June 30, 2016

A hefty dose of forgiveness might be the best prescription for a healthier life. A study found that people who were highly forgiving of themselves and others avoided the kind of stress that can lead to physical and mental illness. Researchers say people who are more forgiving may adopt better coping skills to deal with stress. Source Link
How can Americans do better at saving for that rainy day? A new survey found that one out of four people have no emergency savings and that includes those making over $100,000 a year. Experts say simple steps like saving those two extra paychecks a year when you’re paid bi-weekly can help put you on the road to financial security. Source Link 
The biggest change in the next iPhone may be the way you listen with it. There are more reports that this year’s model will ditch the headphone jack in favor of earbuds that connect through the Lightning port or wirelessly using Bluetooth.  If that’s the biggest change it would break the cycle of major upgrades for the iPhone coming every other year. Source Link

June 29, 2016

The deadline is looming to get that free update your Windows computer has been reminding you to do. July 29th is the last day to switch to Windows 10 at no cost as Microsoft wants to get more users on its new operating system. After the free period is over, a Windows 10 upgrade will cost between $120 and $200. Source Link
If your summer includes plans to start a family or add to it, experts are warning you to take care to prevent fetal birth defects from the Zika virus that’s expected to appear in places like Texas and Florida. Travelers and residents want to avoid mosquito bites that can transmit Zika and might postpone family plans because a Zika infection in men or women can increase health risks for up to six months. Source Link
It turns out that millennials are a lot like their parents when it comes to what makes a great workplace. A survey found that younger workers don’t crave freebies like unlimited office snacks and ping pong tables. Millennials said their top workplace benefit was having their own space to get the job done without interruption. Source Link

June 28, 2016

When arguing with your spouse, blowing your top can be bad for your heart, but holding it in is a pain in the neck. A long-term study of couples found that those who got loud and angry tended to suffer from cardiac problems. Those who stonewalled during arguments were more prone to muscular problems like neck and back pain. Source Link
If you’re burning the candle at both ends for days at a time, don’t expect a jolt of java to keep you going. Researchers found that caffeine no longer improved alertness or mental performance after getting shorter sleep. The caffeine in a typical cup of coffee wasn’t effective for those who had only five hours of sleep for five days in a row. Source Link
Fans of the fist bump will soon be able to express that emotion with a single click in text messages. The popular greeting is one of 72 new emojis being added to the group standards used by Apple and Google. Other new emojis include a shrug, a face palm, fingers crossed and a selfie. Source Link

June 27, 2016

If you want something to stick in your head, you may need to work up a sweat. A study found that exercising after you learn new things might help you remember them. Researchers say timing is important because those who exercised four hours later had better results than those who tried a workout immediately after learning. Source Link
A new device could help obese people lose weight with a built-in stomach pump. The FDA has approved the AspireAssist that uses an implanted tube to drain a portion of the stomach contents. Developers say the process can remove about 30 percent of the calories consumed in a meal. Source Link
Making drones part of work and play is getting a bit easier. New rules from the FAA will allow businesses to fly drones without an operator needing a pilot’s license. Real estate, agriculture, news outlets and photography firms could benefit from the new rules, but flying unmanned drones for delivery services is still prohibited. Source Link

June 24, 2016

Do those commercial brain-training programs really make you smarter? A study found that some of the benefits may be all in your head. Researchers say people who were told they were using brain training scored higher on IQ tests than those who didn’t know that it was a brain boosting program. Source Link
Baby boomers are breaking the mold when it comes to how they’ll spend their golden years. A survey found that almost two-thirds of older U.S. adults say they'll choose work over retirement after they reach age 65. One-quarter of them said they’ll never retire and that includes 20-percent of those who make over $100,000 a year. Source Link 
If 4G LTE isn’t fast enough, the FCC is ready to help you put the digital pedal to the metal. The agency is forging ahead with plans to make room in the airwaves for 5G wireless service. The new rules would let carriers decide the standards for 5G service that could be up to 100 times faster than 4G LTE. Source Link

June 23, 2016

America’s restaurant tab now exceeds its grocery bill. Figures show that annual spending at eating and drinking establishments has surpassed what is spent at grocery stores. Experts say grocery prices have been stagnant and the increase in dining out has a darker side because most meals taken outside the home have more calories, fat and sodium and less fiber. Source Link
That free lunch for a doctor’s office courtesy of a pharmaceutical company may be costing millions of Americans more in drug costs. A study found that physicians who received just one free meal worth less than $20 were up to two times more likely to prescribe a promoted brand-name drug with higher co-pays than a cheaper generic alternative. Source Link 
If you want real security online, forget trying to create the perfect password and double up with two-factor authentication. That’s a feature of many websites using a second step of text message or email confirmation when you sign-in on a new device. It also can warn you when someone else is trying to access your online account. Source Link

