September 29, 2017

Want to enjoy a few adult beverages with less chance of a hangover? Go clear and don’t go cheap. Dark-colored alcoholic beverages like red wine, brandy and whiskey are higher in compounds called congeners that are harder for the body to process. And low-cost liquors have more congeners because they are distilled less than the pricier labels.  Source Link
If you want to clear your head, try grabbing the hand soap. Researchers found that hand-washing helped people hit a mental reset button and made them more open to different thinking. The psychological phenomenon could be used to help people drop bad ideas and poor behavior in favor of new, healthier habits. Source Link
The bathroom scale may not be the best way to see if your diet plan is working. Health experts say things like water weight can throw off that measurement.  What’s a better way to track your progress?  Use a tape measure on your chest, waist, hips and thighs once a week, and see if your clothes are beginning to feel loose. Source Link

September 28, 2017

Think of it as spring cleaning, except it happens in fall and the chores are outdoors. Remember to winterize your lawn mower by draining the gasoline and replacing it with a special fuel mix that has no ethanol. And speaking of draining, don’t forget to winterize that sprinkler system by draining all water from the lines and from any sprinkler heads. Source Link
Caring for an older parent who’s in poor health can be stressful, but it can also true when you’re caring for an older pet with health issues. A study found higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety among dog and cat owners whose pets were older and ill. The best advice is to understand all that you can about the illness and be prepared with solutions. Source Link
Could Amazon’s Alexa become your eyes and ears in the world of search? One report says the popular home device that listens for questions would work with special glasses to allow access to the voice-activated assistant outside of the home. The Alexa glasses could be released before the end of the year. Source Link

September 27, 2017

Getting the most from your health insurance isn’t something to do only when you’re sick. Many policies include wellness programs to improve your health and help you avoid chronic conditions. Nutrition, smoking cessation, fitness, combating substance abuse and stress management are among the common wellness offerings that are often free or discounted. Source Link
If you’re a mom who’s burning the midnight oil it’s more likely that your children aren’t getting enough sleep. A study found that mothers with insomnia had kids with problems getting into bed and staying asleep. Some of that is heredity but  experts say children also model a parent’s behaviors. Source Link
They say kids grow up too fast but today’s teens may be moving in the slow lane. Research found that teenagers are now less likely to go on dates, have a part-time job or drive. Some may think that taking it slow is okay but there can be problems in college and in the workplace for young adults without as much experience with independence. Source Link

September 26, 2017

In the battle against Alzheimer’s and memory loss, joining the fight early is important and your heart is a good place to start. Experts say the same seven steps that promote heart health can protect the brain. They include losing extra weight, eating a healthy diet, managing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, getting physically active and not smoking. Source Link
That smartphone you give to your elementary student could make them a target. A study found that third, fourth and fifth graders with phones were much more likely to report cyberbullying. Kids in the same age group with their own phones were also more likely to be cyberbullies. Source Link
So you’d like to have fewer distractions from your phone but still need to keep track of important emails? The iPhone’s Mail app lets you add contacts to a VIP mailbox that will send you alerts when an import email arrives. In Android, you can label emails from important contacts to go to Gmail’s Priority Inbox and only get those notifications. Source Link

September 25, 2017

Picking up a book or pen and paper with your child could be the best thing you’ll do to ensure a bright future for them. Researchers say children with parents who read and write with them are better students. And the tools they need to succeed in school, like goal setting, time management and impulse control can also make them successful in the work force. Source Link
The dramatic benefits of weight loss surgery are long-lasting for many people. A study showed that patients who had gastric bypass surgery and lost 100 pounds kept most of that weight off even 12 years later.  And half of those who had type 2 diabetes before surgery were still in remission. Source Link
Don’t be too quick to pay for a credit monitoring service if you’re concerned about the security breach at Equifax. Experts say these services that can cost around $120 a year aren’t the best protection if your identity is stolen. Putting a freeze on your credit with each of the three reporting agencies might cost $10 and ensures that no one can use your name to get credit. Source Link

