January 31, 2023

 If you have a traditional IRA this could be a great time to switch and save on taxes. Converting to a Roth IRA and paying taxes now could cost you less than doing it later. That’s because it’s unlikely that individual tax rates will drop any lower in the years to come when Congress will have to deal with ballooning budget deficits. Source Link 

Call it the “Comic Sans” technique for total recall. Research has shown that people can remember something better that’s written in a weird font. You can also use a larger type size or put it in boldface. The harder the text is to read, the more you concentrate on it, and the easier it is to remember. Source Link

The health benefits of stopping smoking can start just moments after you take that last puff. In 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop, and blood carbon dioxide levels normalize in a few days. And in a few weeks, blood circulation improves and lung function increases. Source Link_ 

January 30, 2023

 You’re going to deep-clean your refrigerator, but be sure you do it right. Unplug the power and leave the freezer closed but open the door wide. Remove shelves and drawers and wash these in cool water to avoid cracking them. And tackle those stuck-on messes by covering with a warm, damp dish towel to soften them enough to wipe or scrape off. Source Link 

Could one less candy bar make an important difference in your heart health? Researchers say cutting just 250 calories a day along with moderate exercise helped obese seniors fight hardening of the arteries that’s part of heart disease. The combination worked better than cutting 600 calories per day. Source Link 

Call it a colorful approach to avoiding dementia. People who consumed just a half serving a day of foods high in flavonoids had a 20% lower risk of mental decline. Flavonoids are an antioxidant found in colorful fruits and vegetables like bananas, apples, pears, sweet peppers, citrus, cherries and berries. Source Link

January 27, 2023

The latest infant sleep guidelines could be a lifesaver. The nation’s pediatricians say babies should sleep on their backs on a flat surface and never in bed with mom or dad. Parents should keep soft toys, pillows, blankets or other bedding out of a crib or bassinet and not rely on special baby monitors to prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Source Link 

Reducing credit card debt through a consolidation loan could be a fast way to boost your credit score. Researchers found that paying down $10,000 in credit card debt boosted scores by an average of 49 points. Taking out a loan for that money does affect your rating but you'd still come out way ahead in your overall score. Source Link

Your wallet might thank you if you skip that complimentary cup of coffee during your next shopping trip. In a study, people who sipped coffee while shopping spent 50 percent more money. The caffeine in coffee leads to a higher energetic state that can make you more impulsive and less able to control your spending. Source Link

January 26, 2023

 Here are some simple rules to keep school homework from overwhelming your child’s life. Start with a set schedule that gives kids time to relax or play right after school and then hit the books early in the evening. Allow for a break between subjects and set limits so that homework doesn’t cut into sleep time. Source Link 

We screen every year for physical health risks like cancer, but what about memory issues? The Alzheimer's Foundation of America website offers free confidential memory screening that takes less than 15 minutes. This isn’t a diagnosis but results can help suggest if you should see a physician for a full evaluation. Source Link 

When buying things is what you do to feel happy, you could be investing in something better to get the same boost without costing you money or filling a closet. Commit to improving your closest relationships by sharing experiences with family and friends and freeing up time to spend together. Source Link

January 25, 2023

 Your smartphone isn’t built for below-freezing weather that could shorten battery life, affect the display or even shatter the screen. Keep the phone in your pocket when you’re out and don’t leave it in a parked car in the cold. Don’t charge your phone when it’s cold and turn it off whenever possible to reduce the risk of damage from freezing temperatures. Source Link 

There are some ways to be frugal that can end up backfiring on you. Avoiding the cost of preventative care like dental checkups or oil changes can cause more-expensive problems later. Signing up for a store credit card for a one-time deal could leave you on the hook for high interest charges later and don’t let free trials become permanent monthly bills. Source Link

It’s tough to be patient when you want to lose weight now, but what’s a safe level of weight loss? People who succeed do it gradually at about 1 to 2 pounds per week, which translates into 4 to 8 pounds a month. Remember that fad diets or highly restrictive eating plans may prompt fast weight loss, but not permanent weight loss. Source Link_

January 24, 2023

 What does it cost to build a beginner’s home gym? How about less than $100? Start with a good mat for floor work like yoga, Pilates, ab exercises and push-ups. Get a stability ball for balance work and crunches. And for strength training, pick up a resistance band and a three-piece set of hand weights. Source Link 

