March 31, 2017

So what will or won’t improve your credit score? Experts say carrying a credit card balance won’t help but having more available credit will. Closing an unused credit account may hurt if it’s one that’s been part of your credit history for years. And paying your phone bill on-time won’t help your credit score because those accounts aren’t reported to credit agencies. Source Link
You want to feel better, but faking a happy face may backfire.  A study found that people who forced a smile all day were more tense and less productive. On the other hand, a genuine smile that’s prompted by a funny thought or an amusing video can trigger those “feel good” brain chemicals to ease tension. Source Link
Getting kids to brush their teeth doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead of setting a two-minute timer, try playing a fun song or reading a silly story to them as they brush. Don’t ever let kids skip brushing and encourage them by brushing your teeth together and offering rewards for good habits. Source Link

March 30, 2017

You’ve heard of refinancing your mortgage, but how about your loan for that set of wheels? Auto loan refinancing may be an easy way to save money because many people don’t shop around for the best rates when buying a car. Refinancing an auto loan is much simpler than a mortgage and may take just one day to complete. Source Link
The prescription for better health for older people with heart disease should include a daily dose of exercise. The American Heart Association says physical activity can reduce symptoms of heart disease and build stamina. Exercise should be used along with medication to treat heart disease for people in their 70s and 80s. Source Link
You can say “goodbye” to that text message reporting when you’ve arrived somewhere. A new feature in Google Maps lets you share your location with another user in real time. You have the option to limit the sharing time and you can also share your planned route and expected time of arrival. Source Link

March 29, 2017

So how do you get teens to choose the salad bar instead of the fast food in the school cafeteria? You need to sell it. A study found that more students used the salad bar when it was marketed with signs throughout the school and ads in school publications and newsletters and on the school website. About half of all high school students have access to a salad bar in their cafeteria. Source Link
Is your hearing at-risk from loud noises at work or at home? A study found that almost 58 million Americans are exposed to loud noises but one-third of them don’t using hearing protection. One in five people experienced loud noises during half of their work day and the same number were exposed to dangerously loud noises during recreation and leisure. Source Link
It’s high-tech for the nursery. The Snoo smart crib is designed to soothe your baby to sleep by mimicking sounds of the womb. Built-in microphones listen to a newborn’s cry and create custom white noise to help soothe the baby back to sleep. And what’s the price of that good night’s sleep for parent and child? The Snoo sells for $1,150. Source Link

March 28, 2017

Half of Americans admit to using retail therapy to cope with stress. If that’s you and you want to slow down on the compulsive shopping, experts suggest the “30-day rule.” Wait one month before making that impulse buy. If you still want it 30 days later, it’s probably a worthwhile purchase. Source Link
The young athlete in your family should be a multi-sport player. That’s the advice in a new study showing that focusing on one sport under the age of 12 increases the risk of injury. Researchers say the best approach is for young children to play seasonal sports and not train more hours than their age each week. Source Link
Is it the canine equivalent of a litter box? The new BrilliantPad lets your dog do his duty indoors on a special motorized roller pad that absorbs liquids and captures solids and then puts a fresh pad in its place. The device designed for dogs under 35 pounds is available for pre-order for $99. Source Link

March 27, 2017

A good place to start your spring cleaning is in the medicine cabinet. Experts suggest that you dispose of old prescription drugs that could be dangerous for children. Surveys show that one-quarter of Americans hang on to their old drugs and one in five don’t keep prescription drugs locked up. Source Link
The classic clean look of the Google search page is getting more cluttered on your smartphone. The search engine is adding shortcuts that will give you sports scores, news, weather and TV listings with one tap. Google says it’s responding to the needs of smartphone users that are different from those using a laptop or desktop computer. Source Link
The Labs still have it and the Rotties are back. For the 26th consecutive year, the Labrador Retriever is the American Kennel Club’s top breed based on registrations. Back in the top 10 is the Rottweiler, which was the number-two breed 20 years ago but faded in popularity. The only breed to have stayed in the top 10 every year since the rankings began is the Beagle. Source Link

March 24, 2017

You’re not doing your co-workers any favors by coming in when you’re sick. A survey found that the number-one annoying behavior in the workplace is people who insist on coming to the office when they’re ill. Not surprisingly, the number-two complaint was co-workers who didn’t cover up coughs or sneezes. Source Link
If you want to add more vegetables to your diet, experts say do it the right way. Dark and leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are among the best, along with cauliflower and broccoli. Fresh or frozen vegetables have more nutrition than canned varieties. And swap the corn, peas and potatoes for more beans  for fewer calories and more fiber. Source Link
Netflix is conquering a top feature of the cable box. A report says more people now use Netflix than use a DVR, with 54 percent of American households watching the streaming service. It’s not all bad news for traditional TV because the survey also found that 42 percent of people still like old-fashioned browsing through channels to find something to watch. Source Link

