April 30, 2021

 Your nose knows something’s not right but what’s causing those strange home smells? A slight whiff of smoke when you turn on a light switch could be faulty electrical wiring and a fishy smell can be caused when bad wiring starts to melt plastic or rubber in an appliance. And a musty odor in the kitchen might be caused by an unseen leak in a sink pipe. Source Link 

Here are four cornerstones to raising kids who will have a good relationship with money. Help them understand that you earn money for the work you do and that saving now helps you afford a major purchase later. Explain that it’s important to be patient and satisfied with what they own now and to think of others and be charitable. Source Link 

A question like, “How was your weekend?” may be a key to boosting productivity at work. Researchers found that simple small talk between co-workers made people happier and enjoy their tasks more. But the casual conversations need to be about things that are not related to your work. Source Link 

April 29, 2021

 The sandwich is a lunchtime classic, but what if you want to skip the two slices of bread? Try wrapping ingredients in a whole-grain pita or tortilla or lettuce leaves. Scoop the seeds out of a cucumber, zucchini, tomato or bell pepper and stuff with a salad mix or pack in hard-boiled egg whites with cubes of meat. Source Link 

Catnip might make for a happy tabby and someday a mosquito-free summer. Testing showed the active ingredient in catnip was as effective as synthetic insect repellents. The herb activates a pain receptor in flying insects that makes them flee but doesn’t cause any problems for humans. Source Link 

A coin could be key to finding out if a power outage has ruined the food in your freezer. Place a frozen cup of water in the freezer and and put a quarter on top of it. If the power goes out long enough for the ice to melt and the quarter drops down into the water -- even if it’s refrozen -- you should throw out the food. Source Link

April 28, 2021

 Burning the midnight oil is really rough on your body. Being a night owl can lead to higher blood pressure, make exercise more difficult, promote late-night eating that packs on the pounds and can increase your risk of diabetes. And night owls are more tired and less alert on their morning commute and that can lead to more accidents. Source Link 

How can you make household cleaning less of a chore? Motivate yourself with some upbeat music or listen to an audiobook or podcast while you clean. Simplify supplies and use only a glass or multi-surface cleaner, a heavy-duty degreasing cleaner, tile and bathroom cleaner and a powdered abrasive cleanser. And set up a regular cleaning schedule and stick to it. Source Link

You should think twice before trying to save money buying the cheapest charger for your iPhone. Just because the labeling on the box says it’s safe doesn’t mean it is. If you don’t buy the Apple brand you look for the MFi certification for charging adapters and cables. This ensures that Apple approved the products from other manufacturers. Source Link

April 27, 2021

 A simple switch flip can help prevent being hacked at home. Experts suggest turning off your computer when it’s not in use and doing the same with your router, which should be located in a central part of your home and further away from the street where someone can cruise by looking for home networks to invade. Source Link 

When it comes to nutrition there’s often no good substitute for the real thing. For example, taking calcium and fiber supplements doesn’t work as well as eating foods that are naturally high in fiber or rich in calcium. And research has shown that many low fat and diet items contain much more added sugar and salt than their regular-fat counterparts. Source Link

Here’s a way to get the most for your money in a used car if you can go without the latest safety features. Spend between $4,000 and $7,000 dollars to buy a 7- to 11-year-old car that’s been carefully driven and has an excellent maintenance history. Keep the car for about five years and sell it for $2,000 to $3,500 during tax season and then repeat the cycle. Source Link

Aril 26, 2021

 Looking for an activity that can bring together family members near and far? A family book club can make love for reading into a shared experience either in-person or by Skype or FaceTime. Consider a variety of books to introduce you to new topics or genres and let each family member take a turn at selecting the next book to read. Source Link 

Playing some of your favorite games might be a great way to improve brain health for older people. Memory games like Match or Simon or word games like Scrabble or electronic versions of games like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud or Trivial Pursuit can exercise that most important muscle and be fun for young and old alike. Source Link 

How can your smartphone help you declutter your house? Testing showed that people were more likely to donate an old unused item with sentimental value if they took a picture of it. Having a photo of the item served the same purpose to help people remember the moment. Source Link 

April 23, 2021

 Taking some simple precautions can help you avoid home accidents. Use a can opener instead of a knife to cut through clamshell plastic packaging and keep kitchen knives sharp because a dull knife is more likely to slip. Dial down your water heater to 120 degrees to avoid scalding accidents and wear long pants and close-toed shoes when mowing the lawn. Source Link 

hen your wallet is bulging with too much stuff be sure to remove these items first. A Social Security card or anything with that number should never be in a wallet. Same with spare keys, a birth certificate or a blank check. And old receipts with a partial credit card number can be a gold mine for identity thieves. Source Link 

