a higher chance of developing colon cancer. Experts say the findings are in line with many of today’s recommendations for a healthy diet. Source Link 
Your selfie might be museum-worthy -- or at least look like it. The Google Arts and Culture app takes your selfie photo and matches it to an archive of the world’s great art. The app lets you choose from a number of suggested portraits to find the fine art that fits your face. Source Link 

January 24, 2018

Want a three-step plan to avoid being a victim of online hacking? Start by using a free password manager for automatic strong protection that you don’t have to remember. Log onto financial sites using only one device like an old phone, tablet or laptop. And set up alerts so your bank will email or text you about any large transactions. Source Link
Just like an allergic reaction to pollen or peanuts, your body can be allergic to stress. Researchers have pinpointed the parts of immune cells that can be triggered by psychological stress. The findings could help scientists develop treatments to prevent the immune system from overreacting to stress. Source Link
Turning the thermostat way up in the yoga studio may not make your downward dog more effective. A study found that hot yoga didn’t help people achieve better heart health compared to regular yoga. Hot yoga is practiced at temperatures up to 105 degrees and that can be a problem for some people who want maximum benefits but can’t take the heat. Source Link 

January 23, 2018

The best way to help your kids appreciate their elders is to have more of them in their lives. Researchers say young children who have a good relationship with their grandparents were less likely to become prejudiced against old people and it's the quality rather than the quantity of a relationship that makes the most difference. Source Link
If you have a traditional IRA now might be a great time to switch and save on taxes. Converting to a Roth IRA and paying taxes now could cost you less than doing it later. Experts say it’s unlikely that individual tax rates will drop any lower in the years to come when Congress will have to deal with a ballooning budget deficit. Source Link
Looking for a “side gig” that can earn you money quickly? If you’re handy you could make your own specialty jams or preserves or create jewelry to sell on Etsy. An expertise in popular software could be used to host classes or workshops or put your hands-on tech skills to work fixing smartphones or tablets with a repair business that makes house calls. Source Link 

January 22, 2018

You can de-clutter your life by remembering the three Ps -- paper, phone and purge. Toss paper records more than a year old but keep financial files for seven years and sign-up for paperless billing. Put phone apps in folders by category and leave only a handful of favorites on the home screen, and purge your home of stuff you don’t need by donating, selling or tossing it. Source Link

If you want to lace-up your running shoes in winter there are ways to keep it safe. Let temperature and road conditions set your pace and try running at mid-day when it’s warmest. Use a heart rate monitor to gauge any cardiac stress and warm-up indoors before going out for a run. Source Link

Who says humans are the only ones with cool tech gadgets? Dogs and cats can play with Pebby -- a plastic toy ball with cameras and a speaker that can be controlled via WiFi from anywhere. And PetMio is like Fitbit for the four-legged crowd with a wearable fitness tracker and a smart food bowl to measure your pet’s eating habits. Source Link 

January 19, 2018

Could a weight loss technique improve your budget’s bottom line? A financial fast has you spend three weeks making no unnecessary purchases and taking one day a week to make no purchases at all. Experts say it can help you reset your spending priorities and show how much you could be saving. Source Link 
If you feel a cold coming on, reach for the tea kettle. Research has shown that drinking black tea can boost your immune system and the antioxidants in green tea can slow down viruses that cause the common cold. You don’t have to wait until you’re feeling sick because drinking tea every day can build your defenses against colds and flu. Source Link 
When the workday is dragging, try this five-minute pick-me-up. First, stand up and stretch or take a walk for 60 seconds. Spend two minutes completing a short online errand and then take a minute to write down your weekend plans. Finally, send a text or use a messaging app to check-in with someone you care about. Source Link 

January 18, 2018

It’s not too late to get a flu shot to protect yourself against one of the worst outbreaks in recent years. Officials say 49 of 50 states are reporting widespread cases of the flu and more hospitalizations. This year’s vaccine has been less effective but can still help your body fight the flu if you’re exposed to it. Source Link

Older men may latch onto better health by grabbing the vacuum cleaner. A study found that husbands over 65 did an average of two hours less housework per day than their wives. That’s important because researchers say daily housework is one of the most effective ways to get exercise and couples should be sharing the chores. Source Link

Your grammar school skills may help you spot an email scam. Misspellings of words or misplaced punctuation can be a tip-off and a misspelled email address from your bank or another business is a warning sign. And watch out for any email that includes a link to update your personal information. Source Link 

January 17, 2018

Nine out of ten teenagers use a cellphone and experts say you need ground rules to prevent that habit from becoming an obsession. That might mean allowing 30 minutes of phone time only after 30 minutes of homework. And parents should remove phones from the bedroom because late-night use is a top cause of poor sleep. Source Link 

Breakfast gets all the glory but lunch sets the stage for dinner and there are ways to do that mid-day meal right. You can graze with handfuls of raw vegetables, a few hard boiled eggs and popcorn, or go for takeout with lean chicken, fish, and black beans but no buns or shells. Or you can make an extra portion of dinner the night before and pack that for today’s lunch. Source Link

