May 31, 2019

If you’re feeling ill and wondering should you go to work today, let the calendar answer the question. You’re most contagious during the first 48 hours of a cold or the flu, so stay home at the first sign of symptoms. A wet cough, a runny nose, fever or aches are things that should encourage you to call in sick. Source Link 

Frozen vegetables can be as tasty as fresh and easy to use when you remember these tips. Be careful not to overcook and try defrosting frozen vegetables in a colander under cold running water instead of using a microwave. You can add vegetables directly from the freezer in soups, stews and chili and in that breakfast smoothie. Source Link 

Learning skills to manage money can be fun and games for kids. Playing games like Monopoly or chess can teach your child to plan ahead and play to win. And if there’s a Fortnite fan in your family give them an allowance for in-game purchases to help them learn how to budget their spending. Source Link 

May 30, 2019

If you’re ready to make the switch to whole grains be sure you’re getting all you want. Many foods that are labeled “made with whole grains” or “multigrain” could be using a tiny percentage of whole grains while the rest is refined flour. Only foods labeled “100% whole grains” use just that. Source Link 

Here are a few simple steps to keep your home router safe from hackers and hijackers. Pick a unique username and password so no one else can piggyback on your service and turn off the setting that broadcasts your network’s name or SSID. And change that SSID to something that doesn’t include the router’s brand name or your name or address. Source Link 

You can do strength training at home without any weights or other equipment. Jumping jacks can be a strength and cardio workout and squats use your body’s weight. Or press your back into a wall and slide it down the wall as you walk your feet out in front of you, bending at the knees. Source Link 

May 29, 2019

What food can you put on your plate to put a better smile on your face? Think about the basic nutrients that build stronger teeth like calcium in dairy and eggs, and fish, meat and poultry rich in phosphorus. Vitamin C can come from citrus fruits, and sweet potatoes, leafy greens and fish are good sources of vitamin A. Source Link 

Can a grandparent or older babysitter put your infant at-risk for the measles? Most adults have had the measles and are immune or have been vaccinated, but if you’re not sure about this a healthy adult can get a booster MMR shot. Source Link 

When you’re paying for that summer vacation you should consider using a rewards credit card. About half of travelers surveyed say they use a rewards credit card and earn an average of $1,000 a year in benefits, whether that’s discounted airfare and lodging or cash back. Source Link 

May 28, 2019

It’s the unofficial start of the summer season and a good time to talk about the three S’s to protect your skin from the sun. First, slip into long-sleeve shirts or long pants to minimize skin exposure and then slap on a hat that protects your face, ears and neck. And don’t forget to slop on plenty of sunscreen and reapply every few hours or after swimming. Source Link 

Follow these tips for safer house cleaning. When working with liquid cleaners, wear gloves to protect your skin and consider using a diluted vinegar solution or baking soda instead of stronger chemicals like bleach or ammonia. And remember to open a window and get fresh air in while you’re scrubbing with a strong cleaner. Source Link 

Diet or exercise may not be key to managing your weight because the effectiveness of both depends on something else you may be shirking. Not getting enough sleep makes you tire faster during exercise and boosts the hormone that makes you feel hungry. Less than six hours a night is considered to be chronic sleep deprivation. Source Link 

May 24, 2019

Self-esteem is considered a must for emotional wellbeing but it's also important to know how to give yourself a break. With self-compassion, you can show yourself the same empathy that you extend to others. Being understanding with yourself, rather than judgemental offers a kind of immunity against negative influences like fear. Source Link 

In the race to shed those pounds and improve your health, it doesn’t matter if you're the tortoise or the hare. Research has shown that losing weight quickly doesn't offer any more health benefits than slimming down slowly. Some believe that faster weight loss may be better in reducing risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. Source Link 

Can a popular technique to cut clutter in your home also work for your finances? Look at the things you spend money on and ask yourself if it brings you joy. If not, it needs to go. Plenty of us have subscriptions or memberships we don’t use, new clothes that never make it out of the closet or too many tech toys that lose their thrill quickly. Source Link 

May 23, 2019

If you want to train your brain, put away the apps and pick up a musical instrument. Studies have found that that musical training enhances verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills. Learning to play an instrument uses information from the senses of vision, hearing, and touch, as well as fine movements. Source Link

How can you beat that bad aftertaste from garlic or onions? Brushing and flossing are good first steps but the chemicals in garlic or onions can get into your bloodstream and prolong the stink. Eating apples, lettuce or parsley or drinking milk might counteract this but cooking garlic or onions before eating will neutralize the offending enzymes. Source Link 

