December 30, 2021

 Here’s a tip that might help reduce online impulse shopping. Don’t save your credit card information on websites where you frequently shop. Having to grab your wallet to pay for an impulse purchase adds an extra step and gives you more time to consider whether you really need the item. Source Link 

A specific way of breathing might help keep your stomach from feeling the effects of stress or anxiety. Try taking deep breaths from your diaphragm that expand your abdomen. This activates the autonomic nervous system and makes your GI tract less sensitive to stimuli that could cause an upset stomach. Source Link 

Here are some natural ways to keep your home smelling fresh. Avoid the lingering aroma of fried fish by adding a dollop of peanut butter to the oil first. An open bowl of white vinegar can absorb many kitchen odors and a spray bottle filled with unflavored vodka can be used to kill odor-causing bacteria on smelly clothing. Source Link 

December 29, 2021

 Most parents are too quick to change how their youngest children use a car seat. A study found that three out of four parents place their children in a forward-facing car seat before it's safe to do so. Guidelines recommend that a rear-facing car seat be used until a child is at least 2 years old or has outgrown the weight or height limit of the seat. Source Link 

How do you build a better conversation? Start by asking more questions rather than just sharing your thoughts and beware of empathy that might sound like you’re not validating the other person’s experience. Don’t be afraid to go deep on a topic but make it something you’re both familiar with to get the most out of your talk. Source Link

Sooner or later many of us will interview for a job through a screen rather than face-to-face and here’s how to shine in that remote setting. Before the meeting, double-check your internet for adequate speed, close anything other than the meeting app and have a backup plan if the connection is lost, And don’t assume it’s audio-only – always dress as if you were in the office. Source Link 

December 28, 2021

What’s in a number like, “The 12 Days of Christmas?” In the Christian tradition, they are the 12 days between the birth of Jesus on December 25th and Epiphany on January 6th, when the three wise men visited the baby and presented him with gifts. That’s also why we give gifts at Christmastime. Source Link 

How could online grocery shopping be healthier for you? A study found that people who shopped for food online spent less on junk food like candy, frozen desserts, cookies and cakes. But sugary beverages and sweet and salty snacks were still being purchased online probably because these are usually not impulse buys. Source Link 

The top 10 most-used emojis of 2021 are mostly a reflection of ourselves. The list includes smiling faces with hearts, blowing a kiss, loudly crying, rolling on the floor laughing and with tears of joy. Also on the Top Ten list is thumbs up, folded hands and a heart. Source Link 

December 27, 2021

 No one likes to be caught with a phone battery that’s dying fast but there are ways to hang on longer. Look for the “low power” setting on your phone or switch to Airplane Mode if you can work without a data connection. When you can charge it use a rapid wall unit and take the phone out of the case because keeping it cooler helps a phone charge faster. Source Link 

What foods can you add to your diet to reduce stress? Fish has omega-3 fatty acids that can decrease depression and anxiety and compounds in avocados can improve concentration and mood. Probiotics can help with gut health that impacts anxiety and depression and dark chocolate has antioxidants to lower the production of stress hormones. Source Link 

Eating a meal just before bedtime might have you gaining weight in your sleep. Because of metabolism changes, late diners can have higher blood sugar and burn less fat overnight. Eating before dinner, eating dinner and then snacking until bedtime can bring on the same problem. Source Link 

December 23, 2021

 Good posture can help reduce neck and back pain and you don’t need to balance a book on your head to improve. A few times a day, sit with your feet flat on the floor or stand up tall. Look straight ahead, bring your shoulders back and down, and slightly tuck in your chin. Now hold this position for a count of five. Source Link 

A used car can be a major investment for any make or model so always do your homework before you buy. Research the car’s history for possible accidents or collisions and take it out for a test spin to get the sound and feel of the drive and to test the AC, heater and radio. Then have a car mechanic do an independent inspection of the vehicle. Source Link 

Adopting a kitten can be exciting but consider the options before you become a new pet parent. Adopting from an animal shelter often provides you with full health checkups and necessary shots. And if you’re ready for it two kittens adopted together can keep each other company and encourage exercise and play. Source Link 

December 22, 2021

 If you’re trying to remember something, start by shutting your eyes. Researchers found that asking people to close their eyes while trying to recall events could boost memory. The technique had special benefits in crime investigations when an interviewer asked a witness to remember details of an incident. Source Link 