More social connections in real life can help you live a happier life. Joining a club can foster a sense of belonging and protect against loneliness and isolation. And socializing with colleagues outside of work can build friendships and make work time more productive with people whose company you enjoy in and out of the office. Source Link_

Home sellers seem ready to play “Let’s Make a Deal” with buyers who are balking at high prices and soaring interest rates. About four out of 10 sellers are giving concessions to buyers and that’s the highest in years. Sellers are offering credits for things like big home repairs and more are settling for below asking price as home sales remain cool. Source Link

January 23, 2023

 How could online grocery shopping be healthier for you? A study found that people who shopped for food online spent less on junk food like candy, frozen desserts, cookies and cakes. But sugary beverages and sweet and salty snacks were still being purchased online probably because these are usually not impulse buys. Source Link 

Just like duct tape, there seems to be an unending list of uses for WD-40 spray lubricant. It’s used to remove chewing gum from hair, can shine the leaves of artificial plants and is sprayed on wire tomato cages to keep insects away. It can take the sting out of fire ant bites and even removes the sticky residue left by, guess what? Duct tape. Source Link 

When it comes to raising children, it’s better to be a gardener than a carpenter. A “gardener” parent helps a child’s interest grow on their own by cultivating a fertile landscape, while a “carpenter” parent tries to carve out interests and ambitions that they want to see in their child. Taking a gardener’s approach helps kids have a healthy environment to set their own direction. Source Link 

January 20, 2023

 The fake job opening is a scam that can cost you plenty. Bogus listings may ask you to pay something to get a job or send you a check to deposit that ends up bouncing and leaving you holding the bag. Visit a company’s website to verify job openings before you apply and search the company name along with words like, “scam” “review” or “complaint.” Source Link 

A ten-second test you can do at home might reveal your odds of living a longer life. A long-term study found that middle-aged people who couldn’t stand on one leg for 10 seconds were nearly twice as likely to die within a decade. Good balance is essential to avoid falls that can cause crippling injuries. Source Link 

An old school way to tell time might help you avoid jet lag on your next cross-country flight. A few days before leaving, start wearing a watch that’s set for your destination’s time zone. Using this throughout the day will help your brain adapt the body’s circadian rhythms to the different time before you leave. Source Link 

January 19, 2023

 If you’re a strict vacation planner, your time may not fly when you should be having fun. Studies show that over-planning can take the leisure out of that vacation because we associate schedules with work. More people enjoy spontaneous activities or casually planned events that don’t have a specific time. Source Link 

Pop quiz - what’s the germiest place in most bathrooms? Here’s a hint -- you don’t sit on it. That shower curtain stays moist and is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, yeast and mold. Wipe down a plastic shower curtain with an antibacterial cleaner or wash a cloth one in hot water once a week and crack a window or open the door during a shower to help the bathroom dry out better. Source Link

You can fight back against high food prices by watching, clicking and stocking. Watch the sales and aim to buy most of your groceries when they are on sale. Click on coupon apps to use while you shop and start stocking-up on foods you regularly use, beginning with one item at a time. Source Link

January 18, 2023

 A life that has meaning is a life that could be healthier as we age. Research showed that when middle-aged and older adults felt their days held meaningful activities, they had better health and well-being. The key may be staying connected with others because people who are socially engaged can often find more meaning in life. Source Link 

When clutter is a constant problem, you can fight back by creating a refuge from all the refuse. Choose one spot like a kitchen counter, a dining room table, or a bathroom vanity to keep tidy and clear. Once this clutter-free zone takes hold, consider beautifying it with something like a small vase of flowers. Source Link_

Starting with a list can help you make the right choice about giving your child that new tech gadget. Write down the pros and cons – are they tech savvy and will make good use of features that can be educational, or will the device be little more than a digital pacifier? Then set up parental controls and draw up a contract with rules for use including time limits. Source Link_ 

January 17, 2023

 When you’re trying to save something to memory, count to eight. Studies have shown that concentrating on something for eight seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Taking time to concentrate can help you remember what’s important. Source Link

Can a downward dog help you get that high blood pressure down? Researchers found that people who added a 15-minute yoga session to aerobic exercise five days a week could drop their upper blood pressure number by as much as 10 points. Yoga was more effective than stretching exercises in reducing blood pressure. Source Link

