August 31, 2017

Can exposure to more germs make your child healthier? Some experts say the quest to sanitize our children’s lives may be leading to more allergies because without exposure to normal bacteria the body becomes hypersensitive. Aside from cold viruses, most homes don’t have germs that be a major health risk to children. Source Link 
You could ease jet lag on your next long-distance trip by watching your mealtimes and when you go outdoors. Not eating after Noon on the day of your flight and then eating at your destination's meal time can help reset your body clock. And exposing yourself to sunlight or avoiding it to match your destination's daylight hours might also help. Source Link
Are we less than two weeks away from the new iPhone? Reports say September 12th will be the day that Apple unveils their 10th anniversary smartphone and the name might be iPhone X for the Roman numeral 10. There’s no debate over what you’ll pay for the newest iPhone as most reports say the base model will have a price tag of $1,000. Source Link

August 30, 2017

There’s some new evidence to back up the old saying that it’s better to give than receive. A study showed that even small acts of generosity or just promising to be charitable triggered brain changes that make people happier. And it doesn’t take much because relatively small acts of giving triggered the same level of happiness as larger ones. Source Link
If you’re one of the millions of people who buy or sell items on Craigslist or Facebook there are ways to make the final face-to-face transaction smooth and safe. Experts suggest meeting in the parking lot of a police station or sheriff's department to exchange money. These locations are well lit and usually under video surveillance 24 hours a day. Source Link
Want to check out that YouTube explainer video but can’t have the sound up? Every YouTube video has automatic closed captioning that you can access by tapping the three dots icon in the corner of the screen. On desktop computers you can also see a full written transcript of the audio. Source Link

August 29, 2017

You can help your kids get a better start to the school year with more choice and more connection. Give children options in clothes to wear or what to eat for lunch and stay connected with their school life. Parents should also consider their own expectations and set realistic goals for their child’s grades and athletic success. Source Link
If you think your wife is bad with money -- true or not -- it will hurt your marriage. Conflicts over spending were the top financial complaint among couples regardless of annual income. Experts say the solution may be professional help, whether that’s a financial planner or couples counseling. Source Link
Is the binge TV hangover a real thing? A study found that young adults who watched multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting had worse quality sleep, even if they slept enough hours. Researchers think being immersed in one program for hours on end makes it harder for the brain to slow down and that affects the quality of sleep. Source Link

August 28, 2017

The time to start preparing your house for sale is long before you plan to list it. That’s the takeaway from a new survey of home sellers who said their number-one regret was not giving themselves more time to get their home ready for sale. Likewise, they also wished they had more time to find a new home. Source Link
Need a good reason to avoid doing personal business online while at work? Experts say most employers track every website you visit and could even record every keystroke from a work computer. The good news is that these tracking files are seldom reviewed unless there’s a security issue or a problem with worker productivity. Source Link
If you’re tired of seeing drug commercials that go on and on and on about possible side effects, the FDA is considering a new approach that would trim those lists to feature only the most serious and potentially fatal side effects. Proponents say many people tune out when hearing a laundry list of side effects and viewers would be better served by asking their doctor.  Source Link

August 25, 2017

Want an effective exercise that won’t make you break a sweat? Studies have shown that Tai Chi may improve fitness of the heart and lungs and could be as effective as jogging to help lower the risk of death. Experts say the slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi work on the sympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones that can take a physical toll on our bodies. Source Link

When it comes to reading a person’s face, there’s no advantage for either sex. Contrary to popular belief, a study found that women weren’t better than men at reading facial expressions that help you quickly determine whether a person is trustworthy, competent, attractive, warm, or caring. Source Link

Could a glass of water a day keep the pounds away? Researchers found that people who drank one glass of water each day instead of a beer or a sugar-sweetened soda lowered their risk of obesity by up to 20 percent. The study showed no benefit from drinking water instead of milk, coffee, juice or diet soda. Source Link

August 24, 2017

Staying fit might take only 10 minutes of exercise, but it won’t be easy. Testing showed that interval training with 10 one-minute bursts of high intensity exercise followed by 90 seconds of rest could provide a full day’s workout. The key is to hit 90 percent of your maximum heart rate during each minute of exercise. Source Link
What food can you put on your plate that will help put a better smile on your face? Think about the basic nutrients that can build stronger teeth, like calcium in dairy products and eggs, and fish, meat and poultry that are rich in phosphorus. Vitamin C can come from citrus fruits, and sweet potatoes, leafy greens and fish are good sources of vitamin A. Source Link
There’s evidence that being healthy and obese still includes some serious risks. Researchers found that healthy obese people had 50 percent higher chance of heart disease than normal-weight people. Healthy obese means you’re extremely overweight but don’t have metabolic disorder that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. Source Link