You can put your spending in perspective with your earnings by finding your true hourly wage. Take your annual after-tax income and subtract costs like transportation and then divide by the number of hours you worked, commuted or attended work events. Use this to determine how many hours you’ll need to work to make a purchase. Source Link 

May 22, 2019

If you’re getting too many junk robocalls, the sound of silence may be the answer. When it’s a number you don’t recognize, pick up the call but don’t say anything right away. Automated calling systems often wait to hear a voice and the silence can make them disconnect quickly. Source Link 

When you need an energy boost at work instead of reaching for caffeine, try walking up the stairs. A study found that easy stair walking provided a better pick-me-up than the caffeine in a can of soda. Researchers say stair walking is something that most people can do on a break during their workday. Source Link 

The truth is finally out - changing your password often for security purposes doesn’t work. Microsoft says when people are forced to change their passwords, that often make a small and predictable alteration to their existing password. It’s better to use a strong password manager or two-factor authentication. Source Link 

May 21, 2019

Before you pack your bags for that holiday road trip, be sure to pack your car with some safety essentials. Along with your cell phone, AAA recommends a flashlight with extra batteries, a first-aid kit, a basic toolkit with tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench, and jumper cables and emergency reflectors. And bring drinking water and extra snacks for people and pets. Source Link 

A good knife is an essential tool in the kitchen and you don’t need a drawer full of them. An eight to 10-inch chef’s knife and a serrated knife and a shorter paring knife can tackle almost any cutting task. Select a quality knife that feels comfortable in your hand and has a heavy, strong handle with a longer metal tang that goes through the end of the handle. Source Link 

Why resist the urge to use an app that lets you watch pirated TV shows and movies on your phone? Researchers found that one of the most popular apps was grabbing personal information after being installed. Experts think these apps may include malware to provide your private data to hackers. Source Link 

May 20, 2019

How do you know when you’re addicted to your smartphone? Experts say people with a cell phone addiction check their phones constantly, feel impatient or irritable if they’re not holding it, and think about their smartphone when they’re not using it. And when cell phone use interferes with work and makes it hard to focus on tasks, it’s time to get help. Source Link 

Staying heart healthy might require you to fuel-up every morning. In a 20-year study, people who never ate breakfast were 87-percent more likely to die from heart-related causes and had three times the risk of stroke. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day and that could lead to obesity which raises the risk for heart disease and stroke. Source Link 

Does that burst of creativity need a waiting period to arrive? A study found that people were more creative when they had a 20-minute break after brainstorming new ideas. Researchers say the recipe for creativity may be to try and get frustrated and then relax, sit back, and see it happen. Source Link 

May 17, 2019

A treadmill or set of resistance bands might offer the same benefits as medication for some people with high blood pressure. Studies have shown that endurance or dynamic resistance exercise can lead to lower blood pressure readings similar to those achieved with medicines. But researchers say more study is needed before anyone will stop taking their prescription. Source Link 

How can a kitchen timer help you keep your home cleaner? If you avoid chores, set a kitchen timer to find out just how long it takes to wash a few dishes or pick up some clothes. Seeing how little time it takes to do a chore can encourage you to do those things right away and not let them pile up into a big job. Source Link 

Self-esteem is considered a must for emotional wellbeing but it's also important to know how to give yourself a break. With self-compassion, you can show yourself the same empathy that you extend to others. Being understanding with yourself, rather than judgemental offers a kind of immunity against negative influences like fear. Source Link 

May 16, 2019

Gardening is a form of exercise and here’s how to avoid injury when you’re planting and pruning. Try some stretching to loosen joints before you start and to avoid staying in the same position too long. If you’re moving rocks or other heavy objects be sure to lift with your legs and use a garden stool to reduce the strain from kneeling. Source Link 

Take care to avoid these things that can shorten the battery life of your smartphone. Using vibration for calls and notifications, giving location permission to apps that don’t need it and not using auto-brightness for your screen can drain a battery faster. And leaving your phone under your pillow at night or out in the sun can cause it to overheat and damage the battery. Source Link 

If every meal seems like a race to clean your plate, try these tips to slow down. Eating with your non-dominant hand can help and set down your fork for 10 seconds between each bite. And use smaller plates and bowls that empty faster to make it look like you’re full even when you’ve eaten less. Source Link 

