August 31, 2016

If you like to browse your smartphone or tablet while in bed at night, be sure to get lots of sunlight during the day. Researchers found that people who had plenty of exposure to daylight were less likely to have their sleep disturbed by those glowing screens. The light from smartphone and tablet screens can confuse your internal time clock and make it harder to fall asleep. Source Link
Kids who are very successful in high school and college may be more likely to move away after graduation. A long-term study found that high-performing students often moved to areas with more college graduates. It could help explain the “brain drain” that happens when successful students move from their hometown to start a career elsewhere. Source Link
The best time to tackle those unpleasant but necessary tasks is when you’re in a good mood. A study found that people who were feeling good were more likely to do things like housecleaning or paying the bills. When people were feeling down, they chose something more enjoyable like reading a novel. Source Link

August 30, 2016

Is being the breadwinner in the family bad for a man’s health? A study found that younger men who earned the lion’s share of the family income were less happy and less healthy than guys who didn’t. For women, carrying a heavier financial load had the opposite effect because as they earned more their psychological well-being rose. Source Link
If you’d like to lose weight, you might want to find some slim friends. Researchers found that people who wanted to lose weight often associated with people who were also carrying extra pounds. But when they spent more time with thinner people they were more successful at losing weight. Source Link
Sony is letting its gaming fans turn their PCs into Playstations. The PS Now online service will work with Windows computers to let you enjoy Playstation 3 games without a Playstation console. The service is priced at $19.99 a month and requires at least a Windows 7 computer and the purchase of a Sony gamepad controller. Source Link

August 29, 2016

Kids should head to school with a backpack that isn’t a pain in the neck. Experts suggest a lightweight backpack with wide, padded shoulders and two shoulder straps, a padded back and a waist strap. Use both straps adjusted tightly so the backpack is held two inches above the waist and be sure the loaded weight is no more than 20 percent of the child’s weight. Source Link 

Those business meals are bad for your heart. A study found that working lunches and dinners are often heavy on red meats, sweet drinks, processed snacks and alcohol. Researchers say the combination of unhealthy meals and a busy schedule contributes to heart disease that’s the world’s number-one killer. Source Link
Two years ago it was the Ice Bucket Challenge to fight ALS and now you can drop and give us 22 to raise awareness about troubled veterans. The 22 Push-Up Challenge has you upload a video doing the exercises. Organizers say 22 veterans commit suicide each day and they hope to record at least 22 million push-ups on the videos. Source Link

August 26, 2016

If you use a computer screen at work, it’s likely you have some symptoms of computer vision syndrome that can cause blurred or double vision and burning, itching, dry and red eyes. You can help by placing your monitor just below your line of sight, keep room lighting dimmer than the screen and every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. Source Link
The push to clean your plate can lead to overeating and it might start even before we’re taking solid food. Researchers found that feeding babies formula from a big bottle might put them at higher risk for greater-than-normal weight gain. Bottle-fed infants might be be overfed if the parent pushes the child to finish the bottle. Source Link
If you’re just eating yogurt, you’re missing out on many ways to use it outside of a meal. Experts say yogurt can be used to relieve a sunburn, polish tarnished brass and can add a sheen to your dog’s coat of hair. Back in the kitchen, it’s also a healthy substitute for butter, cooking oil and eggs. Source Link

August 25, 2016

The most important back-to-school item for your child could be a pair of eyeglasses. Vision problems often go undetected and parents should look for the signs such as squinting, turning or tilting the head when looking at something, seeing with one eye closed, or changing body position to see. Experts say annual vision screening is a must. Source Link
Is the end of summer a time when more people end a marriage? New research showed that Americans are more likely to file for divorce after winter and summer holidays. Experts say holidays can be stressful and emotionally charged and when they don't meet expectations, troubled couples may file for divorce. Source Link
Hailing a cab that has no driver is one step closer to reality. Uber is taking to the streets of Pittsburgh to test the use of self-driving cars for customers who choose to join in the trial program. The cars will still have a driver in the vehicle as a backup in case the automatic system fails. Source Link

August 24, 2016

Having close friends can help you live a longer life, but family ties are even stronger. A study found that older adults who weren’t close with family other than spouses had twice the risk of dying within the next five years. Researchers say the factors that lead to longer life also include participating in social organizations and feeling close to a confidant. Source Link
What foods are good for healthy snacking? Experts say popcorn, pistachio nuts and hard-boiled eggs can beat those hunger pangs without all the fat and calories. And you don’t have to eat to beat mid-morning hunger because drinking coffee has been shown to lower the levels of appetite-fueling hormones. Source Link
Your smartphone can wait in line for you to get a table at the restaurant. The review site Yelp is partnering with the NoWait online reservation service to let you put your name down for a table from anywhere and receive a text when the table is ready. The service will be available at 4,000 restaurants nationwide. Source Link

