November 30, 2018

Women can improve their heart health by the numbers. Start by maintaining a healthy BMI and each week get two and a half hours of physical activity but only seven hours of TV watching. For your diet, aim for five servings of vegetables, four servings of whole fruit and five servings of whole grains each day and zero sugar-sweetened drinks or fruit juices. Source Link 
People who love getting their Amazon shopping fix might save money with a few simple tricks. Use apps that can track Amazon prices and alert you when they drop and others that compare Amazon prices with major competitors with match prices. And look for free return options like drop-off of the item at an Amazon Locker or campus store or at select retailers. Source Link 
When the health care you need isn’t an emergency, take time to explore all the options. Look for information from trusted sources like websites of medical organizations and have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what’s best for you. And remember there’s nothing wrong with getting a second or third opinion about how to proceed with treatment. Source Link 

November 29, 2018

Nearly half of all women over 50 have a medical condition that most will never mention to their doctor. A study found that 43 percent of women suffer from incontinence and two-thirds haven’t asked for help. That’s unfortunate because experts say there any many treatments that can control or even cure the problem. Source Link 
You can get more whole grains in your diet by going beyond rice and bread. Cooked barley can be a hearty addition to your favorite vegetable soup or substitute buckwheat, millet, couscous or polenta in a risotto or pilaf side dish. You can cook whole grains in a big batch that will keep in the fridge for up to four days. Source Link 
Smart dolls, fast rides and a handheld favorite are among the items on this year’s naughty toy list. There are data security fears with some dolls that talk to children and record their responses. Hoverboards continue to be a fire risk from faulty battery packs and some fidget spinners may have high levels of dangerous lead. Source Link 

November 28, 2018

It’s called “FOMO” but is the fear of missing out on social media driving depression? A study found that rates of depression and loneliness went down significantly for people who limited their social media use. Researchers say limiting social media to about 30 minutes per day may lead to significant improvement in well-being. Source Link 
If that Thanksgiving feast put you over the edge on the bathroom scale you could use an action plan to lose that extra weight. Start by checking your portions to make sure they aren’t too big and see how often you’re eating and the quality of those calories. Exercise is the best way to lose weight and can be most effective about two hours after a meal. Source Link 
When you want to begin your workday right, avoid the urge to multitask. Testing has shown that trying to tackle several things at once right off the bat can set you back for the rest of the day. And don’t start with small talk that can derail your focus on the important tasks at the beginning of your workday. Source Link_

November 27, 2018

When you want a healthy snack, popcorn, pistachio nuts and hard-boiled eggs can beat those hunger pangs without all the fat and calories. And you don’t have to eat to beat mid-morning hunger because drinking coffee has been shown to lower the levels of appetite-fueling hormones. Source Link 
Teaching kids the value of money can be fun. Try filling a two-liter bottle with dimes to show children how small amounts can add up over time. Pay them interest when they save their allowance or have a “no money” day when you enjoy free activities and don’t spend any money. Source Link_
What happens 52 times a day? That’s how often most Americans check their phone. A survey found that one-third use their personal smartphones for work and two-thirds use their phone for personal business while on the job. Surprisingly, only one age group thought they spend too much time on their phones - those who are between 18 and 34 years old. Source Link

November 26, 2018

More people are raising their grandchildren and most are handling the job well. Figures show that 3 million Americans are the primary parent for a grandchild and a growing number of cases are linked to substance abuse and the opioid epidemic. The good news is that grandparents are often better guardians because they’re motivated to keep the family together. Source Link 
What do you get when you combine the office desk with a stationary bike? Maybe an answer to problems like type-2 diabetes. Researchers who are testing a prototype of the “pedal desk” say it helped to reduce insulin levels for sedentary people who were overweight or obese. The pedal desk could be an alternative for workers who want to sit less but can’t use a stand-up desk. Source Link
There’s a fast way to find holiday movies on Netflix by using special code numbers. To search, add the code number to the web address For example, you can find romantic Christmas movies with code number 1394527 and family-friendly Christmas films with code number 1394522. Source Link 