You might save yourself a call to the tech help desk with these easy fixes. Powering down a wireless mouse or keyboard that’s not working could solve a broken connection to your computer. You might speed up a slow computer by removing applications from Startup or getting rid of unnecessary browser extensions. And check to see if Caps Lock is on when that password you’re typing doesn’t match. Source Link_ 

January 16, 2023

 “Zoom Fatigue” is a real thing. Researchers say excessive amounts of close-up eye contact can cause stress and mental overload and online meetings keep you sitting and looking at yourself all the time. Solutions include doing away with full-screen mode and not seeing your own camera and taking breaks from video during a meeting to move around. Source Link 

When a job gets to be too much, you might be tempted to take a hike -- and you should. Testing showed that a workday walk helped to improve mood and relieve job stress. A 30-minute walk during the lunch hour three times a week made workers less tense, more enthusiastic and better able to cope. Source Link 

The 5-4-3-2-1 technique of grounding yourself is a quick countdown to a calmer mind. In stressful moments, acknowledge five things you can see around you; four things you can touch; three things you can hear; two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. Grounding helps you focus on the moment and avoid anxious thoughts. Source Link 

January 13, 2023

 So you can’t have a dog or cat but you still want a family pet? Gerbils and guinea pigs can be fun for kids but might nip while they’re being held. Cold water fish like goldfish are easy to care for and birds like the budgie are affectionate and can often be taught to speak. A ferret is also a popular pet but isn’t legal in some areas, so check first. Source Link 

The way you charge your smartphone could limit the life of the battery. Don’t use cheap power cables, wall plugs or wireless chargers that may damage your phone. Don’t let the battery charge drop to zero and avoid keeping a phone on and charging overnight because both can be bad. Your battery works best when it’s charged between 20 and 80 percent. Source Link 

Scammers who impersonate someone else are the number-one source of fraud but you can fight back. Remember that government agencies will never contact you to ask for your Medicare or Social Security number or a password, and don’t click links in emails or texts that look official. Visit the agency’s website separately. And use free spam blocking apps offered by wireless carriers to limit junk calls. Source Link 

January 12, 2023

 When you need to break a bad habit, consider taking a vacation. Getting out of your normal routine can help because you don't have those environmental cues at home that might lead to mindless eating or skipping chores. Seeing new sights may make it easier to achieve your goals. Source Link 

Here’s a three-word mantra that can help when decluttering a house – best, favorite or necessary. When you have too many things you use, pick out the best ones and clear out the rest. You can also hang on to favorites and what’s necessary, as long as you don't save too many things. Source Link

You can make your Amazon shopping easier with some simple tips. Save search time by creating wish lists for yourself for items you want but won’t buy right away. Use the Amazon Assistant web browser extension to find deals. If all else fails, search with the words, “Gifts for…” and include the recipient, like “mother, wife, husband” or anyone else. Source Link

January 11, 2023

 Buying a car or purchasing a home aren’t the only times you can negotiate a price. Call to see if you can get a lower bill for cable or satellite TV service, and do the same with your cell phone plan. Ask about annual payment discounts for insurance or streaming services. And when you open a chat with online customer service about a purchase you may get a discount coupon. Source Link

You can decorate a home to make it user-friendly for those with memory issues. Label a dresser drawer with pictures of what’s in it, or use calming tones of blue paint in bedrooms or anywhere a person relaxes. Choose dinner plates in a color that contrasts with the tablecloth to make it easier to see the food, and have family photos and vintage magazines on display to help with mood and memory recall. Source Link_

Getting enough vitamin D every day can be a challenge when winter weather blocks the most natural source of it. Instead of depending on exposure to sunshine, try eating more foods high in Vitamin D, like fatty fish, egg yolks and foods that add vitamin D. If you use a supplement, choose Vitamin D3 that’s absorbed more easily by your body. Source Link_

January 10, 2023

 You can make space in your fridge by removing any of these foods. Tomatoes keep their best on the kitchen counter and coffee needs a cool and dry place for storage. Bread can be kept in the freezer but not the refrigerator and onions and potatoes don’t need to take up space in your crisper because any cool, dry storage place will do. Source Link 

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer's website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link_

When you’re looking for a car that will go the extra mile – and then some – there are many that can easily hit the 200,000-mile mark. In a study, the top five were the Toyota Sequoia and Land Cruiser, followed by the Chevy Suburban, Toyota Tundra and GMC Yukon XL. But it’s not all big trucks or SUV’s because the number-six vehicle was the Toyota Pruis hybrid sedan. Source Link_

