February 29, 2024

 You don’t need an evening class or an online course to become a more valuable employee. Focus on improving communications with the careful crafting of emails and overall attention to detail. Get more organized by using to-do apps or keeping your work area cleaner. And be a team player by reaching out to co-workers to help them when you can. Source Link 

Giving yourself a break when weight loss gets hard may improve the odds that you reach your goal. Practice self-compassion and talk to yourself with the same encouragement you might offer to a friend or loved one. Self-compassion doesn’t let you off the hook completely because it works hand-in-hand with accountability to reach a weight loss goal. Source Link

It’s convenient, but putting that bill on autopay can cost you more than just the monthly tab. Not having to think about paying a bill every month makes it easier to forget what you’re paying for. One solution could be an autopay “cleanse” in which you shut off all autopay. Watch for bills to see what all of that is costing you and cancel what you don’t need before resuming autopay. Source Link

February 28, 2024

 Some simple hacks can help your health without a lot of effort. Improve your balance by standing on one foot when brushing your teeth and wash those bed linens once a week to get rid of bacteria and fungus that makes us sick. Use colored plates if you want to eat less white bread or rice and satisfy that sweet tooth with natural sugars in fruit instead of candy. Source Link 

How do you know which streaming services are right for you? Start by tracking your TV viewing for a week to see if you need things like news and sports or kids programming. Then look for services or bundles that can save money. If you don’t mind commercials, subscribe to lower- priced plans with ads, or use free ad-supported streaming services. Source Link 

To create a successful exercise routine, think about what you want from it. Maybe that’s being able to play more with your kids, go on a hike with friends, or reduce stress and improve sleep. Then use the “SMART” method to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and fit your time in order to build a long-term exercise habit. Source Link

February 27, 2024

 What’s the orange-colored produce that’s best for your eyes? Here’s a hint - it isn’t carrots. Studies show that eating oranges may greatly reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration that’s a common cause of blindness in older people. Researchers say the flavenoids you get from an orange a day can protect against eye disease. Source Link

You hear about health screenings for cancer or heart disease, but there's also a series of questions to gauge memory and brain function Even if you’re not experiencing problems, a memory screening may detect the potential for memory issues. The Alzheimer's Foundation of America offers free screenings by video on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Source Link

Here’s a ten-minute cleanup plan to get your house in shape when unexpected guests are on the way. Grab a box and relocate all clutter into a closet, and stash that bathroom mess in the tub or shower behind the curtain. Clean all flat surfaces and vacuum visible areas starting at the front door. And freshen the air by putting spices like cinnamon, allspice or cloves in a pot of water on medium heat. Source Link

February 26, 2024

 That old cell phone or unused tablet can help make your home safer. Turn it into a security camera with an app that records when something moves and stores images on the device or in the cloud. Set up outdoor motion lights that can catch a prowler in the act, and stop hiding keys under a rock by using a smart deadbolt that has a keypad or a phone app to unlock your door. Source Link 

Having a seat in the dentist’s chair could uncover more than problems with your smile. Nearly 100 diseases can show symptoms in the mouth, like severe gum disease that could be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes. Dentists who perform a blood pressure check can also find warning signs of hypertension that can lead to heart disease or stroke. Source Link 

There are some simple ways to get your child to take medicine. Give them choices, like taking a liquid dose in a dropper or a cup, or choosing water or juice to wash down a pill. Be consistent with medicine times and explain simply how the medicine helps them. And don’t hide medicine in food because if your child discovers this, it could lead to eating problems. Source Link

February 23, 2024

 The window in an oven door gets grimy, but there’s an easy way to clean it. Make a paste using baking soda and water and add a few drops of a grease-cutting dish detergent. Spread this on the glass and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then scrub with a non-abrasive sponge and wipe with paper towels or a microfiber cloth. Source Link

With voice cloning becoming easier, getting a fake call from a child or grandchild needing money for an emergency is a common scam, and you can fight back with one word. Create a unique family code word and ask for that if you get such a call. If they don’t say the word, hang up. You can make it even safer by using a common word but mispronouncing it as the code word. Source Link

We’ve all had times when you can’t fall asleep because your mind is racing. You might overcome this by listening to soothing sounds or a calming meditation on your phone. You can also try rhythmic breathing like the 4-7-8 exercise, with a four-second inhale, a seven-second hold and an eight-second exhale. Source Link

