August 31, 2023

 Using dumbbells, barbells or weight machines are all effective ways to build muscles, but how much you lift and how you do it can determine the results. Lifting the heaviest weights with three to five reps is best for building strength. Weights that you can comfortably lift eight to ten times are best for building muscle size. Source Link_

Boosting your credit score can save big money on that next loan and these credit card hacks can help improve your number. Pay down credit card debt and ask for an increased limit but don’t use it. And when you pay your credit card bill, do it before the payment due date and the balance that’s reported each month will be lower. Source Link_

Meal prep using some key ingredients is a great way to save time getting dinner on the table. Look for recipes that use roasted potatoes, hard-boiled eggs or cooked spaghetti. You can make smoothie freezer bags with your favorite ingredients to save time for breakfast and consider adding a meatless day with vegetable and pasta dishes that need less cooking time. Source Link

August 30, 2023

 Memory loss is just one of many symptoms of dementia. Look for early warning signs like difficulty with problem-solving, confusion of time and place, decreased or poor judgment, withdrawal from social interactions, and mood and personality changes. And be on the lookout for increased aggression or difficulty with speech or writing. Source Link_

You can teach kids good money habits at any age. Explain to youngsters under 5 how money is used to support everyday activities. Kids ages 6 to 11 can earn chore money and make decisions on how to spend it on things or experiences. And teens can learn about payroll taxes and experience investing with a custodial brokerage account. Source Link_

What you don’t know about health insurance could be hazardous to your financial well-being. Half of the people surveyed weren't sure if their health care policy would cover them if they got sick or injured in a foreign country. And seven out of ten Medicare recipients were not informed by their plan when a doctor left their network, which could trigger higher out-of-pocket costs. Source Link

August 29, 2023

 You can turn that messy kitchen into a clean scene in just 15 minutes with these tips. Load the dishwasher and throw a wet sponge into the microwave for one minute on high to create steam that will loosen gunk. Wipe down the sink, counters, and stove top with disinfectant wipes, use that sponge to wipe the inside of the microwave, and then sweep and mop. Source Link_

The price of gasoline makes it smart for anyone to take a few steps to get the most out of every fill-up. Start by getting junk out of your trunk that adds extra weight and use a hitch-mounted rack instead of one on the roof that slows you down. And don’t waste gas by letting your car idle for more than 10 seconds when you start it up Source Link_

If you’re in the habit of flushing your used contact lenses down the toilet, it’s time to stop. Disposable contact lenses don’t dissolve and can absorb contaminants and make it through a sewage treatment plant and into waterways where those tiny bits of plastic can threaten the health of marine life. Source Link 

August 28, 2023

 Having a dog may keep you healthy and able for longer in life. Researchers found that older adults who were dog owners were only half as likely to have a disability as were non-dog owners. Exercise with dog walks and companionship were among the contributing factors. Cat ownership was not connected to any difference in disability risk. Source Link 

You can take a stand against the effects of binge watching without giving up that streaming marathon. Stand up and take a few minutes between episodes to move or walk a bit. This will improve blood flow to your legs to reduce the risk of blood clots and make it easier for your heart to do its work. Source Link 

Stronger muscles in a count of three might be possible with an intense and super-short workout. Study participants who contracted their arm muscles as tight as possible for three seconds every day for a month increased their bicep strength by up to 12 percent. Like other high-intensity short exercise, tightening muscles might trigger a biological response that leads to better fitness. Source Link

August 25, 2023

Pop quiz - what’s the germiest place in most bathrooms? Here’s a hint -- you don’t sit on it. That shower curtain stays moist and is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, yeast and mold. Wipe down a plastic shower curtain with an antibacterial cleaner or wash a cloth one in hot water once a week and crack a window or open the door during a shower to help the bathroom dry out better. Source Link 

