February 26, 2021

 It’s using the carrot instead of the stick to help you lose weight -- try bribing yourself to shed those pounds. You could put a dollar in a jar that's the money you saved by eating less and then buy yourself a non-food item at the end of every month. Testing showed that adults were willing to eat less for the chance to win a prize like a gift card. Source Link 

You can stock your kitchen with helpful gadgets from the office supply store. Those classic orange-handled scissors are great for opening food packages and binder clips can seal up freezer bags. A black sharpie marker can label those bags using masking tape for plastic containers and a dry erase board is great for keeping a shopping list. Source Link 

Making fitness a habit takes some lifestyle changes. Decide what you’ll cut back on, like TV watching or web surfing, to make the time to exercise. If you go to a gym or workout at home look at what time of day fits best for you. And find ways to add exercise to everyday life such as walking with the whole family. Source Link 

February 25, 2021

 When your mind races after you wake up in the middle of the night try these tips to get back to sleep. Get out of bed and read a book - but nothing too exciting - or listen to an audio book or a podcast that’s not a shoutfest. You can also head to the kitchen for a light snack like whole-grain crackers or popcorn that has carbs to help switch-on the body’s sleep hormones. Source Link 

You can get a lot of housework done with just 60 seconds of effort. In one minute you could freshen a smelly sink by putting lemon peels through the garbage disposal or wipe down door handles and light switches. Take a minute to declutter a coffee table; refold clothes in a messy drawer to make more room, or quickly clean dirt and crumbs from furniture using a lint roller. Source Link

A fresh food diet for Fido might mean less cleanup work for you in the backyard. Researchers found that feeding a dog fresh food with human-grade ingredients could reduce droppings by up to 66 percent. They say eating human food such as rice, chicken, beef and carrots improves a dog’s digestion and that leaves less of that meal to scoop up later. Source Link 

February 24, 2021

 The best tool to chart the progress of your weight loss plan may not be that bathroom scale. Use a tape measure to track your waist size or try on a tight pair of pants every two weeks to know if you’re dropping pounds. If you do use the scale make it a weekly weigh-in on Friday morning because most people eat more on the weekend. Source Link 

Hand sanitizer can do more than disinfect your digits. It can clean silver or eyeglasses, remove hairspray from a mirror; substitute for deodorant or work as a dry shampoo; pretreat stains on clothing and clean your mouse and keyboard. And putting hand sanitizer over the sticky ends of a band aid makes it come off painlessly. Source Link

What’s the optimum distance between you and a screen to reduce eye strain? Remember the 1-2-10 rule. Ideally, smart phones should be placed 1 foot from the eyes, desktop and laptops at 2 feet, and TVs at 10 feet away. And remember to decrease the screen's brightness so that it matches the room's lighting. Source Link 

February 23, 2021

 It’s rich in vitamins and a natural choice but there’s something not so healthy in that daily glass of fruit juice. The drink could be adding to your weight because fruit juice has as much sugar as sweetened soda. You can get the same nutritional benefits by eating one serving of whole fruit instead of drinking a glass of juice. Source Link 

If all the bad news of the world today has you stressed there’s a good solution -- try to help others. Experts say making a donation or volunteering your time can ease feelings of helplessness from the weight of the world’s problems. You can also seek social support by joining a club or group to do something you enjoy. Source Link 

Taking a midday nap can be a smart choice and not just because you get more rest. A study found that napping in the afternoon may actually boost mental agility. But it needs to be a conscious effort to sleep because people who dozed off in the afternoon from being tired didn’t see the same benefits as those intentional nappers. Source Link 

February 22, 2021

 When should a senior citizen hang up the car keys for good is a question that can be answered with the help of a primary care physician who understands their health conditions, capacities, and challenges. Vision, thinking skills and physical function all play a part and families should start the discussion early before a driving mishap forces the issue. Source Link 

Diet sodas may not be a healthy alternative because they’ve been associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attack. If you like the sparkle of soda, try plain seltzer with a squeeze of citrus fruit, grated ginger, chopped mint or a teaspoon of vanilla. Or replace soda with milk for more protein and calcium. Source Link 