February 22, 2024

 A parking lot, a flight of stairs, a street corner and even your bathroom can be places for exercise. Try a combination of fast running and then walking 50 yards in a parking lot or take a flight of stairs two steps at a time. When waiting to cross the street, alternate standing on each leg for 10 seconds or add 10 reps of standing up from sitting on the toilet. Source Link 

It’s called a “baker’s week” and it might be the best choice for planning that next vacation. A seven-day getaway with an extra day at the end for traveling home can give you the feeling of a real break from a Monday thru Friday job. Booking a three-or-four-day trip may not be enough time to get into that relaxation groove. Source Link_

Let's see if your bedtime routines among America’s favorites. In a survey, 39 percent of people took a bath or shower before bed, 29 percent read, and one in five used meditation or deep breathing. About half ran a fan to help them nod off, 29 percent had blackout curtains, and one in five used weighted blankets, sleep masks, noise machines, apps or ear plugs. Source Link_

February 21, 2024

 Tackling a sink full of dirty dishes may be just the thing to boost your creativity. That’s because doing mundane tasks and simple chores like washing dishes can provide time for more deep thinking. The technique has some big proponents including billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos who have both said that they do the dishes at home. Source Link 

Spending more can actually save you money if it’s on the right things. Analyze your buying and look for items you use consistently and stock-up. Then focus on finding the best prices, whether that’s watching for sales, taking advantage of coupons or buying in bulk at a membership store. Source Link_

Some driving habits may be a silent sign of a sleep disorder. Always needing a window open for a blast of cold air, sipping coffee behind the wheel, or cranking up the tunes during morning drive could be efforts to make up for poor sleep or even sleep apnea. It’s estimated that one in five collisions on the road may be caused by fatigue or sleepiness. Source Link_

February 20, 2024

 For the most effective way to argue with your spouse or significant other, the eyes have it. Looking eye-to-eye provides the visual cues that add context to what you’re hearing and help avoid misunderstanding what’s being said. It’s only after you each get better at communicating face-to-face that you should consider debating by text message. Source Link 

Make laundry day easier on you and your clothes with a shortcut that’s built into many washers. The “express cycle” has a shorter wash time and a high-speed spin cycle for quicker drying. And that shorter wash cycle can lengthen the life of clothes because it means less time that items are rubbing together in the washer. Source Link_

Deep breathing may ease anxiety and it’s easier to do when you remember two shapes. Box breathing has you breathe in, hold, breathe out and hold again for four seconds in each step.. Triangle breathing does the same in three steps and visualizing a box or a triangle as you breathe can help set a good rhythm. Source Link_

February 19, 2024

 Amazon will help you recycle small consumer electronics for free instead of tossing them in the trash. Any brand of cellphone, e-reader, tablet, chargers, cables, keyboards, mice, and even video game consoles are on the list of accepted items. You provide a box and Amazon gives you a free shipping label for drop-off at any UPS Store. Source Link 

Cleaning your glasses isn’t something you should do with a shirt tail or sleeve. Cloth, paper towels, napkins, tissues and toilet paper can scratch lenses. Use a microfiber cloth, but skip the household glass cleaner and your hot breath which can damage lenses or make those smudges worse. Plain water or a lens cleaning spray will do the best job. Source Link 

Many people will agree that flying these days can bring you to tears, and it’s not just the stress of it all. The air pressure inside a plane at cruising altitude is similar to when you’re a mile or more above sea level. That reduces the oxygen in your blood and combined with the effects of dry air can heighten emotions and make it more likely you’ll cry during that sad in-flight movie. Source Link

February 16, 2024

 You can avoid home WiFi problems starting with your router. Update the firmware, create a strong WiFi password and change the router’s default administrator password. Turn off remote access, create a guest network to keep visitors and smart home devices away from your personal devices, and consider buying a new router if yours is more than three years old. Source Link 

Using an air fryer can save time and make meals with less oil, but is it an economical choice for cooking? The power bill to run an air fryer might be only half of what you’d pay for natural gas or electricity to cook the same dish. And there’s more savings because you don’t have to use energy to preheat an air fryer before cooking. Source Link 

Road rage is all too common and you can help yourself from becoming that person who’s always angry at other drivers. Don’t drive if you’re upset and keep the car comfortable with the right air temperature and some soothing music. And give other drivers some grace and the benefit of the doubt if you get cut off. Remember times when you’ve done the same thing without thinking. Source Link

February 15, 2024

 Why is chicken noodle soup a superfood for when you’re sick? The clear warm broth hydrates and can soothe a sore throat, and those noodles provide carbs to fuel your body. Chicken is high in protein, and carrots, celery and onions that are rich in vitamins and minerals can boost immunity and help with digestion. Source Link 

