January 31, 2024

 Boosting your immune system to avoid colds and the flu can literally be a walk in the park. Testing showed that 30 minutes of brisk walking or other moderate intensity exercises increased the circulation of natural killer cells, white blood cells and other parts of the immune system. But you need to commit to exercise every day to get the maximum benefits. Source Link

You can lower an auto insurance bill by dropping some coverage, looking for more discounts or agreeing to let your insurer monitor you behind the wheel. See if the value of your older car is worth carrying collision and comprehensive coverage and look for all the discounts that are offered. You could also sign up for user-based insurance that tracks your driving in real time. Source Link_

There are several ways that you can save for your child’s college education. A traditional savings account can be opened by you for your child, and a high-yield savings account will compound your interest earnings faster. Or consider a state-sponsored 529 savings program that gives you tax-free withdrawals for college education expenses. Source Link_

January 30, 2024

 A credit freeze to stop identity thieves is a good idea for everyone in your family, including the kids because their names could also be used to open bogus accounts. All three major credit bureaus allow a parent to request a credit freeze for a child. You’ll need to mail a copy of their birth certificate and Social Security card to set it up. Source Link

Exercising to help control high blood pressure doesn’t have to mean becoming a jogger or joining a gym. You can get the recommended 30 minutes a day, five days a week of exercise using your own body weight and never need to leave home. You can even break up that daily goal into several smaller periods of exercise and taking a few short walks is a great way to start. Source Link_

Hardly anyone reads all of a privacy policy for software, an app or a website, but you can zero-in on important topics with a simple keyboard search. Use the Control F function to look for words like, “sell,” “partners” and “affiliates,” or “geolocation” and “geotargeting” for tracking your location. And read sections with headings like “How we use your personal information.” Source Link_

January 29, 2024

 There are many reasons why you should keep your home WiFi network secured with a strong password. Freeloaders could slow down your streaming, send you over a data cap or even use your WiFi for illegal activity that’s blamed on you. If you need help changing the password, consult the owner’s manual for your WiFi router or contact customer service for a cable modem. Source Link 

Inflation might make it cheaper to dine out than cook that meal at home. Restaurants can buy food products wholesale and lock in lower prices through long-term contracts and that means less inflationary pressure on menu prices. Inflation at the grocery store is running about 50 percent higher than the increased cost of eating away from home. Source Link 

Lip and tongue piercings may do more than change the look of your mouth. Researchers found that many people with oral piercings had deep pockets and gaps around their teeth and receding and bleeding gums. About 5 percent of young people have oral piercings and four out of five of them are women. Source Link

January 26, 2024

 How you lay when you sleep could have an impact on your health. Side sleeping is considered the best because you’ll reduce the risk of snoring or sleep apnea when sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your left side can help prevent stomach acid from moving up when you lie down, and sleeping on your right side may improve heart function for those with heart disease. Source Link 

Many people are hard-wired to avoid idleness, but you can train yourself to do nothing. Start small and sit quietly for five minutes in a peaceful place with a view of something pleasant. Add five minutes to this routine until you can sit quietly for 20 minutes each day. And remember to turn off your phone and tablet or anything else that can send an alert. Source Link 

All food scraps don’t have to go down the garbage disposal or into the trash. Soak orange peels in a jar filled with white vinegar for two weeks to make a citrus cleaning spray. Do the same with cucumber peels soaked in water for five days to make your own cucumber water that’s great for feeding your plants. Source Link

January 25, 2024

When should small children go without a coat in winter? When they’re in a car seat. Puffy coats or snowsuits can flatten on impact during an accident and loosen car seat straps so your child slips out. Dress children in layers and use a blanket or coat over the seat after they’re safely strapped in. Source Link

A cancer patient undergoing treatment will appreciate a care package that’s stocked with these thoughtful items. Chapstick to soothe dry and irritated lips, fuzzy socks or slippers, hand sanitizer, a neck pillow or heating pad, a lap blanket and hard candy or gum are all welcome. And include something sentimental like a framed photo of family or friends. Source Link_

You want to make more money, but should you ask for a raise or look for a better-paying job? Changing jobs means learning a new routine and job hopping every few years can look bad on a resume. If you’re asking for a raise, have a specific number and a minimum or maximum salary range in mind and consider whether you’ll compromise or walk away if the answer is “no.” Source Link_

January 24, 2024

 How can a kitchen timer help you keep your home cleaner? If you avoid chores, set a kitchen timer to find out just how long it takes to wash a few dishes or pick up some clothes. Seeing how little time it takes to do a chore can encourage you to do those things right away and not let them pile up into a big job. Source Link 

Multitasking leads to overstimulation that can cause physical and mental stress, but you can take steps to avoid it. First, try to remove yourself from situations where this happens, and practice mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Also be sure to eat well and get good sleep, along with more movement and a dose of sunshine every day. Source Link_