Your kids have a request -- please keep reading to them. About two-thirds of parents read with their children but many stop before age 9. A survey found that older children still want to read with parents to listen to harder books and hear voices their parents would use for the characters. Source Link 

Just about any DIY’er will appreciate one of these handy gifts. Give them a flexible, extendable miniature flashlight, a magnetic wristband to hold screws or drill bits, or work gloves that let you use a touchscreen. And a digital tape measure goes the distance conveniently using laser light. Source Link 

December 21, 2021

 Keeping pets safe in winter weather starts with keeping the elements off of them. Rock salt and chemicals used to melt snow and ice can be dangerous if a dog or cat licks them from their paws. Have a spray bottle of water nearby to wash off their feet after your pet steps out into that winter wonderland. Source Link 

A good choice for a nighttime snack that helps you sleep better could look like a breakfast meal. Try a small amount of complex carbohydrates and protein, such as whole grain cereal with milk, or toast with peanut butter. Do not use alcohol to relax yourself because it disrupts deep sleep and stay away from caffeine after 3 pm so it clears from your system completely by bedtime. Source Link 

Why do parents leave out milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve? The tradition began in medieval Germany but the version we know today started during the Great Depression. Parents used the Christmas symbols of milk and cookies to teach their kids that even when money was tight, they still had to be considerate of others and show gratitude for the blessings in their lives. Source Link 

December 20, 2021

 Burning that midnight oil doesn’t burn more calories. Studies show that people who got too little sleep ate the equivalent of another meal a day with more fat and less protein. Researchers think a lack of sleep might affect hormones related to hunger. Source Link 

How can you break the habit of spending so much time on your phone? Turn off biometric screen unlocking to make it harder to dive into a scrolling session and use a smartwatch that lets you see text messages without picking up your phone. And don’t incorporate work email into your private email program and you won’t be tempted by work-related messages after-hours. Source Link 

You should be putting more than just bank statements and old bills through that shredder. Airline boarding passes, prescription paperwork, free return labels and even extra birth announcements have information that could be used by identity thieves. And a vet bill may include a pet’s name which many people use in an online security question. Source Link 

December 17, 2021

 Doing just 10 minutes of resistance training every morning can build stronger muscles and maybe a longer life. People who did about an hour of muscle strengthening exercises each week were 29% less likely to die during a 12-year study. Cardio exercise alone isn’t enough to protect from the problems of aging. Source Link 

Which clothes should survive the cut when you're thinning out your wardrobe? Ask yourself, “Do I wear it now or is it seasonal?” or “Do I feel confident in it?” or “Does this have sentimental value?” Consider if the clothing can be tailored to fit or passed down to someone. You might also clean and store the item or take a photo of it before you donate, sell or recycle. Source Link 

Here’s a simple step that might help you keep that weight off after a successful diet. People who maintained their weight loss spent about three hours less each day sitting. In addition to finding ways to sit less and move more, you should eat a healthy diet and monitor your weight and food intake. Source Link 

December 16, 2021

 It’s a common reaction for vanity’s sake but sucking in your stomach can actually hurt you. That clinch can interfere with pelvic floor muscles involved in posture and bodily functions and could alter the mechanics of your abdomen. It may also be harder to take deeper breaths, or you could develop soreness and stiffness in your lower back and hips. Source Link 

The makers of smartphones want you to upgrade with every new model, but when is the right time to do it? If the phone becomes impossible to use or has a new feature that will significantly change the quality of your life, it may be time to trade up. But consider a repair like a new battery or replacing a cracked screen that might help your old phone run and look as good as new. Source Link 

Why do we say, “Merry Christmas?” It sounds like something you’d hear in merry old England, but the British actually say, “Happy Christmas.” Credit author Charles Dickens for using “Merry Christmas” in “A Christmas Carol” for the popularity of that holiday greeting. Source Link 

December 15, 2021

 In cold weather, can the shivers be contagious? Researchers found that people who watched videos of actors putting their hands in cold water saw their own body temperature drop. You can blame it on humanity, because it’s in our nature to empathize with others and “feel their pain.” Source Link 

Gift cards are for giving and never for paying someone because that’s always a scam. In a survey, nearly 1 in 3 adults said they or someone they know had been asked to purchase a gift card to pay a bill, fee or some other debt or obligation or to claim a prize. And don’t give gift card serial numbers to anyone because that could use that to steal the card’s value. Source Link 