August 23, 2017

They’re some of the coolest features in a new car, but those touch screen and hands-free systems may also increase the risk of an accident. A AAA study found that the more sophisticated the task was the more likely it could distract a driver. Their best advice is to make all settings before you take the car out of Park and don’t answer texts or post to social media when you’re behind the wheel. Source Link
Make sure the “eyes” have it when you’re packing for that next trip. Many people aren’t prepared if their contact lenses are lost or can’t be worn while you’re away from home. Be sure to bring eyeglasses and extra contacts with you and don’t assume that a foreign destination will have water that can be used for cleaning contacts. Source Link
Emojis may be fun in texts and social media but they could be real trouble on the job. A study found that work emails including a smiley face made people think the sender was less competent. Researchers say smiley face emojis didn’t increase the odds for an email reply or convey the same feelings as a real smile. Source Link

August 22, 2017

According to a nationwide employee survey, most of us are on a four-day work week. The average worker said they spend nearly eight hours a week off the clock managing personal tasks, checking personal email or surfing social networks. More than half use their own phone instead of a company computer to avoid blocks on sites like Facebook and YouTube. Source Link
Sleep disorders during pregnancy aren’t just hard on moms-to-be. A study found that having sleep apnea or insomnia more than doubles the risk of pre-term birth. Experts say sleep disorders can be treated without medications and more pregnant women should be screened for them. Source Link
Does the price tag on that bottle of wine tell your brain how it tastes? Researchers used the same wine in a test and MRI scans showed that those who were told it was an expensive vintage had more triggers in the brain’s pleasure receptors than those who thought the wine was bargain-priced. Source Link

August 21, 2017

How can you safely observe the solar eclipse without looking up in the sky? Make a small hole in a piece of cardboard and aim the hole at the sun. Then hold a sheet of white paper under the hole and you'll see the light coming through the hole begin to change shape during the eclipse as the moon passes between the earth and the sun. Source Link
If you want payback after being harassed by sales calls offering you a free cruise vacation, your ship may have come in. A lawsuit settlement offers up to $900 to people who were spammed by Carnival, Royal Caribbean, or Norwegian Cruise Line between 2009 and 2014. To see if your phone number is eligible, go to Source Link
You can be successful when you’re the only one in your family on a diet. If you’re the cook, make healthy lower-calorie meals without announcing it.  If you have snack foods in the house, pick ones that you don’t crave and try reducing everyone’s mindless eating with a rule that all snacks will be eaten in the kitchen. Source Link

August 18, 2017

Your taste buds might be fooled by artificial sweeteners, but is it your brain tricked too? Researchers looking into a possible connection between artificial sweeteners and diabetes say foods that are artificially sweetened may cause the brain to register that fewer calories have been consumed and that can keep your appetite strong so you eat more. Source Link

Loneliness could be the biggest public health threat facing Americans today. Studies show that one in four people live alone and 42 million Americans over age 45 may suffer from chronic loneliness. There’s strong evidence that social isolation and loneliness increase the risk of early death more than many other factors. Source Link
The man who created the rules for strong passwords is now saying, “Never mind.” The guidelines written in 2003 called for passwords with odd combinations of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. So what’s a good password? Try using four words together that have no relation to each other but are easy to remember. Source Link

August 17, 2017

Talking to yourself may calm you down if you phrase the mental conversation in a different way. People who spoke to themselves in the third person substituting their name for the word “I” gained a bit of psychological distance from their experience and researchers say that can help the brain regulate emotions. Source Link
Falls are the leading cause of death for people over 65 and you can help prevent a fall by picking the right shoes. Look for a shoe that doesn’t twist in the middle when you press on it and wear the socks you normally would while shoe shopping. And measure your feet every time you buy shoes because sizes can change even for adults. Source Link
You learn first aid to save a person, so why not do the same for your pets? Now you can with a new Red Cross cat and dog first aid training course. The $25 course is available online and there’s also a free Pet First Aid app with information on allergic reactions, bleeding, burns, choking, overheating, and more. Source Link

August 16, 2017

If you’d like to help analyze the effects of the upcoming solar eclipse, there’s an app for that. The free iNaturalist app is part of a project that asks the public to record their observations of a plant or animal during the eclipse on August 21st. Studies have shown that plant and animal life can react to the environmental changes that occur during a solar eclipse. Source Link
Do you have leftover prescription painkillers in your medicine chest? You’re not alone. Surveys show two out of three people keep unused drugs that are prescribed for pain relief after surgery. Experts say doctors need to give smaller prescriptions to limit the supply of drugs like Oxycontin or Percocet that can fall into the wrong hands and help to fuel the nation’s opioid epidemic. Source Link
You can have a hand in stopping your emotional eating. That’s when someone eats to relieve stress, anxiety or boredom. When you feel like eating, try doing something with your hands like a crossword puzzle or knitting to preoccupy yourself until the urge passes. Finding ways to manage your underlying stress and anxiety will help, too. Source Link

