August 30, 2019

If every meal seems like a race to clean your plate, try these tips to slow down. Eating with your non-dominant hand can help and set down your fork for 10 seconds between each bite. And use smaller plates and bowls that empty faster to make it look like you’re full even when you’ve eaten less. Source Link 

How do you know when you’re addicted to your smartphone? Experts say people with a cell phone addiction check their phones constantly, feel impatient or irritable if they’re not holding it, and think about their smartphone when they’re not using it. And when cell phone use interferes with work and makes it hard to focus on tasks, it’s time to get help. Source Link 

A good knife is an essential tool in the kitchen and you don’t need a drawer full of them. An eight to 10-inch chef’s knife and a serrated knife and a shorter paring knife can tackle almost any cutting task. Select a quality knife that feels comfortable in your hand and has a heavy, strong handle with a longer metal tang that goes through the end of the handle. Source Link 

August 29, 2019

Kicking the habit means more than quitting smoking. You need to look at why you light-up. If it's to relieve stress, try exercise, meditation, or relaxation techniques. If having a drink makes you want to smoke, switch to non-alcoholic beverages and socialize in places where smoking is prohibited. And take work breaks with non-smokers or try a walk instead. Source Link 

You worry about your kids getting too much screen time, but there are ways to make that time more productive. Encourage them to create by composing a song or making an ebook or producing a podcast. Let kids plan and prepare a family meal using recipes they find online or have them research the itinerary for a family vacation. Source Link 

You might be able to avoid dementia with a little help from your friends. A study found that people in their 50s and 60s who interacted with friends on a daily basis were less likely to develop dementia. Social interaction can keep your thinking, memory and language skills sharper as you age. Source Link 

August 28, 2019

You could ease jet lag on your next long-distance trip by watching the times you eat and when you go outdoors. Not eating after Noon on the day of your flight and then eating at your destination's mealtime can help reset your body clock. And exposing yourself to sunlight or avoiding it to match your destination's daylight hours might also help. Source Link

Improving your eating habits could be as easy as 1-2-3 simple steps. First, make better food choices for meals by eating breakfast at home every day. When grocery shopping you can pick more fresh foods and fewer processed items and switch from frying to broiling when you're cooking. Source Link 

Don't spend your money on yellow-tinted glasses for night driving because there's more evidence that they don't work. In testing, yellow lenses did not improve people's performance over clear lenses, even when they were faced with oncoming headlights. And for some people the yellow-tinted glasses made night driving harder. Source Link 

August 27, 2019

Falls are the leading cause of death for people over 65 and you can help prevent a fall by picking the right shoes. Look for one that doesn’t twist in the middle when you press on it and wear the socks you normally would while shoe shopping. And measure your feet every time you buy shoes because sizes can change even for adults. Source Link 

Need a strategy to avoid overeating at the buffet? Start by sitting where you can’t see the food and before you leave your table, pick just 5 to 7 items that you want. And resist the urge to get your money's worth by going back for more food even after you're full. Source Link 

You may not want to share your bed with a cellphone that’s plugged into a power charger. There have been reports of people who suffered shocks and skin burns when a plugged-in cell phone power cord contacted with the metal in a ring or necklace. The risk is highest with generic power cords and wall chargers but it can also happen with brand-name equipment. Source Link 

August 26, 2019

What can you do when the pleasure of eating ice cream brings on the pain of a brain freeze? Try pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth to warm the spot where nerves can trigger that icy pain. You can avoid brain freeze by eating cold foods toward the front of your mouth and by eating more slowly. Source Link 

There are some simple steps you can take to keep your home healthier. Be sure to replace kitchen sponges regularly and use bleach to sanitize separate cutting boards for raw meats and vegetables. Change HVAC air filters regularly to improve indoor air quality and set a calendar reminder to change the batteries in smoke detectors every six months. Source Link 

Could a tickle a day keep the doctor away? Researchers used a device clipped to the ear to deliver a tiny electrical current to stimulate the part of your nervous system that regulates bodily functions like blood pressure, temperature and heart rhythm. The treatment might help to balance the autonomic system to improve sleep and overall well-being. Source Link 

August 23, 2019

Where there’s a will, there’s a better way to protect your family and make sure your wishes are carried out when it comes to guardianship for children or how to give away your possessions. Review your will annually and after big life events like a divorce or when children become adults. And consider a living will that lists the care you do or don’t want if you become seriously ill. Source Link

Take care to avoid these things that can shorten the battery life of your smartphone. Using vibration for calls and notifications, giving location permission to apps that don’t need it and not using auto-brightness for your screen can drain a battery faster. And leaving your phone under your pillow at night or out in the sun can cause it to overheat and damage the battery. Source Link 