November 23, 2018

If you’re tasting chocolate in your head and it’s making you hungry, try putting the other senses to work to combat food cravings. Picture an image of some place or something you enjoy that’s not food or look at actual photos that you load to your phone. You can also counter the real aromas of food with a whiff of perfume or scented oil carried in a purse-sized vial. Source Link 
Here are some suggestions on how to be a four-star hotel guest. It’s customary to tip your housekeepers based on the cost of your room, starting at a dollar a day. And keep your cool when there’s a problem because yelling won’t help. Ask for assistance before you fire off a scathing online review because most issues can be resolved quickly. Source Link
A special kind of 10-minute break can help you clear your head and work better. People who used a 10-minute meditation recording were able to complete cognitive tasks faster than others who had the same break without meditation. The benefits were seen with everyone who used the recording, including people who had no prior training in meditation. Source Link_

November 21, 2018

If there are tablets, TVs and laptops on your holiday shopping list, beware of the bargain basement models. For example, TVs with the lowest prices might not have enough connections for all your game boxes and streaming players. And remember that real laptop bargains come at back-to-school time and not during the holiday season. Source Link 
Do you know when to rush your toddler to the emergency room? Parents who were surveyed said they would go to the ER if their child was choking, had swallowed pills or got a burn from a hot pan. Experts say choking requires an immediate call to 9-1-1 and contacting Poison Control is a first step when pills are swallowed. A minor burn is usually something you can treat at home. Source Link 
You can build more exercise into your workday. Start simple by moving your wastebasket and other essentials away from your desk. Walk over to talk with a colleague instead of emailing or phoning and take the stairs to a restroom on another floor. You can also use resistance bands to do foot curls and arm stretches at your desk. Source Link_

November 20, 2018

Recycling can be more than plastic, paper and glass. There are national programs to recycle things like used crayons, wine corks and old eyeglasses. A juice box can’t go into home recycling because of the mix of plastics and aluminum but the company that makes juice boxes will donate two cents to charity for every one that you send to them and shipping is free. Source Link 
If you've always got your mind on your money, give yourself a break by automating your budget. Experts say you can manage your money without the headaches by using direct deposit of your paycheck with automatic bill payments and automatic transfers to savings. And if you budget correctly what’s left is money you can spend any way you’d like. Source Link 
That one-page resume is no longer the fast track to a job interview. You still need one but experts say an online presence like a LinkedIn profile is more likely to attract employers. Keep it updated with specific examples of your success and don’t underestimate the value of recommendations and references that can showcase your soft skills. Source Link 

November 19, 2018

Try these tips from travel experts to save on your next airfare. Use several price comparison sites that sometimes have special deals with airlines, especially for travel packages. Check for other airports near your destination that may have lower ticket prices and use the calendar view in your search to see airfares and possible savings on other days of the week. Source Link 
You can reduce the risk of an electrical fire in your home with a safety check every six months. Make sure all bulbs in lamps are the proper wattage and that all electrical outlets and switches feel cool to the touch. Flip circuit breakers to see if any are stuck, check for damaged power cords and unplug all bathroom and kitchen small appliances when you’re not using them. Source Link 
Parents who hang on next to the crib until their baby falls asleep may be sabotaging themselves. Experts say if your baby sees you there as they drift off to sleep they’ll expect you to be there every time they wake up during the night. Leaving a baby to sleep while they’re awake helps them learn to fall asleep without you in the room. Source Link 

November 16, 2018

What can you do when you’ve forgotten the phone charger on vacation? Turn on the TV. The USB port on many hotel room TVs can double as a charging station, but it will be slower. The better solution is to buy a separate charger that always stays in your suitcase so you never forget to pack one. Source Link_
How can you enjoy the flavor of real chocolate without all the calories? Add unsweetened cocoa to fat-free milk, mix it into low-calorie yogurt or use it to make your own chocolate gelato. If you’re eating chocolate, be sure it’s at least 70 percent cocoa and limit your portion to one that’s about the size of a Hershey’s Kiss. Source Link 
It’s a simple step that might save your child’s life. Millions of car seats are recalled every year for safety issues, so you should mail in the warranty card or register online to be notified if there’s a problem with the car seat you use. You can also see a listing of car seat recalls for the past 10 years at Source Link_

November 15, 2018

You can avoid being ripped off at the auto shop by doing a little work before your car needs it. Shop around for a mechanic by asking friends or checking online reviews and take your car in for a small service to see if you’re comfortable there. And don’t be afraid to have your car towed somewhere else if you feel like you’re being cheated. Source Link 
It’s happened to all of us, but how can you avoid that awkward moment when you’ve forgotten someone’s name? When you first meet, repeat the person’s name in your head through the conversation and use their name as you’re talking. You can also envision the setting where you met the person to retrace your mental steps and recall the name. Source Link 
Setting new goals can help to keep you on-track for lifelong fitness. Identify an area that needs work, like cardio endurance or flexibility, and focus on that. You could master an activity that’s new to you, like running, swimming or cycling, or exercise for a good cause by signing up for an event like a 5K run or a bike ride for charity. Source Link 

