May 4, 2011

It’s good news and bad news - the price of beef is falling, but that’s because the start of the outdoor barbecue season has been a rainout in much of the country. The cool, wet spring weather has kept many homegrown grill cooks stuck in the kitchen, so they’re not buying big steaks and chops for the barbeque, and that has beef prices dropping. Source Link

Young women aren’t getting the message about the increased risk of skin cancer that comes with tanning. The American Academy of Dermatology says their survey shows that eight out of ten young women tan outdoors and one in three say they visit a tanning salon. Exposure to UV radiation during tanning is a leading risk factor for developing skin cancer. Source Link

For the first time in two decades, the percentage of households in the United States that own a television set is falling. A new report says 96.7% of homes now own a TV and that’s down two percent. Researchers think one of the reasons for the decline is that some young people are not buying televisions but instead watch all their TV programming on a computer. Source Link