July 29, 2016

Why turn down the volume at home? Because it could help your child’s development. A study found that background noise like TVs and radios playing and several people talking can hamper a toddler's ability to learn new words. Researchers say hearing new words spoken clearly without a lot of background noise may help very young children associate words with objects and grow their vocabulary. Source Link
Some of the latest automotive technology is leaving people stranded on the side of the road. AAA says they had more calls for breakdowns last year than ever before. Experts say one way you can avoid problems is by not leaving the key fob in your car with keyless entry because it transmits signals that might drain your battery. Source Link
The home of the iPhone may be making more of its bread and butter on apps and online services instead of hardware. Apple is pushing sales in the iTunes Store and Apple Music as fewer people are buying new iPhones and iPads. As Apple prepares to unveil its latest model in September, analysts say consumers just aren't as excited about the newest iPhones. Source Link

July 28, 2016

What steps can you take to avoid mosquito bites? Don’t work up a big sweat outdoors because warm skin and lactic acid that’s part of sweat can attract the pests. Some studies have also shown that people drinking alcohol are more likely to become targets for mosquitoes. Source Link
For better health at work you may want to take that next meeting on foot. Small groups of employees who took part in an weekly outdoor walking meeting had better physical activity on the job. Researchers say almost everyone in the test was able to participate in a walking meeting. Source Link
There’s a new online resource to help individuals and businesses that are victims of ransomware attacks. NoRamsomWare.org offers a number of software tools to break the encryption by hackers who then demand a payment to unlock your files. Officials say the best defense is to avoid opening unknown email attachments that can infect a computer. Source Link

July 27, 2016

Can you pedal away from type-2 diabetes? A study found that people over age 50 who bike to work or regularly cycle for fun were less likely to get the illness. Researchers say bicycle riding is an exercise that many people can fit into their schedule on a daily basis. Source Link
If you stash leftover antibiotics to use in case of a cold, you could be harming your health. A study found that one out of 20 people admit to hoarding the drugs and using them without a doctor’s advice. Self-medicating with antibiotics won’t help with viral illnesses but can disrupt gut bacteria and cause bowel problems. Source Link
What’s your best bet to save money by choosing generic brands? Experts say breakfast cereals, spices, and baby diapers can give you the same quality as name-brand items for less. But bigger bottoms probably won’t like generic toilet paper because the savings aren’t that great and the quality is often poor. Source Link

July 26, 2016

A dieter’s dream might be as close as the kitchen faucet. A study found that people who didn’t drink enough water had 50 percent higher odds for obesity. Researchers think getting more water in your diet by drinking it or by eating more fruits and vegetables could be key to a healthier weight. Source Link
Hormone replacement therapy isn’t the answer to memory lapses that can come after menopause. That’s the conclusion of a study that looked at whether estrogen could improve memory or thinking skills. Researchers found no long-term difference in cognitive skills for postmenopausal women who underwent hormone replacement therapy. Source Link 
If you want cleaner air in your personal space, a new portable air filter might just deliver it. The Wynd personal air purifier is about the size of a slim drinking glass and can travel with you. It comes with an app that monitors the air quality around you and can even order a new filter when it needs to be changed. Source Link

July 25, 2016

Health officials are warning that a summer heat wave can be deadly, especially for older people. The ability to regulate body temperature worsens as you age and chronic health conditions can make heat-related illness more likely. The elderly who don’t have air conditioning at home should go to a senior center or a nearly public library or shopping mall to keep cool. Source Link

Some of the last people who you’d want to be at work while sick often are. A survey found that 60 percent of healthcare workers and 50 percent of restaurant workers say they’ve gone to work when they were sick. About one-in-seven workers said their job is taking a toll on their health. Source Link 

If your vacation plans have you jetting across several time zones, here are some tips to keep your body from lagging behind. You can ease the effects of jet lag by avoiding sleep aids, alcohol or caffeine on travel day. You can also begin adjusting your schedule by an hour a day before your flight and wait to sleep in your destination until it's night time there. Source Link