Brown-bagging your mid-day meal doesn’t have to be boring if you can think outside the lunchbox. Try adding one new vegetable or fruit each week and pack more than lunch with healthy snacks to make it through the day. And watch out for too much sugar at lunchtime because it can fuel a mid-afternoon energy crash. Source Link 

February 19, 2021

 Grocery shopping by color can be your first step toward a healthier heart. Choose foods with lots of color by starting in the produce section to stock up on a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables. And avoid white in bread, potatoes and rice and check labels for added salt and sugar that can be found in many processed foods. Source Link 

If you suffer from allergies you might find relief by doubling up on laundry days. Sheets and pillowcases can hold allergens as well as dirt, sweat and skin oils. The best advice is to wash your pillowcase every week and always change your sheets after you’ve had a cold. Source Link 

Email is a prime target for hackers who want to get to sensitive information and you can protect yourself by using different email accounts. Use one for banking and credit cards, another for shopping and another for social media. This way, a breach involving one account doesn’t endanger all of your digital life. Source Link 

February 18, 2021

 Want to reduce the stress that comes from having too many things to choose from in your closet? Try working with just a handful. Whatever it is, having lots of choices can make you less happy because the decision-making is stressful. Instead, pare down your choices to three or four and give away the rest. Source Link 

An astronomical neighbor may be affecting your sleep. Researchers found that the time just before and during a full moon was when people got less sleep. You might not bask in the glow of the moon but our distant ancestors adjusted their sleep schedules to make use of moonlight and that’s been hard-wired into today’s humans. Source Link 

The increased use of hand sanitizer is being blamed for a sharp rise in eye injuries among children. Hand sanitizers consist mainly of alcohol which is toxic to delicate structures like eyes. Parents should make sure that children don’t rub their eyes right after using sanitizer to give the alcohol some time to evaporate from hands. Source Link 

February 17, 2021

 If you have a bucket list for your life you may want to share it with your doctor. Whether it’s travel, a personal goal such as running a marathon or achieving a milestone like 50 years of marriage, sharing your bucket list helps your doctor provide personalized care and suggest lifestyle changes that may help you achieve more. Source Link 

Trying to beat the pandemic blues with a new puppy you buy off the Internet could come back to bite you. Authorities are seeing more cases of people who paid up to $1,500 upfront for a dog they see online only to find the breeder and the dog don’t exist. The best advice is to not pay anything until you see the dog in-person or on a video call. Source Link 

That puffy coat may protect your young child from the cold but could be dangerous when they’re in a car seat. A puffy coat or snowsuit can prevent car seat straps from tightening properly and in a crash the child may slide out of the seat. Dressing your child in multiple layers of clothing with a thinner coat on top can provide warmth and safety. Source Link

February 16, 2021

 COVID might fill up some hotels before the pandemic is over as the lodging industry is pitching its facilities to be used as vaccination sites. Hotels have stricter cleaning regimens and meeting rooms, banquet halls and even parking lots that could be used 24-7 by public health departments. And available rooms could host families who may need to travel to get their shots. Source Link

It could be the $100,000 answer -- how can good grades in high school pay off for your child? Many colleges offer merit scholarships based on grade point average and in some cases that can be a $25,000 a year discount on tuition. The best time to talk to your child about maintaining a high GPA is the summer after 8th grade and before they start high school. Source Link

A cardboard box could be key to reducing the clutter in your life. Fill the box with things you save because you think you might need them. Tape the box closed, store it and set a reminder on your calendar for 12 months from now. If the box remains unopened for one year, you can donate it knowing you won’t miss what you’re giving away. Source Link 

February 15, 2021

 It’s easier than you think to pack a healthy lunch for your kids. Concentrate on basics like whole-grain bread, lean meats and lettuce and tomato for sandwiches. Add raw vegetables and a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. If kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should just be occasional foods. Source Link 

Some of your home improvement tools might work well in the kitchen. A straight ruler can cut dough for a lattice crust and self-adjusting pliers make a great nutcracker. Painters tape is a durable label for freezer leftovers and comes off clean months later. And office binder clips can hold open a cookbook while you’re working from a recipe. Source Link 

If you’re adding a child to the family phone plan think inexpensive and take control. Offer them a hand-me-down iPhone or a low-cost Android device. Establish ground rules like you get all passwords and can check their phone at any time. And set up parental controls on the phone for kid-safe searches and to limit what apps they can download. Source Link 