May 15, 2019

Keeping air travel safe for your pet begins long before the plane leaves the ground. If your dog or cat is traveling in cargo, get them acclimated to the kennel they’ll be staying in to avoid injuries from biting or scratching at the cage. Stop solid food at least six hours before the flight and consult with your vet before giving pets any sedatives. Source Link 

You may not have to hit the gym during the workweek if you’re active on the weekend. Researchers found that those who exercised one or two days a week had the same life span as those who exercised more often. If you’re getting at least 3 hours of moderate to vigorous activity each week it may not matter if you spread it out over seven days. Source Link 

It’s time to wake up and debunk some common myths about sleeping. A drink won’t help you sleep better and your body can’t function well on just five hours of sleep a night. And don’t assume that snoring is no big deal. Snoring that stops abruptly could be a sign of apnea that happens when throat passages close and you stop breathing. Source Link 

May 14, 2019

What’s in your ears can help you get better sleep. Meditation using a mobile app can help ease you into slumber and get you back to sleep if you wake up overnight. And research has shown that listening to nature sounds can trigger a relaxation response in the brain to help you get to sleep. Source Link 

The antidote to being cooped up in an office may be to bring the outdoors inside. Surrounding yourself with natural things like plants and getting more sunlight can boost your mood and job satisfaction and could be a buffer to stress. Even a screensaver with nature photos might give you some of the benefits of the outdoor experience. Source Link 

Where there’s a will, there’s a better way to protect your family and make sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to guardianship for children or how to give away your possessions. Review your will annually and after big life events like a divorce or when children become adults. And consider a living will that lists the care you do or don’t want if you become seriously ill. Source Link 

May 13, 2019

If you suffer from allergies you might find relief by doubling up on laundry days. Sheets and pillowcases can hold allergens as well as dirt, sweat and skin oils. The best advice is to wash your pillowcase every week and always change your sheets after you’ve had a cold. Source Link

Email is a prime target for hackers who want to get to sensitive information and you can protect yourself by using different email accounts. Use one for banking and credit cards, another for shopping and another for social media. This way, a breach involving one account doesn’t endanger all of your digital life. Source Link 

Smiling at someone can make them happy and science says it goes both ways. A review of over 100 studies concluded that smiling makes people feel happier, scowling makes them feel angrier and frowning makes them feel sadder. You can’t smile your way to happiness but it’s proof that the mind and body can work together to shape our emotions. Source Link

May 10, 2019

Be sure to mind these rules of the sky if you want to be a good fellow passenger on your next flight. The middle seat gets both armrests, don’t recline in economy seats and don’t grab the back of seats while walking down the aisle. And stand up when someone needs to get past you and into the aisle. Source Link 

Sometimes it’s what you don’t do that can make your workday more productive. For example, don’t load up that daily must-do list -- keep it to five items. Don’t skip breaks that can help you stay on track mentally. And don’t be afraid to schedule downtime every day when you can think big without a deadline. Source Link 

A fitness tracker can be an investment in better health but be sure to pick one that works for you. Read reviews and find one that’s best for walking, running, swimming or cycling. If there’s a health app on your smartphone you could already have a baseline to measure against the readings from a new tracker. Source Link

May 9, 2019

Drinking too many calories is a problem for some people who try to watch their weight. Start by making water, black coffee or tea your default drink. Beware of any beverage that gets most of its calories from sweeteners, whether real or artificial and keep smoothies to the smallest size with only non-fat yogurt or milk and real fruit but no added sugar. Source Link 

Grocery shopping by color can be your first step toward a healthier heart. Choose foods with lots of color by starting in the produce section to stock up on a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables. And avoid white in bread, potatoes and rice and check labels for added salt and sugar that can be found in many processed foods. Source Link 

Don’t get fooled by these car care tips that could hit you hard in the pocketbook. Overfilling your tires won’t improve mileage but will give you a rougher ride and wear out the tires sooner. And don’t drive with less than a quarter-tank of gas because it makes your fuel pump work harder and wear out faster and replacing it could cost up to $700. Source Link 

May 8, 2019

Most people don’t think about foot care until they’re in pain but some common problems can be prevented with a few simple steps. Always wear water shoes around public swimming pools and in showers at the gym to avoid viruses that can cause nail fungus or athlete’s foot. Wear socks and tights made from breathable fabrics and if shoes hurt the first time you try them on, don’t buy them. Source Link 

