October 31, 2016

So what’s a good diet for someone who sits on the job all day? Health experts say you should stock-up on foods that can reduce the inflammation that’s a side effect of a sedentary lifestyle. The list includes berries, nuts, avocados, pineapples, fatty fish and green tea. Source Link

The urge to snap a selfie while casting a ballot this year might land you on the wrong side of the law depending on where you’re voting. Eighteen states including Florida, California and New York have laws that prohibit taking photos of your 2016 ballot. Selfies in the voting booth are legal in 21 states and the law is unclear in 11 other states including Ohio and Pennsylvania. Source Link
Look for fewer princesses and more superheroes at the door for trick-or-treating this Halloween. A survey found that characters from action movies are the top costume choice for kids this year. Princesses ranked second, followed by animal costumes and then characters from the Batman and Star Wars movies. Source Link

October 28, 2016

Even after you kick the habit, the effects of cigarette smoking can linger for a long time. A study found that toxins from tobacco smoke persist in a home for at least six months after you quit and remain a threat to nonsmoking residents. So-called “thirdhand smoke” particles get into carpets, wallpaper, ceiling tiles, upholstery, clothes, blankets and pillows. Source Link
If you’re looking for rigged voting, critics say just check out a listing of product reviews on Amazon. About one out of three Amazon reviews come from people who got the product for free in exchange for a review. Amazon discloses this but that doesn’t stop the free product reviews from ranking high. Source Link
Want calorie counting to be a snap? There’s an app for that. The “SnapIt” app can determine calories in the food on your plate just by taking a photo of it. Developers say the app still has trouble recognizing some foods, so users may need to enter more information to identify an item after a picture is taken. Source Link

October 27, 2016

Can stress erase your efforts to eat healthy? A study found that a stressful day can affect the body much like a high-fat meal. Researchers think stress can cause more inflammation and that’s linked to heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes and many other health problems. Source Link
Parents who keep an eye on their kid’s social media habits should take care with their own posts too. Studies have shown that nine out of ten of 2-year-olds have an online presence. Experts say you should make sure that none of those posts contain health details or personal information about your child that can live forever online. Source Link
Some of your favorite Girl Scout cookies are joining the breakfast menu. General Mills has unveiled Girls Scouts cereal in Thin Mints and Samoa flavors. The new whole grain cereals will be on store shelves in January but will only be available for a limited time. Source Link

October 26, 2016

Men who are losing sleep may be losing out on fatherhood too. A study found that the amount of shuteye you get can affect men’s fertility because testosterone release mainly occurs during sleep. Experts say 7 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal but less or more than that can be a problem. Source Link
Like the changing of the seasons, it’s time once again to debunk another Facebook scam. The latest is a warning to post a special status update to prevent your Facebook pictures, posts and messages from becoming public. Facebook’s privacy policy has changed but it won’t allow the social network to publicly post all of your content. Source Link
So just how far can you drive once the fuel light comes on? The website YourMechanic.com has a guide based on average gas mileage for the 100 most popular new vehicles. The Ford F-150 truck might get you 35 miles to the next gas station, while a Chevy Cruze could log 56 more miles and the GMC Sierra Denali SUV may take you another 65 miles. Source Link

October 25, 2016

A high stress job may be good for your health if you have a hands-off boss. A long-term study found that employees in stressful jobs were one third less likely to die than people who had it easier at work. The key is being able to control your own workflow because those in high stress jobs with micromanaging bosses were most likely to be unhealthy and die sooner. Source Link
If you find yourself struggling to manage parenting and the demands of today’s 24/7 connected world, you’re not alone. It’s been called “texting while parenting” and a study found that incoming communication from work and friends is contaminating family time for many people. Experts say the solution is to set boundaries on work contact at home and turn off notifications if necessary. Source Link
So who’s the most dangerous celebrity on the internet? An annual survey found that a web search for comedian Amy Schumer was the most likely to connect with a site that carries viruses or malware. Singer Justin Bieber was number-two. Many people search and click without considering potential security risks in their quest for the latest news on celebrities. Source Link