January 9, 2023

 You can step off, speed up or dive into a new exercise plan. Start by scheduling a daily walk and find other ways to take more steps each day. You can also pick up the pace with things like house cleaning to make it more of a workout or take a water fitness class that lets you exercise with less resistance. Source Link 

You can clean your house like a pro, but are you making some of these rookie mistakes? Don’t use the same cleaning rag throughout the home. Instead, have one for each room. Feather dusters spread dust around and a microfiber cloth with cleaning solution is a better choice. And work from the highest points down so dirt doesn’t fall back on your clean spots. Source Link 

Getting kids in the habit of doing chores starts early. Toddlers can learn by helping to put away toys and books or put dirty clothes in a hamper. Preschoolers can make a bed on their own or help clear the dinner table. And by the age of six many kids can feed pets and help pull weeds and water plants. Source Link 

January 6, 2023

 You can combine some basic cleaning solutions with paper towels to make your own biodegradable disinfecting wipes. Soak paper towel sheets in hydrogen peroxide or 60-percent isopropyl alcohol, or in a mixture of four teaspoons of bleach in a quart of water. Store these in a sealed container and throw them away in the trash and not down the toilet. Source Link 

There are ways to offset the carbon footprint of your Amazon shopping habits. If you don’t need an item right away, choose the slowest shipping time like Amazon Day delivery to consolidate multiple orders into one weekly drop-off. And look for a “Used” listing for the item because you’ll be recycling and often get a product that works fine and costs less. Source Link 

When keeping close watch on a household budget isn’t your thing, try the 80-20 rule to simplify it. The first 20 percent of your paycheck should automatically go toward investments, savings or debt repayment. The other 80 percent goes toward needs and wants, including food, rent and entertainment. How you choose to spend that money is up to you. Source Link

January 5, 2023

 Your feet will thank you if you don’t wear the same shoes every day. That can cause fatigue and pain because you’re always using the same areas of the foot for support and walking. Have a few pairs of comfortable shoes and rotate them throughout the week. Source Link 

The cold hard fact is that hardly any of your laundry needs a warm or hot water wash. Use cold water because every cycle wears out clothing a little bit and warm temperatures accelerate the damage. And you can avoid a big load of laundry by using your eyes and nose. If there aren’t visible stains or a noticeable odor, most clothing can be worn again. Source Link_

You can easily tighten your budget by not spending money on these things. An extended warranty is rarely used, and don’t go to a gym that requires a long-term contract. Eat breakfast at home, bring your own snacks and reusable water bottle to work, look for free smartphone games and don’t pay for rental car insurance if your credit card covers you. Source Link

January 4, 2023

 Decluttering your home is as much about attitude as it is action. Do you keep something for fear of needing it later? You’ll have to find storage space, organize it and then remember where you put it, and organize that space again when it gets messy, and so on. Giving yourself permission to buy something again will help you get many unneeded things out of your home. Source Link_

You can avoid a scam by watching how you pay for things that are bought online. Credit and debit cards have strong fraud protection that’s built-in but wiring money, using reloadable cards or gift cards for payment doesn’t have these safeguards. Suspect fraud if you’re asked to pay for something using one of these methods. Source Link 

A good workout may be the cure for the “winter blues.” You can counteract the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder with exercise, and it doesn't have to be running or lifting weights. Things like yoga, tai chi and even meditation can help, but you need to commit to doing this every day. Source Link_

January 3, 2023

 Sitting for long periods has been labeled a major health risk, but how can you get on your feet more if you have a desk job? Use every coffee break to take a brisk walk through the office or to the building lobby. Twice a day, stand up and do a series of stretches targeting the neck, shoulders, back and legs and wear a fitness tracker that encourages you to take more steps. Source Link 

Besides skipping the obvious high-fat and sugary foods, what else shouldn’t be in your pantry? You can swap out the white flour and pasta for whole grain varieties and get rid of bottled sauces and dressings with added fat and sugar. Canned low-salt tomatoes and tomato paste can work for soups and sauces and flavor food with vinegar or a squeeze of lemon or lime. Source Link 

You can get more plastic out of your life and out of the landfill with some simple alternatives. Bring reusable bags for produce when you grocery shop and carry a metal straw when you eat out. Buy food in bulk and store it in glass jars, switch to paper sandwich bags and put your leftovers in glass food storage containers instead of plastic ones. Source Link