October 31, 2022

 Add more of these five foods to your diet to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Vegetables, whole grains, legumes; nuts and seeds, and fiber-rich fruit contain cancer-preventing nutrients and fiber that can help your digestive tract stay healthy. Fruit can be fresh or frozen and eat fruits from a rainbow of colors. Source Link 

Home remodeling often happens with an eye toward increasing the property value, and some of the least expensive projects deliver the biggest payoffs. A new entry door, replacement windows, a new wood deck or a kitchen update are among the higher value projects. And the one that practically pays for itself at resale time? A new garage door. Source Link 

Insomnia is a common problem for older people but the solution could be as close as your favorite streaming playlist. Researchers found that playing music at bedtime resulted in better sleep. It’s important to choose the right kind of tune and the most effective was calming music with a slower tempo and smoother melody. Source Link 

October 28, 2022

 To quickly unclog a toilet you need the right tool and a better technique. A flange plunger has a smaller opening that bells out to seal around the toilet drain. And instead of rapidly pumping gently push the flange plunger down to make a seal around the opening and then pull up on it. The backward pressure can loosen a clog faster. Source Link 

It’s great on squeaks and bolts that won’t give, but this handyman’s staple also doubles as a painter’s pal. Use WD-40 to wipe away drips and spray some on a brush you ‘ve just cleaned to keep the bristles soft. And here’s a bonus tip – WD-40 is great at removing bugs from a car’s grille, and spraying some on that grille can keep bugs from sticking in the first place. Source Link 

Instead of dinner and a movie, an art class or game night may bring the two of you even closer. Couples activities like painting or playing a board game can spark the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with romantic bonding. Any activity with physical touch, social interaction, novelty and partner encouragement could work. Source Link

October 27, 2022

 Cold season is coming soon but don’t be quick to give a young child medicine for coughing and sneezing. Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies should not be given to children younger than 6 because there's no evidence they help. And store-bought medicines carry potentially dangerous side-effects for younger kids. Source Link 

Are you falling for some of these myths about motoring? You don’t get better fuel mileage with a truck tailgate down and you won’t get more gas if you fill up in the cool of the morning. Your coolant and air filter don’t need to be changed every time with the oil and you can replace just one tire if it’s the same brand, model and size as the others. Source Link 

It’s a popular Halloween prank and there’s a right way to clean up after a tree’s been toilet papered. If it’s dry, you can pull the paper down with a long pole or use a leaf blower to remove it from taller branches. And don’t delay, because if it gets wet, you’ll have to live with a TP’ed tree until all that paper dries. Source Link_

October 26, 2022

 Sometimes we may be sick of going to the gym, but when are you too sick to exercise? you’re probably OK for an easy workout, If your cold symptoms are only from the neck up, but body aches are a hard stop for your exercise plan. It’s also a good step for others because you might spread that cold at the gym. Source Link 

When you’re in decluttering mode, it can be hard to decide what to keep and what to part with, so put everything to this test – is it the best, the favorite, or necessary? If something doesn’t tick at least one of those boxes it needs to go, to help you weed out multiples, items you don’t need, or those that aren’t your favorites. Source Link_

As the days get shorter, it can trigger “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” but how do you know the winter blues you’re feeling really is SAD? A diagnosis of seasonal depression can only be made after two consecutive years with depression that begins and ends at the same time each year and with no symptoms during other times of the year. Source Link_

October 25, 2022

Halloween could be hazardous to your health if you’re not careful when carving that pumpkin. Nearly 2,000 people go to the ER each year with pumpkin carving injuries. A leading cause of injury was using a knife that’s not made for thick pumpkin skin. A safer alternative to carving that kids will enjoy is to decorate a pumpkin by painting it. Source Link 

Being anxious about a visit to the dentist isn’t unusual but there are some things that can help. Tell the dentist or hygienist about your anxiety so they can help ease your fears and offer the best options to reduce pain. And keep to a regular schedule of checkups so that problems can be caught before they require major work. Source Link 

“Do as I say and not as I do” might be one reason why only about a third of elementary school-age children have been vaccinated against Covid. A study found that false claims about infertility, changes in DNA and allergic reactions made even some vaccinated parents reluctant to protect their 5- to 11-year-olds. Source Link 

October 24, 2022

 Being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is stressful but you can take steps to reduce the risk of burnout. Set realistic goals and be adaptable to adjust to situations in constructive ways and deal with what you can control. And take care of your health by eating right and clearing your mind with exercise, yoga, meditation, listening to music or deep breathing. Source Link 