September 22, 2017

Cold season is still months away, but now’s the time for kids to get that flu shot. It’s important to be vaccinated sooner for children who spend all day in close quarters with others at school. If your child is afraid of shots, try this trick -- have them pretend to blow out candles on a birthday cake as they get the shot and it will distract them from the poke. Source Link
If you use Dropbox to store files in the cloud, watch out for scam messages that want you to verify your email address. Experts say hackers are using emails that look authentic to get you to click or tap a link that may trigger a malware infection. You can press and hold on a link to see if the email address is really from Source Link
Ever wonder what happens to all those items confiscated in airport security lines? is like eBay for Uncle Sam where you can bid to buy what the TSA takes from carry-on luggage. But don’t expect to pick up one buck knife or a single Leatherman tool because smaller items are often sold by the bagful. Source Link

September 21, 2017

If the struggle to keep up with schoolwork has already begun in your home, here are some ways to help your child. Show them how to use a planner guide to work work day-by-day to complete long-term projects. Provide a quiet study area away from phones, tablets or screens and enforce regular bedtimes with 30 minutes to unwind before sleep. Source Link
What do self-driving cars have to do with changing our golden years? Experts say autonomous vehicles may help the next generation of older Americans age in place and live in their homes longer without needing to drive. That could also be a boost for the economy when older homeowners spend more on renovations to accommodate their special needs. Source Link
Marrying for money isn’t what it used to be. Now it’s mostly men who are looking for love and more dollar signs. There are more highly educated and well-paid women than men in the marriage market. Unlike their grandfathers, researchers say men today seem fine with their wife bringing more income to the household. Source Link

September 20, 2017

Parents are doing a better job keeping young children safe in car seats. Thousands of spot checks found that over 90 percent of infants and toddlers were in rear-facing car seats. More work needs to be done to protect older children who should be in a booster seat until age 8 and not in the front seat until age 13. Source Link
Is your digital world prepared for attack? Experts say it’s easy to safeguard your computers and mobile devices with free or inexpensive programs to backup data and create and store strong passwords. Be sure to allow automatic updates of software and review which apps you don’t use that can be deleted from your phone. Source Link
What’s the best way that money can buy happiness? An international survey found that people were happier when they used their money to buy themselves extra personal time. Hiring someone to do their laundry, mow their grass, or take care of other chores helped to reduce stress and that led to greater happiness. Source Link

September 19, 2017

It can happen a dozen times a day but may be deadly if it occurs when you’re driving. Researchers say a ringing phone could be the worst distraction behind the wheel. Testing showed that drivers can adjust their attention while talking or even texting, but a ringing phone is an unexpected distraction that gives the brain no time to react. Source Link
Brown-bagging your mid-day meal doesn’t have to be boring if you can think outside the lunchbox. Try adding a new vegetable or fruit each week. Pack more than lunch and include healthy snacks to make it through the day. And watch out for too much sugar at lunchtime because it can fuel a mid-afternoon energy crash. Source Link
The biggest part of the American Dream is still a place to call your own. In a national survey home ownership was atop a list of the most important aspects of the American Dream. It’s true for all ages because nine out of ten Millennials said owning a home is crucial to them and important to achieving the American Dream. Source Link

September 18, 2017

Taking one step every day may help your new college student beat the “Freshman 15.” A study found that those who stepped onto a scale to weigh themselves daily lost more pounds. An estimated 70 percent of freshman college students gain weight at school. Source Link
There’s more evidence that exercise won’t save you from the health problems of sitting. Researchers found that those who sit the most were twice as likely to die earlier regardless of how much they exercised. The solution is to get on your feet more often throughout the day and break up those long periods of sitting. Source Link
Want to save time watching YouTube videos on your phone? You can now speed them up without getting that chipmunk voice. Just tap the three dots icon in the upper right corner to open a menu that lets you adjust playback speed. The feature that’s new to the mobile app is also available when viewing YouTube videos on your desktop computer. Source Link