November 14, 2018

You got turned away by your pharmacist in search of the new shingles vaccine, but the wait might be over soon. The makers of the vaccine say the tight supply should loosen up through the end of the year. The new vaccine is up to 90 percent effective in stopping shingles and high demand has many people on waiting lists to get it. Source Link 
A three-pronged approach to fitness over 50 should focus on muscle, heart and head. Resistance training can delay the loss of muscle mass that happens as we age and aerobic exercise will get your heart beating faster. And balance exercises can help prevent falls that are the number-one cause of disabling injury for seniors. Source Link 
Can you pack part of the holiday feast on your flight home for Thanksgiving? TSA officials say you can bring things like pumpkin pie or green bean casserole in a carry-on but portions will be small because it needs to be in clear, three-ounce bags. You can also pack food in checked luggage along with adult beverages as long as they’re less than 24 percent alcohol. Source Link_

November 13, 2018

You’ll want to think twice before responding to a text from your bank saying your account has been hacked. Security experts say there’s a new scam using bogus text messages containing a link to a fake bank website to get your personal information and password. If you’re contacted this way you should call your bank directly to report it. Source Link 
America’s pediatricians say spanking and yelling can do lasting damage to a child. Research shows that striking, shouting at or shaming children can elevate stress hormones and lead to changes in the brain's structure. Children who were spanked more than twice a month at age 3 were more aggressive by age 5 and the effects lasted through age 9. Source Link 
More people are heading to work each day by walking down the hallway in their home. A survey found that 20 percent of workers always clock in from home or another remote location and more than 50 percent have the option to work outside of the office. But half of those surveyed say they prefer to leave home each day and work with colleagues. Source Link 

November 12, 2018

If you avoid candy because it’s not good for your teeth you’ll want to skip these foods that are bad for your smile. Dried fruit has the one-two punch of sugar and stickiness and flavoring on potato chips might be like sandpaper to your teeth. And bottled water that isn’t distilled can be higher in acids that are tough on tooth enamel. Source Link_
Keep these “do’s” and “dont’s” in mind when updating your resume. Don’t list every job you’ve held unless it relates to the position you want and do not use cliche phrases like “hardworking” or “detail-oriented.” And do explain any gaps in your work history that might be a red flag for would-be employers. Source Link 
Could a twist on a classic diet plan improve your wallet’s weight? A financial fast has you spend three weeks making no unnecessary purchases and taking one day a week to make no purchases at all. Experts say it can help you reset your spending priorities and show how much you could be saving. Source Link

November 9, 2018

Hitting your weight loss goal is great but it’s only half the battle. To keep that weight off, experts say don’t ease off on exercise, choose a forever diet and increase food intake very gradually. And maintain the support network of friends, family or health professionals who helped you achieve your weight loss goal. Source Link 
If that gym membership is going unused there are ways to get back on track for fitness. Set specific goals you can achieve at the gym and ask a trainer for one-on-one instruction to learn the best way for you to exercise. You can also try new classes each week to explore different techniques and maybe find a new favorite. Source Link 
How can aluminum foil prevent your car from being stolen? Experts say the radio signals from car fobs that let you start a vehicle without a key can be hacked by thieves when the car is parked nearby. Keeping a car fob wrapped in aluminum foil when it’s not being used can stop a thief from taking over the keyless controls. Source Link 

November 8, 2018

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so don’t sabotage it with poor food choices. Be sure to get enough protein and be careful to keep your breakfast at about 400 calories. Don’t fill up on carbs, avoid frozen breakfast meals that can be high in sodium and try fresh fruit instead of fruit juice that’s high in sugar. Source Link 
The shipping wars are heating up for the holidays as Amazon is making it a real “free for all.” The online retailer is offering free shipping for everyone on any item that can be delivered by Christmas. But don’t expect speedy delivery because the free shipping takes five to eight business days. Source Link
That chocolate Lab you’ve been longing for may not be a member of your family for as long as their black or yellow cousins. A study found that brown Labradors have the shortest lifespan among variations in the breed. Experts say a smaller gene pool could be to blame because both mother and father need to be brown to make a chocolate Lab puppy. Source Link 