March 23, 2017

Looking for relief from spring allergies that doesn’t come in a pill or a shot? Experts say over-the-counter probiotics have helped some people experience fewer allergy symptoms and acupuncture has allowed allergy sufferers take less medication. And don’t forget to roll up those windows and use your car’s air conditioner to filter out pollen while you drive. Source Link
Bridging the political gap in America today might be easier if we’re not afraid of being wrong. Researchers found that people who were open minded were better able to get to the facts and not just base their opinions on emotion. And it’s not a red or blue issue because intellectually arrogant people were found on both ends of the political spectrum. Source Link

If you’re eyeing a new TV to enjoy the Final Four in style, here are some buying tips. Start by stepping up in size to get more bang for your buck but save money and skip those curved screens. Aside from the hype for HDR or 4K, check the TVs contrast range for how light the whites are and how dark the blacks appear. The greater the contrast, the better the visual pop. Source Link

March 22, 2017

Letting your anger rise behind the wheel makes it more likely you’ll get into an accident. A study of drivers and their records showed that even a habit of minor aggression, such as swearing, yelling or making rude gestures, can increase the risk of a collision. Highly aggressive drivers had the same risk of an accident as those who smoked marijuana behind the wheel. Source Link

Your nose knows a way to breathe that’s good for your brain. Researchers say test subjects who took a deep breath through their nose and exhaled through their mouth improved their skills in a memory test. But mouth breathers saw no such brain benefits. Source Link
You want to feel better, but faking a happy face may backfire.  A study found that people who forced a smile all day were more tense and less productive. On the other hand, a genuine smile that’s prompted by a funny thought or an amusing video can trigger those “feel good” brain chemicals to ease tension. Source Link

March 21, 2017

When does “C” mean a grade of “F?” When it’s the scoring the number of Baby Boomers who’ve been tested for Hepatitis C. It’s recommended that every American born between 1945 and 1965 get a one-time test for the Hepatitis C virus that causes contagious liver disease and often goes undetected. So far, only about 14 percent of the age group has been tested. Source Link
The giant cloud of perfume that always announces a co-worker may be a lot more than annoying for some of us. One-third of people surveyed say they’ve experienced one or more health issues from scented products. Coughing, shortness of breath, watery eyes and even migraine headaches were blamed on exposure to strong fragrances. Source Link
So, you want to have your iPhone and Android too? Try the new Esti Eye case. The product being funded now by a Kickstarter campaign is an iPhone case that includes a screen and all the hardware to run an Android device. The two-system smartphone case is available for pre-order now with models starting at $95. Source Link

March 20, 2017

What form of exercise can help you beat depression without breaking a sweat? Researchers say practicing yoga was shown to ease the symptoms of depression for those who are on medication and those who aren’t. The deep breathing and precise movements of yoga activate the release of “feel good” brain chemicals and block others than can worsen depression. Source Link
That gluten-free diet may have a real downside. A long-term study found that those with the least gluten in their diets had a slightly higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. People with celiac disease have to avoid gluten, but there’s little scientific evidence to show what most people gain from going gluten-free. Source Link
The most basic security measure for your smartphone is something that one out of four people fail to do. A survey by Pew Research found that 28 percent of smartphone owners don’t use a lock screen. A quarter of us have a PIN code for the lock screen and the same percentage use a thumbprint scanner. Passwords and dot combinations protect the rest of the secure phones. Source Link

March 17, 2017

It could be Nature's payback for a mild winter. Experts are expecting an early and severe allergy season because the warmer winter means mold spores didn’t go dormant and trees are blooming earlier. Allergy sufferers should stay inside during the early morning when trees release pollen, keep the house and car windows closed and begin using medication at the first sign of symptoms. Source Link
How can visiting a therapist help you when it’s time to see the dentist? A study found that people with a fear of dentists who had five sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy were able to undergo a dental procedure without sedation. If therapy isn’t an option, listening to your own soothing music with earbuds will help you relax in the dentist’s chair. Source Link
Finding that special someone may require cutting down on social media or even unplugging completely. A survey by found that over half of respondents say excessive posting and especially complaint posts are a turn-off. And one in four say not using social media at all and making phone calls is attractive. Source Link