More social connections in real life can help you live a happier life. Joining a club can foster a sense of belonging and protect against loneliness and isolation. And socializing with colleagues outside of work can build friendships and make work time more productive with people whose company you enjoy in and out of the office. Source Link 

There are some ways to be frugal that can end up backfiring on you. Avoiding the cost of preventative care like dental checkups or oil changes can cause more-expensive problems later. Signing up for a store credit card for a one-time deal could leave you on the hook for high interest charges later and don’t lose track of free trials that become regular monthly bills. Source Link 

August 24, 2023

 People who’ve gone on a water fast claim it’s a great way to lose weight, but is it safe? Researchers say “yes” and they found that a water fast can trigger significant weight loss, but the benefits are often short-lived. For many people the weight returns within three months, unless they follow their water fast with a diet that restricts calories. Source Link_

Those photos of homes that we love to browse on Zillow, Redfin and are also popular with burglars who can use them to spot vulnerabilities and scope out security systems, so it’s best to get your home offline unless you’re selling. Real estate websites let you claim ownership and request that any home photos be taken down. Source Link_

Now that you're back to packing school lunches, why not make them healthier? Try using whole grain bread, lean meats and fresh lettuce and tomato in sandwiches. Pack raw vegetables with a low fat-low sugar dipping sauce and favorite fruits for snacks. And when kids buy lunch at school, remind them that hot dogs or mac and cheese should only be occasional meals. Source Link

August 23, 2023

 Here’s how to prepare your digital life for after you’re gone. Set up a password manager for all accounts and apps, share that master password with a trusted contact and designate a legacy contact for your Facebook page, or ask Facebook to delete your account after you die. Your next-of-kin can also memorialize your Instagram account after providing proof of death. Source Link_

Don’t be that passenger who makes things miserable for the airline flight crew. Don’t get up to use the bathroom during service and make a flight attendant move the cart for you. Don’t ask for water while passengers are still boarding and don’t hand off trash to the flight attendant who’s serving drinks or ask for a drink when they’re collecting garbage. Source Link_

When health care isn’t an urgent need, take time to explore all the options. Look for information from trusted sources like websites of medical organizations and have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what’s best for you. And remember there’s nothing wrong with getting a second or even third opinion about how to proceed with treatment. Source Link

August 22, 2023

This two-ingredient hack will let you run that load of dirty plates and cups when you’re out of dishwasher detergent. Put just a few drops of regular dish soap into the detergent slot and fill it the rest of the way with baking soda. It’s a natural gentle cleaning agent that can remove stuck-on food and help sanitize your dishes. Source Link

Doing more for others and enjoying time with friends may be a prescription for better aging. Research found that older people who participated in volunteer work and recreational activities were more likely to maintain excellent health and avoid serious physical, mental or emotional conditions that prevent daily activities. Source Link

If your child is struggling to keep up with schoolwork, there are some ways to help. Show them how to use a planner guide to work day-by-day to complete long-term projects. Provide a quiet study area away from phones, tablets or screens and enforce regular bedtimes with 30 minutes to unwind before sleep. Source Link

August 21, 2023

No one wants to sleep through a morning alarm and be late for work but there are some fixes for this. Create a morning routine with something you enjoy doing or wake up to natural light. Try an alarm app that makes you complete a task before it shuts off or put your phone or clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed to shut off the alarm. Source Link 

How can you get all the value from all those dollars you’re paying for gas? Use apps that let you price-shop before you head out to fill up and maintain correct tire pressure for the best fuel economy. Remove roof racks when you don’t need them, avoid jackrabbit starts or fast braking and skip the premium gas unless your owner’s manual says it’s a must. Source Link 

You don’t want to resist this kind of exercise that might help if you have trouble sleeping. A study found that lifting weights or using resistance bands was the best for helping people sleep better. The body’s process that builds muscle after a resistance workout may also trigger the brain to keep you asleep longer to get the job done. Source Link