Your dishwasher does the job well on plates and pans but testing shows it can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus because of the hot, humid air inside. The risk is minimal for healthy people but the best advice is to not open your dishwasher until it’s cooled and wipe down the rubber door seal after each use to limit microbe buildup. Source Link 

January 16, 2018

Facebook thinks your News Feed might be a kinder, gentler place if you saw more of your friends and less of the news. It’s changing the standards so that posts from businesses and news sites will appear less often. The company says it wants to encourage personal discussions rather than simply scrolling through posts. Source Link

Fish is good brain food and it might also help you sleep. A study found a connection between eating fish and getting a good night’s sleep. Researchers say the omega-3 fatty acids in fish are responsible and the benefits may be more important for children whose brains are still growing. Source Link 

Household dangers for pets go beyond that leftover chocolate bar and some kinds of flowers. Experts say a tiny Lego piece can also look like a treat to your dog but will be big trouble if he eats it. And be sure you don’t have any twist ties, rubber bands, cotton swabs or dental floss laying on the floor. Source Link 

January 15, 2018

Dry skin and winter go hand in hand but you can beat the itchy red attack with some simple steps. Use an ointment-based moisturizer with oils like a night cream that can create a protective layer on the skin and take shorter baths and showers in warm and not hot water. And don’t depend on your water bottle for help because drinking more water doesn’t hydrate your skin. Source Link 
You want a snack but don’t want all those calories? You can stay under 100 calories with a salty treat like 2 tablespoons of guacamole and 5 tortilla chips, or get some crunch with 3 cups of air-popped popcorn. Satisfy a sweet tooth with 2 tablespoons of frozen yogurt sandwiched between 2 graham crackers or get tart with 6 ounces of no-fat lemon yogurt. Source Link 
There’s new home technology that could save your life in a fire. The LifeDoor device is the size of a paperback book and attaches to your door’s hinges to close it automatically and gently when triggered by the sound of a smoke alarm. Experts say closing a door is the best way to keep a fire from spreading inside a house. Source Link 

January 12, 2018

A lifelong couch potato could become heart healthy with a few years of exercise. Researchers found that sedentary people in their 40s and 50s restored heart muscle with two years of a weekly exercise plan that included one hour of brisk walking, a high-intensity interval workout, moderate exercise two days a week and a weekly strength training session. Source Link
If you’re feeling stressed, get your nose in the laundry basket. People in a study who smelled a t-shirt worn by their partner performed better on a stressful test. Scientists say a familiar body scent, like with a shirt or from the other side of the bed can have a calming effect, but the smell of a stranger made women feel more stressed. Source Link
Get ready to open wide and say “cheese” every time you brush your teeth. The new Prophix smart video toothbrush includes a tiny camera that lets you livestream that brushing to your smartphone. Developers say the $400 toothbrush can also snap photos and comes with four interchangeable attachments to help remove what your brushing may have missed. Source Link 

January 11, 2018

Forget rose-colored glasses -- specs with a yellow tint might be the key to a better night’s sleep if you have screen time right up until bedtime. A study found that wearing amber-tinted glasses for about two hours later in the evening filtered the blue light from phones, tablets and computer screens and helped people with insomnia get more sleep. The amber-tinted glasses are widely available for $10 or less. Source Link
Not too soon, but not too late either. That’s the advice from experts who say babies should not be eating solid foods until they’re six months old. A survey found that half of infants were starting solid food at four months old and about one in ten parents waited too long and didn’t begin solid food until seven months old. Source Link
Can a smile workout take years off your look? Facial yoga is a series of exercises for the muscles of the face and a study found that a 30-day regimen yielded results that made the middle-aged women testers look two years younger. Proponents say the exercises strengthen facial muscles to give more support to older skin. Source Link

January 10, 2018

Your smartphone isn’t built for below-freezing weather that could shorten battery life, affect the display or even shatter the glass. Keep the phone in your pocket when you’re out and don’t leave it in a parked car in the cold. Don’t charge your phone when it’s cold and turn it off whenever possible to reduce the risk of damage from freezing temperatures. Source Link 
That overstuffed purse could be a real pain in your back. Experts say the bag you carry shouldn’t weigh more than about seven pounds and you can check that using a bathroom scale. If it’s too heavy, consider using two bags and if you carry just one purse try alternating it between sides each day to minimize the strain. Source Link 
If you like to speak emoji in your text messages the language will be expanding. The people in charge of worldwide emoji standards are considering new ones to represent people with red hair, white hair or no hair. Other contenders include a softball, a kangaroo and a bagel. One suggestion that’s been dropped is an emoji of a frowning pile of poo. Source Link 

