July 31, 2019

How’s your food I.Q? An annual industry survey found that nearly eight in ten people suffer from food information overload and contradictory advice. About one-third follow a set eating pattern such as intermittent fasting and 16-percent use a low-carb diet like Keto or Paleo, but few have tried mindful eating to reduce overeating. Source Link 

If you really want to enjoy TV you need to #no live-tweeting. People who tweeted about a program while they were watching didn’t enjoy it as much as those who concentrated on just the show. Researchers say live-tweeting prevents a viewer from being transported into the story for full enjoyment. Source Link

It’s summertime and the listenin’ ain’t easy. Outdoor concerts, fireworks, noisy lawn equipment and even thunderstorms can take a toll on your hearing. At noisy events consider using special earplugs that minimize powerful sounds but still let you hear and don’t spend lots of time wearing earbuds with the volume cranked up. Source Link 

July 30, 2019

Vitamin-enhanced foods are probably too little or too much of a good thing. Foods can be enriched to replace nutrients lost during processing but it might not fully substitute for the real thing. And a vitamin-fortified food might give you too much if you already take a multivitamin or add a false sense of healthiness to what’s otherwise junk food. Source Link 

Don’t forget your four-legged family members when making an emergency plan for a natural disaster. You should stock at least one week's supply of food and fresh water for your pet along with any medication. Vaccination records and a photo of your pet should also be in your emergency kit in case they get lost or need medical treatment. Source Link 

Here’s why it’s not a good idea to cut music classes from a school budget. A study found that music education like playing in a school band or orchestra or singing in a choir for several years improved all-around academic achievement. Music training helped students develop eye-hand-mind coordination along with good listening abilities and better team skills. Source Link

July 29, 2019

You're not doing your feet any favors when you slip into flip-flops. The go-to summer footwear offers no heel or arch support and can even alter your natural stride and cause shin splints or stress fractures. Flip-flops are okay for the beach but look for a pair that offers some arch support and a cushioned sole. Source Link 

Here’s how to turn a night owl into a morning person. Make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet and go to bed two to three hours earlier and get up earlier. Eat breakfast right away, lunch at Noon and dinner before 7 pm and keep to that schedule seven days a week. In a study, people who did this reported better rest and less stress and depression. Source Link 

Buying online can often mean savings but some Internet purchases may have a downside. Furniture, mattresses and home appliances are all items that could be difficult to return and shoes, makeup and vintage clothing bought online may be a bad fit. And you’ll often get fresher flowers from a local store than you would from an online florist. Source Link

July 26, 2019

To make cars safer you may need to be voice-free as well as hands-free. Researchers say mental distractions can last as long as 27 seconds after drivers use voice-assisted technology to dial a number, change music or send a text message. Even a quick 2-second glance at your smartphone or vehicle infotainment system can double your risk for a crash. Source Link

There’s a kitchen gadget that’s a time and money saver and is good for your health. A vacuum sealer inhibits bacteria growth and can keep foods fresh for longer. You can also use a vacuum sealer to prepare your own meal kits by combining seasonings with individual portions of an entree that can go from the freezer to the oven or grill. Source Link 

The long weekend is a favorite getaway and there are ways to save on your mini-vacation. Book your rental car as far ahead as possible to get the best rates but consider waiting to find last-minute deals on unsold hotel rooms. The same strategy might also work with an Airbnb that still has an opening a few days before you plan to leave. Source Link 

July 25, 2019

Are you guilty of these bad driving habits that annoy others who share the road with you? Top complaints are about people who ride in the left lane instead of using it only for passing, not using headlights in rain or snow or sitting at a green light. And if you’re behind that driver who doesn’t go on green, be kind and give them to the count of three before using your horn. Source Link 

You can make it easier for your child to be ready for the arrival of a new brother or sister. With toddlers, you can read picture books about new babies but pre-schoolers need more involvement. Encourage them to help plan for the new baby, let them play with their old baby toys before they’re handed down and assure them they won’t be loved any less because of the new baby. Source Link 

Looking forward to retirement and not having to live by paycheck? You may want to think again. One way to stay on-budget during retirement is to draw a “paycheck” from your savings on a weekly or monthly basis. That’s how much money you’ll have to spend on necessities and extras during that period. Source Link 

July 24, 2019

When you’re getting ready to visit the doctor be sure to bring everything you need besides an insurance card. That includes a written list of any questions and copies of any online health research that you can discuss with your doctor. And consider bringing a friend or family member who can offer support, take notes and advocate for you. Source Link 