August 18, 2023

When clutter is a constant problem, you can fight back by creating a refuge from all the refuse. Choose one spot like a kitchen counter, a dining room table, or a bathroom vanity to keep tidy and clear. Once this clutter-free zone takes hold, consider beautifying it with something like a small vase of flowers. Source Link 

Starting with a list can help you make the right choice about giving your child that new tech gadget. Write down the pros and cons – are they tech savvy and will make good use of features that can be educational, or will the device be little more than a digital pacifier? Then set up parental controls and draw up a contract with rules for use including time limits. Source Link 

You can fight back against high food prices by watching, clicking and stocking. Watch the sales and aim to buy most of your groceries when they are on sale. Click on coupon apps to use while you shop and start stocking-up on foods you regularly use, beginning with one item at a time. Source Link

August 17, 2023

Follow these tips to keep your laptop, tablet or phone battery in top shape. Don’t charge too much by leaving a device always plugged in, because staying in a range of 40 to 80 percent charged will prolong battery life. Likewise, don’t let your battery completely run out because that can limit its lifespan. And avoid cheap replacement cables and chargers that may not work as well and could even pose a fire hazard. Source Link 

Your eyesight seems fine, so why do you need an annual eye exam? Because glaucoma – the second leading cause of blindness – often has no symptoms and may not affect vision when it’s most treatable. Routine testing that measures eye pressure can provide an early warning for glaucoma. Source Link

Battling with a young picky eater can create tension but won’t do much to change the habit. In a study, toddlers who were choosy about food maintained a similar weight whether or not parents made an issue of it. Better to introduce a new food over time once a week in smaller portions and mix it with a fruit or vegetable that your child enjoys. Source Link

August 16, 2023

Heading to college with allergies requires some planning before you arrive on-campus. Contact the school’s health care service to see if they have an allergist and find out if local grasses and pollen might aggravate your allergy. And resist the urge to live in a mess because dust and mold in a dorm room can make allergy symptoms worse. Source Link_

Some staples found in many medicine chests or kitchen pantries can help you clean your carpet. Spray a spot with shaving cream and let it sit for 30 minutes to remove many common stains. Sprinkling a box of baking soda before vacuuming can freshen a carpet, and a spray mix of warm water and peppermint essential oil or extract can tackle stubborn pet odors. Source Link_

Setting new goals can help to keep you on-track for lifelong fitness. Identify an area that needs work, like cardio endurance or flexibility, and focus on that. You could master an activity that’s new to you, like running, swimming or cycling, or exercise for a good cause by signing-up for an event like a 5K run or a bike ride for charity. Source Link

August 15, 2023

 You can make space in your fridge by removing any of these foods. Tomatoes keep their best on the kitchen counter and coffee needs a cool and dry place for storage. Bread can be kept in the freezer but not the refrigerator and onions and potatoes don’t need to take up space in your crisper because any cool, dry storage place will do. Source Link

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer's website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link

Here’s a three-word mantra that can help when de-cluttering a house – best, favorite or necessary. When you have too many things you use, pick out the best ones and clear out the rest. You can also hang on to favorites and what’s necessary, as long as you don't save too many things. Source Link 

August 14, 2023

 Not everything in a thrift store is a smart buy. Do pick up cheap sweaters because you’ll save big on retail prices for something you might wear a few months of the year. Don’t buy shoes that may have stretched out to the former owner’s foot shape and could be uncomfortable. Bargain hunt for baby clothes but avoid used toys that may not conform to safety standards. Source Link 

To start a good conversation with someone new, avoid questions like, “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Instead, get them talking with an opener like, “What’s your story?” or “What makes you smile when you get up in the morning?” or “What’s the most important thing I should know about you?” The goal is to make the conversation about the other person. Source Link 

For better self-esteem, look for ways to build on your strengths instead of just fixing the weaknesses. Discover what skills make you feel best about yourself and find activities to stimulate that. If it’s critical thinking, go to lectures or take a class. Creatives can start a new project and or you can strengthen perseverance by taking on a new responsibility on a short timetable. Source Link