Here’s a simple three-step question with an answer that might help you save money. Before you buy something, ask yourself whether you "need it, love it, like it or want it." Purchase what you need and love, and skip the things you only like or want, because you’re probably just buying them for instant gratification. Source Link_

A will isn’t just for distributing physical assets because your digital life also needs to be dealt with after you’re gone. Create a list of all social media, email, cloud photo storage and other online accounts you use and include usernames and passwords. A password manager is an easy way to do this and you can give the manager’s master password to your digital executor. Source Link_

February 14, 2024

 How does shoveling snow increase the risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest? Shoveling is mostly arm work and that’s more taxing on the heart and many people hold their breath while lifting heavy snow, which raises your heart rate and blood pressure. When you’re shoveling snow, start gradually and pace yourself, cover your mouth and nose to warm the air you breathe and push or sweep snow rather than lifting and throwing it. Source Link_

You can raise kids who are smart about money by starting early. Point out prices on a menu or on sales receipts at the supermarket and explain the costs of living like paying for a house, a car, and utilities. And use that magic word “no” to teach budgeting and demonstrate the difference between wants and needs. Source Link 

It might seem at odds with common sense, but it’s better to brush your teeth before you eat first thing in the morning. That’s because the acid in foods can soften tooth enamel and you could damage that enamel by brushing too soon. If you want to eat before you brush, wait at least 30 minutes to do it. Source Link_

February 13, 2024

 Staying light on your feet could help keep your body in shape and your brain sharp as you age. Studies have shown that physical activity like dancing helps people remain independent as they age. Dancing requires balance, strength, endurance, concentration and memory for choreography and all of that can be good for mind and body. Source Link 

History can affect your homeowners insurance costs in several ways. The age of your home makes a difference, especially if you have things like original wiring or an older roof. A history of previous insurance claims could increase the premium. Your credit history may also be a factor, because those with a lower credit rating could be paying more for home insurance. Source Link_

There are lots of approaches to starting a conversation the right way. Begin with a simple icebreaker about the place or event you’re attending, or mention the weather. You can also ask a question to give the other person an opportunity to be helpful. Avoid any topic that’s offensive, controversial or uncomfortable and truly listen and express interest in what the other person is saying. Source Link_

February 12, 2024

 You’re buying home security cameras, but where should they go? Install cameras at your ground-level doors inside and out, high in the corner of a room and high up outdoors for the best look at any intruders. And don’t worry about hiding them because seeing a security camera could be a great deterrent for a thief. Source Link

There are ways to spot “shrinkflation” when food companies give you a little less but for the same price. Focus on cost per ounce or number of items in a package, like paper towel sheets. Don’t be fooled by labeling like, “new and improved” or “family-size” and be willing to shop for sales at other stores or switch to store brands to get the most from your grocery dollar. Source Link

If you’re a night owl, you may be prone to what researchers are calling “midnight mind.” The wee hours are when the brain is tuned for sleep and that makes it more difficult to manage behavioral problems like unhealthy eating, overthinking and obsession, risk-taking and even substance abuse that can happen when we’re up late. Source Link 

February 9, 2024

 You’ve decided to spend less time online and here’s how to begin the log off. Treat your internet use like intermittent fasting by going online only during set hours and not every day. If you’re doom scrolling, ask yourself if it makes you feel good or more angry or anxious. And use a free service like Pocket to save articles for later reading to free you up from having to see it right now. Source Link

There’s a lot you hear that’s not true, so let’s debunk some common myths about organ donation. You will not pay a fee to donate an organ and a doctor won’t fail to resuscitate a donor just to have an organ to harvest. And your lifespan won’t automatically be shorter because you’ve donated a kidney or part of your liver. Source Link

A simple shift in the way you look at your money might help you stop living from paycheck to paycheck. Make a savings account the first thing you fund instead of the last after all your bills are paid. Any use zero-based budgeting that allocates every dollar to savings, paying bills or for spending money. Source Link 

February 8, 2024

 Making fitness a habit takes some lifestyle changes. Decide what you’ll cut back on, like TV watching or scrolling online, to make the time to exercise. If you go to a gym or workout at home look at what time of day fits best for you. And find ways to add exercise to everyday life, such as walking with the whole family. Source Link

The old adage, “ask and you shall receive” can work when you want to lower some of your bills. In a study, three out of four credit card holders who requested a lower annual percentage rate got a reduction that averaged more than six percent. Phone plans, cable and internet costs and even medical charges are worth some haggling to get a discount on that bill. Source Link_