March 16, 2017

What’s a sure way to derail that diet? Eat your meals away from home. A study found that eating at a restaurant with friends or family may up your odds of cheating by about 60 percent. And you’re even more likely to ditch the diet plan when dining at someone else’s home. Researchers say social settings may distract you and lead to mindless eating. Source Link
You may not think you’re a fan of poetry but your brain likes it. A study found that part of the brain that registers sensory response was instantly activated when people were given sentences to read with a poetic structure. People usually rated the poetic lines as good but the non-poetic sentences were not pleasing to the ear. Source Link
You can pocket a quarter-million dollars for breaking the rules or shaking up the status quo. The MIT Media Lab’s new Disobedience Award is offering $250,000 to a person who disobeys accepted rules in an effort to advance an idea or accomplish a goal that’s nonviolent and creative. Source Link

March 15, 2017

You may be on your own when it comes to knowing what’s really in the skin products you use. The FDA doesn't regulate descriptions like “hypoallergenic,” “unscented” or “fragrance-free.” The best advice is to test a product on your forearm for a week to see if it triggers a reaction. Source Link
Is it adding insult to injury? Researchers have discovered a genetic link that could make short men more likely to go bald. The same analysis confirmed a previous study showing that premature hair loss is also associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Source Link
It’s on many a wishlist for Facebook users and now we might be closer to having a “dislike” button. Facebook is testing a feature for its Messenger program that would let you reply “no” by clicking a button. The social network sees it as a way to answer questions or reply to invitations quickly and not as a judgement call about what’s being said. Source Link

March 14, 2017

The FDA is turning a cold shoulder to claims that a quick freeze can help cure what ails you. Whole body cryotherapy puts you in an enclosed space while you’re exposed to vapors that drop to minus-200 degrees. Proponents claim it can treat a wide range of diseases but experts say there’s no proof of that and there’s a risk of frostbite, burns and eye injury. Source Link
You might know to avoid those “leaves of three” while on a nature hike, but what about that Margarita or a beer with lime by the pool? Dermatologists say the combination of the sun’s UV rays and citrus fruit can cause a skin rash for some people. The remedy is to wash the skin after having that drink and then apply sunscreen. Source Link
If the switch to Daylight Saving Time has you longing for that lost hour of sleep, here’s how to get your body clock to catch up. Experts say you should try to wake up five or 10 minutes earlier every two to three days for a few weeks. Get some morning sunlight and exercise for 30 to 40 minutes in bright light each day, but do it before 5 p.m. Source Link 

March 13, 2017

Being a stand-up person at work can be good for your reputation and your health. Researchers say when test subjects stood up for 90 seconds at a time more frequently throughout a workday they burned more calories and fat than if they stood for the same amount of time but for longer periods. Experts say regularly standing up at work may be better for you than standing all day. Source Link
You may want to think twice before sharing that emotional Facebook post about a sick child. Experts say some scammers are creating false posts with bogus pictures to get access to users who share the item on Facebook. The best advice is to copy and paste the post's keywords into a search engine like Snopes that debunks social media scams. Source Link
It’s proof that not all carbs are bad for you. New research found that so-called “resistant starch” found in foods like potatoes, bananas and some grains may support gut health and increase the feeling of fullness. Resistant starch may also help protect red meat eaters from the risk of colorectal cancer. Source Link

March 10, 2017

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but don’t sabotage it with poor food choices. Experts say be sure to get enough protein and be careful to keep your breakfast at about 400 calories. Don’t fill up on carbs, avoid frozen breakfast meals that can be high in sodium and try fresh fruit instead of fruit juice that’s high in sugar. Source Link
Food safety isn’t just important for your meals - it also matters when you serve your dog or cat. Pet food can harbor bacteria and you should always wash your hands after handling it. Keep pet food in the original bag and sealed in a plastic container and gather it with a clean scoop and not the bowl. And throw away food that’s been left out if your pet doesn’t eat it. Source Link
Remember this when you’re ready to make exercise a regular habit. Lifting weights won't add pounds from big bulky muscles but it will build muscle mass to help you burn more fat. You don’t need long workouts -- about 30 minutes five times a week is plenty. And you can skip the gym membership by working more activity into your day. Source Link

March 9, 2017

Using a smartphone to lighten your mental load may not be doing your brain any favors. A study found that people who rely on GPS for driving had less gray matter volume in the part of the brain that builds memory. Researchers say using technology can be like driving instead of walking -- it’s faster but does little good for your body. Source Link
When it comes to helping with hearing loss, it might matter less where you get hearing aids as long as you get them. A study of older adults found that benefits were similar for high-quality devices fitted by an audiologist or purchased over the counter. Less than 30 percent of Americans with hearing loss have ever worn hearing aids. Source Link
There’s one good reason why Millennials are staying closer to home. A Federal Reserve study found that those who lived near mom and dad and were laid off from a job rebounded more quickly. Living near home provided a family safety net to help young adults find new jobs faster and provide free support services like child care. Source Link