Can you improve comprehension by taking 10 after a lesson? Researchers found that people who rested quietly for 10 minutes after learning something improved their ability to remember fine details. Sleep relaxes the synapses in your brain to improve neuroplasticity that’s necessary to build memory. Source Link 

If you wash dishes by hand it’s time for your tools to come clean. A damp sponge is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria so clean it regularly in a solution of bleach and water or put a wet sponge in the microwave to disinfect it. Better yet, try a plastic or silicone scrub brush that can dry out after every use. Source Link 

October 21, 2022

 A dishwasher tablet can be a miracle cleaner all across your home. Dissolve one in a toilet and clean it or dip a tablet in warm water and use it to scrub a dirty oven door. A wet dishwasher tablet can also clean plastic patio furniture, dried refrigerator spills, and oil stains on a driveway. And toss a few tablets into the washing machine on a hot water cycle to get it clean. Source Link 

Beware of thieves that may want to steal parts of your car. Use a locking gas cap to safeguard that expensive fuel and add anti-theft security lug nuts to prevent tires and wheels from being stolen. And park in a well-lit area and avoid leaving your vehicle in the same spot for days or weeks because that can tell a thief that no one is watching. Source Link 

You could be a month away from a decluttered home. In the 30-Day Minimalism Game the day of the month equals the number of items to remove, so one on the 1st, 10 on the tenth, and so on. Lower numbered days can be big items while the last days of the month is time to clean out a large closet or a garage. Source Link

October 20, 2022

 Sharing time with your long-distance grandchildren doesn’t have to be only a phone call or a FaceTime session. You can work on projects together, like drawing in a shared sketchbook or building the same hobby items. You can also read the same books and then discuss them with your grandchildren. Source Link 

There are scientific reasons why a late-night meal can add more pounds to the scale. Researchers found that when a meal is delayed by four hours and everything else stays the same, you burn fewer calories and want more food. Plus, the body’s fat tissue undergoes changes that promote weight gain. Source Link_

Baby wipes are great for more than cleaning those little bottoms. A baby wipe does wonders on a dirty keyboard or light switch plate, leather furniture, latex paint on your hands, a whiteboard, or your car’s interior. A baby wipe can also remove your makeup gently and clean makeup stains from clothing. Source Link_

October 19, 2022

 If eating out is showing up on your waistline there are ways to beat that bulge. Choose a restaurant with healthier fare, like Asian cuisine, or Greek or Spanish menus that feature fish, grilled lean meat and vegetables. Look at online menus and know what you’ll have before you arrive. Share several appetizers instead of ordering an entree and have one dessert that’s shared by all. Source Link 

Adding a little olive oil to your daily diet could help to keep your heart and mind healthier. Researchers found that people who ate more than half a tablespoon of olive oil each day had lower rates of premature death from cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's. Olive oil can be a healthy substitute for butter, margarine and other types of fat used in cooking. Source Link_

How do you open a can without a can opener? Friction is your friend. Turn it upside down and rub the top of the can on a rough surface like concrete, a rock, or use sandpaper for about a minute. Wear down the top edge and give the can a squeeze and the top might pop off, or push a knife or other flat tool into the seam to lift off the top. Source Link_

October 18, 2022

 When a smoke alarm goes off in a house fire there might be just a moment to escape, so be sure you know two ways out. Fire safety experts recommend that you have two escape routes from every room and then rehearse with your family so everyone can safely get out of your home within two minutes. Source Link 

Lots of things are part of everyday life thanks to NASA. That cordless vacuum cleaner, drill or saw uses battery technology developed for the space program, along with memory foam and the sensors in your smartphone camera. And NASA research uncovered a natural source of the omega-3 fatty acid only found in breast milk that’s now used in baby formula. Source Link

Here’s a reason to switch-up your dental hygiene routine and floss before you brush. A study found that people who flossed before brushing reduced more plaque on their teeth. One reason could be that flossing removes more food particles before brushing and that makes it easier for fluoride in toothpaste to do its work. Source Link

October 17, 2022

 These simple kitchen tricks make for tastier food. Your pancakes will be fluffier when you use carbonated water in the mix and grating a hardened stick of butter will evenly distribute it into pie or dessert dough. And putting a slice of white bread in an airtight container with freshly baked cookies will keep them soft for days. Source Link 

A beeping alarm may not be the best way to wake you from sleep. Researchers found that “melodic” music -- anything you could easily sing or hum along to -- was more effective at reducing sleep inertia, the groggy feeling you can have just after waking up. It’s known that music activates certain brain regions which control attention. Source Link 