September 15, 2017

Driving and daydreaming seem to go hand in hand for many people. Most test subjects said that their mind was often wandering behind the wheel during a simulated drive. Researchers say this isn’t as simple as turning off a phone and the solution may not come until self-driving cars can do most of the work for a safe commute. Source Link
When you’re surfing the web for the best hotel deals be wary of what’s atop that Google search. Industry officials are warning that scam websites can come up first and could overcharge you or not even make a reservation. A real booking web page will have things like local contact information for the hotel, a privacy policy and a site map. Source Link
If you’re adding a child to your family phone plan think inexpensive and take control. Offer them a hand-me-down iPhone or a low-cost Android device. Establish ground rules like you get all passwords and can check their phone at any time. And set up parental controls on the phone for kid-safe searches and to limit what apps they can download. Source Link

September 14, 2017

Can your office take a tip from the library to improve performance? Experts say some of the best creative work gets done when people have time for reflection away from the interruptions of the regular day. One way to do this would be to create a quiet work room in the office for times when solo concentration is needed. Source Link
It may be easier than you think to pack a healthy lunch for your kids. Concentrate on basics like whole grain bread, lean meats and lettuce and tomato for sandwiches. Add raw vegetables and a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. If kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese are just occasional foods. Source Link
Here’s what you shouldn’t be doing when you create that next password. Skip the pet’s names, sports teams, places you’ve lived and birth dates and don’t bother adding a “1” or an exclamation point to the end because all of those are easy for hackers to beat. A strong 12-letter password would use the first letter or two of each word in a sentence that no one’s ever said before. Source Link

September 13, 2017

You’re planning to buy the new iPhone, but what can you do with the old one that you’ll keep? Using WiFi only, that iPhone can be a hands-free screen for use with Siri. You can put it to work as a dedicated remote for your TV or smart home system. And your old iPhone can be a new handheld gaming device for young children. Source Link
If overeating is a problem for you, here’s some food for thought -- you’re may only be as full as you think you should be. Testing showed that people ate more food all day long after being told they ate a smaller breakfast. Researchers gave each participant a three-egg omelette but told some of them they had just two eggs. Source Link
It’s cute and furry and might make you sick. Doctors have discovered that a bacteria that causes pink eye in guinea pigs can cause pneumonia in humans. The same bacteria is found in rabbits, dogs and horses. Experts say you should have your pet treated by a veterinarian if it appears to be sick and always wash your hands after handling pets. Source Link

September 12, 2017

Answering just two questions could be the key to killing clutter in your home. Start by categorizing items as useful or decorative.  For useful items, ask yourself if you’ve used it in the past year. For decorative pieces, ask yourself if you “love” it. If the answer to the question is “no” it’s time to sell, recycle, give away or donate the item. Source Link

Getting motivated to get more exercise may take some reminders and you can do it “high-tech” or “old school.” Smartphone apps like “My Fitness Pal” help you track eating and exercise and offer virtual encouragement. A traditional method also works -- post a sign with your new goal on the fridge where you can see it every day. Source Link
Could a keychain save your life? It might if you have deadly allergies. Scientists have created a sensing device called the iEat that’s the size of a key fob and can check food samples for any traces of peanuts, wheat, milk or eggs. The iEat would sell for $40 and could be heading to market soon. Source Link

September 11, 2017

For an e-cigarette to help you quit smoking, you’ll have to go “cold turkey” on tobacco. Testing found that smokers who used e-cigarettes only occasionally had much less success at quitting than those who gave up tobacco completely. Some critics say e-cigarettes may do too good of a job and keep you addicted to nicotine without the smoke. Source Link
If you suffer from fall allergies, don’t wait until the sneezing starts to begin treatments. Health experts say you should be taking your allergy medicine a few weeks before symptoms develop and don’t stop taking it until pollen counts drop for several weeks. And watch out on windy days because that stiff breeze can bring in pollen from up to 100 miles away. Source Link

Which social media platforms are the worst for young people’s mental health? A survey of teens and young adults found that Instagram and Snapchat’s focus on image were driving feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. Facebook was ranked third, followed by Twitter and YouTube was rated the most positive social media platform. Source Link