October 24, 2016

Gluten may not be the only culprit for people with wheat sensitivity. Scientists say a different family of proteins called ATIs found in wheat and other grains appears to cause inflammation and make chronic health conditions worse. One theory is that ATIs and gluten may work together to cause pain, fatigue and other symptoms that are blamed on eating wheat products. Source Link
Motherhood is on the minds of more women. A new CDC report says a record 50-percent of American women between the ages of 15 and 44 say they expect to have a child in the future. The exception is those who are already moms. Women with two or more children said they don’t plan to have any more. Source Link
Is Man’s Best Friend too smart to be a pushover? Testing showed that dogs are less likely than children to follow useless instructions. The dogs would only copy a person's actions if doing so was essential to getting what they want. Source Link

October 21, 2016

If this year’s presidential election has you stressed out, you’re not alone. A poll from the American Psychological Association found that the battle for the White House has caused stress for more than half of all adults, regardless of party affiliation. If that’s you, experts suggest cutting back on media coverage and avoiding conversations about the election. Source Link
The financial umbilical cord for Millennials is substantial, according to a new survey. Almost half of all young adults receive monetary assistance from parents, even if they’re living on their own. People over 50 say they’ve given an average of $3,000 a year to other family members with two-thirds of that going to adult children. Source Link
Capping off your next meal with a short walk may just what the doctor ordered for people with type-2 diabetes. Participants in a study walked 150 minutes per week and walking for 10 minutes after each meal was the most effective way to lower blood sugar. Source Link

October 20, 2016

You’re not a morning person, so how can you make wake-up time less of a chore? Experts say you can start the night before by choosing the clothes you’ll wear and getting the tools of the workday such as laptops or paperwork ready to go. Set your alarm to a motivating ringtone and head to sleep visualizing yourself having a successful day. Source Link
If you’re a cyclist, your safety gear might need to include a set of earplugs. Testing found that wind noise while riding a bicycle at 15 miles an hour can reach the danger zone for hearing loss. At top speeds on a bicycle, wind noise can be as loud as the sound of a siren or a clap of thunder. Source Link
That bit of extra time it takes to use a chip card at the checkout can really add up. Experts say the average 20 seconds of additional time needed to complete your transaction can make a chip card as slow as using cash. Retailers are concerned that the checkout slow-downs will give customers yet another reason to make purchases online. Source Link

October 19, 2016

The law says you can vote at 18 and drink at 21, but adulthood doesn’t really begin until the bills start to arrive in your name. That was the top answer in a national survey of young people. Less than 10 percent think that graduating high school or getting married makes you an adult, and two out of three say turning 18 doesn’t mark the start of adulthood. Source Link
Researchers have found a link between taking antidepressants during pregnancy and an increased risk of speech or language disorders in children. Women who took SSRI drugs during pregnancy were one-third more likely to have children to be affected as compared to women with a psychiatric disorder who didn’t take antidepressants. Source Link 

While the kids are stashing their trick-or-treat haul may be the best time to book that Thanksgiving flight, if you haven’t bought your tickets already. The flight information search site Skyscanner suggests waiting until the week of October 31st for the best deals. They say for Christmas travel the biggest discounts will come the week of Thanksgiving. Source Link

October 18, 2016

The “brain fog” that can come after menopause is real and may be all in your head. Researchers found that lower estrogen levels were linked to the part of the brain that processes memory. But some postmenopausal women with lower hormone levels don’t experience memory issues and more research is needed to find out why. Source Link
Building a healthier diet by getting more fats may seem like a contradiction, but it’s not so confusing. Experts say the key is to substitute healthy fat foods like oils, seeds, nuts and fish for those with simple carbs. In other words, eat fewer crackers and bagels and more olive oil-drenched salads sprinkled with seeds and nuts. Source Link
When you use voice commands with your Android phone everything you say has been recorded, but you can erase those files. Go to history.google.com and under Voice and Audio Activity you can listen to and delete those recordings. It’s believed that Apple’s Siri system keeps similar recordings but there’s no way to review or erase them. Source Link

October 17, 2016

That fitness tracker on your wrist may not be a good way to measure heart rate while you’re working up a sweat. A study found that popular models like Fitbit and the Apple Watch were off when measuring heart rate during exercise. Researchers say the devices seem to work fine when tracking heart rate at rest. Source Link
Beating jet lag may include watching mealtimes along with adjusting your sleep schedule. Research involving long-haul airline crews found that it helped to eat meals at times that match the local timezone. When you eat on local time it can help reset the body’s natural rhythms that are thrown off by travel across time zones. Source Link
Sharing that Netflix binge with your mate may help to strengthen your bond as partners. Couples who enjoyed TV shows and movies together said they had a higher quality relationship. If lots of TV isn’t your thing, researchers say they found similar benefits when couples read the same book. Source Link