It’s a nightmare when a smartphone gets dropped in water but there’s a smart way to dry things out. If it fell in saltwater give your phone a quick rinse in clean water to prevent corrosion and then remove the cover and lay it down flat. Turn the phone off immediately and give it about 48 hours to dry out but don’t use a hairdryer or put it in a bowl of rice to speed things up. Source Link 

You can keep your dog happy when you’re at work by having an online chat. You can Skype your fur baby by giving the dog his own account and setting it to auto-answer on a home computer that’s left on. And if your dog stays outside you can use a pet GPS tracker to alert you if she should wander away. Source Link 

July 23, 2019

When you need drop some pounds quickly for that beach vacation or summer wedding you can lose water weight fast by cutting out all processed carbs in pasta, breads, fruit juices and snack foods. Another strategy is to eat one meal a day along with three protein-power shakes. Source Link 

Looking for a gift to give that can also be good for you? An activity tracker is a great choice for the gadget fan and people who exercise might like a new yoga mat, exercise ball or slip-resistant socks. And a juicer can help anyone create healthy breakfast. Source Link 

The best defense against mosquitoes is to keep them out and keep them off. Make sure any door or window screens with holes are patched and try using mosquito netting over a stroller to protect your baby. Spray bug repellant on your hands and then apply it to your face and when using sunscreen you should apply it before the repellant. Source Link 

July 22, 2019

Channeling your inner child might give you one of the best ways to exercise and fight the effects of aging. Jumping rope is a great aerobic workout that has other benefits. Perfecting the coordination needed to jump rope can train your mind and muscles to work together and that can lower your risk for slips and falls. Source Link 

Keeping your cool while driving can be easier with these A-C tips. For manual systems, set the temperature to the lowest level to avoid having to warm that cold air. If you have back seat passengers don’t use recirculating that keeps the cold air upfront and check your cabin air filter because a dirty one can block airflow. Source Link 

Personal safety at night takes a bit of vigilance and some common sense. If you walk your dog in the evening attach a pepper spray can to the leash and don’t use earbuds when walking alone at night. And if you suddenly notice someone following you call the police to send your location to them. Source Link 

July 19, 2019

Need a better strategy to quit smoking? Start with medications before you snuff out that last cigarette. Testing found that starting anti-smoking drugs four weeks in advance can increase the success rate. The extra time also helped people get in the right frame of mind to quit smoking. Source Link 

Want to take a walk that can improve your mood? Spend about 10 minutes walking through your office or in a store or down the street and mentally wish everyone well as you see them. A study found that people who did this reduced their own anxiety and increased happiness and feelings of social connection. Source Link 

That rental ride on your next vacation doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Booking your rental car early is one way to save money but don’t pre-pay because you might find a better deal later. Consider if you want to buy separate insurance and have an accident show up on your own policy and take photos of any scratches or damage that you find before you head out. Source Link 

July 18, 2019

If you have trouble remembering where to keep your fresh fruit and produce to make it last longer, try storing it like it grows. That means tropical fruits like bananas or mangoes can sit in room temperature on the kitchen counter. Apples, berries and other produce that’s grown in Northern climates need to be in the refrigerator. Source Link

People who join Facebook to keep up with their younger grandkids may find nothing to follow. In a recent survey, only one in three teenagers said they use Facebook and a majority spend more time with Instagram or Snapchat. The biggest draw for Generation Z is YouTube where nine out of ten teenagers visit at least once a week. Source Link 

Exercise shouldn’t put your health at risk and you can avoid injuries by making the right choices. If you have trouble with balance, swimming may be safer than running and arthritis sufferers should avoid high-impact exercise that can put more stress on joints. An exercise class instructor can help you modify movements to safeguard against injury. Source Link 

July 17, 2019

Need to downsize your diet without feeling the pain on your dinner plate? Some simple ways to cut 50 calories include swapping vanilla extract or cinnamon for sugar in your coffee or making that chicken or tuna salad with low-fat vinaigrette instead of mayo. Go easy on the barbeque sauce at the grill and use an oil spritzer when cooking with olive or sesame oil. Source Link 

Breast milk is teeming with bacteria and that’s a good thing. Researchers found that the bacteria from a mother’s milk can colonize an infant’s gut and strengthen the baby’s immune system. The benefits were seen with breast milk taken by nursing but not when it was pumped for later feeding. Source Link 

Your phone is low on power but resist the urge for a free public top-up. Charging stations in airports, coffee shops and even libraries can be infected with malware that gets into your phone through the power cord. A better solution is to carry an external battery and charge that at a public place and then use it to power your phone. Source Link 