August 15, 2017

Pucker up and don't deny yourself the power of a goodbye kiss. Researchers found that men and women who shared a kiss each day before leaving for work were half as likely to be in a car accident and also lived longer. Scientists think that goodbye kiss helps you to start the day with a positive attitude and that leads to a healthier lifestyle. Source Link 

Getting your protein at every meal may be the recipe to keep us stronger as we age. Seniors who ate protein-rich meals throughout the day lost less muscle mass over time. A good rule of thumb would be to eat an ounce protein per day for every 50 pounds of our weight. Source Link 

Tired of straining to hear music from the speaker on your iPhone? Here’s how to pump it up. While you’re listening to music, go to Settings and Music and EQ and select “Late Night.” This setting turns on equalization that makes loud parts a bit quieter and quiet parts louder and helps when you’re listening in a noisy place. Source Link

August 14, 2017

You want to stop wasting time mindlessly scrolling through apps on your smartphone, but how?  Experts say you can turn off alerts that prompt you to pick up your phone and leave it somewhere out of sight. Set the countdown timer to trigger an alarm after a few minutes of use and move those favorite time-wasting apps off the home screen. Source Link
A good night’s sleep might keep your waistline slimmer and your heart healthier. A study found that people who got more sleep each night had smaller waistlines and higher levels of HDL cholesterol that protects against heart disease. It’s believed that poor sleep can cause people to crave high-fat and high-sugar foods and that can add more inches to your waistline. Source Link
If your baby is a picky eater, it might just be his personality. Research has shown that some babies naturally withdraw from things like new foods. The solution is for you and caregivers to keep trying, because it could take 8 to 12 times to overcome that tendency and help to avoid having a grown child who’s picky about food. Source Link

August 11, 2017

Eating vegetables now while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding may help your child enjoy them later. Infants who had veggie-flavored breast-milk were less likely to turn down a similar taste in solid food. Mothers who don't breastfeed can still help by offering a variety of foods as early as possible, so kids can experience different flavors and textures. Source Link
There are easy ways to get the most mileage in airline travel rewards. Sign-up for every airline’s program to get credit for any trip and look for alliances with credit cards, hotels and travel partners that can add more points. And don’t cash in too soon, because many programs offer bigger rewards for those who use more points per transaction. Source Link
Being thankful ahead of time beats clever when it comes to ending that email. A study found that emails with a closing of “Thanks in advance” got the most responses. You can also use “Thanks” or “Thank you” for similar success, but avoid closings like “Best” or “Regards” that can seem too stiff. Source Link

August 10, 2017

Those junk phone calls we all get may be hitting closer to home. New technology being used with robocalling can make the phone number look like it’s from your local exchange so people are more likely to pick up. Experts say the best defense is to avoid answering any call from an unfamiliar number even if it looks to be local. Source Link
If you feel like a slacker during your workout you may not get the most from it. In fact, researchers found that people who thought they were less active during exercise had a greater chance of dying younger. The findings suggest that the health perks of a workout may come from how you feel along with how much you’re exercising. Source Link
Being a smart shopper when it comes to paying for health care seems like a good idea but it doesn’t pan out in real life. A survey found that only 3 percent of people did comparison shopping. Many plans now have higher deductibles to encourage people to shop for the most affordable health care. Source Link

August 9, 2017

There’s more evidence that owning a dog is good for your health. A new study found that older dog owners were more active in winter when people are the most sedentary. Researchers say the findings support the belief that dog ownership can help people stay active throughout life. Source Link
Getting your kids ready for the new school year should include opening wide for the dentist. A back-to-school dental checkup can uncover cavities and other issues that could cause pain and might even affect their performance in the classroom. Dental disease causes kids to miss more than 51 million school hours each year. Source Link
Don’t be too quick to ditch those old Pyrex dishes you inherited from your mother or grandmother. The durable post-war glassware is becoming a collectors item with some pieces fetching thousands of dollars. Experts say the colorful designs help to date the items and collectors are looking for different pieces from each decade. Source Link