September 8, 2017

Brushing your teeth is part of the morning ritual but should you do it before or after breakfast? Experts say you want to clean your teeth every morning to remove bacteria that grows overnight, but brushing right after breakfast or any meal can be hard on tooth enamel that’s softened by eating. Waiting about 30 minutes to brush can protect your teeth from damage. Source Link
Older adults need to get up now from watching all that TV so they can get up later. People who watched five hours of TV a day and got less than three hours of exercise a week were three times more likely to have a disability later. Excessive sitting poses a significant health hazard and TV watching is worse because people can recline in one spot for hours. Source Link
First it was the headphone jack and now Apple is ditching another standard feature with its latest iPhone. Reports say the top model won’t have a Home button and users will perform actions with on-screen gesture controls involving a dock of icons. Removing the physical Home button would allow for more screen area on the new flagship iPhone. Source Link

September 7, 2017

Who goes to the doctor when they aren’t sick? Smart people. The annual wellness visit offers you and your doctor an opportunity to review your health habits and lifestyle changes over the past year and conduct screenings and tests and catch up on vaccinations. Most health insurance plans pay for an annual wellness visit with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Source Link
One simple change to your computer habits could make you a lot safer from hackers. Experts say Windows users can switch from being an Administrator to a Standard user. That will prevent any malicious programs from making changes to your computer. You can create a new Standard user under Accounts from the Settings icon in your Start menu. Source Link
Instead of stifling that yawn when you see someone else do it, you might as well give in. Testing showed that the harder people tried to stop a contagious yawn the stronger the urge. The yawn is a primitive brain reflex and yawning when you see someone else do it is something that happens with humans and dogs. Source Link

September 6, 2017

If you need a car, the time to buy may be right now. Used car prices will be rising and new car deals may be fewer in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. The storm has destroyed at least a half-million cars in Texas and the replacing those vehicles will increase demand and prices across the country. Source Link
How can you lower blood pressure, ease depression, improve digestion and sleep better without medicines or treatments? By practicing meditation. Getting started is simple, too. Sit or lie down for about 5 minutes and let your mind wander without trying to control it. Another technique is to focus on your breathing or stare at an object while you meditate. Source Link
The unexpected chance for a free getaway or tickets to that dream concert may be anything but entertaining for your wallet. Experts say beware of calls for free vacation offers especially if you’re asked for credit card information to secure the deal. And watch out for scammers who offer counterfeit concert tickets online and steal credit card information. Source Link

September 5, 2017

Exercise may work as well as surgery for millions of older Americans suffering from peripheral artery disease. Treadmill workouts supervised by a medical professional are now covered by Medicare. Peripheral artery disease caused by smoking or diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes and amputations. Source Link
Might that morning cup of coffee sharpen your sweet tooth enough to show up on the scale? Researchers found that caffeine in coffee can temporarily alter a person’s taste buds to make food and drinks taste less sweet. That could lead to overeating to compensate for the lack of taste and that could mean more pounds. Source Link
If you want to help victims of Hurricane Harvey, don’t let a big heart lead to a big mistake when scammers pose as charities to rip you off. The IRS recommends that you donate to recognized charities and be wary of those with names that are similar to national organizations. And never give out credit card information to someone who calls you seeking a donation. Source Link

September 1, 2017

There are real benefits to having a regular date night with your spouse. A study found that people who had time together at least once a week enjoyed a higher-quality relationship and had less chance of divorce. The key is to spend that time in activities that allow you to engage with each other, whether that’s dancing, sports, travel or even a card game. Source Link
It might not take long to train yourself to cut back on heavy drinking. Participants found that 11 minutes of mindfulness meditation helped them drink less beer over the next week. Researchers say mindfulness doesn’t try to make you deny cravings but teaches people to accept urges without following through on them. Source Link
Your cell phone could be carrying more germs than a toilet seat but there are ways to clean it up. Experts say keeping your phone out of the bathroom will help along with an occasional cleaning with a microfiber cloth or a solution of water and rubbing alcohol. The best advice is to wash your hands frequently because that’s how most germs make it to your phone. Source Link