June 22, 2016

It’s good news for those who keep it cool with their cup of Joe. A  World Health Organization report says coffee itself doesn’t cause cancer, but very hot beverages including coffee could be a cancer risk for people. Studies found higher rates of esophageal cancer among people who drank extremely hot tea or coffee that can damage tissues and trigger malignant growth. Source Link
What’s the sweet spot for exercise when it comes to older adults? How about a quarter-hour a day? A study found that just 15 minutes of exercise was enough to improve life spans by 22-percent. Researchers say a 15-minute brisk walk could satisfy a daily exercise requirement. Source Link
Reaching for your smartphone could be a good way to overcome a fear of public speaking. The Ummo app for iOS listens to your practice speech and shows all the “ums” and filler words. There’s even a virtual app called Public Speaking that uses 3-D to simulate a conference room crowd watching as you make your speech. Source Link

June 21, 2016

The key to keeping your baby weight in-check might be to say “no” to those food cravings. A study found that women who gave in to cravings were more likely to gain too much weight during pregnancy. New research suggests that mothers who put on lots of pounds while pregnant can have children who are more prone to obesity. Source Link
Sleep experts are out with new guidelines on how much shuteye kids need every night. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says a review of studies found that infants need 12 to16 hours, toddlers 11 to 14 hours and preschoolers 10 to 13 hours of sleep. Elementary students should get 9 to 12 hours and teens 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Source 
It’s in your hands or near your face dozens of times each day, so how do you keep your smartphone screen clean? A microfiber cloth does a great job, but never use a rough towel or a paper towel that could scratch.  You can use a dab of water or alcohol on your cloth but never spray any liquid cleaner on your smartphone. Source Link

June 20, 2016

Nearly one out of three teenagers have the first signs of hearing loss. A new study says 30 percent of teens report symptoms like ringing or buzzing in the ears. Health experts say smartphones with high-quality sound and earbuds that seal-in noise are the major culprits in hearing loss for young people. Source Link
If your family vacation includes an airline flight with young children, here are some tips to keep things bearable on-board. Experts suggest you check your luggage to avoid having to carry anything on and off except your child, and board last to minimize your time on the plane. You can even book a red eye if you have young children who might sleep during the overnight flight. Source Link

What kinds of TV shows do we love to binge? Netflix says its subscribers will race through high-energy dramas and take their time on programs with complex narratives. Dramas are binged by over 50-percent of subscribers and comedies by 19-percent, but hardly any Netflix viewers will binge-watch a DIY or cooking show. Source Link

June 17, 2016

There could be a chemical reason why teenagers crave all those likes on Facebook and Instagram photos. A study found that getting a large number of likes activated the same brain circuits turned on by eating chocolate or winning money. Researchers also found that teen’s likes were highly influenced by the number of likes the photo already had. Source Link
Keeping your mouth healthy starts with cleaning the tools of the trade. Experts say you can get rid of bacteria and germs on your toothbrush by rinsing it in an antibacterial mouthwash before and after you brush. Commercial brush sanitizers are also available, but make sure the one you’re using has been approved by the FDA. Source Link 
A smartphone that puts a new twist on the old flip could be coming next year. A report says Samsung is planning to market two models that will use a bendable display. One would have a 5-inch screen that can fold out to 8 inches and the other would open like a book revealing a wide screen. Source Link

June 16, 2016

Are e-cigarettes a gateway to teenagers smoking the real thing? A study found that teens who used electronic cigarettes were six times more likely to move on to traditional cigarettes. Twice as many teens use e-cigarettes compared to those who smoke tobacco. A ban on the sale of e-cigarettes to teenagers takes effect this summer. Source Link
The push to clean your plate can lead to overeating and it might start even before we’re taking solid food. Researchers found that feeding babies formula from a big bottle might put them at higher risk for greater-than-normal weight gain. Bottle-fed infants might be be overfed if the parent pushes the child to finish the bottle. Source Link
iPhone users will get the message a lot easier and get more help from Siri as part of system improvements that are on the way. Apple is upgrading iMessage to give it more emojis and new ways to show emotions. Siri will work with Mac computers as well as iPhones and iPads and automatic transcription of voicemails will be part of the iOS upgrade coming this fall. Source Link

