January 31, 2017

Getting by on less sleep requires two important steps. It's possible for some people to thrive on just six hours of sleep a night but only if you don't feel sleepy during the day. You may also need a half-hour nap in the afternoon to ensure that your body gets adequate rest each day. Source Link

People have been talking to dogs for as long as we've been pet owners, but is there a right way   to converse with your pooch? A study found that using a higher pitch of voice does help the animal pay attention. But this advantage was only seen with puppies and didn't have the same effect for adult dogs.  Source Link

Is age 30 the new 40? It may be when it comes to how you handle your health. Experts say the 30-somethings may be in for trouble if they continue a high-intensity pace, whether that’s during exercise or at  party. And the louder tick of that biological clock may mean you'll have to  adjust your real alarm clock back an hour or so. Source Link

January 27, 2017

Could your taste for spicy food lead to a longer life? A study found that people who ate hot peppers had a 13 percent reduced risk for dying early. Capsaicin that gives peppers their punch has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may be linked to disease prevention. Source Link
It’s good news and bad news for those of us who don’t want to get sick. The bad news? The CDC says flu cases are on the rise as we near the peak season for the spread of influenza. The good news? It’s still not too late to get a flu shot and be protected before flu season peaks in February. Source Link
If you don’t recognize many titles on this year’s list of Oscar nominated films, America’s theater owners want to help you catch up. The Cinemark chain is selling a $35 pass that lets you see every Best Picture nominee during the week before the Oscars. Regal Cinemas and AMC Theatres have similar offers to see those Academy Award hopefuls at a discount price. Source Link

January 26, 2017

If you need to catch up on exercise and get more sleep, the weekend can be your friend. A study found that people who got all their exercise in one or two sessions had a lower risk of cancer, heart disease and early death than those who were sedentary. Other research has shown that adding a few hours of extra shuteye for a few days can make up for occasional lost sleep. Source Link
Can new parents conquer a common problem with fussy babies using an ancient Chinese treatment? Babies who were given acupuncture got over colic sooner. Researchers said the infants rarely woke during the treatments and the improvements lasted for nearly a week. Colic is a problem for about one in five babies. Source Link
So you’d like to put your food scraps to good use but don’t want to create a compost pile in the backyard? The new $699 Whirlpool Zera Food Recycler looks like a tall kitchen garbage can and can recycle all those leftovers except bones and pits. A carbon filter reduces odor and plant-based additives give you fresh-made fertilizer. Source Link

January 25, 2017

College women aren’t being smart about the dangers of indoor tanning. A survey of white female undergraduate and graduate students found that almost all knew about the dangers of skin cancer and that indoor tanning was no safer than outdoor sun. But 70 percent say they like to get a tan because it makes them feel more attractive. Source Link
Do you know the etiquette of “achoo?” Sneezing is good for you because it gets rid of allergens or viruses in your nose, but an open sneeze can travel more than 10 feet and leave germs that can linger for weeks. Sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm and if you sneeze into your hands, wash with soap and water because hand sanitizer won’t kill all the germs. Source Link
Your face might take the place of your fingerprint for security in the next iPhone. Reports say Apple may improve face recognition to be used as a security lock in the iPhone 8. Other reports say the physical home button on the iPhone could be dropped and that would bring an end to the brief era of Touch ID. Source Link

January 24, 2017

America’s biggest restaurants seem to have misplaced that order for more healthy kid’s meals. A new report says there’s been no real improvement in the five years since 150 restaurant chains pledged to reduce calories, saturated fat and salt from children's menus. The study found that 80 percent of kid’s beverage choices are still sugary drinks. Source Link
If you’re feeling your age today, get out of your seat. Researchers found that those who sat most of the day and got little exercise had cells that were biologically eight years older than their actual age. The effects were strongest for who sat for more than 10 hours and got less than 40 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day. Source Link
High tech is making new motherhood easier. Some of the latest gadgets include the Willow smart breast pump that uses sealable bags and can track how much you’ve pumped. And while it wears like a Band-Aid the new TempTraq is actually a disposable wireless temperature monitor for babies that sends readings to your smartphone. Source Link