November 7, 2018

If your kids have too much leftover Halloween candy you can donate some of that sweet stash to a good cause. The “Treats for Troops” program from the group Soldiers’ Angels accepts donated candy. The organization uses candy instead of packing peanuts in the care packages it sends to American troops overseas. Source Link 
Taking the scenic route might make for a better day on the job. Researchers found that people whose commutes took them through wooded areas, parks and other natural settings were more likely to demonstrate stronger mental health. It doesn’t have to be the wide open spaces because any view with green or blue can improve your mood. Source Link_
Being a recent airline passenger might be your ticket to some extra cash. American, United, Delta and Southwest Airlines have settled a class-action lawsuit claiming they conspired to charge more for airfares between 2011 and 2017. The payouts are yet to be determined but you should save receipts for airfares during those years. Source Link 

November 6, 2018

There are plenty of places in the typical office where germs are just waiting for you. Things that get lots of touches like elevator buttons, escalator railings or doorknobs are hot spots and so is the conference room phone. And watch out for break room coffee cups and disposable lids that might be handled by others as they grab for one. Source Link_
The average American throws out $600 worth of food each year, so how can you stop wasting and lower your grocery bill? Creating a weekly menu will help you match activity plans with food shopping. Leftover fresh produce can be frozen for smoothies, sauces or casseroles. And remember that “sell by” dates are about quality and not safety. Source Link 
If you own an iPhone 6 or later model, you may want to power up now with a new battery. Apple is replacing weak batteries for free and others can get a new iPhone battery for $29 through the end of December. Apple admitted that a software update was slowing down performance on older models and made some people buy a new iPhone thinking their battery was failing. Source Link 

November 5, 2018

Your body’s sleep clock is changing with the switch back to Standard Time and there’s an easy way to see if your slumber is sufficient. On the weekend, don’t set an alarm and sleep until you wake up on your own. If that’s longer than your typical shuteye, adjust your weekday routine to get that much sleep every night. Source Link_
If you’re ready to add more fiber to your diet be sure to pace yourself. Natural fiber in fresh fruits, leafy raw greens, nuts, beans and whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice or even popcorn can help you feel full without adding all those calories. But flipping the fiber switch too fast can be tough on your digestive system, so add more fiber gradually each day. Source Link_
When you want to begin your workday right, avoid the urge to multitask. Testing has shown that trying to tackle several things at once right off the bat can set you back for the rest of the day. And don’t start with small talk that can derail your focus on the important tasks at the beginning of your workday. Source Link 

November 2, 2018

How can you eat healthy when fast food is your only choice for a meal? Look for the lowest calorie selections and go for lean protein like grilled or broiled meats served in a salad instead of on a bun and without fatty or sugary dressings. And resist the urge to eat in your car - walk into the restaurant and take the time to enjoy your food. Source Link 
Getting rid of car clutter is easy with these simple tips. Keep an envelope in the glove box to quickly stash receipts and check it once a week to see what you need to keep. A silicone muffin tin liner can protect a cup holder from dirt and spills and use empty tissue box as a trash container. Attach Velcro strips and stick it to the carpeting near the passenger seat. Source Link 
You can step off, speed up or dive into a new exercise plan. Start by scheduling a daily walking session and find other ways to take more steps each day. You can also pick up the pace with things like house cleaning to make it more of a workout or take a water fitness class that lets you exercise with less resistance. Source Link 

November 1, 2018

There’s a 50-50 chance that you’re trying to lose weight. The CDC says the latest figures show that half of all Americans are trying to lower the number on their bathroom scale. Experts say there’s a growing awareness of the health risks from obesity and how a sedentary lifestyle at home and at work contributes to the problem. Source Link 
Cold season has arrived and it’s a good time to review the difference between a cold and the flu. Think “wet versus dry” because a cold usually comes with symptoms like a drippy nose and sneezing while the flu brings a dry cough. Both can hit you with achiness and fever, but the flu comes on fast while a cold takes a few days to develop. Source Link_
If you’re craving the video games of the 1990s, Sony has a small solution. The $100 Playstation Classic that goes on sale December 3rd and is available for pre-order now is a lookalike console less than half the size of the original and comes loaded with 20 classic games. Titles include favorites like Final Fantasy, Tekken, Cool Boarders and Rayman. Source Link