October 14, 2016

The downward dog may be as effective as that visit to the physical therapist to treat your chronic lower back pain. A study found that people reported significant improvement in back pain after 12 weekly yoga sessions. The results were the same for participants who had weekly physical therapy treatments. Source Link
It was once a rite of passage for every auto owner, but America’s youngest adults have no interest in haggling on price for a new car. Reports say Millennials who are used to researching and buying online don’t want to bargain with a salesman. The trend has been picked up by automakers like General Motors, which plans to sell new cars at fixed prices through Costco stores. Source Link
First it was free shipping, then free TV shows and music, and now Amazon Prime members can do some free reading. The new Prime Reading feature lets you pick from over 1,000 books, magazines, short works and comic books. The free reading is available to Prime members through the Amazon Kindle app for iOS and Android. Source Link

October 13, 2016

Working off some steam on the treadmill or in the gym may not be the best way to deal with anger. A large study found that people were three times more likely to suffer a heart attack when they exercised heavily within an hour of being upset. Anger can increase heart rate and blood pressure and that can put more stress on the heart. Source Link
Many people share their lives online through social media but there are some things you should keep to yourself. Experts advise against listing details of a vacation itinerary to avoid being targeted by burglars who know you’re out of town. And avoid the urge to post a photo of a driver's license or a paycheck because these could be used for identity theft. Source Link
What are the best buys at America’s favorite big stores? Most shoppers at Walmart and Target know about deals on toys, but name-brand laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, men’s razors and Kleenex are also often cheaper. And you’ll find some of the best deals on iPhones because big retailers often bundle phones with a gift card. Source Link

October 12, 2016

If you wake up groggy every morning, your bedroom smartphone habits may be to blame. A survey found the one in three people check their smartphone if they wake up in the middle of the night. It’s well-known that the bluish light from a smartphone screen can signal the body to wake up and that makes it harder to get back to sleep. Source Link
Parents should not be using one kind of  natural aid to help infants cope with teething pain. The FDA has issued a warning against homeopathic teething tablets and gels, saying they pose health risks. The agency is investigating reports of adverse effects in infants after use of the homeopathic remedies. Source Link
Does that fitness tracker on your wrist lead to better health? Probably not. A year-long study found that using a Fitbit didn’t raise activity levels enough to improve health for most people, even when they got financial rewards for using it. Experts say people who are inactive don’t need a tracking device to tell them that. Source Link

October 11, 2016

Why encourage your teenager to eat healthy now ? Because it could help them keep the weight off as adults. Researchers found that teenagers who ate more fruits and vegetables and less red meat and processed foods were less likely to be obese as adults. It’s believed that eating habits formed in our teen years become the pattern for adulthood. Source Link
Fall is a special season for pet safety. That walk in the woods could turn up more snakes that are prone to bite this time of year. Also keep your dog away from wild mushrooms that may be poisonous. And put away any school supplies because glue sticks, pencils and magic markers could cause stomach problems if eaten by a dog. Source Link

Amazon customers can now stock their shopping cart with the flick of the wrist. The Amazon Dash handheld shopping wand now reads barcodes for any product and adds it to your virtual cart. The Dash is available for $50 for members of the Amazon Prime loyalty program or $20 for members of the Amazon Fresh program. Source Link

October 10, 2016

What’s worse for your health -- “love handles” or a “spare tire?” A long-term study found that people with a pot belly had a greater risk for heart disease than those with visible fat elsewhere under the skin. Even with a body mass index in the normal range, people with a pot belly may be at increased cardiovascular risk. Source Link
It may cost more to send your toddler to daycare than it does to send your teen to college. A new report says the average cost of full-time daycare for a young child  -- about $9,500 a year -- now tops the typical cost of in-state college tuition. The report proposes high quality universal pre-K programs and more cash assistance to bring quality care to more families. Source Link
That Netflix binge might take a bigger bite out of your budget thanks to the tax man. Cities across America are implementing or considering a local tax on your Netflix bill. Cities want to include streaming services under laws that tax cable TV to make up for lost revenue as more people drop cable service. Source Link