Refurbished tech products can give you the same quality at a lower price when you do your homework before you buy. Shop at an official store for that brand and look for at least a 90-day warranty. Open box returns or “like new” items are usually a safe bet and touchscreen models can be more reliable because they have fewer mechanical parts that can break. Source Link_

January 23, 2024

 Keeping a loved one with dementia safe means thinking about meals, wheels, bills and pills. Plan meals that don’t require using an oven or stove and keep them from driving but arrange other dependable transportation. Monitor finances to ensure they pay their bills and don’t fall victim to a scam and manage medications with a pillbox that can prevent accidental overdosing. Source Link

What does that dream mean? One in which you’re falling could have to do with a fear of losing control, and dreams about being late may be a sign of worry over a challenge you’re facing in life. And nightmares can represent something you need to know but are pushing away. If a dream keeps coming back it could be your mind trying to send you a message that you’re not hearing. Source Link_

Here’s how you can create a store of non-perishable foods as part of a home emergency preparedness plan. Start with dry or canned beans, whole grains like quinoa and rice, and pasta. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and canned tomatoes, tuna, chicken, pasta sauce, green beans and corn, along with evaporated milk can provide many meals. Source Link_

January 22, 2024

 The latest infant sleep guidelines could be a lifesaver. The nation’s pediatricians say babies should sleep on their backs on a flat surface and never in bed with mom or dad. Parents should keep soft toys, pillows, blankets or other bedding out of a crib or bassinet and not rely on special baby monitors to prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Source Link 

Reducing credit card debt through a consolidation loan could be a fast way to boost your credit score. Researchers found that paying down $10,000 in credit card debt boosted scores by an average of 49 points. Taking out a loan for that money does affect your rating but you'd still come out way ahead in your overall score. Source Link 

Your wallet might thank you if you skip that complimentary cup of coffee during your next shopping trip. In a study, people who sipped coffee while shopping spent 50 percent more money. The caffeine in coffee leads to a higher energetic state that can make you more impulsive and less able to control your spending. Source Link

January 19, 2024

 Can the formula “20 over 40” help keep you out of the hospital? In a seven-year study of people over the age of 40, those who got 20 minutes of daily exercise cut their risk of hospitalization for things like pneumonia, stroke, diabetes complications and severe urinary tract infections. The numbers line up with recommendations to get 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. Source Link

Teaching your child healthy eating habits when they’re young can pay lifelong dividends. Help them understand the body’s cues for hunger or fullness and not to eat because you’re bored or doing something else like watching TV. Use child-sized plates to gauge how much food they need for a meal, keep junk food out of the house to avoid temptation, and have them get 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Source Link

That new TV you bring home to your young family should have a life-saving accessory. A tip-over kit lets you anchor the TV to the wall so it won't fall on a small child if they climb up. And avoid displaying or storing items like toys and remotes near a TV where kids might be tempted to climb up to reach them. Source Link

January 18, 2024

 If your entire life is on your phone, do this before you hand it over to someone to fix a cracked screen or replace the battery. Log out of all online accounts and delete your browser history and consider doing a complete encrypted backup and a factory reset to protect all your personal information. And look for a reputable repair shop with good online reviews. Source Link

“White coat syndrome” is when your blood pressure spikes every time you visit the doctor, but there are ways to help prevent it. Sit quietly and take deep breaths for a few minutes before the reading is taken, or bring someone with you because squeezing a loved one’s hand can reduce stress. And monitor your blood pressure at home to compare to readings at the doctor’s office. Source Link_

A 529 plan is a state-sponsored way to pay for a child’s educational expenses with savings that are free of federal income taxes. The money can be used for elementary, secondary or college costs, and up to $10,000 can go to pay off existing student loan debt. You’ll pay a 10-percent penalty and face federal taxes if you withdraw money from a 529 plan for non-educational use. Source Link_

January 17, 2024

 You can stock your kitchen with helpful gadgets at the office supply store. Those classic orange-handled scissors are great for opening packages and binder clips can seal up food bags. A black sharpie marker can label freezer bags and write on masking tape for plastic containers and a dry erase board can be used to keep a shopping list. Source Link 

The gut microbiome affects everything from your immune system to brain function and you can help to keep it balanced with a few simple steps. Drink plenty of water, get more fiber and avoid ultra-processed foods with lots of added sugar and sodium. And rather than taking probiotic supplements, eat probiotic-rich foods like plain yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut. Source Link_

You can add utility companies to the list of those being impersonated by scammers who want to steal from you. The imposters will call and threaten to cut off service unless a payment is made immediately. If this happens to you, hang up and call the utility company directly and never provide payment information in response to this kind of call. Source Link_