We all know the name, but why is it called “Eggnog?” The warm winter drink was created in England using brandy and sherry and in the American version from the 1700’s used rum, which was also called grog, so bartenders named the drink egg-n-grog. Later, it became eggnog, after the wooden “noggin” mugs the drink was served in. Source Link 

December 14, 2021

 Noise can be a health concern even when you’re not awake to hear it. The auditory system doesn’t shut off while you sleep and loud noises can cause spikes in blood pressure, even if they don’t wake you up. Solutions include wearing earplugs or noise-canceling earphones, or using white noise from a fan or smartphone app to smooth your way to better sleep. Source Link 

Creating a retirement budget can be like buying a car -- before you settle on one it’s a good idea to take a test drive. Estimate retirement income, list expenses, factor in big lifestyle changes like downsizing your home and set up a spending plan. Then, try living on your budget for a few months before retirement to see if it works for you. Source Link

Many of today’s cars use synthetic oil, but does that mean you can drop the “once every 3,000 miles” oil change schedule? Probably, but manufacturer recommendations can range from 6,000 to 16,000 miles and vehicles driven in extreme hot or cold weather or on dusty roads need an oil change more often. For most vehicles 7,500 to 10,000 miles is a good range between synthetic oil changes. Source Link

December 13, 2021

 It’s a tempting snack in a two-pet household but dogs should not be eating cat food. It’s usually higher in protein and fat and that could give Fido an upset stomach. If your cat eats slower and leaves food in the bowl you can put it up where it’s accessible for the cat but out of reach for the dog. Source Link 

Need a new side hustle that won’t break a sweat? Rent out the stuff you’re not using. There are websites that help you rent your bike, boat, surfboard or paddleboat on a daily or weekly basis. And if you own acres of land you can rent out some of that space to campers who want a unique getaway spot. Source Link 

Tough choices about major decisions might be easier to live with if you simply flip a coin. A study found that people who go through with their coin flip choices were living happier lives six months later. If you don’t want to flip a coin try choosing the action that represents a change rather than continuing the status quo. Source Link 

December 10, 2021

 A few good housekeeping habits now can help you avoid a bigger chore later. Do laundry when you have one load of it and wash items while you’re cooking to avoid dried food that’s harder to clean. Sort your mail as it comes in, stop keeping magazines you don’t read and put away yesterday’s clothes before you pick out today’s outfit. Source Link

How can you keep houseplants watered while you’re away on vacation? Remove any saucers underneath smaller potted plants and put them in the bathtub in a few inches of water. For larger plants, poke a hole in an empty twist-cap wine bottle, fill it with water and push it cap-side down into the plant soil until the bottle stands up on its own. Source Link 

Freezing your credit report can prevent an identity thief from getting a loan or credit card in your name. The three major national credit agencies let you do this online for free and you’ll need to provide your social security number and answer a few questions to verify your identity. You’ll then set a PIN number that you can use to unfreeze your credit report when needed. Source Link 

December 9, 2021

 Protecting against online credit card fraud means taking a hard look at those bargain offers for name-brand goods. Shopping on less familiar, less secure websites may be an invitation to cyber-thieves. Using a virtual card option or an online wallet like Apple Pay or Google Pay adds another layer of protection for your credit card number. Source Link

The clock may tell you when it’s time for sleep, but what’s the best bedtime for your heart? Researchers found that people who went to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm had a lower risk of heart disease. Those who hit the sack before 10 or after Midnight were 25% more likely to have heart problems, perhaps because it interferes with the body’s built-in rhythms for wake and sleep. Source Link

A written thank-you note with the right tone is a great way to show appreciation to someone who’s helped you. For parents, relatives or partners, share a favorite warm memory that reminds you of their thoughtfulness. For friends, you can keep it lighthearted yet meaningful and thank caregivers for their involvement in your life and encourage them to stay in touch. Source Link

December 8, 2021

 Who knew we were using antiperspirant and deodorant the wrong way? The ingredient in antiperspirant that keeps you dry by blocking sweat glands takes time to work so apply it in the evening before bed for maximum effectiveness the next day. And deodorant works best when applied to dry skin, so towel off from the shower before you use it. Source Link

It may be true that being out in the cold makes it more likely you’ll catch a cold. Researchers found evidence that cold air can affect the immune system and make the nose a better breeding ground for the cold viruses. Keeping your nose warmer could help you fend off a flu bug. Source Link 

