January 31, 2019

A life that has meaning is a life that could be healthier as we age. Researchers found that when middle-aged and older adults felt their days held meaningful activities, they had better health and well-being four years later. The key may be staying connected with others because people who are socially engaged can find more meaning in life. Source Link 
If those vente vanilla lattes are starting to show up on your hips there’s a simple first step to kicking the flavored coffee habit. Try ordering your coffee drink unsweetened and add your own sugar to see just how much you’re using. Lots of sugar in morning drinks can increase food cravings and lead to poor eating all day long. Source Link 
When it’s time to clean up your act on that laptop make sure you have the right tools to get rid of the grime. Start with short sprays of canned air to blast away crumbs or dirt in the keyboard and dust that’s blocking the cooling vents. Then use a dry microfiber cloth to remove smudges from the screen and add a bit of water to that cloth to wipe down the case. Source Link 

January 30, 2019

Eating well doesn’t have to be expensive when you look for foods that are good for you and easy on your wallet. Eggs are a great source of protein and a real value at less than 10 cents apiece and plain oatmeal is a fiber-rich food for pennies a serving. Chicken is a better buy than beef and bananas and fresh in-season produce are usually a good buy. Source Link 
That smartphone sitting on the passenger seat could be a curse or a blessing when you’re behind the wheel. We all know about the dangers of texting and driving but one in three people still do it. The good news is that some insurance companies have apps or other car technology to help you stay safe and focused on your driving. Source Link 
If you don’t sing the praises of your job, maybe you should be singing on the job. A study found that being part of a workplace choir was associated with lower levels of work-related stress and a feeling of having more support from co-workers. Researchers say the camaraderie of being in a choir also helped to boost social connections with co-workers. Source Link 

January 29, 2019

If you’re a strict vacation planner, your time may not fly when you should be having fun. Studies show that over-planning can take the leisure out of that vacation because we associate schedules with work. More people enjoy spontaneous activities or casually planned events that don’t have a specific time. Source Link 
It may be a simple prescription for longer life -- get out of that seat and move for 30 minutes a day. Researchers found that getting up for half an hour of light activity like walking when a person would usually be sitting reduced the risk of early death. Make that 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise and the benefits were doubled. Source Link 
Take a sleep mask and cut out most of it, add biometric sensors and link it to an app. That’s the Dreem -- a fabric-covered headband that tracks heart rate and breathing and gives you audio cues for better sleep that you hear through bone conduction so you don’t disturb your bedmate. The Dreem is priced at $499. Source Link 

January 28, 2019

What does it cost to build a beginner’s home gym? How about less than $100? Start with a good mat for floor work like yoga, Pilates, ab exercises and push-ups. Get a stability ball for balance work and crunches. And for strength training, pick up a resistance band and a three-piece set of hand weights. Source Link 
Burning that midnight oil doesn’t burn more calories. In fact, studies show that people who got too little sleep often ate the equivalent of another meal a day with more fat and less protein. Researchers think a lack of sleep might affect hormones related to hunger. Source Link 
Call it DIY big-screen TV. Really big. “The Wall” from Samsung has a modular design with a combination of small panels to build up to a 219-inch TV screen with custom wide, ultra-wide or even square dimensions. No pricing has been announced but industry watchers say it could be a six-figure addition to your man cave. Source Link 

January 25, 2019

How can you “clearly” improve the look of your refrigerator and maybe your waistline too? Put small items like yogurt cups in clear plastic bins so they don’t get lost in the back of a shelf. And keep fresh fruit and raw vegetables up front in a clear container so you can see your way to healthy snacking. Source Link 
It’s an old debate in the world of recycling - do you really need to rinse out items? Experts say a quick water rinse or just a shake and a wipe with a paper towel works fine. If you recycle paper, cans and jars together make sure any leftover food isn’t dripping on the paper. Source Link 
There’s hope if you have a “black thumb” and are always killing houseplants. Start simple and avoid those that flower and know what’s too much or too little water for your plant. Check instructions to see if it needs direct or indirect sun and don’t be quick to toss that sick plant if all it needs is some extra care. Source Link_

January 24, 2019

If you use flameless battery-powered candles watch out for another safety risk. The tiny button batteries that power those candles can be swallowed by children and cause internal injuries. Some flameless candles are packaged with loose batteries and others have battery compartments that can be easily opened by small hands. Source Link 
When you “Take 10” to get your body busy or to slow down you may improve your memory. Research has shown that just 10 minutes of light exercise can boost your brain’s ability to store memories. And people who sat quietly for 10 minutes after getting new information were more likely to remember it later. Source Link_ 
It was only a matter of time before the smart home revolution reached the best seat in the house. The Kohler Numi 2.0 Intelligent Toilet offers Amazon Alexa functionality, integrated Bluetooth speakers, ambient lighting and a hands-free open/close lid. The price tag for this royal flush? $7,000. Source Link 