February 12, 2021

 Social media is for sharing but you may not want the whole world to know. Check settings on Facebook to see if your posts are all Public meaning anyone can see them. You can also adjust Privacy settings to hide any photos from public viewing and stop any tagged photos from linking back to you. Sources Link 

We know what most buyers love about a home, but what do they hate? Having converted spaces like a man cave in a garage or a home office in a dining room are turn-offs. And too many personal items visible like photos on walls can make it hard for potential buyers to visualize the home as their own. Source Link 

Most people don’t think about foot care until they’re in pain but some common problems can be prevented with a few simple steps. Always wear water shoes around public swimming pools and in showers at the gym to avoid viruses that can cause nail fungus or athlete’s foot. Wear socks and tights made from breathable fabrics and if shoes hurt the first time you try them on, don’t buy them. Source Link 

February 11, 2021

 If the morning routine starts with checking your phone, making the bed and pouring that first cup of coffee, you may want to rethink your habits. Experts say diving right into social media can leave you stressed and the caffeine in coffee is more effective a few hours after you wake up. And letting your bedding air out for a while reduces the moisture that can feed dust mites. Source Link 

Nursing home residents have been at the front of the line to get a COVID vaccination but that may not mean regular visits from family can resume right away. It’s not known if vaccinated persons can still spread the virus to visitors who haven’t been vaccinated. Experts say it may not be until herd immunity is reached before visits to nursing homes can return to normal. Source Link

A free year of Netflix -- who wouldn’t want that? -- but be careful responding to a text message with such an offer. Scammers are sending texts promising a free year of the streaming service to help people cope with being stuck at home during the pandemic. But if you click the link in the text, you’ll be handing over your credit card information to cyber-thieves. Source Link

February 10, 2021

 You can see if your pet is overweight without using a scale. Run your fingers across their sides; with a healthy weight you should easily feel the ribs without pressing. And you shouldn’t be able to grab a handful of fat on their stomach. Source Link

How can you give your brain a boost in just 15 minutes? Lace up some comfortable shoes and step out. Researchers found that a quick, light jog can leave you feeling more energetic, lift your spirits and make your thinking more effective. Compared to simply resting, movement can improve your mood and brain function. Source Link

If there’s something in your life that you want to try, commit to a month of doing it every day. That could be starting a new hobby or something practical like putting things away after you use them or cleaning one drawer, rack or shelf each day. Making a 30-day pledge means there’s an end date in sight and performing an activity day after day builds a good habit. Source Link

February 9, 2021

 When you want to commit something to memory, try doing nothing. Studies have shown that a 10 to 15 minute break after a learning session helped people retain information better. But the break time must be just that -- a complete break from thinking -- so no doing errands, checking emails or surfing the web. Source Link

Are you guilty of these bad habits when cooking on a stove? You fill a pan to brimming and don’t give ingredients room to breathe and cook properly. You don’t fully preheat a pan before using it or use a non-stick pan to sear or consistently cook foods. Or you move your food around too much while cooking and it doesn’t have time to develop a better texture and flavor. Source Link

Call it the silver lining to the COVID pandemic. So far, there have been only about 1,000 flu cases reported nationwide. A typical year has about 45 million cases. The reason is as plain as the mask on your face. Social distancing, wearing face masks and frequent hand washing to avoid COVID are also preventing spread of the flu. Source Link

February 8, 2021

 Most of us need to eat more fruits and vegetables but you don’t have to adjust your meal menus to get those five to seven servings a day. Snacking on fresh fruit or raw vegetables could satisfy your nutritional needs, but cooking tomatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots provides the most nutrients from those vegetables. Source Link 

Your cell phone could be carrying more germs than a toilet seat but there are ways to clean it up. Keeping your phone out of the bathroom will help along with an occasional cleaning with a microfiber cloth or a solution of water and rubbing alcohol. And wash your hands frequently because that’s how most germs make it to your phone. Source Link 

You can have more success with your workouts with these trainer tips. Don’t race through a workout because that bad form can lead to injuries and shorten your routine instead of skipping it if you’re tired or rushed for time. And dress the part in exercise wear that makes you look good and feel comfortable. Source Link 