Getting rid of car clutter is easy with these simple tips. Keep an envelope in the glove box to quickly stash receipts and check it once a week to see what you need to keep. A silicone muffin tin liner can protect a cup holder from dirt and spills. And use an empty tissue box as a trash container by attaching Velcro strips to stick it to the carpeting near the passenger seat. Source Link 

April 22, 2021

 Here’s why you should use automatic bill payment. Experts say missed payments are the number-one reason why your credit score can drop. And while you’re setting up those automatic payments, take a moment to check your credit report because mistakes there can also damage your credit score. Source Link 

Need a good reason to drink tea? It can help your heart. Researchers found that natural compounds in black and green tea might relax blood vessels and that could lower your blood pressure. But don’t add milk to your tea because that erases the positive effects of those compounds. Source Link 

Spring storm season can mean power outages and many who use portable generators need to be safe when powering up. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning you should never use a gasoline generator inside a home, garage, basement, crawlspace, shed or on the porch. Always use the generator outside and keep it at least 20 feet from the house. Source Link

April 21, 2021

 If you want to be an organ donor you need to get it in writing. Surveys show that 95 percent of people would like to be an organ donor but only about half take steps to make their wishes known. The supply of donor hearts continues to lag behind the need and most transplant recipients wait up to two years for a new heart. Source Link 

The masks that people now strap across their faces when going out in public may be putting a dent in spring allergy season. Many patients are doing better this year because they're wearing a mask when outside and spending more time indoors. A face covering can cut pollens and allergens that may enter your nose and mouth. Source Link 

Here’s a to-do list for a safer digital life. Do use strong passwords and don’t use the same or similar passwords for multiple sites. Do look for sites that require multi-factor authentication for logins and use it. And don’t share your address book with an app because that puts all your friend's information in someone else’s hands without their permission. Source Link

April 20, 2021

 Parents who hang on next to the crib until their baby falls asleep may be sabotaging themselves. If your baby sees you as they drift off to sleep they’ll expect you to be there every time they wake up during the night. Laying a baby down to sleep while they’re awake helps them learn to fall asleep without you in the room. Source Link 

Most home moves happen in Spring and Summer and you can make yours easier with these tips. Mark boxes by room using stick-on color dots and save on buying boxes by putting clothes on hangers in a trash bag. Take a picture of how electronics are connected and use an “open first” box that holds essentials like toiletries, phone chargers or a change of clothes. Source Link

If you’re budgeting for your next flyaway vacation you can make your money go farther. Set fare alerts to be notified when prices drop and use points and miles to cut the ticket cost. If you need to pay to check a bag it can be cheaper to do it online rather than at the airport. At your destination you can save on admission costs with free museums and walking tours or hiking. Source Link

April 19, 2021

 What are some red flags in a vehicle history report for that car you want to buy? Too many owners could mean the car has had ongoing problems and a salvage title shows that the vehicle was once totaled. And your mechanic should check to see if repairs were done properly if there’s an accident history with major structural damage or airbag deployment. Source Link 

When and what you eat can be an important combination for weight loss and better health. A high-protein breakfast might keep your appetite in check for the whole day, and a small meal with carbs and protein before exercise followed by a similar snack afterward can help you get the most from a workout. Source Link 

You like those discounts when you sign up for a store credit card but think twice about using that kind of plastic. Getting an upfront discount and zero-percent financing for six months is fine as long as you mind the calendar. Leaving any balance due after the term is up will mean a high-interest charge on the entire cost of the purchase. Source Link 

April 16, 2021

 You should be putting more than just bank statements and old bills through that shredder. Airline boarding passes, prescription paperwork, free return labels and even extra birth announcements have information that could be used by identity thieves. And a vet bill may include a pet’s name which many people use in an online security question. Source Link 

What goes into picking a safe PIN? Avoid your birth date, a year in the 1900s, or an obvious numerical sequence. You can go with the birthday of a close friend, the date of your favorite holiday, or the current time and change your PIN periodically, especially when you hear about a data breach. Source Link 

The physical strain that comes from too much screen time might be cured in the blink of an eye. Typically, a person blinks about 30 times per minute but that can drop to just a few times per minute when focusing on a screen. One solution might be the “20-20-20” rule -- every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something that’s 20 feet away. Source Link 

