July 31, 2023

 There’s a simple way to remember when to add recipients to an email with a “CC” or a “BCC.” If everyone knows each other it’s okay to use a “CC” that shows all of the email addresses. If you’d rather keep those addresses private and not shared with other recipients you should use a “BCC.” Source Link 

Before you quit your job, consider some key questions beyond the basics about wages and benefits. Is the workload manageable and sustainable? Do you have a trusted community at work? How have you tried to make the job better and how does all of this fit into your life? And keep in mind that a job change isn’t always the way to happiness. Source Link 

Cutting the salt in your diet is easier said than done, but what if a single kind of spice could help? Researchers working with older adults found that adding a small amount of chipotle seasoning made it hard to tell the difference between high-sodium and low-sodium meals. Adding other spices such as basil, garlic powder and black pepper didn’t work as well. Source Link 

July 28, 2023

 You want Alexa to be ready to help anywhere in your home, but here’s where you don’t want to put an Amazon Echo or Dot. Keep it away from a kitchen sink or anywhere water could cause damage, or near a TV where it could mistake a program's dialogue for a command. And keep Alexa away from windows where someone outside the house could hijack it. Source Link 

Hitting the “pause” button on that next online or in-store purchase might be just the break your budget needs to avoid impulse spending. Give yourself 24 hours to think about going to the store and see if you still want that thing tomorrow. And when you’re buying online, leave items in the shopping cart and come back later. Sometimes, you’ll find a lower price when you come back. Source Link 

What are some of the do’s and dont’s of good dental hygiene? Do choose a toothbrush with a smaller head and soft bristles, but don’t scrub hard. Use a fingertip touch to hold the brush. Do brush with a rotating motion and at a 45-degree angle, or let your electric toothbrush hover over each tooth. And don’t rinse after brushing your teeth. Allow the fluoride in toothpaste to continue to work after you’re done. Source Link

July 27, 2023

 Walking can be good exercise, but you need to remember some basics. A good arm swing is key, but make sure you’re pumping forward and back, not side-to-side, and keep those elbows in. Have your shoulders back and head up and don’t make your stride too long, because that can lead to pulled muscles in your leg. Source Link_

An age-old rule for laundry day doesn’t wash with today’s clothes. With a few exceptions, you don’t need to separate whites and colors because most fabrics today are made to be colorfast. But do run a separate load and even use a special detergent for athletic wear that’s breathable or moisture wicking because these items are often treated to be water repellent. Source Link_

Keeping your kitchen healthy means more than tossing out those mystery leftovers in the back of the fridge. You should change your cleaning sponge often because even microwaving it won’t kill all of the germs. And throw away a cutting board that has lots of cracks where bacteria can survive a good cleaning. Source Link 

July 26, 2023

 So, how do you properly clean a kitchen counter? It depends on what it’s made of. Avoid abrasive and acidic cleaners with quartz and don’t use bleach or harsh chemicals on granite or laminate. And if soap and water doesn't work on your marble countertop, use a specialized cleaner that’s made for natural stone. Source Link_

Keeping a tick bite from making you ill takes some fast steps after it happens. Check for ticks right after any hike. You’re usually okay if you remove a tick within 24 hours, but after that see a doctor about testing or treatment. You can avoid tick bites by wearing long sleeves and long pants tucked into your socks and spraying clothing with the insecticide permethrin. Source Link_

You can avoid being ripped off at the auto shop by doing a little work before your car needs it. Shop around for a mechanic by asking friends or checking online reviews and take your car in for a small service to see if you’re comfortable there. And don’t be afraid to have your car towed somewhere else if you feel like you’re being cheated. Source Link 

July 25, 2023

Getting rid of car clutter is easy with these simple tips. Keep an envelope in the glove box to quickly stash receipts and check it once a week to see what you need to keep. A silicone muffin tin liner can protect a cup holder from dirt and spills and use empty tissue box as a trash container. Attach Velcro strips and stick it to the carpeting near the passenger seat. Source Link 

Your kids can give back to the community and maybe help themselves, too. Researchers found that kids who volunteer are often thriving, physically and mentally. And if volunteering gets kids off their devices and into the world that promotes social engagement. The results might point to using volunteering as a public health measure. Source Link_