February 5, 2021

 Visiting an urgent care center instead of the emergency room can save you time and money. You should go to the ER only if you have any sign of a stroke; persistent chest pain, trouble breathing or loss of consciousness; high fever with a rash; a serious fall or injury involving the head or eyes; bleeding that won’t stop; a serious burn or a sudden, severe headache or loss of vision. Source Link 

What are the signs to look for in a good car salesman and how do you spot a bad one? A bad salesman tries to size you up with questions about what kind of vehicle or payment you had in mind, ignores your concerns about price and may not even offer a test drive. A good salesman listens to you, knows their product inside and out and never lies. Source Link 

The sandwich is a lunchtime classic, but what if you want to skip those two slices of bread? Try wrapping ingredients in a whole-grain pita, tortilla or lettuce leaves. Scoop the seeds out of a cucumber, zucchini, tomato or bell pepper and stuff it with a salad mix or pack hard-boiled egg whites with cubes of meat. Source Link 

February 4, 2021

 So, you want to do your part for the environment but can’t swap your car for a bike, switch to all-solar energy or recycle everything? Spending one minute less in the shower each day would save thousands of gallons of water a year. You could also stop using disposable products and keep a few plastic bags in your car so you don’t use more of them on every grocery trip. Source Link 

It’s happened to all of us -- you wake up from a dream and can’t get back to sleep. The remedy might be recalling some details of the dream and then trying to put yourself in those dream images. Don’t look at the clock or turn on a light because clock-watching will make you more anxious about losing sleep and bright light signals the body that it’s time to wake up. Source Link

Looking for alternatives to the all-seeing eye of Google? Switch your search engine to DuckDuckGo or Dogpile and browse with Mozilla Firefox or Brave. Start messaging with Signal, try alternative email services like Mailfence or Protonmail and browse YouTube videos without leaving a trail by using Hooktube. Source Link

February 3, 2021

Don’t let the thermometer fool you - it may be winter but sunscreen is something you need in every season. Sun damage can occur year-round, even on cloudy or rainy days and you get sun exposure through windows at the office, at home or in cars. Dermatologists recommend using a broad spectrum sunscreen every day and all year long. Source Link 

Burning 300 more calories with exercise can help in a healthy eating plan, but what does it take to do that? Try 27 minutes of running, 33 minutes of yoga or a 44-minute bike ride. Clean the house for two hours, walk 18 holes on a golf course, run the stairs for 18 minutes, or play pickup basketball for a half-hour. Source Link 

If you’re planning a wedding soon, don’t forget to include a starter financial plan. See if you can combine health coverage to save money and create a will that covers your spouse. Build a joint budget where 50 percent goes to needs, 30 percent toward wants and 20 percent to savings, including an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses. Source Link

February 2, 2021

 Raising a well-behaved child may have life-long benefits by giving them happier, healthier lives as adults. A long-term study found that kids who were goal-oriented with good self-control had healthier bodies and brains by the time they hit middle age. They also were better prepared with financial and social reserves for old age. Source Link

The diet you need may mean cutting the fat out of your household budget and building more financial muscle. Start with a detox to quickly pay off new debt, then add good habits like avoiding impulse online purchases. And begin regular workouts to automate your savings and contribute the maximum to retirement accounts. Source Link

Here’s a benefit from exercising in cold weather -- you’ll be burning more fat if you take it outdoors. Temperature plays a role in metabolism during exercise and researchers found that colder air may help the body burn fat faster. But don’t enjoy a high-fat meal before heading out because that negated any benefits from exercising in colder air. Source Link

February 1, 2021

 You can de-clutter your life by remembering the three Ps -- paper, phone and purge. Toss paper records more than a year old but keep financial files for seven years and sign-up for paperless billing. Put phone apps in folders by category and leave only a handful of favorites on the home screen, and purge your home of stuff you don’t need by donating, selling or tossing it. Source Link 

Your grammar school skills may help you spot an email scam. Misspellings of words or misplaced punctuation can be a tip-off and a misspelled email address from your bank or another business is a warning sign. And watch out for any email that includes a link to update your personal information. Source Link 

The financial bad habits that cause Americans the most trouble are a mix of old favorites and new challenges. A survey found that impulse buying is the number-one danger for a household budget and coming in second was paying for subscription services you no longer use. Two out of three people regretted not handling their money better last year. Source Link