August 8, 2017

Don’t drink a sweet tea or a sugary soda as part of your high-protein meal after a workout. A study found that combining sugar-sweetened drinks with high-protein foods can lead the body to store more fat. It also made people eat more salty foods and that can boost your daily sodium intake beyond recommended levels. Source Link
If a backpack is on your back-to-school shopping list, here’s how to pick the right one to fit your child. Make sure it doesn’t hang more than four inches below their waistline and has padded straps that are both used. And don’t overload it -- the full backpack should not weigh more than 10 percent of a child’s body weight. Source Link
Some of the most popular smartphones have a flaw in their WiFi hardware that can allow a hacker to take over the phone without you knowing it. Models from Apple, Samsung, HTC and LG could fall victim to an attack. The good news? The problem can be fixed if you’ve downloaded the latest iOS update or the Android July security update. Source Link

August 7, 2017

Kicking the habit means more than quitting smoking. You need to look at why you light-up. If it's to relieve stress, try exercise, meditation, or relaxation techniques. If having a drink makes you want to smoke, switch to non-alcoholic beverages and socialize in places where smoking is prohibited. And take work breaks with non-smokers or simply take a walk instead. Source Link
Vaccines aren’t just for younger children. A survey of parents found that one-in-three didn’t know when their teenager’s next vaccine was due and incorrectly believed that their doctor would contact them about it. Booster shots of the meningitis vaccine and the HPV vaccine are among those that teenage boys and girls should get. Source Link
Should you buy or lease your next car? If you drive a lot of miles annually or want to modify your car or keep it for many years then leasing probably isn’t for you. Buying is a better long-term deal but leasing helps you afford more car now. Just remember to keep your car costs including insurance to under 10 percent of your gross income per month. Source Link

August 4, 2017

If you worry about your kids getting too much screen time, here are some ways to make it more productive. Encourage them to create by composing a song or making an ebook or producing a podcast. Let kids plan and prepare a family meal using recipes they find online or have them research the itinerary for a family vacation. Source Link
Need an energy boost on the job? Instead of reaching for caffeine, try walking up the stairs. A study found that easy stair walking provided a better pick-me-up than the caffeine in a can of soda. Researchers say stair walking is something that most people can do on a break during their workday. Source Link
What’s in your head space and in your ears can help you get better sleep. Experts say meditation using a mobile app can help ease you into sleep and get you back to sleep if you wake up overnight. And research has shown that listening to nature sounds can trigger a relaxation response in the brain to help you get to sleep. Source Link

August 3, 2017

Need a strategy to avoid overeating at the buffet? Start by sitting where you can’t see the food and before you leave your table, pick just 5 to 7 items that you want. And resist the thought of having to get your money's worth and going back for more even after you're full. Source Link
You can take advantage of back-to-school sales even if you don’t have kids returning to classes. Now is a good time to buy a coffeemaker or other small appliances that are used in dorm rooms. Cleaning supplies and luggage are often on sale now, and this is the best time of the year to get great buys on computers. Source Link
Millennials are buying houses for their families of the four-legged variety. One out of three surveyed said they bought their first home in part because they needed room for a dog. Of those who aren’t homeowners, nearly half say finding more space for a pet would be an important factor in their decision to buy a home. Source Link

August 2, 2017

If you want the latest iPhone in your purse or pocket you may need to clean out your wallet. Reports say the average price of an iPhone 8 could be well above $1,000. The tricked-out 10th anniversary edition of the world’s most popular smartphone is expected to go on sale next month with a starting price of $999. The iPhone 8 Plus could be priced at over $1,200. Source Link
What can you do when the pleasure of eating ice cream brings on the pain of a brain freeze? Try pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth to warm the spot where nerves can trigger that icy pain. You can avoid brain freeze my eating cold foods toward the front of your mouth and by eating more slowly. Source Link
You may not want to try tailgating in the break room, but this twist on a business basic lets you take your cookout almost anywhere. The Barbeque Briefcase is made of metal and opens to reveal a grill big enough to cook a meal for two. The charcoal-fired portable cooker is priced at $70. Source Link

August 1, 2017

You can be part of NASA’s citizen science team documenting the solar eclipse taking place later this month. The space agency has unveiled a smartphone app that lets you report changes in clouds and temperature during the solar eclipse on August 21st. The free Globe Observer app is available for iOS and Android devices. Source Link
How can you make the most of your child’s annual visit to the doctor before school begins? Talk with your pediatrician about safety for your child on the playground, in sports and in the cafeteria, especially if they have allergies. And ask any caregivers who spend lots of time with your child if they have questions or concerns that you should bring up. Source Link
Size matters to people who have buyer’s remorse after signing the mortgage for a new home. A survey found that picking the wrong size of house is the number-one regret for home buyers. About 10 percent said their new home was too big and one-in-three felt that they bought a house that was too small. Source Link