You’ve found the perfect pair of jeans and here’s how to make them last longer. Wash rarely. Instead, spot-treat any spills or stains when they happen. And when you launder those jeans, always use cold water and air dry by hanging them from the ankles indoors to avoid damage from the sun or heat from a dryer. Source Link_

July 24, 2023

 The dog days of summer are a good time for a refresher on skin safety in the sun. Wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or above and reapply every two hours when outdoors. Avoid the sun during peak mid-day hours and wear a hat that covers your face. And keep a sun shirt or jacket in your car for protection if you suddenly decide to spend time outdoors. Source Link

Canceled flights are becoming the new normal, but what are you owed if you’re left at the gate? You’re entitled to a full refund if you choose not to re-book a canceled flight. A significant delay, like six hours or more could also entitle you to a full refund, but not if you accept any airline compensation and proceed with your trip. Source Link

The garbage can is not the place to put coffee grounds because they can be used in many ways. Coffee grounds in an open jar can deodorize a fridge or a gym bag when tied up in a sock. Coffee grounds can scrub off caked-on food in pots and pans, and you can use them in the garden as fertilizer or to attract worms to make healthier soil. Source Link

July 21, 2023

 'Tis the season to know the signs of heat-related illness. Cool, moist, pale or flushed skin, headache, lightheadedness or weakness are early warnings and muscle spasms in the legs or stomach can be a sign of heat cramps. A good starting treatment is to move to a cool place and give small amounts of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drinks. Source Link

The old advice to, “fake it till you make it” might apply if you slap on a fake smile when you have a case of the blues. Researchers found that people who smiled when they were low were better able to overcome sad feelings. But the technique isn’t effective for someone who’s suffering from serious sadness like depression. Source Link 

If a long workout isn’t your thing, how about an activity snack? Researchers found that taking a quick walk or doing squats after you eat may help retain muscle mass as you age because moving helps you use the food you’ve eaten to build muscle. The small spurts of activity should be in addition to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Source Link

July 20, 2023

 Preparations to send a child off to college should include some straight talk before moving day. Discuss what decisions you expect them to tackle on their own and when to ask for help. Talk about academic priorities and healthy ways to manage stress and plan for weekly video chats or occasional visits to look for any worrisome changes. Source Link

Here are some things to consider when you’re ready to hit “mute” on your social media habit. If the posts make you feel bad it’s time to get them out of your feed. Also cut back if your social media usage gets in the way of real life experiences, and ask yourself what else you could be doing instead of instinctively grabbing your phone to scroll that feed and pass the time. Source Link_

How can you be sure if the vitamins or supplements really have what you need? Look for third-party verification labels like USP or NSF for vitamins or IFOS for fish oil. And check for expiration dates because supplements that are past their “use by” date may not be effective and could even be harmful. Source Link_

July 19, 2023

 Hitting your weight loss goal is great but it’s only half the battle. To keep that weight off, experts say don’t ease off on exercise, choose a forever diet and increase food intake very gradually. And maintain the support network of friends, family or health professionals who helped you achieve your weight loss goal. Source Link

Be sure to include these things when packing for that next trip. Dryer sheets can deodorize smelly shoes and a quick-dry towel gets the job done without staying damp. Pack some baby wipes to use when you’re grabbing those high-touch areas and bring a packable backpack for convenience and to hold essentials or extra souvenirs. Source Link_

The solution for killing weeds without harsh chemicals may be in your kitchen pantry. Mix a gallon of white vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap in an ordinary garden sprayer. This will kill weeds but be careful not to get it on grass. You can keep a spot weed-free for good by adding two cups of ordinary table salt that penetrates into the soil. Source Link_

July 18, 2023

 When kids are swimming in the backyard pool, these two things are the ultimate safety devices. You need a pair of adult eyes watching young swimmers at all times because drowning can happen in an instant. And that adult supervisor must not be distracted with their cellphone, or a phone call inside the house, or a conversation with another adult. Source Link_

Forget these food safety myths. You can’t tell if food is good by looking at it, and the “five-second rule” doesn’t protect you from microorganisms that can transfer to food immediately when you drop it. And food poisoning doesn’t always happen within hours because you can get sick from food you ate up to three days ago. Source Link_

July is National Ice Cream Month and a few scoops are a great way to top off a summertime meal. An industry survey found that chocolate and cookies n’ cream were the most popular flavors, followed by vanilla, strawberry and chocolate chip. Pecans are the favorite dry topping and chocolate sauce beats caramel, and waffle cones are preferred over sugar cones nearly three-to-one. Source Link