January 23, 2017

It’s said that having boys can raise a mother’s blood pressure, but it could be the opposite. A study found that women who delivered baby boys had a higher systolic blood pressure before they got pregnant. Researchers say someday it may be possible  to determine the sex of a baby before birth using blood pressure readings. Source Link
Are you talking more but saying less? You could be if you’re a fast talker. A study of conversations found that fast and slower talkers delivered the same amount of information. Why? Researchers say the rapid-fire talkers tended to use more words to say the same thing that slow speakers did with less lip flapping. Source Link
If you want a fresh-smelling home, now you can swap that plug-in for a smartphone app. Moodo is a smart air freshener that uses scented crystals in a special diffuser you operate with an app. You can even create a scent playlist of different fragrances, but it isn’t cheap. The Moodo diffuser is priced at $139 and a package of 48 scent capsules is $518. Source Link

January 20, 2017

A fitness tracker can count your steps and your z’s, but what if it could also tell when you’re getting sick? That’s the goal behind testing that used smartwatches to measure fitness, sleep, weight, skin temperature and blood oxygen levels. Researchers say patterns could be detected from those readings to show when you’re on the verge of illness. Source Link
The morning cup of coffee that revs you up for the day may also slow down the effects of Father Time. Caffeine may fight the inflammation that leads to many diseases and that could help you live longer. A study found that the more caffeine older people consumed, the more protected they were against chronic inflammation. Source Link
Tuition rates are at record highs, so when does that college degree finally pay off? A new report says most graduates have recouped the cost of college  by age 34. After that, your bachelor degree pays dividends for years to come in annual wages that are $25,000 higher than the average for people who only have a high school degree. Source Link

January 19, 2017

Should your annual health checkup include some time on a treadmill or exercise bike? An American Heart Association report says a test that measures how much work your body can do during exercise should be part of a routine medical exam. Cardiorespiratory fitness is strongly linked with heart health. Source Link
Your next Netflix binge could be a real horror fest if you fall victim to a new scam. Some subscribers have received bogus emails asking them to click on a link to update their membership and payment information. Netflix says it will never send an email to ask for your credit card number. Source Link
If you don’t know beans about good eating habits you may want to eat more of them. A study found that people who ate meals with beans felt full longer and ate less at their next meal. Researchers say it could be proof that eating a vegetable-based, fiber-rich meal can help you maintain a healthy weight. Source Link

January 18, 2017

When should small children should go without their coats in winter weather? When they’re in a car seat. Experts say puffy coats or snow suits can flatten on impact during an accident and loosen the seat straps so that your child slips out. Dress children in layers and use a blanket or coat over the seat after they’re safely strapped in. Source Link
Staying sharp as we age means staying connected with others. A study found that people over 50 who regularly volunteered with church groups, neighborhood associations, or political or social groups scored higher in mental testing. Researchers think being active sharpens communication and social skills and protects mental functions as we age. Source Link
Want to enjoy a few adult beverages with less chance of a hangover? Go clear and don’t go cheap. Dark-colored alcoholic beverages like red wine, brandy and whiskey are higher in compounds called congeners that are harder for the body to process. And low-cost liquors have more congeners because they are distilled less than the pricier labels.  Source Link

January 17, 2017

Call it a baby monitor for the final stages of your pregnancy. The new Bloomlife wearable tracks muscle contractions in the uterus to help moms-to-be determine if it’s the real thing. The Bloomlife will be available on a subscription plan that costs $199 for the first month and $249 for the second month. Source Link
Why is a good night’s sleep a great prescription for fighting illness? Because it may reboot your immune system. Testing showed that during a full night of sleep white blood cells left the bloodstream and moved to the lymph nodes to fight infection. People with little or no sleep didn’t get this immune system boost. Source Link
Your kids could be using that Android smartphone or tablet to create their own cartoons. The free “Toontastic 3D” app lets them draw, animate and narrate 3D cartoons. The target audience is 8-to-10 year olds, but developers say adults can also get in on the creative fun. Source Link