July 16, 2019

All sitting is not equal when it comes to bad effects on your health. Researchers found that sitting in front of the TV after dinner for long hours at a stretch is especially unhealthy and could increase the risk of early death from a heart attack or stroke by 50 percent. People who sit at work usually get up and walk occasionally and don’t sit for such long periods. Source Link 

Even if you’ve reached your 40s or beyond and never exercised, today could be the first day of the rest of a healthy life. A study found that physically active middle-aged and older adults live longer even if they were inactive when they were younger. About two-and-a-half hours of moderate activity each week was enough to make the difference. Source Link 

It’s a less-cluttered connection but is that wireless charger sucking the life out of your smartphone battery? Wireless chargers create a great deal of heat and when phone batteries reach high temperatures they burn out faster. Be sure to align your phone carefully on a wireless charger to reduce the effects of the extra heat. Source Link 

July 15, 2019

We know about coffee, but what other foods can give you that natural pick-me-up? Experts say the sugar in apples, the spice of hot sauce and herbs like rosemary and peppermint offer a natural boost. On the other hand, you can head off to sleep faster with avocados, hummus, bananas, cherries, dark chocolate or red wine. Source Link 

Your computer isn’t the only home tech gear that can benefit from an occasional restart. A router reboot can refresh the WiFi connection with other devices and may even stop malware from connecting should it infect your computer. A router reboot once a month can be an easy bit of preventative maintenance for your home network. Source Link 

Do you know the old saying about not going to bed angry? The same may be true for a workout. A study found that vigorous physical exertion combined with anger could double or triple your risk for a heart attack. Just like a pre-workout warm-up you should take time for deep breathing or something else that’s calming before you begin exercising. Source Link 

July 12, 2019

It’s a fact -- plain water is better than sports drinks for your young athlete. Most children don't exercise hard enough to need a sports drink with extra salt and sugar that can put them at risk for weight gain and tooth decay. Some drinks also contain caffeine and other stimulants that aren’t good for kids. Source Link 

Don’t waste your grocery budget by storing fresh produce improperly. Broccoli goes in the fridge in a closed produce bag, as do carrots, eggplant and zucchini and store spinach in a closed produce bag lined with a paper towel. Tomatoes are stored on a counter and not in the fridge and onions should go in a cool, dark spot. Source Link 

It may be a simple prescription for longer life -- get out of that seat and move for 30 minutes a day. Researchers found that getting up for half an hour of light activity like walking when a person would usually be sitting reduced the risk of early death. Make that 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise and the benefits were doubled. Source Link 

July 11, 2019

When it comes to paying the tab during your vacation, you should be packing the plastic. A credit card can be frozen if lost or stolen and many cards include benefits like travel accident insurance and coverage for lost luggage or trip interruptions. Just be sure to pay off the balance completely when you’re back from your summer getaway. Source Link 

You don’t have to go all-vegan for health benefits because swapping just a few burgers for a bean dish or oatmeal with chopped nuts could mean a longer and healthier life. A long-term study found that people who ate more plant-based protein had less risk of early death. Eating more whole grains was also beneficial. Source Link 

It may not be just how long you sleep but how you lay in bed that makes a difference in recharging your brain. An animal study using MRIs found that brain waste was cleared most effectively when sleeping on one side rather than on the back or stomach. Side sleeping may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other brain-based diseases. Source Link 

July 10, 2019

You can make the most of house hunting when you go off the beaten path during an open house. Head for the basement to look for obvious signs of dampness or aging HVAC equipment or take a walk around the block to see what the neighborhood is like. And don’t be fooled by expert staging or distracted by the pleasant smell of fresh-baked cookies. Source Link 

Here are some things to remember if your dog will be joining you on a car vacation. Get them used to a harness or crate before you leave and just like kids they should always be strapped in and get a potty break every few hours. And bring along something familiar from home that will help ease any separation anxiety when they’re staying in a strange place. Source Link 

One of America’s biggest brick-and-mortar retailers is going head-to-head with Amazon for a two-day online sale next week. Target is planning its “Deal Days” on the same Prime Day sales days for Amazon on July 15th and 16th. Even eBay is getting in on the sales frenzy with a one day of online specials on the 15th. Source Link 

July 9, 2019

Be prepared to keep kids safe during your next visit to a pool or beach. Have towels and sunscreen nearby before your child enters the water so you won’t have to walk away to get them. And for children who don’t know how to swim, trade those floaties for a properly-fitted life vest. Source Link 