When you want a loan or a credit card there’s a difference between pre-qualification and pre-approval. With pre-qualification, you ask the lender to look at your credit report to decide if you’re a good candidate. With pre-approval, lenders will get information from credit bureaus to generate a list of people who get offers for a loan or credit card. Source Link 

Looking for a natural way to a whiter smile? You can brush once a week with a paste made from baking soda or use a five-to-one mix of water and apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash. Rubbing your teeth with orange or lemon peels is another whitening method and brushing with activated charcoal can absorb plaque and compounds that can stain your teeth. Source Link 

May 7, 2019

How can changing one word make that self-critical voice in your head become a cheerleader? Experts say swap the word “I” for “you”. Making your mental narrative sound like it’s a friend’s advice can produce more positive self-talk and strengthen your resolve to get things done. Source Link 

Time to bust some popular myths about your cyber privacy. Your emails aren’t always secure unless you use a service like Gmail or Yahoo that encrypts by default. Private browsing can’t shield your activity from the boss or from your internet provider. And turning off GPS on your phone doesn’t make you untrackable because there’s still a record of cell towers and WiFi hot spots that you’ve used. Source Link 

Using sunscreen might do more than protect from skin cancer -- it could help you keep your cool. Researchers found that an SPF 50 sunscreen changed blood flow to the skin for natural cooling. Using sunscreen might be doubly good for people who work outdoors and need protection from UV rays and more ways to keep cool. Source Link 

May 6, 2019

When you calculate its price per gallon printer ink is like liquid gold, so here’s how to get the most from it. Try switching font type and size -- Times New Roman is better and Arial is worse. Use Print Preview to avoid wasting ink and paper when printing a web page. And forget the warnings and replace that cartridge only when it’s completely empty and can no longer print. Source Link 

Your muscles have a need for speed that could translate into a longer life. Research showed that people with more muscle power were less likely to die earlier. Building muscle power requires strength training that emphasizes the speed of repetition along with the amount of weight and number of reps. Source Link 

The college grad in your life might like one of these gifts to help them in the work world. Try a book on time management or an organization tool like a personalized portfolio to keep paperwork in one place. And graduates who land a job in an open office might appreciate having noise canceling headphones to use at work. Source Link 

May 3, 2019

Instead of dinner and a movie, that art class or game night may bring the two of you even closer. Couples activities like painting or playing a board game can spark the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with romantic bonding. Researchers say any activity with physical touch, social interaction, novelty and partner encouragement could also work. Source Link 

For better self-esteem, look for ways to build on your strengths instead of just fixing the weaknesses. Discover what skills make you feel the best about yourself and find activities to stimulate that. If it’s critical thinking, go to lectures or take a class. Creatives can start a new project and or can strengthen perseverance by taking on a new responsibility on a short timetable. Source Link 

Many household plastics that go into the trash could have a second life in your home. Gardeners can use yogurt cups to grow seedlings and those clear plastic containers used to package salad mix or berries can store loose items in your fridge. And an old peanut butter jar is perfect for making salad dressing or overnight oats. Source Link 

May 2, 2019

Using that smartphone or tablet as a reward for good behavior might make your kids even more addicted to a screen. Researchers found that what seems like good parenting could actually condition children to want technology even more. Kids with parents who used a device as a reward spent more time looking at screens. Source Link 

How can you avoid being shocked by what you see when you step on the bathroom scale? You can stop sneaky weight gain by evaluating your activity level and checking to see if some bad food habits have crept into your diet. Swap those low-nutrition items with more fruits and vegetables and commit to 30 minutes of exercise each day. Source Link 

If you load that toothbrush with a long stripe of toothpaste, you’re using too much. A pea-sized dollop is all you need to get the job done. Using lots of toothpaste can give you too much fluoride and that’s especially bad for youngsters whose developing teeth can become streaked or spotted. Source Link 

May 1, 2019

If you didn't get a tax refund this year, you’re doing it right. Experts say you should adjust withholding so that refund money goes to your paycheck instead of Uncle Sam. Using that extra money to pay more on a credit card bill or to invest in a 401-k is better than making a zero-interest loan to the IRS. Source Link

Your spring cleaning can extend to the refrigerator. Now’s a good time to empty the fridge and clean all surfaces with a mixture of mild soap and water. Toss those half-empty condiments and don’t store milk, yogurt or cheeses in the door. And keep the eggs in their original container in the middle of the fridge. Source Link

Looking for a good exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve the fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. The slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link