January 16, 2017

If you’re looking for the best diet plan for the new year, have a MIND to make a DASH to the Mediterranean. The heart-healthy DASH diet was ranked number-one for the seventh consecutive year by U.S. News and World Report, followed by the Mediterranean diet and the MIND diet that combines elements of the first two and also boosts brain health. Source Link 

Don’t let the question, “what’s in your wallet?” include these items. Experts say a Social Security card should never go with you and don’t carry old receipts with shopping and financial information that can help hackers. Don’t carry every credit card with you and avoid using a phone case that doubles as a wallet, in case your phone is lost or stolen. Source Link
It could be a fun way to keep toddlers from becoming touchscreen couch potatoes. The new Fisher-Price Think and Learn Smart Cycle uses your tablet with four downloadable games that the child controls by pedaling the stationary bike. You can also put the kiddie spin cycle in front of a smart TV for an interactive experience. Source Link

January 13, 2017

Can seniors get a brain boost from an afternoon siesta?  A study with people over 65 found that an hour-long nap in the afternoon was linked to improved memory and ability to think clearly. The length of sleep may be important because the 60-minute nappers outperformed those who slept for less than an hour or more than an hour. Source Link
Even if you’re a Costco power shopper there are ways you save even more in the popular warehouse store. Experts say eyeglasses and prescriptions are some of the best buys, and you don’t need a membership to use the pharmacy. And look through that monthly coupon book before you shop to find more savings in the store or on the website. Source Link
The Monopoly board may never look the same again. Hasbro is letting the public vote on which eight tokens will be used in the next edition of their classic game. At VoteMonopoly.com you can choose from 50 tokens including current ones like the top hat and Scottie dog and new pieces such as a thumbs up, a typewriter or a T-rex. Source Link

January 12, 2017

What appetizer could help you lose a pound a week? A study found that people who ate a cup of soup before a meal consumed 20 percent less calories. Soup slows down eating and leaves you feeling full longer. For the best results, health experts suggest a smooth soup rather than a chunky style and to avoid soups with heavy cream or cheese. Source Link
People who buy flameless battery-powered candles need to watch for another safety risk. The tiny button batteries that power those candles can be swallowed by children and cause internal injuries. Some flameless candles are packaged with loose batteries and others have battery compartments that can be easily opened. Source Link
It’s the device that we can’t live without, so it’s hard to believe that the smartphone is just 10 years old. This week in 2007 Apple unveiled the first iPhone that revolutionized the way we communicate. Apple has sold over a billion iPhones and it’s believed that the iPhone 8 coming this fall will have more new features to celebrate the 10th anniversary. Source Link

January 11, 2017

Many restaurant kid’s meals offer adult-sized portions of food. Nutritionists say a kid’s meal should be no more than 600 calories but a typical burger was close to 500 calories with french fries adding 300 more, plus 100 calories for milk. Experts say listing calorie counts on menus will help parents make better choices. Source Link
It’s no mystery why a being nail biter is unhealthy. Fingernails harbor dirt and germs or have nail polish  that can cause illness or irritate your gums if swallowed.  Biting your nails also raises the risk of hangnails and painful nail infections, and nail biting can cause your teeth to shift out of place or chip  and break. Source Link
These words of the year may sound familiar if you followed politics in 2016. Members of the American Dialect Society chose “dumpster fire” - a chaotic or disastrous situation - as the top word of the year. Also on their list of notable words for 2016 were “post-truth” and the verb “gaslight” and the euphemism of the year was “locker-room banter.”  Source Link

January 10, 2017

Health experts are doing an official about-face on peanuts in hopes of reducing allergies. New guidelines says most parents should feed babies peanut-based foods as soon as six months old. The early introduction of peanuts could prevent bad reactions and allergies later. Source Link
Burning that midnight oil doesn’t burn more calories. In fact, studies show that people who got too little sleep ate the equivalent of another meal a day with more fat and less protein. Researchers think a lack of sleep might affect hormones related to hunger. Source Link
Want to avoid finding a moldy mystery item in your refrigerator? The new FridgeCam takes a photo every time you close the door. Developers say it can keep track of how long items have been on the shelves and send notifications to your phone when something is due for eating or tossing. Source Link