Here are a few simple hacks to get the most cleaning power from your dishwasher. Keep large pans and dishes away from the door because these can block detergent from dispensing. Spatulas and serving spoons go in the top rack where they’re less likely to fall down and block a spraying arm. And before starting a cycle, check the floor of the dishwasher for any fallen utensils or leftover food that might gum up the works. Source Link_

February 7, 2024

 Here’s a pop quiz - what’s the value of everything in your home? It’s a good idea to document your belongings room-by-room and your smartphone can make the job easier. Take a video of each room so you can see everything when making a list. It’s also good to have individual photos of big-ticket items like electronics. Source Link 

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on fiber-rich foods and cut back on processed items that can drive you to overeat. Plan smaller dinners to make it easier for your body to process food before bedtime, and eat bread last because starting with proteins and fiber-rich vegetables slows down the digestion process to help you feel full for longer. Source Link_

You can protect your child from an online invasion of privacy by scrubbing their photos from social media accounts. Start with your own and contact other people or groups who may have posted photos of them and ask that they delete the pictures. Do a Google search of their name to see what’s there and ask Facebook, Instagram or TikTok to remove any photos of children under age 13. Source Link_

February 6, 2024

 If you wait and wait to warm up your car before driving in cold weather, you’re wasting time and could be harming your vehicle. Pausing just 30 seconds before driving is all that today’s cars need. Idling longer wastes gas and puts extra fuel into the combustion chamber, which can get into your cylinder walls. Source Link 

It’s like acupuncture but employs your fingers instead of needles to help with emotional issues. Emotional Freedom Technique is a mind-body program that uses your fingertips to tap on key acupressure points to relieve anxiety or depression. To get started, look for a therapist that specializes in E.F.T. Source Link_

Training that helps you advance in the work world doesn’t have to be learning for a new job. Upskilling aims to expand and develop your current skills, and it’s important for many employers who see a skills gap in their workforce. Best of all, you can often get your employer to pay for upskilling classes. Source Link_

February 5, 2024

 Here’s how to create the only password you’ll ever need to remember. Write down four words – a color, a name but not yours, a place and a day of the week. Add some capital letters and one number and a special character. Practice remembering it once a day and make this your master password for a manager app that creates unique passwords for every account. Source Link 

Finding the right financial planner starts with determining what help you need. Is it specific to one area, like taxes, investments or retirement planning, or every aspect of your finances? Then interview them to ask about their typical client, their approach to helping clients, what technology they use, and how they earn money from the services they provide. Source Link 

Cleaning up after your dog does their business can be easier with these tips. Save those fast food cardboard French fry boxes because they make great disposable poop scoopers when you walk the dog. Or spread non-toxic squirrel repellent on the parts of your yard that you don’t want your dog to use as a bathroom. Source Link

February 2, 2024

The average American spends five hours a day looking down at their phone and that can cause tight muscles and serious pain known as “tech neck.” The condition may require medication, physical therapy, steroid injections, or even surgery in the worst cases. The solution is to hold your phone at eye level as much as possible. Source Link 

Doing your grocery shopping online could help you save money in several ways. It stops impulse buying in the store and lets you easily compare items from different brands. And you’ll have a better handle on what you’re spending because an online grocery cart keeps track of the total cost as you fill it. Source Link 

How you answer your phone could put you at-risk for being hacked. Because scammers can easily clone your voice with a phone recording, don’t say “hello” when answering. Better yet, don’t say anything and let the caller speak first. The best defense is to not answer calls from unknown numbers. If it’s important, they’ll leave an email. Source Link

February 1, 2024

 You’re drawing a blank while trying to remember something, so it’s time to do some real drawing. Studies have shown that making a drawing of an important thing can help you remember better. It doesn’t have to be a work of art because the process of drawing is what helps your brain lock in on the memory. Source Link

When you need an emotional pick-me-up, try these simple things to help boost your mood. Take a walk with a friend, spend time in nature, turn on your favorite tunes or do deep breathing exercises. Drinking a glass of water can also help, or take a warm bath to soak away the stress. Source Link_

These travel hacks can make it easier to wend your way through the friendly skies. Use the airline’s app to book quickly, get your boarding pass and see instant updates on gate changes or where to get your bags. Use a flight tracking app before you leave to see if your plane is stuck in a different city, and text your airline and flight number to your ride home so they can tap and track your progress. Source Link_