January 23, 2019

Sneezing is good for you because it gets rid of allergens or viruses in your nose, but an open sneeze can travel more than 10 feet and leave germs that can linger for weeks. Sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm and if you sneeze into your hands, wash with soap and water because hand sanitizer won’t kill all the germs. Source Link 
Call them home hacks for harried moms and dads. The new book “Weird Parenting Wins” features crowdsourced solutions like laying an electric toothbrush in the crib to soothe a baby to sleep; putting any food on a stick to trick those picky eaters or drinking lots of water so you can lead the way to the bathroom every hour for toddler potty training. Source Link 
First, there were lace-up tennis shoes. Then, slip-ons. Now, Nike has a shoe that promises a perfect fit in real time. The self-lacing $350 Nike Adapt BB has built-in sensors, motors and a gear train to allow wearers to adjust the fit by pressing buttons on the shoe or using a smartphone app. Source Link 

January 22, 2019

That “baby talk” with your infant could be key to boosting their vocabulary. Researchers say two-year-olds who had a large vocabulary were more likely to start kindergarten ready to read and learn math. Reading to your baby and verbal interaction between you and your child are the best ways to build their vocabulary. Source Link
Here’s a strategy if you have an average student who’s heading to college and looking for scholarships. Check for any that may be connected to your profession or where you live and apply for the many scholarships that don’t require a high GPA. You can also use social media to search for scholarship opportunities via hashtags. Source Link 
You don’t need an evening class or an online course to become a more valuable employee. Focus on improving communications with the careful crafting of emails and overall attention to detail. Get more organized by using to-do apps or keeping your work area cleaner. And be a team player by reaching out to co-workers to help them when you can. Source Link_

January 21, 2019

If you want to be a world traveler this year here’s where to go to get the best deals on airline tickets. Flights to New Zealand and Australia are dropping in price and travelers to European countries like Norway and Iceland are benefitting from low-cost airline wars. And Costa Rica is the most affordable destination in Central America. Source Link 
What’s the orange-colored produce that’s best for your eyes? Here’s a hint - it isn’t carrots. Studies show that eating oranges may greatly reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration that’s a common cause of blindness in older people. Researchers say the flavenoids you get from an orange a day can protect against the eye disease. Source Link_ 
Need a plan to manage credit card debt and boost your credit score? Pay those bills early and often. Don’t go over 30 percent of your total credit limit at any time even if you pay the full balance each month. Instead, make several smaller payments throughout the month and don’t close unused cards because that can hurt your credit score. Source Link 

January 18, 2019

If your home internet connection is hardly high speed there are some simple ways to get back into the fast lane. Make sure your router is out in the open and not in a cabinet and unplug it for a moment to reset. If the router is more than a few years old you might replace it with a new one that’s priced a bit higher and has more processing power. Source Link 
It’s easy to eat healthy anytime when you stock your freezer with these items. Frozen shrimp or fish fillets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie and whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months. And satisfy that sweet tooth with 100 percent frozen fruit bars. Source Link 
You might want to cap off that next meal with a short stroll. Studies have shown that a 15-minute walk after a meal can have more health benefits than a 45-minute walk at mid-morning or afternoon. Exercise can combat the surge in blood sugar that happens after you eat and can also aid in digestion. Source Link_

January 17, 2019

Some simple hacks can help your health without a lot of effort. Improve your balance by standing on one foot when brushing your teeth and wash bed linens once a week to get rid of bacteria and fungus that makes us sick. Use colored plates if you want to eat less white bread or rice and satisfy that sweet tooth with natural sugars in fruit instead of candy. Source Link
One out of ten adults has a food allergy, but twice as many think they do but really don’t. A food allergy can be life-threatening, but many people have a food intolerance to things like lactose in dairy products. Testing can determine if it’s a food allergy and then you should carry an epinephrine auto-injector to stop a dangerous reaction when it happens. Source Link 
The flu and a cold can both be a real pain, but where you feel them can help determine which it is. The common cold can cause aches and pains but health experts say that’s usually mild and often associated with nasal congestion. On the other hand, the flu can bring on deep muscle pains in your legs and back. Source Link 