April 15, 2021

 A headache is always a pain, but when is it an emergency? If a headache comes on suddenly and feels explosive, is accompanied by high fever or nausea, or causes slurred speech, dizziness, confusion or an inability to move one side of your body, you should call 911. Such headaches could be the sign of a stroke, a brain tumor or even carbon monoxide poisoning. Source Link 

“Taking five” during the workday could be the ticket to improved productivity. Researchers found that people who took five-minute microbreaks bounced back from morning fatigue and sharpened their skills for the rest of the day. A microbreak could be having a snack, chatting with a coworker, stopping for a stretch or doing a quick crossword puzzle. Source Link

Does it make a difference if your young child is learning to read on a tablet or with a book? A study found that e-books could interfere with a child’s comprehension but a digital book could outperform a paper version if the e-book has special enhancements like interactive features that are responsive to the child. Source Link

April 14, 2021

 When it comes to an allowance for your kids remember these tips. Be clear on what the money's for, be consistent on the amount of allowance and use cash or an electronic transfer so they only spend what they have. And remember that you shouldn’t pay your child for doing household chores. Source Link 

The arrival of spring pollen season could bring more COVID cases. High pollen counts can cause inflammation that weakens the immune system’s response to viruses which cause coughs and colds, including coronavirus. If you’re not vaccinated be sure to check pollen levels daily and avoid going out whether or not you're allergic. Source Link

If that last stimulus payment is still sitting in your checking account you can put it to work for long-term savings. Pay off high-interest debt or add the money to an IRA for retirement and tax benefits. Work on building an emergency fund to cover six months of household expenses and support local businesses by buying their gift cards to give them cash now. Source Link

April 13, 2021

Helping your kids be healthy eaters as adults might start in the kitchen when they’re teens. A study found that people who learned to cook as teenagers had better nutritional habits in their 30s. They were more likely to prepare meals with vegetables most days, ate less fast food and had more family meals. Source Link 

Deleting online accounts you no longer use can safeguard you from the next website hack. Look in your password manager, search email for old “welcome” messages or check Facebook or Google to find connected accounts. You can search the name of the service and the words “delete account” or visit its support page to find out how to close an unused account. Source Link

The lowly binder clip is an office staple with uses around the house. It can hold coiled power cords for easy storage, label a ring of keys, secure garbage bags on the edge of a can and prop-up a stack of water bottles in the fridge. You can stand up a binder clip to display photos or notes or use one as a makeshift cufflink in a fashion emergency. Source Link

April 12, 2021

 If you’re minding that credit score there are some things that won’t ding your rating. Paying off a credit card won’t hurt but canceling one will because it reduces your total available credit. Checking your credit report or a credit check by an employer has no impact and you can’t have too many credit cards unless you carry balances that you can’t pay off each month. Source Link 

If eating out is taking a toll on your diet plan you can try these tips. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine or Greek or Spanish that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at menus online and know what you’ll have before you arrive. And instead of an entrĂ©e try sharing several appetizers and have one dessert for all. Source Link 

Charging your phone while in the car isn’t a good idea. USB ports in cars typically don’t provide enough power and if your car has an older battery it could be drained by charging your phone. It’s better to top-up at home and have a portable power pack to charge the phone when you’re on the road. Source Link 

April 9, 2021

When it comes to your teeth, the most effective brushing is not so fast, not so hard and not just on top. Plaque builds up at the gum line so focus your brushing there with smaller, gentle strokes. Don’t hold the toothbrush tightly in your fist; fingertip grip will help you brush correctly and be sure to brush for at least two minutes twice a day. Source Link 

If you use baking powder or baking soda be sure that it's at full strength. The shelf life for an open container is about six months and you can test it. Put one teaspoon of baking powder in one-third cup of warm tap water or mix baking soda with two teaspoons of vinegar and both should bubble. Source Link 

Depending on age, vivid dreams are the builders or the maintenance staff for your brain. During REM sleep the brain of an infant is building synapses that will allow neurons to connect and communicate with one another. The primary structure is finished after age two and from then on your sleep becomes more about brain maintenance and repair. Source Link 

April 8, 2021

 Identity theft isn’t just something to worry about when you’re online. A lost or stolen wallet can expose you, so limit what’s in there and never carry anything with your social security number. A mailbox with a lock can keep someone from stealing credit card offers or bank statements and shredding important papers before tossing them is an easy way to prevent identity theft. Source Link 

You probably know about thermostats and lighting but there are lots more smart devices for the home. Try a showerhead that connects to your phone to play music, a WiFi aromatherapy diffuser, a smart beauty mirror that can analyze your skin for changes and recommend products, or even a smart diaper that tracks a baby’s sleep patterns. Source Link