July 17, 2023

 A smartphone can help you form better tech habits. Screen Time features will show you what’s occupying your time on your phone and distraction blocker apps can keep you on-track for work. And use a calendar app with natural language processing to make adding and updating appointments faster and easier. Source Link 

Believe it or not, eating a cookie might help improve your child’s dental health. Have them eat an Oreo cookie and then brush their teeth. If you can still see bits of cookie after they’re done, you need to be checking and helping them brush better. You should also give your kids healthy snacks, use fluoride toothpaste and have them drink lots of water. Source Link 

It’s one step that could save you from skin cancer. A full-body exam to look at all of your bumps, moles and birthmarks is the best way to find out which are benign and which might put you at-risk for skin cancer. But this isn’t a DIY job, so make an appointment with a dermatologist for a full-body exam. Source Link

July 14, 2023

Stop and ask yourself a few questions before you share health stories on social media. Is the source trustworthy, like a major medical center or national organization? Is it a personal story that may not reflect the big picture, or does it make you feel emotional? If it does, try waiting to post because the impulse to share it might pass. Source Link 

Streaming TV subscription fees add up fast and you can save money with a little planning. Make a calendar note for when a trial subscription ends to avoid paying for an extra month, and bundle or get an annual subscription for services you know you want to keep. And if there isn’t a show you’re watching now on that service, cancel and re-subscribe later. Source Link 

There’s a good chance you have a free hotspot or free public WiFi available nearby now, but how do you find it? Apps like Instabridge or WiFi Map will show you where to find a free hook-up that’s near you, and many public libraries offer free WiFi. Consider using a VPN with any free internet connection to safeguard any personal data during the session. Source Link

July 13, 2023

It’s a natural choice that’s rich in vitamins but there’s an unhealthy side to that daily glass of fruit juice. The habit could be adding to your weight because fruit juice has as much sugar as sweetened soda. You can get the same nutritional benefits by eating one serving of whole fruit instead of drinking a glass of juice. Source Link 

The key to effective studying isn’t cramming by reading notes or a textbook over and over. Instead, read once and then quiz yourself using questions at the back of a book or with flashcards that you create. Drawing the information in visual form can also help with retention, and give your brain time to absorb information by spacing out study sessions over a few days. Source Link_

Sunglasses are for more than stopping you from squinting in bright daylight. They protect against harmful UV rays that can damage your eyes and lead to conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts. And don’t wear dark sunglasses without UV protection, because that dark tint forces the pupil to open wider and let in more light and more UV rays. Source Link_

July 12, 2023

 Here’s how you might be able to take that airline flight without someone sitting next to you. When flying solo choose an aisle or window seat in the back of the plane because that’s where middle seats are often left empty. When traveling as a couple you should pick the window and aisle seats to increase your odds of having an empty seat between you. Source Link

“Fridge or pantry?” is a question for many kitchen condiments. Open containers of mustard, ketchup and hot sauce are safe when kept in the pantry, but manufacturers say refrigeration maintains the best product quality after opening. Peanut butter also doesn’t need to go in the fridge but you could triple the life of natural peanut butter with cold storage. Source Link_

Good eating habits can help a teenager avoid putting on extra pounds that may be with them for life. Start them with a healthy, well-balanced breakfast every day and keep unhealthy snacks out of the house by substituting fruits, vegetables, and small portions of nuts and seeds. Encourage activity as a family and be a role model yourself for healthy living for your kids. Source Link_

July 11, 2023

 Sleeping in a bedroom that isn’t black as night could be making you blue. Researchers found a strong association between even low-level nighttime light exposure and depressive symptoms. Seeing any light at night might throw off the body’s internal clock and change hormonal functions in the brain and that could lead to psychological problems. Source Link 

When you’re wondering if your child has an unhealthy relationship with social media, ask these questions. Do they do anything significant each day besides going to school or spending time on screens, and how many hours a day do they use social media? Also ask yourself, does your child have a very hard time stopping, and does social media interfere with their sleep, homework or general daily functions. Source Link_

You can put a “halt” to overeating by spelling out that word every time you reach for food. Are you H for hungry, A for angry, L for lonely, or T for tired? Only hunger should lead you to eat, and using the HALT method may prevent overeating and help to teach you to be introspective and identify what you’re feeling before you eat. Source Link_