July 22, 2016

Pound for pound, that extra weight on the scale could be more deadly for men than women. A study found that obese men were three times more likely to die before age 70 than obese women. Researchers think men might have greater insulin resistance, more liver fat and a higher diabetes risk, all of which can contribute to chronic illness and death. Source Link
Teaching kids the value of money can be fun. Experts suggest filling a two-liter bottle with dimes to show children how small amounts can add up over time. Pay them interest when they save their allowance, or have a “no money” day when you enjoy free activities and go the entire day without spending any money. Source Link
Lowering the sugar, fat and calories in your diet can start with what you put on your food. Condiments like ketchup can be high in salt and sugar, and hot sauce can have higher sodium levels. Look for alternatives like chopped hot peppers or red pepper flakes and check to see if  the low-fat dressings you choose have more sugar. Source Link

July 21, 2016

Americans are really bugged by fears of Zika. A new survey found that four out of 10 people are very concerned about mosquito bites and the spread of the Zika virus, especially for victims who might be elderly or pregnant. So far there have been no Zika-infected mosquitoes found in the mainland U.S. Source Link
Looking at your smartphone with one eye while laying on your side in bed in the dark might leave you blindsided. Doctors in Britain have treated patients who think they’ve lost sight in one eye after doing this. Experts say it’s just an optical trick of the brain that dims vision in the eye not being used and last only a few minutes. Source Link
If you’re not careful, Pokemon Go may be hazardous to your health. The wildly popular mobile game that has you track down virtual characters in the real world using your smartphone camera has led to a number of injuries. Authorities say people aren’t watching where they’re walking and can get hurt or cause accidents while playing the game. Source Link

July 20, 2016

If you want to gauge your heart health, step off the scale and pick up a tape measure. Researchers found that a growing waist size was a stronger predictor of serious heart disease than body weight or body mass index. Abdominal fat produces more inflammatory substances that have been linked with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Source Link
It’s a five-letter word that could solve the puzzle of how to find an effective diet. Fiber -- and more of it -- could be the simple way to produce clinically significant weight loss, lower blood pressure and improve insulin resistance. Experts say increased fiber intake may be an effective alternative for people who find it difficult to stick to a more complicated diet. Source Link
When you want an apology to be sincere, it takes more than just the words, “I’m sorry.” Testing identified six steps for an effective apology, including regret, an explanation of what went wrong, taking responsibility, repentance, an offer to fix things, and asking for forgiveness. The more of those you have, the better chance your apology will be accepted. Source Link

July 19, 2016

If you really want to remember something, it’s best to share the experience. Testing showed that people developed more vivid memories if they described the event to someone or wrote about it afterwards. The process of rehearsing the event in your mind in order to share it builds a stronger memory. Source Link
Here’s another reason for pregnant women to get a flu shot. A study found that a seasonal flu shot may reduce the risk of stillbirth. Many pregnant women aren’t vaccinated against the flu because of concerns for the safety of their unborn baby. Source Link
Low-fat milk may not be the high-quality health food we think it is. Research is suggesting that people who consume full-fat dairy weigh less and are less likely to develop diabetes. Studies show people who reduce fat in their diet tend to replace it with sugar or carbohydrates and that can have worse effects on diabetes risk. Source Link

July 18, 2016

Is there really a plain vanilla solution to a case of the blues? Researchers have discovered that eating vanilla yogurt could help make people happy and improve mood. The results back up earlier studies showing that using a subtle vanilla scent in places like hospital waiting areas helped ease aggression among patients and staff. Source Link
How can you tell if you’re addicted to your phone? Experts say if you can’t help being on it even when you know you shouldn’t be, like while driving or at a work meeting, that’s a sign you may be addicted. If you feel anxious, irritable, or uncomfortable when your phone isn’t within reach, that’s also a red flag. Source Link 
When does a habit of collecting turn to hoarding? It’s a red flag when you can't use your bed, the kitchen, or have lost sight of the dining room table. It’s also a warning sign if the thought of throwing something away triggers severe anxiety or if the person is overwhelmed by the thought of others seeing their possessions. Source Link 