January 16, 2019

A parking lot, a flight of stairs, a street corner and even your bathroom can be places for exercise. Try a combination of fast running and then walking 50 yards in a parking lot or take a flight of stairs two steps at a time. When waiting to cross the street, alternate standing on each leg for 10 seconds or add 10 reps of standing up from sitting on the toilet. Source Link
What kids are eating may not be all that puts them at risk for obesity because the way foods are prepared can make a big difference. Fish, chicken and potatoes can be healthy choices when broiled, boiled or baked but breading, battering or frying was linked to weight gain. Seasoning with herbs can also substitute for using salt and cooking in fats. Source Link 
Why is chicken noodle soup a superfood for when you’re sick? The clear warm broth hydrates and can soothe a sore throat and those noodles provide carbs to fuel your body. Chicken is high in protein and vegetables like carrots, celery and onions are rich in vitamins and minerals that boost immunity and help with digestion. Source Link

January 15, 2019

Tackling a sinkful of dirty dishes may be just the thing to boost your creativity. That’s because doing mundane tasks and simple chores can provide time for more deep thinking. The technique has some big proponents like billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos who have both said that they do the dishes at home. Source Link
When it comes to the most effective way to argue with your spouse or significant other, the eyes have it. Experts say looking eye-to-eye provides the visual cues that add context to what you’re hearing and help you avoid misunderstanding what’s being said. It’s only after you each get better at communicating that you should consider a debate that’s done by text. Source Link
You may have heard that the acids in sparkling water aren’t good for your teeth, but here’s something to smile about. Studies have shown that the effects of sparkling water versus regular on your teeth are about the same. But if your sparkling drink has citrus you should have it all at once like during a meal instead of sipping it slowly. Source Link 

January 14, 2019

Staying light on your feet could keep your body in shape and brain sharp as you age. Studies have shown that physical activity like dancing helped people remain independent as they age. Dancing requires balance, strength, endurance, concentration and memory for choreography and all of that can be good for mind and body. Source Link
Some of the giants of technology want a bigger role in keeping you healthy. Experts say you may see Amazon opening health clinics and Apple is diving deeper into tracking your medical records through its Apple Health app. Even Uber wants to get into the act with a new service that focuses on non-emergency medical transport. Source Link 
Keeping a gratitude journal could be a key to better health. Research has shown that people who count their blessings sleep better, feel less stress and improve interpersonal relationships. Experts say you don’t have to focus on the big things and finding everyday small joys can be just as helpful. Source Link 

January 11, 2019

Beating those bad habits takes some planning and some alternatives. Avoid triggers like walking past a bar, seeing an ashtray or browsing the dessert menu. Replace a bad habit with a better one and give yourself concrete reasons to make a change, like more years with family if you quit smoking or having more energy after you lose weight. Source Link 
Making fitness a habit takes some lifestyle changes. Decide what you’ll cut back on, like TV watching or web surfing, to make the time to exercise. If you go to a gym or workout at home look at what time of day fits best for you. And find ways to add exercise to everyday life such as walking with the whole family. Source Link
Despite safety improvements, baby walkers still injure thousands of children each year in tip-over accidents down steps and stairs. Experts say a sunken living room or finished basement may be the only safe spots to use one. Baby walkers don’t speed up a child’s ability to walk and a stationary activity center is safer and better for infant development. Source Link

January 10, 2019

If watching your weight is on the to-do list for the new year, make it a daily task. Weighing yourself every day can be a powerful motivator and an early warning system when your weight starts to creep up. A daily weigh-in can be part of a self-monitoring plan that includes counting your steps and recording fruit, vegetable and water intake. Source Link 
Here’s a pop quiz - what’s the value of everything in your home? It’s a good idea to document your belongings room-by-room and your smartphone can make the job easier. Take a video of each room that you can pause to see everything that’s there when making a list. It’s also good to have individual photos of big-ticket items like electronics. Source Link_
You can raise kids who are smart about money by starting early. Point out prices on a menu or on sales receipts at the supermarket and explain the costs of living like paying for a house, a car, and utilities. And use that magic word “no” to teach budgeting and demonstrate the difference between wants and needs. Source Link _

January 9, 2019

Eating like the Greeks or Italians is still the best diet in America. The Mediterranean Diet is number-one for the second year in a row in the annual rankings from US News & World Report. The DASH diet for hypertension was number two and eating Flexitarian with limited meat was number three. A Mediterranean-DASH combo and Weight Watchers round out the top five. Source Link 
If you wait to warm up your car before driving in cold weather, you’re wasting time and could be harming your vehicle. Waiting 30 seconds before driving is all that today’s cars need. Idling longer wastes gas and puts extra fuel into the combustion chamber, which can get into your cylinder walls. Source Link_
Drawing a blank when you try to remember things? Then it’s time to do some real drawing. Studies have shown that making a drawing of an important thing can help you remember better. It doesn’t have to be a work of art because the process of drawing is what helps your brain lock in the memory. Source Link_