August 11, 2023

 You can make your Amazon shopping easier with some simple tips. Save search time by creating wish lists for yourself for items you want but won’t buy right away. Use the Amazon Assistant web browser extension to find deals. If all else fails, search with the words, “Gifts for…” and include the recipient, like “mother, wife, husband” or anyone else. Source Link 

When you’re trying to save something to memory, count to eight. Studies have shown that concentrating on something for eight seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Taking time to concentrate can help you remember what’s important. Source Link 

Can a downward dog help you get that high blood pressure down? Researchers found that people who added a 15-minute yoga session to aerobic exercise five days a week could drop their upper blood pressure number by as much as 10 points. Yoga was more effective than stretching exercises in reducing blood pressure. Source Link

August 10, 2023

 That next grocery shopping trip can be faster when you follow these tips. Take stock of what’s in your pantry and fridge and make a shopping list before you go, and pick up canned or frozen produce if you don’t eat the fresh kind fast enough. Don’t shop when you’re hungry and go it alone so that kids or your spouse don’t add more to the shopping cart. Source Link 

We love our shoes and have plenty of pairs, but how many do you really need to pack for vacation? The magic number is three. For example, a business trip may call for flats, heels and sneakers. Or you can visit with the family by packing a pair of sneakers, boots and dress shoes. Don’t pack more than three unless you have a specific need for multiple pairs. Source Link 

When you’re looking for a car that will go the extra mile – and then some – there are many that can easily hit the 200,000-mile mark. In a study, the top five were the Toyota Sequoia and Land Cruiser, followed by the Chevy Suburban, Toyota Tundra and GMC Yukon XL. But it’s not all big trucks or SUV’s because the number-six vehicle was the Toyota Prius hybrid sedan. Source Link

August 9, 2023

You might save yourself a call to the tech help desk with these easy fixes. Powering down a wireless mouse or keyboard that’s not working could solve a broken connection to your computer. You might speed up a slow computer by removing applications from Startup or getting rid of unnecessary browser extensions. And check to see if Caps Lock is on when that password you’re typing doesn’t match. Source Link

Get ready to be creeped out by what you’re carrying around on that smartphone. A study found that phones often have allergens, bacteria and fungi on the screens that we touch all day long. An alcohol wipe worked well to get rid of those bugs but cleaning your phone screen with a dry cloth didn’t make a dent in the dirt. Source Link 

You may not need a special brain training program to improve your memory because a century-old game might work just as well. In a study, people who completed crossword puzzles scored better in memory testing than those who used special apps or programs. The process of completing a crossword puzzle exercises the part of the brain connected with memory. Source Link


August 8, 2023

 If you've always got your mind on your money, give yourself a break by automating your budget. Experts say you can manage your money without the headaches by using direct deposit of your paycheck with automatic bill payments and automatic transfers to savings. And if you budget correctly what’s left is money you can spend any way you’d like. Source Link 

Remember these numbers when shopping for a new laptop. You need at least 8 gigabytes of memory to run multiple Windows programs at the same time and 16 gigs is your best bet. A 500 gigabyte hard drive is okay but 1 terabyte will serve your needs for years. And look for a quad core processor for faster performance. Source Link_

Creating a professional social media profile is different from your personal pages. Use the right blend of entertaining, educational and promotional content and remember that humor isn’t universal. Play nice with competitors and never get into an argument; be responsive, but not reactive. Give credit to sources and use just a few relevant hashtags in each post. Source Link_

August 7, 2023

 When you need time away from your phone, use these built-in settings to help you disconnect. On an iPhone, turn on the Screen Time setting, select apps and add Downtime periods for every day or a custom schedule. On an Android phone, you can do the same with Digital Well Being to set how much time you can spend in an app. Source Link 