How much time in the great outdoors do you need to improve your health? Try two hours a week. A study found that people who spent two hours a week outdoors reported better physical health and mental well-being. Most people got their outdoor time within two miles of home so a trip to a local park might be just the thing. Source Link 

If you want that food truck meal or party plate to taste better, take a seat. Researchers found that people who ate while standing felt that the same foods didn't taste as good as eating when sitting. They think it’s because of your body’s vestibular sense that deals with balance and posture also works with your sense of taste. Source Link 

July 8, 2019

For older adults, weight training is more about building bones than bigger muscles. The body’s natural system of renewing bone mass slows down as we age and that can lead to osteoporosis. Resistance training with weights or bands stimulates the development of bone and uses more blood sugar, which can be a bonus for people with type 2 diabetes. Source Link 

What are the health benefits of owning a dog? We know that walking a dog is a good exercise but make sure you're doing it enough to benefit both you and your pooch. The unconditional love from a dog can also boost your emotional health and bringing a dog to work can reduce stress and help build better bonds between co-workers. Source Link 

If your weight loss plan doesn’t include a cup of Joe, maybe it should. New research found that drinking coffee stimulates the body's brown fat that generates heat and literally burns calories. The next step is determining what in coffee stimulates brown fat and if that can be replicated with something like a caffeine supplement. Source Link 

July 5, 2019

What could you do with an extra $1,500 a year? That’s how much food the typical family throws away but you can reduce that waste with simple steps like checking to see what you already have before you grocery shop and understanding that “sell by” dates don’t mean you can’t eat it later. And freeze and save leftovers that you don’t eat within a few days. Source Link 

Skin cancer is the most common type and you can stay on-guard by remembering your A-B-Cs and D-E-Fs. Look for a mole that’s asymmetrical, has a border with ragged edges, a color that's uneven, a diameter larger than a pencil eraser or is elevated or raised. If you see any of these in a monthly self-check then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. Source Link 

If you’d like to cut back on red meat but love your hamburgers there’s a growing alternative. A large Portobello mushroom cap has the shape of a beef patty and great texture and flavor when grilled. That shroom burger also has more nutrients, including copper, selenium and many B vitamins. Source Link 

July 3, 2019

Sleep experts say using your phone or tablet before bedtime is a no-no, but there’s an exception to that rule. You should do things that can ease you into sleep, and if an app on your phone or even clearing an email inbox is relaxing, you can make it be part of your pre-bedtime routine. Source Link

These classic first aid moves need some updating. Do pinch your nose but don’t tip your head back with a nosebleed because that lets the blood run down your throat. Skip the ice or butter and use cool water to treat a burn. And don’t rinse off a tooth that been knocked out. Put it in a cup of milk and take it to the dentist. Source Link 

Healthy aging can be easier if you add these things to your lifestyle. Eat more whole foods to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and add more fiber to your diet. Walk for 30 minutes a day and try Tai Chi to improve balance and ease stress. And stay connected to friends and family because loneliness is harmful to your health. Source Link 

July 2, 2019

Summertime means outdoor cookouts but be sure to have one indoor cooking tool near the grill. A meat thermometer is a must to ensure that hamburgers are fully cooked to 160 degrees. Cook poultry to 165 degrees and whole cuts of other meats and seafood should be fully cooked to 145 degrees. Source Link 

How can you put five minutes to good use to improve your mood? Try focused breathing or meditate by silently repeating a word or phrase. Five minutes of brisk movement can help too and you can recharge by unplugging all devices for five minutes and let your mind wander. Source Link 

If you’d rather not have your digital life harvested for sale by data brokers there are some steps to shut it down. Begin by making Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts private and then go to privacyrights.org to search for data brokers that allow you to remove your information from their service. Source Link 

July 1, 2019

An early start on some of the staples of an adult diet can grow a stronger body for kids. Researchers found that children as young as six months old can eat eggs without an increased risk of allergies. And kids who drank cow’s milk between the ages of 2 and 6 grew taller than those who drank other types of milk. Source Link 

What does a healthy smile have to do with avoiding Alzheimer’s disease? In a study, people who brushed their teeth twice a day had a lower risk of the gum disease gingivitis. The bacteria that causes gingivitis was found in the brains of people who suffered from Alzheimer’s and is believed to raise the odds for the disease. Source Link

When you’re looking to raise your credit score you should resist the urge to purge those old credit cards. Closing an unused credit card lowers your total available credit and that can hurt your rating. If you’re paying an annual fee you can ask about switching the card to a fee-free version. Source Link