July 15, 2016

Pregnancy can really trip you up. That baby bump changes the way women walk and stand up  from a chair or turn around, and a study found that a pregnant woman is as likely to suffer a fall as a 70-year old. The problem comes from leaning too far back and walking on your toes to compensate for that front-heavy condition. Source Link
Can looking at your smartphone make you fat? Maybe, if you do lots of screen scrolling in bed at night. That bright night can interfere with hormones that help you fall asleep. Poor sleep can affect the production of insulin that regulates blood sugar and that can slow your metabolism and lead to weight gain. Source Link
A new kind of tracker that you wear on your wrist could do more than count steps - it might save you from a hangover. The Bactrack Skyn would collect data on your blood alcohol content and send push notifications to your smartphone so you can monitor your alcohol consumption in real time. Developers hope to bring the new tracker to market soon. Source Link

July 14, 2016

That smartphone in your hand could help to save a life if someone suffers a heart attack. After you call 9-1-1 you can use an app from the American Heart Association that shows you how to do hands-only CPR. Other smartphone apps use GPS to direct you to the nearest automatic portable device that can be used to restart a heart that’s stopped beating. Source Link
The “big chill” probably isn’t the best way to cure what ails you. Health officials are warning that whole body cryotherapy hasn’t been found to be effective and could be dangerous. In the treatment touted as a cure for everything from arthritis to anxiety, the entire body is enclosed in a chamber and exposed to cold vapors for several minutes. Source Link 
If folding clean laundry is too much of a chore for you, help is on the way. The makers of the FoldiMate machine claim it can neatly fold shirts, pants or a towel in about 10 seconds. Your robot laundry help won’t come cheap; the FoldiMate  will sell for about $700 and you can place a deposit now for delivery next year. Source Link

July 13, 2016

For the first time in nearly three decades, the FDA has approved over-the-counter sales for a new drug to fight acne. Differin Gel has been in use in a stronger form as a prescription acne treatment since 1996. Health experts say users will need to wear sunscreen and the drug is not recommended for women who are pregnant. Source Link
It turns out that butter may not be so bad for you after all. The full-flavor spread was condemned for being fatty and unhealthful, but new research has found no link between butter and heart disease. Experts say processed carbs from sugar and white bread are probably a bigger health risk than saturated fat. Source Link
If you use your iPhone to subscribe to a premium service like Spotify you may be paying too much. Apple takes a 30-percent cut from purchases made through the iPhone and some services raise their prices to cover that cost. You can avoid the “Apple Tax” by subscribing directly from the website of the streaming service. Source Link

July 12, 2016

All the public health efforts to get kids to drink water instead of sugary beverages may be paying off. A new survey found that soda consumption among teens declined by almost a third in just two years and bottled water has become the drink of choice for many. Experts say a ban on sugary drinks in school vending machines has helped the cause. Source Link
Here’s another reason to not give in to that urge to eat raw cookie dough. The FDA is warning that raw flour may be contaminated with bacteria like e-Coli that can make you ill. That’s not a problem after baking kills the bacteria, but health officials say you shouldn’t be tasting cake batter or raw dough. Source Link
Don’t count on a smartphone app that tracks fertility to help you get pregnant or avoid it. A study found that most of the apps failed to accurately track fertile days without false negatives. Researchers say women should get instruction on tracking fertility from a trained educator before choosing a smartphone app. Source Link

July 11, 2016

Women might be able to “Take 10” to ease the effects of menopause. Researchers found that 10 minutes of stretching exercises helped to reduce symptoms. Experts say practicing a few simple yoga poses for 10 minutes before bedtime may provide some relief from hot flashes and mood swings. Source Link
What’s the best way to manage your weight -- skipping meals to get fewer calories or eating more smaller meals? A study found that neither is as important as setting a regular schedule of meals. Experts say irregular eating can throw off our internal time clock that controls the sleep-wake cycle and also affects digestion and how the body absorbs fat. Source Link
If you hand over an iPhone or iPad to your child as a digital pacifier, you can easily keep those small fingers from wreaking havoc with your apps. A setting called Guided Access lets you use a triple press of the Home button to quickly restrict which apps and features can be used. You’ll find Guided Access in Settings under General and Accessibility. Source Link