January 16, 2024

 Google is ready to help find a price for that vintage item you’re hoping to sell. Open the Google Lens app on your phone and snap a photo of it or choose a picture that you’ve already taken. You’ll get listings of similar items for sale along with price. You can also use the search bar to enter a product name, serial number or keywords to describe the item. Source Link

If your dog could talk he might tell you to stop patting him on the head. Animal experts say dogs prefer chin or chest scratches and don’t like it when you stare directly into their eyes. Dogs usually hate the smell of those cute outfits you make them wear but they love your scent and will cuddle with one of your shoes or a piece of clothing. Source Link 

There are plenty of uses for a used tea bag. Dried tea leaves can be a natural deodorant for a litter box or garbage can or sprinkle them on carpeting before you vacuum. Soak hard-to-clean dishes in water with a used tea bag to loosen grease and grime, clean leather shoes by buffing them with a damp tea bag, or use one as a cold compress to take the sting out of insect bites and burns. Source Link

January 15, 2024

 The fake job opening is a scam that can cost you plenty. Bogus listings may ask you to pay something to get a job or send you a check to deposit that ends up bouncing and leaving you holding the bag. Visit a company’s website to verify job openings before you apply and search the company name along with words like, “scam” “review” or “complaint.” Source Link 

A ten-second test you can do at home might reveal your odds of living a longer life. A long-term study found that middle-aged people who couldn’t stand on one leg for 10 seconds were nearly twice as likely to die within a decade. Good balance is essential to avoid falls that can cause crippling injuries. Source Link 

An old school way to tell time might help you avoid jet lag on your next cross-country flight. A few days before leaving, start wearing a watch that’s set for your destination’s time zone. Using this throughout the day will help your brain adapt the body’s circadian rhythms to the different time before you leave. Source Link

January 12, 2024

 A good workout may be the cure for the “winter blues.” You can counteract the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder with exercise, and it doesn't have to be running or lifting weights. Things like yoga, tai chi and even meditation can help, but you need to commit to doing this every day. Source Link

More people say they’re lonely, but what can you do about it if that’s you? First, acknowledge that what you’re feeling is loneliness, and take steps like writing down happy memories, walking in nature, phoning a friend you haven't seen for a while, or listening to happy music or watching something funny. You can also focus outside of yourself by volunteering to help others. Source Link 

Fighting identity theft means moving fast if you are targeted. Get free credit reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion and look for suspicious activity. If there are accounts in your name that you haven’t opened, put a 90-day fraud alert on your credit report to flag lenders to contact you before opening an account and report this to your bank and creditors. Source Link

January 11, 2024

Tracking down who called from that anonymous or blocked phone number is easy when you remember these three-button fixes. Hitting *69 will trace the call back and show you the number even if it’s anonymous or blocked. And *57 goes a step further because the information is passed along to authorities in case you’re being criminally harassed. Source Link 

Many popular vacation spots have a hefty price tag but you might get the same experience elsewhere for a lower cost. Try Philadelphia instead of New York City for great restaurants and a theater scene, or Oregon wine country versus Napa Valley. And the Cedar Point theme park in Ohio has over 150 rides, shows and attractions for a fraction of the cost of visiting Disney World. Source Link

Are you fibbing to your physician about those bad habits? You’re not alone. Studies have found that many people often lie to their doctors about certain behaviors like not eating right or not exercising or forgetting to take medication as directed. Bit it’s hard for your doctor to provide the right care if you’re not being honest with them. Source Link

January 10, 2024

How long will your current cell phone be supported with updates from the manufacturer? It varies. With iPhones and Samsung and Google Pixel models, you’ll get between 3 and 8 years of product support. You can find out how long any brand or model of phone will be supported by visiting the website EndOfLife.date. Source Link 

When you want to clear a stuffy nose, be sure to use an over-the-counter product that’s effective. The FDA says the ingredient phenylephrine that’s found in many cold products is safe but doesn’t help with congestion. Antihistamine ingredients in products like Claratin, Zyrtec and Benadryl could be an alternative, as well as nasal saline spray. Source Link

Why don’t we send more thank-you cards? Often because we’re worried about how they’ll be received. A study found that people underestimated how much others appreciate a written “Thank You” and they worried about finding the right words to express their gratitude. It’s a loss for both sides because sending a thank-you card can make you feel happier. Source Link 

January 9, 2024

 How can you make that long weekend feel like a real vacation? Plan ahead for what you want to do so you don’t waste time making choices and try something new rather than that same activity. Don’t check email or do any job work and unplug from social media to focus on what’s happening now. Source Link 

Night blindness while driving occurs when you have trouble seeing beyond the glare of oncoming headlights. There are things that can help, like turning your head more to look from side to side and slowing your driving speed. Be sure your contact lens or glasses prescription is up-to-date and remember that thicker and wider frames can get in the way of peripheral vision. Source Link