If you need another reason to sit less, a study found that it could dampen your mood and mental health. The good news is that it’s easy to find ways to get up and get moving. Walking around your office for five minutes or getting off the couch to move during commercial breaks while watching TV are two simple ways to be less sedentary. Source Link

December 7, 2021

 All those late nights when you’re young might be hard to remember when you’re older. Research has shown that sleeping well when you’re young may help preserve memory as we age. Good sleep boosts the memory and learning process until middle age but doesn’t help with memory when you reach your golden years. Source Link 

Keeping personal online messages private to the world might take a few extra steps. Turn off cloud backups of messages and delete any past backups. Avoid using Twitter direct messages that can be seen easily if someone hacks you and keep all accounts and devices secure with two-factor authentication and face or fingerprint detection to unlock a phone. Source Link

How do you get some real kitchen cleaning done in an hour or less? If you only have 10 minutes, pick up anything on the floor and sweep and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. In 30 minutes you can do all of the dishes, clean a single pantry shelf and toss out old items in the fridge. In 60 minutes you can clean all appliances and sort kitchen tools to get rid of duplicates. Source Link

December 6, 2021

 No one wants to miss an important online meeting because your laptop battery runs low and here are some tips to stay powered-up. Adjust settings to dim the screen brightness and shut down WiFi and Bluetooth when you aren’t using them. And don’t leave your laptop plugged in all the time because that can wear out your battery faster. Source Link 

Here’s why that piece of cake may taste even sweeter when paired with a cup of coffee. Researchers found that drinking coffee made people more sensitive to sweetness. But while taste was enhanced by a cup of coffee the familiar fragrance didn’t improve the sense of smell. Source Link 

Try this three-step plan to boost your happiness. Increase social connections with old friends or even strangers, but Facebook friends don’t count. Perform acts of kindness by volunteering, buying coffee for the person behind you in line or letting someone merge in front of you on the highway. And try exercising for a natural boost in feel-good hormones. Source Link 

December 3, 2021

 You say your household clutter is too much to tackle? Try organizing one thing each day. It could be a handbag, bedside table, or a drawer. That daily feeling of accomplishment when one chore is behind you can reduce stress about clutter and encourage more action to clean things up. Source Link 

Sleeping pills may not be a long-term fix for what’s keeping you up at night. A study found that those with insomnia who regularly took prescription sleep medications still had the problem two years later. Lifestyle changes like getting less caffeine, not using screens before bedtime, or even cognitive behavioral therapy may offer a better solution. Source Link 

Here’s a go-to list of bills that you should put on autopay. Streaming subscriptions, gym memberships, cell phone bills, a car loan or lease, your mortgage and student loan payments can all be automatically paid to help you avoid late fees or losing service if you accidentally miss a payment. Source Link 

December 2, 2021

 You can get more whole grains in your diet by going beyond rice and bread. Cooked barley can be a hearty addition to your favorite vegetable soup or substitute buckwheat, millet, couscous or polenta in a risotto or pilaf side dish. You can cook whole grains in a big batch that will keep in the fridge for up to four days. Source Link 

Too much smartphone use can be a real pain in the pinkie. It happens when you’re holding the phone in one hand with the bottom edge resting on your pinkie finger. A one-fisted grip on a phone isn’t natural for your hand and can cause nerve pain in the wrist and strained tendons when you repeatedly use your thumb to swipe the screen. Source Link

Want to win an argument without offending the other person? Try “reframing” the debate and show how your approach can support their beliefs. Find out what’s important to them and then explain how your reasoning lines up with their goals. Seeking common ground to win them to your side is more effective than a hard face-off. Source Link

December 1, 2021

 A three-pronged approach to fitness over 50 should focus on muscle, heart and head. Resistance training can delay the loss of muscle mass that happens as we age and aerobic exercise will get your heart beating faster. And balance exercises can help prevent falls that are the number-one cause of disabling injury for seniors. Source Link 

With a few simple steps it can be easier to remember someone’s name. First, listen closely when you are introduced and say their name back to them right away. You can also focus on facial features or a unique twist on their name to remember it. And add the name to your favorite list-keeping app and review it often to reinforce your memory. Source Link

There’s the flu and there’s a common cold and then there’s RSV. This respiratory viral infection becoming more common in children is a concern because RSV is more likely to progress into a serious lower lung infection and hospitalization. The key symptom to watch for is signs of trouble feeding or difficulty breathing. A doctor can confirm an RSV diagnosis with a nasal swab. Source Link