January 8, 2019

Day by day may be the best way to keep a New Year’s resolution. Find a few changes that you can make to reach your target and set smaller daily goals for them. That’s important because every victory rewards you mentally and builds momentum to accomplish that long-term resolution. Source Link 
A credit freeze to stop identity thieves is a good idea for everyone in your family, including the kids because their names could also be used to open bogus accounts. All three major credit bureaus allow a parent to request a credit freeze for a child. You’ll need to mail a copy of their birth certificate and Social Security card to set it up. Source Link
What new food trends will pop up in grocery store aisles in 2019? Look for more plant-based alternatives like non-dairy milk and vegan burgers and natural “gut healthy” foods such as kombucha, kimchi and kefir. You’ll also see probiotics in more foods including ice cream and natural sweeteners will be used in more desserts. Source Link 

January 7, 2019

If your New Year’s resolution is to spend more wisely here are some simple ways to do it. Try cutting one service you’re not using like a premium cable channel you don’t watch, or eat dinner at home once more per week or brown-bag your lunch one day a week. And with clothing, games, books or sporting equipment look for used items before you buy new. Source Link 
How and when you shop for groceries can help you get the freshest food at the best price. Most stores re-stock produce in the early morning or early evening. Reaching to the back of the bin gets you the freshest items and the same is true in the milk cooler. And don’t buy just because it’s on sale - compare that price to other brands to see if it’s a true deal. Source Link 
Boosting your immune system to avoid colds and the flu can literally be a walk in the park. Testing showed that 30 minutes of brisk walking or other moderate intensity exercises increased the circulation of natural killer cells, white blood cells and other parts of the immune system. But you need to commit to exercise every day to get the maximum benefits. Source Link_

January 4, 2019

When should small children go without a coat in winter? When they’re in a car seat. Puffy coats or snowsuits can flatten on impact during an accident and loosen the seat straps so that your child slips out. Dress children in layers and use a blanket or coat over the seat after they’re safely strapped in. Source Link_
If you’ve resolved to eat better this year, a good strategy is to focus on what you’re adding instead of what you’re giving up. Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables and add a healthy snack to take to work each day. But ditch those unhealthy foods lurking in your kitchen, glove box or desk. Source Link 
Don’t let the answer to the question, “What’s in your wallet?” include these things. A Social Security card should never go with you and don’t carry old receipts with financial information that could help identity thieves. Don’t carry every credit card with you and avoid using a phone case that doubles as a wallet, in case your phone is lost or stolen. Source Link 

January 3, 2019

If joining a gym to get in shape is one of your New Year’s resolutions, be sure to get the best deal for your exercise dollars. Always do a test run before you become a member with a one-day or one-week free trial and ask for one free training session. And beware of the smoothie station because they’re usually overpriced and have lots more calories than you need. Source Link 
How can a kitchen timer help you keep your home cleaner? If you avoid chores, set a kitchen timer to find out just how long it takes to wash a few dishes or pick up some clothes. Seeing how little time it takes to do a chore can encourage you to do those things right away and not let them pile up into a big job. Source Link_
One of the three national credit bureaus is making it easier for some people to improve their credit score. Experian Boost is a free program that tracks timely payments on utility and telephone bills that aren’t part of someone’s credit history. That can improve a score for people who haven’t had much access to credit. Source Link 

January 2, 2019

Your doctor has some New Year's resolutions that could help you see the year 2020 and beyond. The American Medical Association says you can resolve to learn your risk for type-2 diabetes, know your blood pressure and take antibiotics exactly as described. You can also resolve to eat less processed food in 2019 and learn how to manage stress. Source Link 
Keeping a loved one with dementia safe means thinking about meals, wheels, bills and pills. Plan meals that don’t require using an oven or stove and keep them from driving but arrange other dependable transportation. Monitor finances to ensure they pay their bills and don’t fall victim to a scam and manage medications with a pillbox that can prevent accidental overdosing. Source Link_
Here’s a pop quiz - what did you get for Christmas in 2017? Don’t feel bad if you can’t remember. A survey found that about half of those holiday presents given just over a year ago have been forgotten. And odds are one out of six gifts that you received this Christmas is already gathering dust and won’t be touched again. Source Link