August 23, 2016

Being overweight could make your brain age faster than you. A study found that people who were overweight or obese during middle age had much less of the white matter that helps different areas of the brain communicate with each other.  Researchers say this made the brains seem to be up to 10 years older than the person. Source Link

Be sure you have the right safety headgear when heading out for fun on wheels. Experts say it’s important to get the proper fit for a bike helmet and to wear it level on your head. And skateboarders should be wearing a larger helmet that gives your head more protection than a bike helmet. Source Link
Stopping those debt collection robocalls for federal student loans is now as easy as counting to three. New rules limit bill collectors to three calls per month and you can request that you not be called at all. The rules apply to collection efforts for federal student loans but not private loans. Source Link

August 22, 2016

Adjusting bedtimes, mealtimes and putting those gadgets to rest earlier can help your kids cope with an earlier school schedule. Experts say now is the time to scale back those late nights and don’t plan late dinners that might affect sleep. And try to avoid bright light from glowing screens late in the evening because that can make it harder to fall asleep. Source Link
Driverless cars could go from novelty to reality within five years. Ford says it will sell their first driverless cars in 2021. The models would have no steering wheel or gas pedal and could be part of a plan to create a fleet of cars for ride services or deliveries. Source Link
Believe it or not, there is a correct way to hold a cup of coffee to avoid spilling it. Researchers found that holding the cup from the top with your fingers makes it less likely that your grande will come splashing out. They say the typical mid-cup grip creates more movement inside the cup and that can lead to more spilled coffee. Source Link

August 19, 2016

Avoiding extra sugar in your diet isn’t as simple as skipping the sweets aisle in the grocery store. Experts say you need to watch for snacks such as chips and pretzels rich in carbohydrates that can become sugar as they break down. Look out for added sugars in food and choose natural sources of sweetness like you’ll find in whole fruits. Source Link
Classic fun is a great way to help your preschooler be active and creative while limiting their screen time. Experts suggest old favorites like Limbo, Duck, Duck, Goose, Simon Says, Follow The Leader or a game of tag. And you can head out for a nature walk to explore a nearby park and talk about the sights and sounds. Source Link
Could an apple a day help your baby some way?  Researchers found that mothers who consumed more fruit during pregnancy gave birth to children who performed better on developmental testing at age one. When pregnant mothers ate six or seven servings of fruit or fruit juice a day, their infants placed six or seven points higher on the IQ scale. Source Link

August 18, 2016

A bounce house may seem like the perfect part of a kid’s summer party, but be sure they can take the heat. Researchers found that the temperature inside a bounce house in hot weather could run higher much like in a closed car. That combined with heavy exercise from jumping could lead to serious heat-related illness for kids. Source Link
Is it a stretch to say that yoga can reduce stress -- and maybe even your waistline? A study found that women who took an 8-week yoga class reported lower levels of stress and more positive emotions. The women also experienced lower waist size and more flexibility. Source Link
The makers of a new three-wheeled car that can get 84 miles to the gallon and costs $7,000 are ready to take orders. Elio Motors says the first 65,000 customers who agree to buy the two-seater car will get the inaugural base price. But there are no second thoughts after you sign up because buyers are contractually bound to purchase the car. Source Link

August 17, 2016

Even parents are surprised at what they pay for child care. A survey found that a majority of American households spend 10 percent of their income on child care and 20 percent of families spend a quarter of their income. Full-time childcare for a 4-year-old is more expensive than in-state public college tuition in 23 states. Source Link
You’ve heard of the body’s internal time clock that sets your sleep and wake-up schedule, but there’s also an internal hourglass that determines how long your day should be. Scientists say it’s that function of the brain that leads to fatigue when we go too long without sleep and you can’t reset it by simply sleeping longer the next day. Source Link
That first day of school can be tough for many parents including those sending a child off to college. Experts say parents should avoid focusing on the departure and talk about financial budgeting for college life and make plans on how to stay in touch. That could be a scheduled call or random messages or texts, but don’t always expect your child to immediately answer. Source Link

August 16, 2016

Lack of sleep might be as big a risk for traffic accidents as drunk driving. Drowsy driving is linked to 20 percent of all road fatalities and half of accidents involving teens and young adults. Experts say public attitudes about driving without enough sleep need to change just as they did for drunk driving and using seat belts. Source Link
A baby might have a gut reaction to the food that Mom eats during pregnancy. Researchers found  that women with higher fat intake had babies with a makeup of gut bacteria that could affect immune system development and how they get energy from food. Health experts recommend that pregnant women limit fat to less than 30-percent of their diet. Source Link
Can you live a longer life by hitting the books? A 12-year study found that people who read books for as little as a half-hour a day lived longer. Newspaper and magazine readers saw less benefit and online reading didn’t help. Experts say reading can be beneficial for mood and sleep and could help delay memory issues. Source Link