January 9, 2018

In the time it takes to shower or get dressed you could set up your brain for a better day. A study found that 10 minutes on a stationary bike or treadmill could improve short-term mental performance. Researchers say the findings may be important for older people in early stages of dementia who can’t exercise for longer periods. Source Link 
You should be seeing less shameless begging for “likes” and “shares” in your Facebook feed. The social network is cracking down on companies and individuals who ask you to vote on something, share a post or tag friends in comments. The goal is to reduce the visibility of posts that are clickbait and point users to ad-filled websites. Source Link 
That trip to the dog park may be confusing for your pooch if she’s named Bella or his name is Max because there are plenty of them out there. Those were the top dog names of 2017 and the others are also popular names for humans, like Lucy, Daisy, Luna and Lola for the girls and Charlie, Cooper and Jack for the guys. Source Link 

January 8, 2018

What’s the best diet for that New Year’s resolution to lose weight? The Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet share the top spot in the latest ratings from US News and World Report. Experts say both feature real food and reasonable, flexible guidelines, while fads like the Keto diet that restricts carbs as you indulge in high-fat protein aren’t sustainable. Source Link 
If you’re looking to jet-off anytime between now and summer, this is the best time to buy your ticket. Industry watchers say January brings the best airfare deals and buying now could save you up to half the ticket price for some travel. It’s a good idea to set online airfare alerts at least six weeks before domestic travel and 12 weeks before international flights. Source Link 
It’s the stuff of those classic “As Seen On TV” ads updated for the new millenium. The Clapboss is a sound-activated switch that can turn on or turn off a handful of different plug-in devices based on the number of claps. The Clapboss is available now as a $39 Kickstarter project but will retail for $80 when it goes on sale later this year. Source Link 

January 5, 2018

Whether it’s sledding, skiing or going for a run, there are some basic rules for outdoor exercise in frigid weather. Experts say you should dress in layers so you can remove some of them as you warm up. Too much sweating that makes clothes damp can have you feeling even more cold and remember to hydrate just as you would for any outdoor exercising. Source Link
Surveys show that holiday overeating can extend well into January but you can get back on track with these tips. Identify your food triggers and get rid of any holiday leftovers that might be tempting you. Commit to eating less and exercising more for one week and begin healthy eating not tomorrow or next week but with your next meal. Source Link 
How can your smartphone help you exit an uncomfortable date? Apps like uSaveUS can send pre-programmed text messages or calls to give you an excuse to leave or can alert a bartender to offer help. And the Circle of 6 app can alert a group of up to six friends with your exact location using GPS. Source Link 

January 4, 2018

You can start the new year with a clean slate in your digital world. Google and Facebook let you erase the search history that’s used to send ads to you. Do this on your desktop computer and with the web browser on your phone and consider switching a search engine like DuckDuckGo that’s designed to keep your search information private. Source Link 
If you want to live a longer life, it might pay to be a bit headstrong. A study of people over 90 found that stubbornness and optimism were common personality traits. The very old adults had significant self-confidence and decision-making skills compared to people in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Source Link 
It may seem like men are bigger babies when they get the flu, and there’s a reason why. Researchers say hormonal differences between men and women may offer women greater protection from the full brunt of flu symptoms. Higher testosterone levels in men can also make the flu vaccine less effective. Source Link 

January 3, 2018

Here are some ways to safeguard your personal information in case of a major website hack. Consider using a master email address that’s only for recovering account information. Make sure you're not searchable by phone number on Linkedin or Facebook, and don’t use social media accounts to log in to other websites or apps to avoid sharing too much information. Source Link 
If you like to catch some sleep on an airline flight, don’t close your eyes until you’re up in the air. Experts warn that sleeping through takeoff or landing doesn’t allow you to adjust to rapid air pressure changes. That could leave your ears blocked up and cause dizziness, ear infections, eardrum damage, or even nosebleeds and hearing loss. Source Link 
Make sure homework help you’re offering your child is really helpful. Start with a set schedule that gives kids time to relax or play right after school and then hit the books early in the evening. Allow for a break between subjects and set limits so that homework doesn’t cut into sleep time. Source Link 

January 2, 2018

Here’s what you shouldn’t be doing when you create that next password. Skip the pet’s names, sports teams, places you’ve lived and birth dates and don’t bother adding a “1” or an exclamation point to the end because all of those are easy for hackers to beat. A strong 12-letter password would use the first letter or two of each word in a sentence that no one’s ever said before. Source Link
Getting kids to eat a good breakfast may mean you have to think outside the cereal box. Last night’s leftovers or healthy lunch fare can work as a first meal of the day. And for those who don’t have time for a sit-down breakfast you can offer a grab-and-go option like trail mix, a shake made with fruit and yogurt or a whole wheat tortilla spread with peanut butter. Source Link 
It’s a classic debate - is it okay to leave your smartphone charging overnight? - and the answer is, “yes and no.” Experts say chargers are designed to stop sending power to the battery when it reaches 100 percent. But it will continue to top-off your phone as the charge dips slightly from 100 percent throughout the night, and that’s not good for the battery. Source Link