April 29, 2016

It’s a five-letter word that could solve the puzzle of how to find an effective diet. Fiber -- and more of it -- could be the simple way to produce clinically significant weight loss, lower blood pressure and improve insulin resistance. Experts say increased fiber intake may be an effective alternative for people who find it difficult to stick to a more complicated diet. Source Link
Those tiny fingers are pretty handy at putting a tablet or smartphone to use. In fact, a new study found that children as young as age 2 are adept at swiping, unlocking and actively searching for apps. Researchers say touch-screen applications are more like traditional play and could open the door to new developmental assessments to help identify high-risk children. Source Link
America’s pediatricians say home remedies are safer and often just as effective as over-the-counter medicines for kid’s coughs and colds. For children over the age of one, a teaspoon of honey can ease a cough. Saline spray or using a humidifier can help unclog a stuffy nose and using a tissue to blow is an effective way to deal with a runny nose. Source Link

April 28, 2016

The Centers For Disease Control is stepping into the debate over how young is too young for tackle football. The CDC will spearhead a research effort to evaluate the risks of tackling in youth football. Some concussion experts think kids shouldn’t play tackle football before the age of 14 because the youth brain is less developed than the adult brain. Source Link
Americans are living longer but sicker. Figures show that since 1970 the average lifespan has increased by nine years, but nearly five of those years are spent living with a disability. Researchers say the baby boomer generation isn’t seeing the health improvements in older age that helped their parents and grandparents. Source Link 
That green and growing lawn needs to be mowed and experts have some advice on how to do it safely. Start by inspecting your lawn mower to be sure it’s in working order. Never remove safety devices, shields or guards on switches and fuel the mower only  when it’s shut off. Children should be at least age 12 before using a push mower and 16 before using a riding mower. Source Link

April 27, 2016

How can you keep an overweight child from putting on more pounds? Don’t remind them that they’re overweight. A study found that kids whose parents told them they were overweight tended to gain more weight. Researchers say parents should talk to their children about what it means to be healthy, rather than focusing specifically on weight. Source Link 

When it comes to seeking help for healing, most Americans still look to the heavens. Nearly nine out of ten people say they’ve prayed for healing for someone else or for themselves. Half say they pray often for others and one-in-four say they’ve used the laying on of hands to seek healing. Source Link 

The gold standard of premium TV may only be earning a silver medal now. A new survey found that Netflix was ranked ahead of HBO for the best original programming from non-cable and premium networks. It’s the first time that Netflix outscored HBO for the top spot in the annual quality survey. Source Link 

April 26, 2016

If you suffer from springtime allergies, don’t assume that pollen is to blame. Health experts say other substances such as mold may be the culprit and testing can confirm this and point you toward the right treatments and precautions. More than two-thirds of people with spring allergies actually have symptoms all year long. Source Link
Need another reason to enjoy chocolate? It might help you sleep better. A study showed that magnesium found in dark chocolate can help your body’s cells cope with the circadian rhythm that sets your sleep and wake cycle. Magnesium is found in many foods, including nuts and green leafy vegetables. Source Link
Facebook wants your smartphone to be a free party line. The social network has added group voice calls to its Messenger app so you can connect with more than one person for a conversation. Facebook Messenger is playing catch-up to Google Hangouts and Skype, which already offer group calling. Source Link

April 25, 2016

U.S. health officials aren’t ready to tell American women they should avoid pregnancy because of the Zika virus, but experts have confirmed that Zika can cause birth defects. The virus that’s being spread by mosquitoes in the Caribbean and South America is expected to reach some Gulf Coast states this summer. Source Link
If you want an apology to be sincere, it takes more than just the words, “I’m sorry.” Testing identified six steps for an effective apology, including regret, an explanation of what went wrong, taking responsibility, repentance, an offer to fix things, and asking for forgiveness. The more of those you have, the better chance your apology will be accepted. Source Link
Facebook wants to help you organize the News Feed on your smartphone. The social network is testing a new layout that would let you sort the posts you see into sections such as News, Sports and Food. The classic News Feed would still be the default choice. Source Link