Before you pack your bags for that holiday road trip, be sure to pack your car with some safety essentials. Along with your cell phone, AAA recommends a flashlight with extra batteries, a first-aid kit, a basic toolkit with tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench, and jumper cables and emergency reflectors. And bring drinking water and extra snacks for people and pets. Source Link 

August 22, 2019

How can you stop wasting time mindlessly scrolling through apps on your smartphone? Turn off alerts that prompt you to pick up your phone and leave it somewhere out of sight. Set the countdown timer to trigger an alarm after a few minutes of use and move those favorite time-wasting apps off the home screen. Source Link 

When shopping for sunglasses, go for bigger but don’t worry if the price tag is smaller. Sunglasses with 100% UVA and UVB protection to protect your eyes can be very affordable. Consider a pair with larger lenses or a wrap-around style to maximize your protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Source Link 

Flu shot season is just around the corner but it’s not the only vaccination that adults need. You also need shots to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough; pneumococcal pneumonia; meningitis; HPV, hepatitis B, and the vaccine to help prevent shingles. Your visit to the doctor for that flu shot is a good time to talk about the other vaccinations you need. Source Link 

August 21, 2019

You might need a hand to stop emotional eating to relieve stress, anxiety or boredom. When you feel like eating but aren’t really hungry, try doing something with your hands like a crossword puzzle or knitting to preoccupy yourself until the urge passes. Source Link 

Smart shoppers will take advantage of back-to-school sales even if there isn’t anyone in the family heading to classes. Now is a good time to buy a coffeemaker or other small appliances that are used in dorm rooms. Cleaning supplies and luggage are often on sale now, and this is one of the best times of the year to get a great buy on a computer. Source Link 

If it’s a dry heat and the temperature is soaring, you may not want to switch on the fan. Dry hot air being blown across the skin can pull moisture from it and that’s not good. Luckily for fan users -- but maybe not the rest of us -- most heatwaves in the U.S. come with air that’s humid. Source Link 

August 20, 2019

If you’re one of the millions of people who buy or sell items on Craigslist or Facebook there’s a way to make the face-to-face transaction smooth and safe. You can meet in the parking lot of a police station or sheriff's department to exchange money and the item. These locations are well lit and usually under video surveillance 24 hours a day. Source Link 

Zombie eating isn’t just having a taste for humans. It’s also being glued to a phone or TV screen during a meal and not paying attention to what you’re eating. Nine out of ten people admit to it and a survey found that the average eater will stare at their phone twice during a meal and only have five screen-free meals per week. Source Link 

It can seem like there’s no longer wait than the one when you’re charging a phone but you can speed up the process. The fastest charge comes with your phone off or in Airplane Mode and using a wall outlet instead of plugging into a computer will make it faster. Remember that heat slows down charging so remove the case and keep the phone out of the sun. Source Link 

August 19, 2019

Can exposure to more germs make your child healthier? Some say the quest to sanitize our children’s lives may be leading to more allergies because without exposure to normal bacteria the body becomes hypersensitive. Aside from cold viruses, most homes don’t have germs that would be a major health risk to children. Source Link 

Exercise doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all. If you’re a creature of habit, set a schedule for a daily workout in the morning or evening. If you want to maximize your effort a personal trainer can help. And if you’re more social you can look for a walking group, find an exercise class or join a club to play a sport like tennis. Source Link 

You probably have one of these everyday items that needs to be replaced. A toothbrush over three months old has frayed bristles that can hurt your teeth and gums and your contact lens case should be replaced four times a year to avoid bacteria build-up. Toss any sunscreen left from last summer and swap out your pillow or get a new zippered cover once a year. Source Link 

August 16, 2019

The antidote to being cooped up in an office may be to bring the outdoors inside. Surrounding yourself with natural things like plants and getting more sunlight can boost your mood and job satisfaction and could be a buffer to stress. Even a screensaver with nature photos might give you some of the benefits of the outdoor experience. Source Link 

Keeping air travel safe for your pet begins long before the plane leaves the ground. If your dog or cat is traveling in cargo, get them acclimated to the kennel they’ll be staying in to avoid injuries from biting or scratching at the cage. Stop solid food at least six hours before the flight and consult with your vet before giving pets any sedatives. Source Link 

It’s time to wake up and debunk some common myths about sleeping. A drink won’t help you sleep better and your body can’t function well on just five hours of sleep a night. And don’t assume that snoring is no big deal. Snoring that stops abruptly could be a sign of apnea that happens when throat passages close and you stop breathing. Source Link 