A bobby pin can do more than keep your hair neat. Use one to safely hold a nail in place as you hammer it or to replace a missing zipper tab. A bobby pin can easily pit a cherry or olive and can secure the loose end of a belt that’s just short of a pants loop. And use a bobby pin to mark the end of a roll of tape for an easy start the next time you use it. Source Link 

October 14, 2022

 You use it to wipe down many things in your kitchen but what’s the right way to clean a sponge? Put a damp sponge in the microwave for one minute or soak it for 60 seconds in a quart of water with a half-teaspoon of bleach. You can keep a sponge cleaner if you wring it out completely after every use and let it dry in a spot with plenty of air circulation. Source Link 

There’s a good reason to resist that urge to get just a little more gas in your car’s tank after the pump clicks off during a fill-up. An internal overflow of gas can saturate and damage filters in the car’s vapor recovery system. This can reduce engine performance and fuel efficiency and may lead to a costly repair. Source Link 

Is a vegan diet good for a dog? There’s little scientific evidence of this but dogs can get the nutrition they need while eating vegan. They need a lot of protein and a vegan diet should be more carefully crafted to meet that goal. Talk with your veterinarian about your dog's nutritional needs and which products will meet them. Source Link 

October 13, 2022

 It’s easier to eat healthy anytime when you stock your freezer with these items. Frozen shrimp or fish filets are rich in protein and low in fat and frozen vegetables can be as nutritious as fresh. Frozen berries make a great smoothie and whole wheat flatbreads or tortillas will keep in the freezer for months. And satisfy that sweet tooth with 100 percent frozen fruit bars. Source Link 

Here’s a fall home maintenance tip that’s hanging right above your head. Remember to flip the switch on the side of a ceiling fan to reverse its direction during months when you heat your home. This pushes warm air down from the ceiling to better circulate it in a room. Source Link

The risks of using melatonin to help children improve their sleep are outweighed by whatever benefits there may be. The gummies or chewable tablet versions of melatonin make it tempting to give a child more and possibly overdose. And there’s little evidence to show that melatonin works to help children or adults fall asleep faster. Source Link

October 12, 2022

 When “Just Say No” just doesn’t work, another way to beat junk food cravings may be to lean into them. A technique called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy teaches that you shouldn’t deny those triggers. Instead, accept them and develop a stronger set of life goals and make a commitment to behaviors that lead to success. Source Link 

Finding the best lighting angle for that outside photo is as easy as raising your hand. Hold your hand in front of you with your palm pointing out and turn your body in a circle until your hand has no shadows on it. That’s the direction to point your subject or stand yourself to ensure a shadow-free photo. Source Link _

Just wearing a step-tracking watch can lead to taking more steps per day, even if you never check your progress. Researchers found that people who wore step trackers took about 300 more steps per day than before testing began. They got the “before” numbers by using a little-known feature in every iPhone that automatically tracks your steps. Source Link

October 11, 2022

 Despite safety improvements, baby walkers still injure thousands of children each year in tip-over accidents down steps and stairs. Experts say a sunken living room or finished basement may be the only safe spots to use one. Baby walkers don’t speed up a child’s ability to walk and a stationary activity center is safer and better for infant development. Source Link 

What’s the right way to pet a dog you don’t know? Remember that dogs depend on smell so offer your curled hand for a sniff before you touch them to avoid any bitten fingers. If the dog seems comfortable, try a friendly scratch under the chin, but avoid patting his head or touching a strange dog’s belly, even if they roll over. Source Link

Posture may be an important factor in how fast that pill you’ve taken begins to work. There’s nothing wrong with taking a pill while standing or sitting up, but testing showed that leaning to your right side could speed absorption by about 13 minutes. On the other hand, leaning to the left could add an hour to the time it takes that pill to dissolve. Source Link_

October 10, 2022

 There could be a scientific reason why you feel refreshed after a day spent in the great outdoors. Research has shown that hearing a bird sing or the sound of lapping waves can combat feelings of stress. Even in busy national parks, listening to natural sounds along with human noise still provided some health benefits. Source Link 

They keep your laundry soft and smelling fresh, but dryer sheets have many other uses. Dryer sheets in a suitcase can freshen the smell of travel-weary clothing and using them in a sock drawer does the same. A used dryer sheet with a few drops of water can clean bathroom soap scum and wiping baseboards with a dryer sheet can minimize static and keep them clean for longer. Source Link 