April 22, 2016

Toddlers with a sweet tooth are more likely to become overweight older children. A study found that children as young as age 3 will binge on sugary foods. Experts say parents need to teach toddlers about mindful eating, keep healthy foods on hand and lead by example to show kids the right way to eat. Source Link
If you’re wondering what makes up the mix of your mutt, now there’s an app for that. “What’s My Mutt” for iOS helps identify the breeds found in your dog as you answer questions about body features. That information can be helpful for veterinarians because some health conditions are breed-specific. Source Link
Look for some fresh faces coming to our folding money.  The Treasury Department says anti-slavery crusader Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Eleanor Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Junior will appear on the back of the $5 bill. Source Link 

April 21, 2016

Here’s a reason to get going with your springtime planting. A study found that people who live amid more green space can live longer. Researchers think much of the benefit comes from lower levels of depression that lead to better mental health. Source Link
Facebook wants you to have fewer usernames and passwords to remember. The social network is making it easier for developers to create services that allow you to use an e-mail address or phone number to sign up. New users would get an e-mail or text message for confirmation to complete the sign-up process. Source Link
Pizza and ice cream are two great foods, but together could they be one great dessert? We’re about to find out when Baskin-Robbins offers an ice cream pizza this summer. There’s no sauce or shredded cheese, but the “Polar Pizza” will feature a round baked cookie crust topped with layers of ice cream and toppings and cut into pieces and served in a pizza box. Source Link

April 20, 2016

Can your brain make you a better match for someone? New studies show that we could be hard-wired to choose people whose emotions we can easily understand. Researchers say the ability to read someone’s moods activates the brain’s reward system and makes them more attractive. Source Link
It could be a wake-up call for parents who worry less about daughters than sons. Surveys show that teenage girls try alcohol at a younger age than boys. Experts think  the younger drinking might happen because girls reach puberty earlier and some teenage girls are spending more time with older boys. Source Link
Amazon is taking aim at Netflix customers with new monthly subscriptions for its Prime service. Customers can choose streaming video-only for $8.99 a month or streaming video and free shipping on many products for $10.99 a month. The new streaming subscription undercuts Netflix prices and might appeal to those who don’t want to make a year-long commitment. Source Link

April 19, 2016

There’s evidence to prove that you’re better off making a list before you go grocery shopping. A study found that people underestimated how many items they would forget to buy when they didn’t use a list. This was especially true when shoppers needed an item that they don’t usually buy. Source Link
Does a more-active pregnant woman give birth to a child who will love to exercise? Scientists are studying whether a mother’s exercise habits might transfer to her baby by changing chemicals that affect brain development. Animal studies show that baby mice born to mothers that exercised more during pregnancy became grown-up mice that enjoyed running. Source Link
The traditional movie date night may be hitting a dry spell. New figures show last year’s movie attendance for people aged 18 to 24 year fell to its lowest level in five years. That could be happening because four of the top five films of 2015 were action movies or science fiction features that had mostly male audiences. Source Link

April 18, 2016

They say love conquers all, but does that include cancer? Researchers found that married people with cancer had a lower death rate than their single counterparts. It’s believed that cancer patients benefit from the support that a spouse provides, such as driving them to doctor's appointments, providing nourishing meals and making sure they take their medicine. Source Link
There could be a dollar store solution to a painful problem for many runners. A study showed that putting surgical tape on your feet can prevent blisters. A layer of the inexpensive paper tape stopped blisters in a group of ultra-marathon runners. A single roll of surgical tape could keep a runner blister-free for a few years. Source Link 
This may be the tax filing deadline, but we have another week to keep paying the tab. This year’s Tax Freedom Day is April 24th. That’s the day when Americans as a whole have worked enough to cover the nation’s total tax burden. Individual states have different Tax Freedom Days that range from April 5th for workers in Mississippi to May 21st for people in Connecticut. Source Link

April 15, 2016

Google wants to help you find time in your schedule for the things you’d like to do but don’t make it on your calendar. A new feature called “Goals” will monitor your online calendar and add activities that you choose in your free time.  Designers say it’s a way to give priority to things that often get missed in a busy schedule. Source Link
Does having a family in the fast lane increase the risk of autism? Researchers found that spacing pregnancies less than two years apart raised the odds of a diagnosis of autism. The same was true for those whose children were born more than five years apart. Source Link
Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t living the healthy life that we seem to see everywhere in the media. A study found that less than 3 percent of of Americans are actually maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That’s someone who doesn’t smoke, gets at least 150 minutes of exercise per week and has a body fat percentage of not more than 20 percent for men and 30 percent for women. Source Link