How can you speed up your metabolism to burn more calories? Evenly-spaced meals let your body avoid the starvation mode that stockpiles calories and staying hydrated helps you burn more calories. Watch alcohol intake because it diverts the liver from burning fat and get enough sleep to regulate the hormones that affect hunger. Source Link 

A favorite household cleaner can also stop hard water stains in your dishwasher. Put a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe bowl on the top rack for each load to prevent stains. You can also use vinegar the same way with a cup in the top rack to clean an empty dishwasher while running a hot water cycle. Source Link

August 4, 2023

 Decluttering your home is as much about attitude as it is action. Do you keep something for fear of needing it later? You’ll have to find storage space, organize it and then remember where you put it, and organize that space again when it gets messy, and so on. Giving yourself permission to buy something again will help you get many unneeded things out of your home. Source Link 

The cold hard fact is that hardly any of your laundry needs a warm or hot water wash. Use cold water because every cycle wears out clothing a little bit and warm temperatures accelerate the damage. And you can avoid a big load of laundry by using your eyes and nose. If there aren’t visible stains or a noticeable odor, most clothing can be worn again. Source Link 

Using a store’s shopping app on your phone may be convenient but it ‘s often a back door for advertisers to get information about you. Many of the most popular apps share your personal data with third-party advertisers. The solution is to turn off permissions in those apps or make your purchase through the retailer's website with a browser instead of using the app. Source Link

August 3, 2023

 Identity theft isn’t something to worry about only when you’re online. A lost or stolen wallet can expose you, so limit what’s in there and never carry anything with your social security number. A mailbox with a lock can keep someone from stealing credit card offers or bank statements and shredding important papers before tossing them is an easy way to prevent identity theft. Source Link 

It’s a handy tool to get more open plugs but these items should never be connected through a power strip. Refrigerators and freezers pull lots of current and can overload a power strip and the same is true for hair appliances, toasters, slow cookers, air fryers and microwave ovens. And never use a power strip to plug in a space heater or an air conditioner. Source Link_

You can find your best camera angle for a selfie with some test snaps. Look into your phone and take a picture with the camera directly in front of your face, then above it and below it. Now turn your face to the right and use the same head-on, upper and lower angles, and then do the same facing left. Review these nine pictures to find your best angle. Source Link_

August 2, 2023

 That simple one-page resume isn’t the fast track to a job interview. You still need one but an online presence like a LinkedIn profile is more likely to attract employers. Keep it updated with specific examples of your success and don’t underestimate the value of recommendations and references that can showcase your soft skills. Source Link 

They all live up to the name, but your junk drawer can be more organized. Start by dumping it out, cleaning it and putting in a fresh liner. Use drawer dividers to organize bigger items and make space for small things by repurposing an egg carton to provide a dozen mini-containers for nails, screws and other tiny items. Source Link_

Here’s why a dishwasher can give everything a better cleaning than doing dishes by hand. Most dishwashers can boost the temperature of tap water up to 145 degrees to kill bacteria and germs. If you do dishes by hand and want to sanitize them after washing, soak for 10 minutes in one gallon of hot water with one tablespoon of chlorine bleach. Source Link_

August 1, 2023

 Don’t fall for a text scam when someone messages to say they have your number but not your name. Thieves can text millions of phone numbers in hopes of finding a few people who will provide their name. And once they have a name with a phone number, it’s easier to piece together other information to steal your identity. Source Link _

To make any cooking pan a non-stick one, just reach for something that may be in your kitchen drawer between the plastic wrap and aluminum foil. Putting down some parchment paper in a pan with a touch of cooking oil can provide that crispy grilled texture without scorching delicate skin-on proteins like fish. Source Link_

There’s a strategy to using a balance transfer credit card to get rid of higher-interest debt. Look for a card with no initial transfer fees and zero-percent interest and use transfer checks to pay down non-credit card debt. But don’t be tempted to use that new card for purchases just because it has zero interest. Source Link