January 9, 2017

When you’ve resolved to lose weight and eat better, experts say a good strategy is to focus on what you’re adding instead of what you’re giving up. Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables and add a healthy snack to take to work each day. But ditch those unhealthy foods lurking in your kitchen, glove box or desk. Source Link

Getting kids to brush their teeth doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead of setting a two-minute timer, try playing a fun song or reading a silly story to them as they brush. Don’t ever let kids skip brushing and encourage them by brushing your teeth together and offering rewards for good habits. Source Link
Will Apple offer a helping hand to hang-up on using the iPhone at the movies? Reports say a new feature called Theatre Mode could work like Airplane Mode and also reduce screen brightness. It may even allow you to set it automatically for theatres using GPS. Source Link

January 6, 2017

If you’re a strict vacation planner, your time may not fly when you should be having fun. Studies show that over-planning can take the leisure out of vacation time. Experts say people associate schedules with work and more vacationers enjoy spontaneous activities or casually planned events that don’t have a specific time. Source Link
Our obsession over earwax could be causing more harm than good. Specialists say earwax protects your inner ear from dirt and too much cleaning might lead to a bigger build-up. The best advice is to consult your doctor if you think there’s a problem and never use anything like cotton swabs, toothpicks or ear candles to remove earwax.  Source Link
People who want to swap their cable subscription for streaming video and local broadcast TV have a new way to put everything in one box. The $129 Dish AirTV player features an easy-to-use on-screen viewing guide that combines streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and Sling TV, plus local broadcast channels through your own antenna. Source Link

January 5, 2017

If your New Year’s resolution is to overcome a fear of the dentist, a trip to the therapist might be your first step. A study found that eight out of ten patients who had five sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy were able to undergo dental treatment without sedation. Another option is to bring earphones and listen to your own relaxing music while you’re in the dentist’s chair. Source Link

It’s a healthy snack for kids that could be deadly if eaten the wrong way. Health experts are warning that young children should not eat whole grapes because of the risk of choking. Grapes and cherry tomatoes should be cut in half or quartered. Grapes, hot dogs and candy are the most common foods that cause choking. Source Link

Putting your skills to work to build your income in 2017 may be easier than you think. If you’re an Instagram master try sites like Instaprints.com that help you sell prints of your original photos. Crafters can use Etsy.com to sell their handmade wares and budding authors could self-publish an e-book with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Source Link

January 4, 2017

Nature may adapt the brain to help new moms take on the tasks of motherhood. Testing found less gray matter in the part of the brain that handles social interactions and that could help a new mom focus on her baby. Researchers say this “baby brain” may persist for up to two years after a child is born. Source Link
The flu and a cold can both be a pain, but where you feel them can help determine which it is. The common cold can cause aches and pains but health experts say that’s usually mild and often associated with nasal congestion. On the other hand, the flu can bring on deep muscle pains in your legs and back. Source Link
Are you stuck in the slow lane on the information superhighway? A new FCC survey says the median speed for broadband connections is now 39 megabits per second, which is fast enough to handle video streaming for multiple devices in a home. Cable customers get the best performance but most with DSL have internet speeds that poke along at 10 megabits or less. Source Link

January 3, 2017

So your New Year’s resolution is to spend more wisely in 2017? Here are some simple ways to do it. Experts suggest you cut one service you’re not using, like a premium cable channel you don’t watch, or eat dinner at home once more per week or brown-bag your lunch one day a week. And with clothing, games, books or sporting equipment look for used items before you buy new. Source Link
A new report from America’s pediatricians says e-cigarettes can put teens on a lifelong road to nicotine addiction. Studies show the earlier you start smoking the harder it is to kick the habit and e-cigarettes make it easy for youngsters to start. The latest figures show that more high school kids are using e-cigarettes than smoking tobacco. Source Link
If that gift to yourself is a new flat screen, your patience is about to pay off. TV prices typically plunge about 20 percent in the two weeks before the Super Bowl and bigger screens offer the best deals. But don’t waste those savings on an extended warranty and choose generic instead of pricey HDMI cables because you won’t see the difference on-screen. Source Link