July 10, 2023

 Online grocery shopping may be more convenient, but there’s a way it’s not so healthy. Many grocery websites don’t make it easy to see nutritional information for products. The surge in online grocery buying got ahead of any government rules about displaying nutritional information on a website or an app. Source Link 

If push comes to shove, what’s your financial survival number? Find it by totaling the cost of rent or mortgage and utilities, groceries, dining out, transportation, household costs, clothing, health care and entertainment. Then take everything that isn’t a fixed cost and cut it down to the bare minimum. Source Link 

You’ve tried banging on the lid to open that stubborn jar and it’s not working, but there are other techniques that might open things up. Holding a dish towel or wearing rubber gloves while you open the jar can give you more gripping power and sometimes you can loosen the lid by slapping the base of the jar with an open palm. Source Link

July 7, 2023

 A summer heat wave can be hard on your heart, especially if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or are obese. Triple-digit high temperatures may double the number of deaths from heart disease and strokes can be more severe. Staying hydrated is important and don’t wait until you feel thirsty. Drink water regularly throughout a hot day. Source Link 

Getting rid of apps you don’t use can pay big dividends. It saves space on your phone or tablet, keeps you from scrolling through endless screens and reduces the risk of security breaches. Make a list of apps you use every day and work back from that to find what can go. And remember to close out accounts online as well as deleting the app. Source Link 

Try the “90-90” rule to decide what stays and what goes when you want to thin out your wardrobe. For each item, ask yourself if you used it in the past 90 days, or if you’re likely to use it in the next 90 days. If the answers to both questions are “no,” then it can go. And make the next step easier by keeping a box in your closet where you can toss items that are going away. Source Link

July 6, 2023

If you’re prone to dialing calls with your derriere, you might blame it on the voice that runs your smartphone. Using helpers like Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant can make a butt dial more likely, so check the sensitivity settings. And be sure to set your lock screen to trigger immediately before you slip that phone into your hip pocket. Source Link

Setting up for tomorrow the night before can give you more time to make the morning start right. When you lay out tomorrow’s clothes, set a timer for that pot of coffee and get out the pan to cook your eggs, you have fewer decisions to make first thing in the morning. And that gives you time to make your bed and create a calm, uncluttered setting when you come home from work. Source Link_

Skin cancer is the most common type and you can stay on-guard by remembering your A-B-Cs and D-E-Fs. Look for a mole that’s asymmetrical, has a border with ragged edges, a color that's uneven, a diameter larger than a pencil eraser or is elevated or raised. If you see any of these in a monthly self-check then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. Source Link


July 5, 2023

 There are some telltale signs that you might be a victim of identity theft. If a merchant refuses your check or that monthly bill you’re expecting never comes in the mail, or you get a credit card you didn’t open, your personal information may be compromised. Experts say keeping a close eye on bank statements and bills is the best defense. Source Link 

Here’s the right way to use the crisper drawers in your fridge. Set one for low humidity for items like apples, avocados, ripe bananas, melons and mangoes. The high humidity drawer will keep leafy produce fresh, along with broccoli, carrots, peppers, strawberries and watermelon. And try to keep each drawer at least two-thirds full to get the best performance from it. Source Link_

How about a diet that can take off pounds and maybe add more years to your life? Studies have shown that low-fat diets in general can help prevent heart attacks and premature deaths, but one stands above the rest. The Mediterranean diet that’s heavy on fish, vegetables and good fats from olive oil and nuts may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Source Link_

July 3, 2023

 You don’t need to hover over the volume control for your TV to avoid when the sound gets too loud in a movie or TV show. You might have a “night mode” setting on the TV to reduce the difference between loud and softer parts of the soundtrack. And with a three-channel sound bar or set of speakers you can adjust the volume of the center channel that carries most of the dialogue. Source Link 

There are some things you should never do on a work computer in the office or at home. Assume that all of your activity can be monitored by the boss, so don’t use desktop folders or work accounts like email or Google Docs to keep personal records. The same is true for personal passwords and don’t try to remove any security software. Source Link 

A potato can be mashed, baked, cut into fries, or kept with other household cleaners. A sliced raw potato rubbed on clothing can be a stain remover, or dip the cut side into baking soda or dish soap to clean away rust. Soak tarnished silverware in water that was used to boil potatoes or rub a piece of raw potato on hands that are stained by beets or berries. Source Link