Are you a microwave oven power user? You are if you cook vegetables in it to retain the most nutrients or hit the “Pause” button to stir foods halfway through cooking to ensure proper heating. And you’re on top of your game if you know your microwave oven’s wattage because smaller, less-powerful units require more time to get the cooking done. Source Link

April 7, 2021

 Some of the signs of depression in children and teens could be different from what’s seen in adults. You may notice more irritability and loss of interest rather than just sadness or a depressed mood. Other warning signs are problems with sleep, withdrawing from family and friends and declining school performance. Source Link 

A key reason some people remain sharp into their 80s and 90s may be that their brains resist the buildup of certain proteins that mark Alzheimer's disease. The so-called “super agers” may have genetics to thank but everyone can support brain health by avoiding high blood pressure and diabetes, getting regular exercise, eating healthfully and staying mentally and socially engaged. Source Link 

That smartwatch you’re wearing has its own security risks. Make sure that apps you use to pay with your watch are set to private and enable notifications whenever a payment is made to quickly spot any fraud. And keep your smartwatch updated to combat the latest malicious activity from hackers and trackers. Source Link

April 6, 2021

 Finishing up this year’s income taxes and wondering how long you need to keep those old returns? The IRS says the average filer should keep tax returns for three years because a typical audit is a three-year lookback. But keep your W-2’s for four years and if you’re self-employed or a freelancer you should hang on to your tax records for seven years. Source Link 

Before you throw away that almost-empty container of peanut butter, honey or mayonnaise, think about ways to put it to good use. You can eat ice cream out of a peanut butter jar or make a vinaigrette salad dressing from the last of the mayo. And a nearly-empty honey bear can be the basis of a sweet dressing. Source Link

Wondering if the Wi-Fi at that hotel will be up to speed? A new iOS app called Lag aims to help create a crowdsourced list of WiFi from around the country. Similar apps include Speedcheck, HotelWiFiTest, WiFi Map and WiFi Finder. And if you frequent the same places you can keep your own records with Speedtest and web sites such as fast.com. Source Link

April 5, 2021

 When it comes to picking the best toothbrush, should it be an electric model or the traditional hand-operated type? It depends more on technique than technology because both can do a good job if you brush properly and long enough. An electric toothbrush might be a better choice for someone with arthritis or another condition that makes brushing difficult. Source Link 

You’ve heard of refinancing your mortgage, but how about the loan for that set of wheels? Auto loan refinancing may be an easy way to save money because many people don’t shop around for the best rates when buying a car. Refinancing an auto loan is much simpler than a mortgage and may take just one day to complete. Source Link 

When should you lock up your credit report in the deep freeze? If your Social Security number has been compromised or you’ve experienced fraudulent activity, you’re part of a data breach or you see inquiries on your credit report that you didn’t authorize. It’s also a good idea to freeze a credit report to protect an elderly or incapacitated person for whom you hold power of attorney. Source Link 

April 2, 2021

 You can make this a better day on a count of three. Start by taking three deep breaths every time you sit down at your desk or step to your work spot. Deep breathing calms the nervous system and is the first step to learning meditation that can help you reduce stress. Source Link 

If you use baking powder or baking soda be sure that it's at full strength. The shelf life for an open container is about six months and you can test it. Put one teaspoon of baking powder in ⅓ cup of warm tap water or mix baking soda with two teaspoons of vinegar and both should bubble. Source Link 

Tough choices about major decisions might be easier to live with if you simply flip a coin. A study found that people who go through with their coin flip choices were living happier lives six months later. If you don’t want to flip a coin try choosing the action that represents a change rather than continuing the status quo. Source Link 

April 1, 2021

 Keeping your kitchen healthy takes more than tossing out the mystery leftovers in the back of the fridge. You should change your cleaning sponge often because even microwaving it won’t kill all of the germs. And throw away a cutting board that has lots of cracks where bacteria can survive a good cleaning. Source Link 

Don’t try to get ahead of any side effects from a Covid vaccination. Taking a painkiller before getting the vaccine can decrease antibody response. Side effects are caused as the body's immune system revs up and that’s what you want to produce antibodies to blunt the virus. Source Link

Remember these steps to reduce the risk of injury in youth sports. Do warm-ups with 5 to 10 minutes of aerobic activity, followed by flexibility exercises. Make training changes gradually to avoid the risk of overuse. And don't ignore seemingly minor injuries because symptoms may last longer and also increase the risk of a more serious injury. Source Link