April 14, 2016

Customer service may soon be handled by robots as well as people. Facebook, Google and Microsoft want to expand their messaging services to let you connect with a “chatbot” to answer questions and place orders for products or services. The artificial intelligence systems can carry on text conversations much like humans. Source Link
The Zika virus could harm or even kill fetuses in the late stages of pregnancy. Health officials say the mosquito-borne virus has affected unborn children as late as 30 weeks into a pregnancy. Those planning to start a family soon and pregnant women need to avoid travel to places in the Caribbean and central and South America where Zika is transmitted. Source Link
If you’re just beginning work on your 1040, you may want to consider filing another tax form first. IRS Form 4868 gives you an automatic six-month extension to file your federal income tax return. Remember that if you don’t pay your taxes by April 18th you’ll be charged a one-half of one-percent penalty each month along with interest on the unpaid tax bill. Source Link

April 13, 2016

If you’ve seen offers on Facebook for a discounted $200 Nordstrom gift card or a $100 coupon from Lowe’s, it’s best to just keep scrolling. Experts say coupon scams are a growing problem that can lead to identity theft. That happens when someone is asked to enter personal information in order to collect what turns out to be a bogus offer. Source Link
Breast cancer survivors may want to avoid the urge to grab a late-night snack. A study found that those who had an overnight fast of less than 13 hours were one-third more likely to have a recurrence of cancer. Researchers say shorter breaks between meals can adversely affect metabolic health and that’s a risk factor for cancer. Source Link 
Why would you want a computer that has a keyboard without any keys? That’s what Apple envisions as the next generation of personal computing. The company wants to patent a technology that replaces the keyboard with a kind of giant trackpad that could be programmed to position keys wherever you want them. Source Link 

April 12, 2016

Can you reduce your risk of cancer by enjoying a cup of coffee? Researchers found that drinking coffee may cut your odds of colon cancer by as much as 50 percent and the more you drink, the lower the risk. Coffee may be a cancer fighter because of antioxidants released during the brewing process. Source Link
Do you have a new “chip” credit card and wonder why you still have to swipe it? You’re not alone. Retailers say they’re unable to use new chip readers because the credit card industry has been slow to test and certify the units. Until that happens, stores and not banks are on the hook for fraudulent charges. Source Link
If you're someone who likes to fall asleep with your iPhone playing, there’s a built-in function to do that. In the Clock app, set “When Timer Ends” and scroll to the bottom and choose “Stop Playing.” The shut-off feature feature works with music and even YouTube videos. Source Link

April 11, 2016

Making better health a contest could encourage more people to improve their lifestyle. That’s the conclusion after a worldwide competition with office workers who wore pedometers. On average, the workers increased their daily activity by 3,500 steps, reduced sitting time by about 45 minutes a day and lost weight. Source Link
If you want to gauge your heart health, step off the scale and pick up a tape measure. Researchers found that a growing waist size was a stronger predictor of serious heart disease than body weight or body mass index. Abdominal fat produces more inflammatory substances that have been linked with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Source Link
Robot drivers are just as upset about the condition of America's roads as we humans are. Makers of new self-driving cars say our crumbling infrastructure interferes with systems that keep driverless cars on the straight and narrow. Cracked pavement and missing lane markings are big problems for cars that steer themselves. Source Link

April 8, 2016

If you don’t know how your teenager spends their money or their time, consider this -- a new survey says nearly half of teens admit to gambling. The wagering can be offline and online, with dares and challenges, instant-win or scratch tickets, and games of skill. Experts say teenagers who are attracted to wagering for money could be at-risk for becoming problem gamblers. Source Link
Low-fat milk may not be the high-quality health food we think it is. Research is suggesting that people who consume full-fat dairy weigh less and are less likely to develop diabetes. Studies show people who reduce fat in their diet tend to replace it with sugar or carbohydrates and that can have worse effects on diabetes risk. Source Link 
Spending money on others might make your heart feel good and work better. A study found that people who were generous saw their blood pressure drop. Researchers  say giving money away may have health benefits comparable to taking anti-hypertensive medication or starting a new exercise regimen. Source Link