October 7, 2016

If you use a computer screen at work, it’s likely you have some symptoms of computer vision syndrome that can cause blurred or double vision and burning, itching, dry and red eyes. You can help by placing your monitor just below your line of sight, keep room lighting dimmer than the screen and every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. Source Link
If you’re just eating yogurt, you’re missing out on many ways to use it outside of a meal. Experts say yogurt can be used to relieve a sunburn, polish tarnished brass and can add a sheen to your dog’s coat of hair. Back in the kitchen, it’s also a healthy substitute for butter, cooking oil and eggs. Source Link
The push to clean your plate can lead to overeating and it might start even before we’re taking solid food. Researchers found that feeding babies formula from a big bottle might put them at higher risk for greater-than-normal weight gain. Bottle-fed infants might be be overfed if the parent pushes the child to finish the bottle. Source Link

October 6, 2016

The office may not be the best place to have a good cry. A study using altered photos found that a person who was crying was considered less competent than the very same person when the tears had been edited out. Participants said they would comfort the crying person but wouldn’t want to work with them. Source Link
Farm life could be a key to having healthier kids. A study found that people who grew up on farms had fewer cases of asthma, hay fever and nasal allergies as adults. Researchers say farm children often shared bedrooms with siblings and had pets and were more likely to be exposed to allergens early in life. Source Link
Imagine a less-anonymous version of Craigslist that’s built into one of your favorite apps and you have the latest offering from Facebook. It’s new Marketplace feature will let you sell items and buy from people who live nearby. Marketplace shows you the person’s Facebook profile and you can chat using Facebook Messenger to haggle on prices or seal the deal. Source Link

October 5, 2016

Parents of college-bound children can get started on securing financial aid for the next school year. The FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid can be filed now for the 2017-2018 term. For the first time, families can use older tax information to complete the form that helps determine who gets financial aid. Source Link
If you reward yourself with a snack after some heavy brain work, you might be able to skip those calories with a short workout. Researchers found that 15 minutes of exercise helped people overcome the urge to eat after studying or completing a task that required lots of thinking. The food binge occurs because the brain needs to replenish its energy sources. Source Link
All those photos and emails that you store in the cloud may be locked up forever if you don’t designate a digital executor now. Services like Facebook and Gmail will only release contents of accounts to a contact person you pick before you die. Some want a change in federal law to clarify what internet companies can release after someone passes away. Source Link

October 4, 2016

Parents who’ve helped their last child move out should embrace the empty nest. Experts say this is a good time to focus on increasing your home’s value with upgrades, prepare to downsize, or even make more money by renting empty bedrooms to travelers and vacationers. But be ready for pushback from kids who don’t want to see their traditional home change. Source Link
Those emergency alerts that pop up on your phone are about to get bigger. The FCC has approved a plan to let messages be up to four times longer than the current 90-character limit and include links. The system is often used for weather warnings and Amber alerts but also helped to spread the word about a suspect in recent bombings in New York and New Jersey. Source Link
America’s young people need to get up and get moving. A new study found that nine out of ten high schoolers don't get enough exercise to stay fit and healthy. The exception is those who go on to college and live on campus. Experts think that’s because on-campus life includes much more walking than is typical for teens today. Source Link

October 3, 2016

Beating breast cancer may take more than a mastectomy. New guidelines issued by three leading cancer organizations suggest that more breast cancer patients should get radiation therapy after a mastectomy.  There’s more evidence to show that radiation treatment after the surgery lessens the risk of breast cancer returning. Source Link
The lunch crowd is dwindling at America’s eateries. New figures show that fewer restaurant meals are being served and lunch business was hit the hardest, especially at fast casual locations like Panera Bread and Chipotle. Experts say grocery prices have been flat as restaurant prices rise and more people are brown-bagging it. Source Link
America’s third largest health insurer wants to help its 23 million members in a move that could also improve the financial health of one of the world’s biggest companies. Aetna says it will offer the Apple Watch to members at a significant discount to take advantage of its health and fitness apps. The Apple Watch has lagged in sales behind fitness trackers like Fitbit. Source Link