QR code scams are on the rise, so follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim. Don’t scan a code unless you’re sure who it’s for and never from an email or a sign on the street. An iPhone can show you the web address and Google Lens does the same thing. And don’t use a third-party QR scanner app because these can be malware designed to infect your phone. Source Link

January 8, 2024

 More people say they’re lonely, but what can you do about it if that’s you? First, acknowledge that what you’re feeling is loneliness, and take steps like writing down happy memories, walking in nature, phoning a friend you haven't seen for a while, or listening to happy music or watching something funny. You can also focus outside of yourself by volunteering to help others. Source Link 

The way you charge your smartphone could limit the life of the battery. Don’t use cheap power cables, wall plugs or wireless chargers that may damage your phone. Don’t let the battery charge drop to zero and avoid keeping a phone on and charging overnight because both can be bad. Your battery works best when it’s charged between 20 and 80 percent. Source Link 

Scammers who impersonate someone else are the number-one source of fraud but you can fight back. Remember that government agencies will never contact you to ask for your Medicare or Social Security number or a password, and don’t click links in emails or texts that look official. Visit the agency’s website separately. And use free spam blocking apps offered by wireless carriers to limit junk calls. Source Link

January 5, 2024

 Getting enough vitamin D every day can be a challenge when winter weather blocks the most natural source of it. Instead of depending on exposure to sunshine, try eating more foods high in Vitamin D, like fatty fish, egg yolks and foods that add vitamin D. If you use a supplement, choose Vitamin D3 that’s absorbed more easily by your body. Source Link

When you ask, “How was your day?” your child may only say, “Fine” or “Okay”, so try these other questions. For young children, ask about stories they read in class or something they learned today. Tweens and teens might respond to, “What’s the most unexpected thing that happened?” and most kids can probably tell you what was their favorite part of the day. Source Link

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruits and vegetables all make meal preparations easy. And fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide you with nutrients and dietary fiber that can help lower your risk of developing cancer. To eat more of these, start by filling at least half of your dinner plate with fruits or vegetables. Source Link

January 4, 2024

 What can and can’t improve your credit score? Carrying a credit card balance won’t help but having more available credit will. Closing an unused credit account may hurt if it’s one that’s been part of your credit history for years. And paying a utility bill on time probably won’t help your credit score because those accounts aren’t reported to credit agencies. Source Link 

A nap can be good for anyone when you remember these rules. Time your nap for about six to eight hours after you wake up but not too late in the day or much longer than 20 minutes. Wake up with some sunshine or bright light in your eyes or by moving around. And don’t worry if your napping is very light because it can still give you the benefits of sleep. Source Link

Cleaning the oven is a task that needs to be done every so often to avoid problems with cooking. You can use the self-cleaning feature that heats the oven walls to burn off grease and grime but that may not do a complete job. You can clean an oven thoroughly and easily by applying a paste of baking soda and water to the oven walls and leaving it to sit overnight. Source Link

January 3, 2024

 If you want to make the most of your workday make sure your phone is out of sight. Research has shown that simply being able to see your phone - even if it’s silenced or shut off - can reduce your ability to concentrate. This happens because you’re using brain power to actively fight the urge to check that phone. Source Link 

Using a space heater can warm up a cold spot in your home but there are some precautions you need to take. Be sure that the heater is sized correctly for the room and is kept at least three feet away from drapes, furniture or bedding to avoid the risk of fire. And remember that a space heater may dry and dehumidify a room too much, which can be bad for people with allergies or asthma. Source Link

You’re feeling an unusual sensation in your heart, along with dizziness and shortness of breath. Is it a heart attack? It might be a panic attack if you have a history of anxiety and are under heavy stress. It’s probably a heart attack if you smoke, you’re overweight or have diabetes or high blood pressure, but either way go to the ER immediately. Source Link

January 2, 2024

 Online shoppers should be wary of scams that use fake store websites. These links are usually found in social media or emails and will offer huge discounts on everything. Watch out for low-resolution product photos and web addresses with store names that are multiple words. When in doubt, do a search for the store name in the web address to see if it exists. Source Link_

Aluminum foil can do lots more than cover a dish or line a pan. Place a piece of aluminum foil between the ironing board and your clothes for a faster job, or wrap some foil around the bottom of an ice cream cone to catch those drips. And you can soften a hard clump of brown sugar by wrapping it in foil and baking in a 350-degree oven for five minutes. Source Link_

Answer these questions first when you want to welcome a new four-legged member to the family. Are you looking for personal companionship or a playmate with a pet? How long will you be away from your pet during the day and who will care for it when you’re gone? And what life changes might affect your ability to keep your pet in years to come? Source Link