June 15, 2016

You may be risking more than just your looks when you get inked. The FDA says here are increasing reports of people developing infections from tattoo inks. Poor manufacturing processes or contaminated water used with tattooing can be to blame. Be sure to confirm the tattoo parlor and artist are in compliance with all state and local laws. Source Link
Women who’d like to stop smoking may want to time the effort to their menstrual cycle. A study found that women had less success at quitting smoking when they began in the 14 days right after their period. Researchers think different brain connections that occur during the first phase of the menstrual cycle can make it harder to resist the urge to smoke. Source Link
If you like to talk on your cellphone while driving, the hands-free option may not make it safer. A study found that any phone conversation behind the wheel can be equally distracting because it cues visual imagery that competes for the brain power you use to process what you’re seeing ahead of you on the road. Source Link

June 14, 2016

Those all-in-one eyeglasses may be setting you up for a big fall. Researchers found that bifocals and progressive lenses increased the risk of falls for older adults. Experts say you should always keep an eye on where you’re stepping or consider using single-vision eyeglasses when you’re walking. Source Link
Your smartphone can help you avoid long check-in lines at the airport. The free MiFlight app uses crowd-sourced information to direct you to the fastest security checkpoint and Fleet points out the shorter line and shows you where to find shopping and food inside the terminal. The TSA has its own app for security checkpoints but it gets low marks for accuracy. Source Link
The biggest social network is also the top online news channel. A survey found that two out of three adults get their daily news from social media sites and Facebook tops the list.  Twitter and LinkedIn were second and third but account for far fewer people because their user numbers are much smaller than Facebook. Source Link

June 13, 2016

It’s the kind of fat that won’t go from the dinner plate to your hips. A study found that an eating plan like the Mediterranean Diet that includes healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts isn't likely to cause weight gain. Experts say it’s more evidence that we should give up old notions that any fat is a danger in your diet. Source Link
If a picture’s worth a thousand words, what’s the value of using a photo warning on a pack of cigarettes? A study found that smokers who saw picture warnings on cigarettes were more likely to quit. A 2009 law requiring photo warnings has been blocked by lawsuits from the tobacco industry. Source Link
Imagine a  phone that could make sense of the room you’re in with a kind of Google Maps for interiors. A new smartphone from Lenovo uses software and sensors to size up the contours of a room. Developers say the room mapping could be used to help people select new furniture  or even display information about artwork as you walk through a museum. Source Link

June 10, 2016

More smokers who try e-cigarettes go back to lighting up the old fashioned way. A study found that 58-percent of smokers who tried e-cigarettes didn't use them anymore. Researchers say e-cigarettes offer less of a quick "hit" of nicotine and don’t have the flavor and feel of a cigarette. Source Link
If you’re just eating yogurt, you’re missing out on many ways to use it outside of a meal. Experts say yogurt can be used to relieve a sunburn, polish tarnished brass and can add a sheen to your dog’s coat of hair. Back in the kitchen, it’s also a healthy substitute for butter, cooking oil and eggs. Source Link
When it comes to the social network, men are still from Mars and women are from Venus. A study of 10 million Facebook posts showed that women used warmer, gentler words and men were more likely to swear, argue and express anger. Women often discussed family and social life and men talked about politics, sports, and competition. Source Link

June 9, 2016

Young children don’t need to be in the deep end to risk a tragedy. Experts say just a few inches of water in a kiddie pool are enough to drown a child. Portable pools are a major threat of drowning injury or death to children, especially those younger than 5 years old and parents need to constantly supervise children in any pool. Source Link
If you use a computer screen at work, it’s likely you have some symptoms of computer vision syndrome that can cause blurred or double vision and burning, itching, dry and red eyes. You can help by placing your monitor just below your line of sight, keep room lighting dimmer than the screen and every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. Source Link
If you dog spends time alone at home, why not get a robot to play with him? That’s the idea behind the GoBone, which uses motors and wheels to glide across the floor to provide a playmate for your pooch. The $149 Kickstarter project can be loaded with treats and has parts that are replaceable for dogs that chew a lot. Source Link

June 8, 2016

What if buying hearing aids was as easy as shopping for the best price on eyeglasses, or if you could purchase simple hearing aids like you can buy reading glasses at the drugstore? Lowering costs is among suggestions in a National Academy of Sciences report calling on Medicare to cover hearing aids. Only about one-in-three older adults who might benefit from hearing aids are using them. Source Link 