July 8, 2016

For women in the workforce, those long hours on the job may take a steep toll on your health. New research found that people who put in plenty of overtime for many years had a higher risk of chronic disease later in life. The increase was slight for men but women who worked up to 60 hours a week had three times the risk for heart attack, cancer and diabetes. Source Link
Get ready for more baby pictures and fewer news stories in your Facebook feed. The social network is tweaking the formula it uses to determine what you see when you scroll. Facebook officials say the company was built on the idea of connecting people with their friends and family and that should come first. Source Link
Would you buy a cell phone that came with a deeply discounted price tag and ads on the lock screen? Amazon is betting that its Prime customers will take the offer on two models that work on any network and show personalized offers and ads when the screen is off. The unlocked Motorola Moto G smartphone will sell for $149 and the Blu R1 HD is $49.99 Source Link

July 7, 2016

Is there an anti-aging product in your kitchen cupboard? Research suggests that foods rich in fiber not only keep you "regular," but may help you live longer without disease. It’s believed that fiber may affect blood sugar levels, minimizing inflammation throughout the body that is a key factor in aging and many chronic conditions. Source Link
Parents who set the bar too high could be setting up their kids up for a big crash. A study found that children had higher levels of anxiety and depression when their parents were too controlling when it came to academic performance. Researchers say parents need to be careful not to push children too hard for good grades. Source Link
Some day, the iPhone may not be able to bring home a video from your favorite live show. Apple wants to patent a system that could allow concert promoters to use infrared beams to shut down the camera on an iPhone pointed toward the stage. The same feature could be used in movie theaters to stop the recording of films. Source Link

July 6, 2016

The typical American adult spends more than half of their waking day watching a screen. New figures show that average media consumption is now 10-and-a-half hours a day, and that’s an hour more that just a year ago. Most of that increase is time spent on smartphones, along with more tablet use and more viewing of subscription video services like Netflix. Source Link
Could daytime drowsiness be linked to your snacking habits? Experts say some foods can contribute to those heavy eyelids. Lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and low-fat cheese can boost hormones that cause sleepiness, and refined carbs found in white bread and snack foods can send blood sugar spiking and then crashing, which can leave you feeling sleepy. Source Link
America’s safest places to drive stretch from the Rio Grande to the Great Lakes and the Gulf Coast to the Rockies. An annual Allstate Insurance report says drivers in Brownsville, Texas go the longest between accidents. Also in the Top-10 list are Madison, Wisconsin, Cape Coral, Florida and Boise, Idaho. The drivers with the most accident claims are in Boston. Source Link

July 5, 2016

If your kids use a spray instead of a shot to avoid the flu, they’ll need to get poked again. Health officials say the FluMist nasal spray has become ineffective in preventing flu for children and should not be used. It’s estimated that one out of three children vaccinated for the flu used the nasal spray. Source Link
Those smartphones that we’re holding constantly may mean the end of the firm handshake. A study found that grip strength for young people has dropped and thumb fatigue is on the rise since the advent of handheld devices. Experts say you can exercise your hand by gripping and squeezing a tennis ball or a Nerf ball. Source Link
If you’re planning to post a privacy notice to your Facebook feed, don’t bother. Experts say the hoax that’s making the rounds again on the social network uses legal jargon and claims to safeguard the user's content, as Facebook is supposedly going to make private posts public. Facebook says that isn’t true and the privacy notice is not needed. Source Link

July 1, 2016

Cranberries have long been touted as a natural cure for urinary tract infections, but don’t head to the juice aisle for relief. A study found that the cranberry juice you find at the grocery store doesn’t have enough cranberry in it to be effective. Cranberry capsules do work and there’s some evidence that foods rich in probiotics may also help prevent UTIs. Source Link
Students might do better in the three “R’s” when you add some “E” to the lesson. A study found that schoolchildren may have an easier time learning if exercise is part of their math and spelling classes. Researchers say adding movement to traditional lessons could help kids learn and stay healthy. Source Link
You might get the most from that morning cup of coffee if it isn't the first thing you grab after waking up. Experts suggest waiting an hour so you get the full benefit of the caffeine boost at mid-morning. A wake-me-up cup isn’t necessary for most people because your natural hormones do that job just fine. Source Link