August 15, 2019

Make sure the “eyes” have it when you’re packing for that next trip. Many people aren’t prepared if their contact lenses are lost or can’t be worn while away from home. Be sure to bring eyeglasses and extra contacts with you and don’t assume that a foreign destination will have water that can be used for cleaning contacts. Source Link 

How can spending too much time on your smartphone make you fat? Most people are sedentary while using their phone and too much of that can lead to overweight or even obesity. A study found that five hours or more per day of smartphone use was associated with more consumption of sugary drinks, fast food, sweets and snacks. Source Link 

When you need a way to relax that doesn’t require an expensive vacation or a pricey day at the spa, you can embrace your inner child. The motion of swinging at the playground is naturally calming and a snack of milk and cookies will give you amino acids and carbs that can relax you. And break out the crayons or colored pencils because studies have shown that drawing or doodling can have a calming effect. Source Link 

August 14, 2019

What foods can you put on your plate that will help put a better smile on your face? Think about the nutrients that can build stronger teeth, like calcium in dairy products and eggs, and fish, meat and poultry that are rich in phosphorus. Vitamin C can come from citrus fruits and sweet potatoes, leafy greens and fish are good sources of vitamin A. Source Link 

In-car technology with voice commands and touchscreens may be a more dangerous distraction for older drivers. A study sponsored by AAA found that drivers between 55 and 75 years old with cars equipped this way took their eyes off the road longer than younger drivers, often because of the complexity and poor design of many systems. Source Link 

A bath before bedtime isn’t just a good idea for young children. Researchers found that adults who took a warm bath or shower before going to bed fell asleep faster and slept longer. Cooling down after a warm bath or shower jump-starts the body’s natural process of dropping your temperature to get you ready for sleep. Source Link 

August 13, 2019

Mandatory resort fees that hike the price after you book that hotel room is a growing problem. Unlike airlines, there’s no government agency that regulates the hotel industry so you’re on your own to uncover these additional fees. Read the fine print before you make a reservation or do an online search for the hotel name and “resort fees” to see what others have uncovered. Source Link 

It not unusual for parents to get the blues when a child heads off to college for the first time. You can ease this anxiety by having a plan for scheduled contacts, whether that’s by text, a phone call or an online chat. You can also explore new challenges of your own, reconnect with your partner and look for ways to broaden your circle of friends. Source Link 

It’s what you eat and when you eat it that can make it easier or harder to watch your weight. Front-loading your calories to eat more earlier in the day has been shown to help with weight loss. You can also try a four-meal-a-day plan with a second lunch that you eat at mid-afternoon instead of snacking after dinner. Source Link 

August 12, 2019

You can help your kids get a better start to the school year with more choice and more connection. Give children options in clothes to wear or what to eat for lunch and stay connected with their school life. Parents should also consider their own expectations and set realistic goals for their child’s grades and athletic success. Source Link 

Talking to yourself may calm you down if you phrase the mental conversation in a different way. People who spoke to themselves in the third person substituting their name for the word “I” gained a bit of psychological distance from their experience and researchers say that can help the brain regulate emotions. Source Link 

It doesn’t take big changes to improve your diet. Small shifts can help, so try one of these each week. Switch from creamy dressings to vinaigrette; replace meat in recipes with beans; switch from white bread to whole wheat or wraps; swap out pepperoni on your pizza for vegetables or switch from potato chips to air-popped popcorn. Source Link 

August 9, 2019

Don’t get fooled by these car care tips that could hit you hard in the pocketbook. Overfilling your tires won’t improve mileage but will give you a rougher ride and wear out the tires sooner. And don’t drive with less than a quarter tank of gas because it makes your fuel pump work harder and wear out faster and replacing it could cost up to $700. Source Link

Email is a prime target for hackers who want to get to sensitive information and you can protect yourself by using different email accounts. Use one for banking and credit cards, another for shopping and another for social media. This way, a breach involving one account doesn’t endanger all of your digital life. Source Link 

What’s in your ears can help you get better sleep. Meditation using a mobile app can help ease you into slumber and get you back to sleep if you wake up overnight. And research has shown that listening to nature sounds can trigger a relaxation response in the brain to help you get to sleep. Source Link 

August 8, 2019

Drinking too many calories is a problem for some people who try to watch their weight. Start by making water, black coffee or tea your default drink. Beware of any beverage that gets most of its calories from sweeteners, whether real or artificial and keep smoothies to the smallest size with only non-fat yogurt or milk and real fruit but no added sugar. Source Link 