August 15, 2016

The FDA has pulled the plug on e-cigarette sales to minors. It’s now illegal to sell e-cigarettes or any tobacco product to anyone under 18 and manufacturers are not allowed to promote e-cigarettes as a healthy alternative to smoking. Surveys show 70-percent of users continue to smoke tobacco cigarettes and may be using e-cigarettes to avoid no-smoking laws. Source Link
Meat lovers may have less time to enjoy those steaks and burgers. A study found that people who ate more red meat and processed red meat had a higher risk of early death than those who got their protein mainly from plant sources. It’s not all bad news for meat eaters because chicken didn’t have the same connection to early death. Source Link
When it comes to the online habits of teens, social media could be a problem but gaming might be good for them. Researchers found that students who played online games daily scored higher in math and science testing. Those who chatted online or used Facebook every day had lower test scores in math. Source Link

August 12, 2016

If your plans for the weekend have you planted on the couch, here’s some food for thought. A study found that lazy weekends are worse for your weight than sitting on the job all week. You don’t have to give up all your couch potato time -- an extra 20 minutes of activity helped people lose two pounds a year. Source Link
Experts have some tips on how to get a better start to your day. Begin by skipping the snooze button and setting your alarm for the actual time you need to get up. Move your exercise routine to the morning and sit down to breakfast for a better morning meal. And look for ways to be more active on the way to work, like biking, walking or parking further away. Source Link
Does a man’s deep voice draw the ladies? Maybe not.  A study found that those dulcet tones had more of an effect on other men than women. Testing showed that a man’s deep voice demonstrated power and dominance to other men but didn’t trigger a similar reaction in women. Source Link

August 11, 2016

Listen up -- there’s new evidence that better hearing can keep you sharper as you age. A study found that older people who used hearing aids had much better scores on tests of mental function than those who didn't use a hearing aid. Researchers say mental function was directly linked to hearing ability in those who didn't use a hearing aid. Source Link
The bottom line on your paycheck may not determine happiness as much as the balance in your checkbook. A study found that the amount of easily accessible cash predicted how satisfied people were with their lives. Researchers said it was true no matter how much people earned or how much debt they had. Source Link
If getting up on Monday morning is tough, your weekend plans should include a special Sunday routine. Experts say you can get better sleep on Sunday night with exercise early in the day and by cutting out caffeine and nicotine at least six hours before bed. A short afternoon nap is okay, but end your Sunday with a warm bath or a mug of hot tea to help you relax. Source Link

August 10, 2016

With surveys showing that seven out of ten people aren’t engaged while on the job, what is it that makes work satisfying? Experts say instead of a certain salary or job security, ask yourself if you feel challenged and whether the impact of your work motivates you. And look for a job in a supportive environment that helps you thrive. Source Link
There’s a recipe that puts the “comfort” in comfort food and it’s not necessarily the ingredients. A study found that the power of comfort food is based on the associations it calls to mind. That might be the mashed potatoes you loved to eat at a family Thanksgiving meal or the pizza that was part of fun childhood memories. Source Link
Nature’s fireworks will add some extra sparkle to nighttime skies when the annual Perseid meteor shower occurs this week. Forecasters expect to see twice as many of the tiny space rocks streaking through the sky. You can get your best look at the meteor shower in the northeastern sky between midnight and dawn on August 12th. Source Link

August 9, 2016

When it comes to what disability we fear the most, a new survey says the eyes have it. Blindness ranked as the top health fear for Americans, more than losing hearing, memory, speech or a limb. Researchers say the concerns associated with vision loss were quality of life and loss of independence. Source Link
Is it time to see a lawyer about a trust fund for your beloved dog or cat?  Experts say only a legal document can ensure the care you might expect when you will your pet to someone after you die. That’s because informal vows and promises made by friends and family to care for a pet can often fail. Source Link
A monster burger with five kinds of meat, three kinds of cheese and more than a day’s worth of calories takes the cake for extreme eating this year. An annual list is topped by the 2,800-calorie Whole Hog Burger from Uno Pizzeria and Grill. Buffalo Wild Wings Dessert Nachos had 2,100 calories and drinking Sonic’s 44-ounce Grape Slush with Candy will pile on 970 calories. Source Link