Are you putting your body’s internal cleaning system to good use? Autophagy is the process of removing damaged cells and generating new ones and it’s believed that autophagy can attack cells that lead to cancer. Intermittent fasting and regular exercise are ways to stimulate autophagy in your body. Source Link

October 7, 2022

 Eggs are an affordable source of protein and can even be stored in the freezer. Use a non-stick spray on an ice cube tray, then crack eggs into it and freeze them. Remove the frozen eggs and store these in a freezer bag to be used as needed. And if you’re wondering to tell if a raw egg is fresh, place it in a glass of water. Good eggs sink and bad eggs float. Source Link 

You may be able to slim down your wallet with digital versions of ID cards on your smartphone. Apple Wallet can store digital driver's licenses for about a dozen states with more coming and other states have their own apps. Some student ID’s and library cards can also go digital along with building ID cards. Carry at least one credit card and some cash in case your phone goes missing or a payment app doesn’t work. Source Link 

Dealer financing for your next car seems convenient but it can come at a cost. An auto dealer is just the middleman in the loan process and they mark up their services and pass the cost along to you. Take the time to fully explore bank, credit union or other financing options and shop for the best deal on an auto loan. Source Link 

October 6, 2022

 Fixing up your home shouldn’t land you in divorce court, but remodeling projects are stressful for many couples. You can avoid problems by agreeing to a vision and a budget before you shop for a contractor and then decide who will steer the project once it begins. DIY couples may need even more planning because it’s just the two of you doing the work. Source Link 

What are some tell-tale early signs of hearing loss? You might be asking people to repeat themselves often during a conversation, or you can’t hear background noises such as birds chirping, leaves rustling or a beep from a kitchen appliance. And ringing in your ears can be a sign of hearing loss because that’s how the brain compensates for a deprivation of sound. Source Link _

Unclogging a toilet without a plunger requires two simple tools – dish soap and a big bucket of hot water. Squirt a good amount of dish soap into the hot water and pour that into the toilet at a steady pace. Don’t stir up the water and be patient because the technique may not eliminate the clog instantly. Source Link

October 5, 2022

 If you can’t attend motivational meetings for weight loss you can tackle that diet challenge with an online program. Look for one that offers personalized calorie counts and menu plans with a grocery list, a physical activity plan tailored to you, weekly tips for weight loss and an online forum for support anytime. Source Link 

Whether you’re tailgating, camping or just planning a picnic, this trick could keep those cold drinks chilled for longer. Let some ice sit in the cooler for 24 hours before you plan to head out. Testing shows this can help your cooler stay cold for nearly a day longer. The trick works with hard coolers but not those with soft sides. Source Link 

Timing and sorting can make managing that email in-box easier. Set specific times of the day, like 10 am, 2 pm and 4 pm for checking email to avoid constantly monitoring and then forgetting to reply. And use filters, folders and labels to organize emails and make them easier to find later. Source Link 

October 4, 2022

 Think of it as spring cleaning, except it happens in fall and the chores are outdoors. Store your lawn mower safely by draining the gasoline and replacing it with a special fuel mix that has no ethanol. And speaking of draining, don’t forget to winterize that sprinkler system by blowing out all water from the lines and from any sprinkler heads. Source Link 

Could one answer to high blood pressure be as simple as deep breathing? Researchers found that people who did 30 breaths per day with a device made for recovering Covid patients lowered their blood pressure by up to nine points in six weeks. That improvement is as good as taking blood pressure medication for some people. Source Link

We’ve all had microwaved food that’s hot on the edges and cold in the middle, but how can you even out the heating? Instead of the center of the turntable, put your food on one edge of it. This moves the center of heating as the food rotates and gives you a more-evenly cooked microwave meal. Source Link

October 3, 2022

 You should think twice before trying to save money by buying the cheapest charger for your iPhone. Just because the labeling on the box says it’s safe doesn’t mean it is. If you don’t buy the Apple brand you look for the MiFi certification for charging adapters and cables. This ensures that Apple approves the products from other manufacturers. Source Link 

A coin could be key to finding out if a power outage has ruined the food in your freezer. Place a frozen cup of water in the freezer and put a quarter on top of it. If the power goes out long enough for the ice to melt and the quarter drops down into the water -- even if it’s refrozen -- you should throw out the food. Source Link

Nearly all seniors take medication that can increase their risk for a fall. Drugs that can increase the risk of falls include antidepressants, some high blood pressure and anti seizure medicines and tranquilizers. That’s why you should ask your doctor about the risks and benefits from any prescription medication. Source Link