April 7, 2016

Getting allergens out of your home requires some crafty cleaning. Experts say you should check those window frames, sills, heavy curtains and decorative pillows that can harbor pollen, mold and other irritants. Be sure to dust any books on a shelf and clean lampshades and keyboards on computers. Source Link
Here’s another reason for pregnant women to get a flu shot. A study found that a seasonal flu shot may reduce the risk of stillbirth. Many pregnant women aren’t vaccinated against the flu because of concerns for the safety of their unborn baby. Source Link
Facebook has a new feature to help the blind connect with photos posted on the social network. The program uses artificial intelligence to analyze photos in your news feed and offer basic descriptions that can be heard. The feature is available now for iPhones and coming soon to Android devices and web browsers. Source Link

April 6, 2016

Could gauging the time remaining on a woman’s biological clock be as easy as reading a blood test? Doctors say the $100 AMH test looks for a specific hormone released by the ovaries. That hormone level in the bloodstream can be an indicator of the amount of eggs still remaining. Source Link
The warehouse store may seem like the best place to save on everything, but experts say you need to be choosy as you walk those massive aisles. In the grocery department, stock-up on higher-quality hamburger meat but skip the condiments and fresh produce. You can find great buys on tires and designer clothing, but pass on the dishes and cookware. Source Link
If  your smartphone comes out when you sit down in the bathroom, you’re not alone. A survey found that nearly 40-percent of people use that time to catch-up on happenings with their phones. Men are twice as likely as women to admit to bathroom browsing and 80-percent of  Millennials say they do double-duty while taking care of business. Source Link

April 5, 2016

Beating that mid-afternoon energy slump could be as easy as popping a stick of gum. Chewing increases the amount of blood and oxygen flowing through your head, so chewing gum makes people more alert.  Dehydration can also cause fatigue, so try drinking a glass of water as a natural pick-me-up. Source Link
Your child may be getting lots of sugar at breakfast and not from sweetened cereal. A study found that many fruit drinks and juices give kids a full day's worth of sugar in a single serving. Researchers say fresh fruit is a better way to get vitamins and nutrients without all the added sugar. Source Link
If available storage space on your iPhone is under 1 Gig, you can do some digital housecleaning simply by visiting the iTunes store. Try to purchase a movie that’s over three hours long and your iPhone will offer the option to clean out old files. Users say this trick can be done multiple times to free up several Gigs of storage without purchasing a movie. Source Link

April 4, 2016

A new kind of auto safety test is shedding light on a dark problem. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says the Toyota Prius was the only 2016 vehicle with headlights rated as “good” for spotting objects in the road ahead. Testers say car owners could improve headlight performance by having them adjusted to aim better. Source Link
A trip to the tropics should not be followed immediately by efforts to start a family. That’s the warning from health officials who say men can transmit the Zika virus to women for up to two months. The infection that comes from mosquito bites often has no symptoms but has been linked to birth defects. Source Link
Could the time you spend catching that nap point to a possible heart problem? Researchers found that people who took daytime naps for longer than 40 minutes had an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. But all naps aren’t bad for you, because those who dozed for less than 30 minutes had a lower risk for heart problems. Source Link

April 1, 2016

Need another reason to get a mammogram? It could be a new tool to detect heart disease. A study found that a digital mammogram can reveal calcium deposits in arteries near the breasts. Deposits like these may also occur in arteries feeding the heart and that could be an early sign of heart disease. Source Link
An eye for posture could help you be more successful in dating. Testing revealed more attraction to people with photos showing them extending their torso, pushing out their legs and spreading arms wide. Researchers say the look of openness indicates confidence, high self-esteem, and being relaxed. Source Link
Ever wonder how April 1st got to be a day for pranks and hoaxes? April Fool’s Day began more than 500 years ago in a battle over a calendar change after January 1st became the start of the new year. Traditionalists who kept celebrating April 1st as New Year’s Day were called “April Fools” and became a target for jokes. Source Link