August 8, 2016

Finding it difficult to exercise after menopause may be mostly in your head. New research uncovered a connection between lack of ovarian hormones and changes in part of the brain that motivates you to exercise. Scientists say future treatments might target that area of the brain to jump-start the urge to get moving. Source Link
Following you on Facebook might be fun for grandparents but they aren’t using online sources to manage their health. A study found that only 5 percent of Medicare patients go online to fill prescriptions, deal with health insurance or communicate with their doctors. And only 16 percent search for health information online. Source Link
If you often find your smartphone battery in the red there are ways to conserve power throughout the day. Experts suggest checking Facebook on your mobile web browser instead of the power-hungry app. Switch to Airplane Mode if you’ll be out of cell coverage and away from WiFi, use auto brightness for your screen and limit the number of app notifications. Source Link

August 5, 2016

Getting ahead of hunger could be one way to avoid overeating. A study found that people who ordered their meal an hour before lunch consumed fewer calories than those who placed their order when they were ready to eat. Researchers say the findings should prompt more restaurants to offer advance carryout orders. Source Link
There’s a new financial tool to help families with children who have special needs. The ABLE account lets you save for a child’s expenses and earn interest that’s tax-free and still hold up to $100,000 in assets. Forty states have passed legislation to begin creating ABLE programs for their residents. Source Link 

To floss or not to floss? That could be the question now that government health guidelines have dropped the recommendation for daily flossing. Researchers say there aren't any good long-term studies showing that flossing is effective, but the American Dental Association still recommends daily flossing for good dental health. Source Link

August 4, 2016

There’s new evidence to back up the old belief that a boy pregnancy is harder than having a girl. A study found that women who gave birth to boys were more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy and premature baby boys had more health problems. Researchers think there’s a genetic reason for the health issues with boys. Source Link
There are many no-no’s on a doggy diet. Experts say you shouldn’t give a dog raw meat because it carry deadly e.Coli bacteria. Also off the canine menu are grapes, raisins, foods with onions, garlic, and chives, and fried and fatty foods. And if you give your dog peanut butter, be sure it doesn’t have the artificial sweetener xylitol as an ingredient.  Source Link
Imagine a set of earbuds that could send a warning if you tried to walk across a street on a red light. That’s one possible application for a patent awarded to Amazon for headphones that can turn on and off when a keyword is spoken. Crosswalks could be designed to send a special sound that triggers the headphones to warn the user. Source Link

August 3, 2016

You may love to kick back and binge on some Netflix, but is all that TV time hazardous to your health? A long-term study found that people who watched between two and five hours of TV per day were up to 70-percent more likely to die from a blood clot. Blood clots can form in the legs during long periods of sitting and travel to the lungs. Source Link
Air travelers take note -- if your luggage doesn’t make it to your destination, those bags will now fly free. A new law requires airlines to refund any checked bag fees if your luggage is delayed for more than 12 hours. And if you’re forced to buy toiletries and a change of clothes, most airlines will reimburse you for those costs during the first five days your bag is missing. Source Link
Apple and Google are battling to see who can be the best at keeping those junk calls from reaching your smartphone. A new Android feature could enable users to block and report numbers coming from spam callers. Apple is ready with a similar spam call blocker that should roll out when iOS 10 hits iPhones later this fall. Source Link

August 2, 2016

How can 60 minutes our your feet make up for all day in a chair? When it’s an hour of something as simple as a brisk walk. Researchers found that one hour of moderate physical activity can offset the effects of sitting at a desk all day. Health experts think prolonged sitting is a risk factor for early death much like smoking or obesity. Source Link
If you have vacation plans to wrap up your summer, these tips from travel gurus might save you from identity theft. Use one credit card while traveling and have the customer service number written down but not kept in your wallet. Enable two-step authentication on any online accounts that you’ll use and turn on your “find my phone” feature in case it’s lost. Source Link
The dog days are great times to stock-up on special deals when you shop. Experts say with back-to-school sales in August, you can find office supplies and home storage products at lower prices and it’s a great time to pick up a discounted outdoor grill or patio furniture. But don’t buy a smartphone or tablet now because 2016 models will debut in the fall. Source Link

August 1, 2016

Remember shivering in the “Ice Bucket Challenge” to raise money for ALS research? Scientists say the millions of dousings paid off by funding a worldwide study that found an important new ALS gene. The discovery offers scientists another target for developing treatments for the deadly disease whose victims suffer total paralysis. Source Link
It'll be beer by the numbers as major brewers are adding more nutritional information to their cans and bottles. Beer drinkers will get the counts for calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat either on the label or through a code that you can scan with your smartphone. Source Link
Google Maps now makes finding your way a bit more colorful. The popular navigation app has added color-coded points of interest to show you nearby shops, bars, restaurants, hospitals and schools. Developers also improved the look of street names and places to make them easier to see on the map. Source Link