Blurred vision, confusion or anger, headaches and muscle cramps could all be signs that you need to find a water fountain fast. Experts say if you’re feeling thirsty you’re already dehydrated and need more water right away. The average person needs between three quarts and a gallon of water each day, and more if you’re out in the sun a lot. Source Link
Distracted driving is to blame for 6 out of 10 accidents involving teenagers and it’s not all smartphones. A new AAA report says summer is prime time for crashes involving young inexperienced drivers who are talking, texting or just not paying attention. A study found that the top cause of distracted crashes was teen drivers talking to a passenger. Source Link

June 7, 2016

With all the fears about the Zika virus, it’s a good time to consider the best ways to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Experts say the insecticide DEET was shown to be safe for pregnant women and their babies. And Picaridin that comes from black pepper plants is also an effective ingredient in many bug repellents. Source Link
Government regulators say auto title loans are leaving many people broke and without a set of wheels. The typical auto title loan of $700 with an annual percentage rate of 300-percent is rolled over several times and one-in-five borrowers have their car repossessed. The auto title loan industry sprouted up after some states put restrictions on payday loans. Source Link
The first manned mission to Mars could take place in eight years, but it’ll be a one-way trip. The founder of Space X says the private company will begin launching rockets to Mars in 2018 and plans call for a manned mission in 2024. After an 18-month trip, the first humans to land on Mars would create a colony and stay on the Red Planet. Source Link

June 6, 2016

It’s a big reason why many people won’t get a colonoscopy, but the “no eating” rule may not be necessary. New research suggests that the grueling process of fasting and taking laxatives the day before a colonoscopy doesn’t result in a more-accurate test. Colonoscopies are recommended for everyone over the age of 50 to detect the early signs of colon cancer. Source Link
There’s probably no reason for parents to feel guilty about letting their baby cry themselves back to sleep. A study found no long-term ill effects for babies who were allowed to cry if they woke up at night. Testing showed stress hormones in the babies were lower one year later. Source Link
The next  iPhone could offer more to fit all your music, photos and apps. Reports say the base model iPhone 7 will include 32 gigabytes of memory. Apple would be following in step with Samsung, which boosted base model memory to 32 gigs for its latest top-of-the-line Galaxy smartphone. Source Link

June 3, 2016

There’s hope for all the nice guys out there who are looking for love. A study found that men who are concerned for others have a better chance in winning over the ladies, versus those who get by on good looks alone. Women in the study said that men appear more attractive when they are doing something heroic, kind or generous. Source Link
That bubbly drink probably isn’t doing any favors for your smile. Carbonated beverages get their fizz from acids that can wear away your tooth enamel. Sipping a sparkling drink is the worst for your teeth because it exposes them to acids for even longer than a quick swig. Source Link
So what’s the secret to staying slim without a strict diet or strenuous exercise? Get busy in your own kitchen, listen to your stomach and enjoy what you eat. Researchers found that people who are mindlessly slim enjoyed high-quality food cooked at home and followed their internal cues to eat only when hungry and stop when satisfied. Source Link

June 2, 2016

Could an apple a day help your baby some way?  Researchers found that mothers who consumed more fruit during pregnancy gave birth to children who performed better on developmental testing at age one. When pregnant mothers ate six or seven servings of fruit or fruit juice a day, their infants placed six or seven points higher on the IQ scale. Source Link

Protecting your skin from the sun is a numbers game with its own special rules when it comes to SPF. Experts say you’ll need at least an SPF 30 sunscreen for good protection, but anything over SPF 55 probably won’t offer much more than a higher price tag. What’s most important is using plenty of sunscreen and applying it every two hours. Source Link 
Google Maps is ready to show you the way to more shopping. The popular mapping service is testing a plan that promotes businesses you see on your map based on your interests. The program would put a special pin on the map to help you locate businesses that have purchased ads to appear in Google Maps. Source Link

June 1, 2016

We can add another benefit for the over-the-counter wonder drug. A study found that taking aspirin immediately after a mini-stroke significantly reduces the risk of a major stroke. Researchers say anyone who has stroke symptoms should take one dose of 300 milligram aspirin while they seek medical attention. Source Link
You may not appreciate it on a hectic workday, but that busy schedule could be good for your brain. People over 50 with a full schedule showed better brain processing, improved memory, sharper reasoning and better vocabulary. It’s believed that the brain benefits of busyness outweigh the downside of stress that can come from a jam-packed schedule. Source Link
It’s official -- there are now more 20-somethings living with parents than with partners. The latest Census figures show 35 percent of men and 29 percent of women aged 18 to 34 are living at home. Reseachers think that’s because the median age for marriage is moving up and lower wages for entry-level jobs make it harder for young people to afford their own place. Source Link