Grocery shopping by color can be your first step toward a healthier heart. Choose foods with lots of color by starting in the produce section to stock up on a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables. And avoid white in bread, potatoes and rice and check labels for added salt and sugar that can be found in many processed foods. Source Link 

If you suffer from allergies you might find relief by doubling up on laundry days. Sheets and pillowcases can hold allergens as well as dirt, sweat and skin oils. The best advice is to wash your pillowcase every week and always change your sheets after you’ve had a cold. Source Link 

August 7, 2019

Time to bust some popular myths about your cyber privacy. Your emails aren’t always secure unless you use a service like Gmail or Yahoo that encrypts by default. Private browsing can’t shield your activity from the boss or from your internet provider. And turning off GPS on your phone doesn’t make you untrackable because there’s still a record of cell towers and WiFi hot spots that you’ve used. Source Link 

Most people don’t think about foot care until they’re in pain but some common problems can be prevented with a few simple steps. Always wear water shoes around public swimming pools and in showers at the gym to avoid viruses that can cause nail fungus or athlete’s foot. Wear socks and tights made from breathable fabrics and if shoes hurt the first time you try them on, don’t buy them. Source Link 

Looking for a natural way to a whiter smile? You can brush once a week with a paste made from baking soda or use a five-to-one mix of water and apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash. Rubbing your teeth with orange or lemon peels is another whitening method and brushing with activated charcoal can absorb plaque and compounds that can stain your teeth. Source Link

August 6, 2019

If you like to scroll through your smartphone or tablet in bed at night, be sure to get lots of sunlight during the day. Research showed that people who had plenty of exposure to daylight were less likely to have their sleep disturbed by a glowing screen. The light from smartphone and tablet screens can confuse your internal time clock and make it harder to fall asleep. Source Link 

Here’s a game plan when you want a diet that’s good for the gut. Your microbiome does better with plant-based foods and fewer calories -- about 1,800 a day versus the typical 3,000 that many people consume daily. And get more bacteria-boosting foods like bananas, berries, broccoli and beans and natural probiotics from pickles, sauerkraut or kimchi. Source Link 

What the right thing to say when your loved one is stressed out? How about nothing? Researchers found that simply avoiding negativity was better than any attempt to be encouraging or positive. That’s because reactions to criticism are heightened when we’re mad and we’re also less able to appreciate a kind word. Source Link

August 5, 2019

Most of us have thrown out food based on expiration dates, but you might not need to trash it. Milk is typically safe for two to three days after the “sell by” date, as are many perishables once they’ve been refrigerated. But if something smells bad, curdles or turns a suspicious color, toss it. Source Link 

Think twice before you un-friend your mother on Facebook because moms rock at social media. In surveys, nearly twice as many people say that mothers will respond to your good news on social media as compared to fathers. And more believe that moms give useful information in social media posts. Source Link 

Budgeting apps are all the rage but you don’t need high-tech help to find extra money. A cash-back credit card or using a family plan for your phone or streaming service might mean more green. You can also be strategic and buy that pricy coffee maker if it helps you avoid spending big bucks every day at the coffee shop. Source Link 

August 2, 2019

Looking for a good exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve the fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. The slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link 

How can you avoid being shocked by what you see when you step on the bathroom scale? You can stop sneaky weight gain by evaluating your activity level and checking to see if some bad food habits have crept into your diet. Swap those low-nutrition items with more fruits and vegetables and commit to 30 minutes of exercise each day. Source Link 

If you load that toothbrush with a long stripe of toothpaste, you’re using too much. A pea-sized dollop is all you need to get the job done. Using lots of toothpaste can give you too much fluoride and that’s especially bad for youngsters whose developing teeth can become streaked or spotted. Source Link 

August 1, 2019

If you just can’t live without your smartphone your life may be rougher. A survey of college students found that those with problematic phone use reported more mental health issues and higher levels of alcohol misuse, as well as lower grades. Problematic is when obsession over smartphone use leads to physical symptoms and mood and sleep impairments. Source Link 

Nighttime snacking can set up a vicious loop that keeps you eating more and sleeping less. Late-night snacking has been shown to increase cravings for junk food and disrupt sleep patterns, making it more likely that you’ll conduct another midnight raid of the fridge. Overeating can lead to obesity and that also can cause problems with sleep. Source Link 

It’s back-to-school shopping time and a good time to think about how much your child should carry in a backpack. Experts say a full backpack should be no more than 10 percent of the child’s body weight or 20 percent if it’s a bag with wheels. Shoulder bags can affect a child’s walk but a wheeled bag usually won’t. Source Link