March 8, 2017

Why do we need so many spoiler alerts? Because most people want to be surprised. Most of those in a study said they wouldn't want a crystal ball to see the future. People didn’t want the suffering that might come from knowing what’s ahead or to miss out on the enjoyment of a surprise. Source Link
If you worry about whether you’re teaching your kids to eat healthy, you’re not alone. One-third of parents surveyed say they don’t think they’re doing a good job of it. Many parents say convenience, price and fussiness over foods are obstacles in getting kids to eat better. Source Link
Last year it was the end of the headphone jack and now there’s another standard feature that could be changing on the next iPhone. Reports say Apple will ditch the Lightning power port and switch to the new industry standard USB-C cable. That might be good news for iPhone owners who don’t want to buy pricey Apple accessories. Source Link

March 7, 2017

A tape measure may tell older women more about their odds of living a longer life than a bathroom scale. A study found that being overweight or obese didn't appear to cut years off life for women over 70 unless the weight was centered around the waist. And underweight women had a lower life expectancy than those who were overweight. Source Link
There’s new help for millions of Americans who suffer from a common allergy. The FDA has approved a once-a-day tablet to treat symptoms of dust mite allergy. The approval of the drug Odactra gives patients an alternative to shots to help control an allergy to dust mites. Source Link
Would you accept a pay cut so your co-workers could make more money? Each of the five original cast members of the hit TV comedy “The Big Bang Theory” are offering to give back $100,000 of their $1 million an episode salaries to fund pay raises for cast members Mayim Bialuk and Melissa Rauch. Source Link

March 6, 2017

So you worry about  being hacked but haven’t done much to safeguard yourself?  You’re normal. A national survey about cybersecurity found that most people don’t take simple steps like using stronger passwords or two-step authentication. On the bright side, only one out of seven had their email or social media hacked and just 6 percent were serious victims of identity theft. Source Link
When it comes to having healthy lungs, you might breathe easier eating plenty of produce. A study found that apples, pears, green leafy vegetables and peppers appear to offer protection against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Those who ate five or more daily servings of certain fruits and vegetables were 35 percent less likely to develop COPD. Source Link
It looks like the brand of smartphone in your pocket or purse might set the rules in the dating game. A survey by found that owners of an iPhone are 21 times more likely to judge Android users negatively. And Android owners are only slightly less turned off when it comes to negative attitudes about an iPhone user. Source Link

March 3, 2017

Many people who are obsessed with taking selfies think it’s everyone else’s problem. A study found that people believe their selfies are not narcissistic, but they have the opposite view of other selfies posted on social media. The selfie fans felt that their own shots were more genuine than those taken by others. Source Link
Can hormone replacement put a better smile on your face? Research showed that postmenopausal women on estrogen therapy had improved oral health with less tooth and gum disease. It’s believed that estrogen strengthens the jaw bone and that reduces the risk of problems such as gum inflammation, bleeding, pain and tooth loss. Source Link
If you give an allowance to your kids there’s one thing that’s most important. Experts say you need to be consistent about rules you set for spending that money and the amounts you give. And avoid tying an allowance to chores unless you want to negotiate each time you want your child to clean their room or empty the dishwasher. Source Link

March 2, 2017

Can you really make money taking online surveys? Experts say “yes” but remember to avoid surveys that come from an unsolicited email or that ask for personal or financial information or don’t pay in real money. And know the time commitment needed to complete the survey before you get started. Source Link

You might be surprised at all the things that can dull your bright smile. Teeth stains can be caused by drinking dark beverages like coffee, red wine or tea or using tobacco. But using an antihistamine, high-blood pressure medication, some chemotherapy drugs or anti-psychotic medications can also cause stained teeth. Source Link
If you’re left or right-handed may not be something that’s determined by your brain. It’s been believed that a difference between the left and right sides of the brain was the cause, but researchers found that fetuses showed hand preference before the brain was directing movement and that genes in the spinal cord may determine if you’re left or right-handed. Source Link

March 1, 2017

Need another reason to scale back your sweet tooth? That excess sugar consumption could be bad for your brain. A study found a possible link between high blood sugar levels and Alzheimer's disease. Researchers say too much glucose may damage a key enzyme in the brain and that could raise the risk for dementia. Source Link
The days of brown-bagging it on your airline flight are coming to an end for some travelers. Delta Airlines is bring back free meals for everyone on a number of cross-country flights. The airline is rolling out the traditional free meal plan after testing showed it was a popular perk with passengers. Source Link
Can you get by in the world on good looks alone? Many believe beauty is the ticket to financial success but a new study found that high-earning attractive people also tended to be healthier and more intelligent, as well as more conscientious and extroverted. And those on the far opposite of the beauty scale actually earned more than average-looking people. Source Link